Friday, September 4, 2020

Week 1 assignment "The Art Of Disappearing” by Naomi Nye

Read a poem and answer for the following questions. 


1)What is the author’s intended message to the audience?
2)What is your perspective about this poem?
3)How might your perspective be different from that of others?

The Art of Disappearing

When they say Don’t I know you?
say no.

When they invite you to the party
remember what parties are like
before answering.
Someone is telling you in a loud voice
they once wrote a poem.
Greasy sausage balls on a paper plate.
Then reply.

If they say We should get together
say why?

It’s not that you don’t love them anymore.
You’re trying to remember something
too important to forget.
Trees. The monastery bell at twilight.
Tell them you have a new project.
It will never be finished.

When someone recognizes you in a grocery store
nod briefly and become a cabbage.
When someone you haven’t seen in ten years
appears at the door,
don’t start singing him all your new songs.
You will never catch up.

Walk around feeling like a leaf.
Know you could tumble any second.

Then decide what to do with your time.

retrieved on 04.09.2020 


  1. 1) I think author is talking about prioritizing things. Saying no to one thing, in order to have time for something bigger to attend to. But it's not considered as a rejection ("It’s not that you don’t love them anymore."). It means that you have something more important to do than joining the party you are not interested in.
    2,3) tbh, I have mixed feelings about this poem. From my own experience, in the past I followed this author's pattern: did not attended to parties, did not "sing all my songs" to people I've not seen in a while. But in the end I felt empty, I didn't feel joy. That's why I think prioritizing things is important, however, there is no need to say "no" to things that make you happy and alive.

    1. Hey, I completely agree with your perspective! When a person is only focused on his/her ambitions, he/she would suffer from some point. I believe people should prioritize things and follow them in a way, which allows them to do things that they enjoy.

  2. 1) I think that author wants to tell us about our time and how we spend it. The main idea is for each action ask yourself if you need it and spend time as you want and convenient for you.
    2) In my point of view, this poem has a major significance and profound meaning. Personally, I can clearly say that this poem gave me some motivation or idea to rethink what I am doing.
    3) Each person thinks differently and he is unique in his own way, so my ideas may differ radically from others, or, on the contrary, we are all similar in some way and our ideas may be similar.

  3. 1) Naomi Nye points out that people must be honest and should not pretend to be someone else. If person feels uncomfortable and tries to hide his natural personality in a certain group of people, he should not attend it anymore.
    2) I am of the view that author wants us to accept ourselves as we are. I support her point that we are no longer living in our dreams. It is a real life where you have to say "NO".
    3) There are always differences in peoples opinions. I might reject the group of people who I think do not fit me, while others would change themselves for other people

  4. 1) I believe that author would like to say that your life and a way of living it depends only and absolutely on you. You have to be the light of your life and the shadow of others. The saved time from hanging out with people totally worth it, there are no promises you have to give to people, it’s your life and don’t spend so more time of it on others
    2) I absolutely agree with the poem’s author because no one cares about whether have you some problems or not, are you struggling with smth or not, do you need a support or not, all that stuff is depend on how you will distribute your time to solve it, how much responsibility and accountability will you take and what level of willingness do you have for being aware of that your problems and your life at all are not interesting for others
    3) Someone would say that my assumption isn’t true and that the main source of inspiration is people because only by communication with them and sharing your internal thoughts and concerns you’ll find a way of tackling your issue. However, unfortunately for those, the concept of full concentration and high individuality which leads to successful results is the fact not assumption. Time is the only worthless feature in the path of getting maximum from entire life, so there is no need for spending it to another’s life or meaningless things at all

  5. 1) In my point of view, the author wanted to say that the time is limited and we need to value our time. Before starting something new, think about its cost, is it worth it? Do not spend your time on unimportant things. In addition, we need to value our friends and relationships.
    2) I totally agree with the author's opinion. The time is the most valuable thing we have. It is necessary to remember that our time is limited and we need to spend it wisely. Person's life is measured in things that he managed to do, that is why it is so important.
    3) However, some people might think that it is necessary to chill while you have time. They might say that the importance of the time is that we should relax and spend our time with friends. On the one hand, their opinion is right, too.

  6. 1) From my point of view, the author sends a special message through her poem, which indicates: "we are free to make own decisions, own choice." For instance, it was vividly described in the final lines.

    2) This poem leaves deep feelings that were experienced by author. For me, it shows love, freedom, and transparency.

    3) Definitely, my perspective will be unlike others' perspectives. For example, the poem includes a number of experiences, so perspectives may differ completely.

  7. The poem written By Naomi Nye shows all the readers the importance of understanding the purpose of our lives. The writer’s message was to use that crucial time profitably. By trying to analyze every action, we should realize that it have different consequences. For instance, the phrase “If they say - We should get together, say why?” demonstrates not the rudeness, but responsibility and awareness.
    My own perspective to this poem is to understand the critical significance of the time. All the people in the entire world depends on time, we cannot control it, and we always should use it with intelligence. The words “Then decide what to do with your time” really shows my relationship to that poem.
    In my opinion, somebody can think that my perspective can be not that essential like other main point in the poem. Therefore, they can think about the meaning of people around us

  8. 1. I suppose an author is trying to say that we should not waste our time on less important things for us, that is is better for us to get away from our fantasies, and it is totally okay not to hang out with old friends as we used to if it is not so significant. It might be because we are no longer interested in joining the party where we feel a need to assert who we are, who we want to be, or how we want others to see us.
    2. In my opinion, we should focus on our goals and ourselves but should not forget about our friends of the past and forget to rest. Sometimes, those people and "parties" can give us an opportunity which can be necessary for us. Sometimes it is beneficial to hang out and let your hair down.
    3. Some people would agree with this author and would say that we should follow our goals and dedicate all our time to them. But also some people might have the same attitude towards this problem as me.

  9. From my point of view, the main intention of Naomi Nye is to show the importance of putting yourself first and prioritize correctly. No matter what people might think when they hear your “No”, because it does not mean that you stopped love them or do not want to hang out. It will be helpful to person’s mental health and well-being to be independent of communication and feel good alone.
    I completely agree with her point as I believe that despite circumstances, person’s comfort and his feelings should be the major thing to care about. Author encourages readers to be balance with them, appreciate their time and energy and understand the significance of responsibility which lies only on us.
    People’s opinions often differ and it does not define someone is absolutely right or wrong. The bottom line is to keep love in our hearts and respect each other.

  10. 1) The main idea that author wants to convey to his readers is that people should accept all life situations without complications, when we make our decisions we need to be confident in it, so if we decide to say “no” for something or for someone we need to do it without any doubt.
    2) I totally agree with the poem’s author because our lives only our lives and only we can manage our own time. People should not spend their time to the close doors.
    3) I can say what other people think concerning this poem but In my point of view they were amazed by this poem.

  11. 1) The author tells us that every person is unique and everyone has their own opinion and perspective on different things. One person's views may not overlap with the views of another. But first of all, a person must be honest with himself.
    2) I totally agree with the author's point of the view and idea of this poem. People should understand that everyone has their own ideas about reality.
    3) I did not delve into the details of the poem, I have caught only the idea, but someone else can perceive the words written by the author in different way, or do not agree with the author of the poem at all.

  12. 1)In my opinion, the poem is written as a message to our society to not think about ourselves all the time and regard others with respect.

    2)I think, the three lines:

    "If they say We should get together
    say why?

    It’s not that you don’t love them anymore.
    You’re trying to remember something
    too important to forget." -

    are an outstanding example of how people focus on themselves and are not honest when talking to others,

    "You’re trying to remember something
    too important to forget." -

    of how people are making excuses and not being sincere.

    3)I think that my perspective is not unique and that many people reading this poem will feel the author's sceptisism for society and his reprimand for it. After all, my theory is that to truly possess a unique mindset one has to have gone through a multitude of situations, which are truly unique and perspective changing.

  13. 1. In my opinion, author implies that people should not waste their time and energy on meaningless things, people in particular. Lines “When someone recognizes you in a grocery store nod briefly and become a cabbage” emphasizes author’s inert attitude towards people.

    2. This poem is unusual in a way that it contradicts long held beliefs about friendships and promotes controversial ideas: avoid people and conversations. I think it is a well-developed, somewhat weird piece of art.

    3. Most of people may not like this poem because and advance an idea of focusing on yourself rather than the surrounding environment. Moreover, the author’s tone is somewhat passive and creates somewhat oppressive atmosphere.

  14. 1. The main idea of Naomi Nye's poem is that we need to use our time wisely choosing the right surrounding of people. In order to do that we need to learn how to say "No" to people that we do not want to communicate with.
    2. In my opinion, we need to prioritize the things correctly if we want to achieve our goals. Sometimes we need to learn how to change our surroundings but focusing on ourselves, we should not forget about the people who we really need in our lives.
    3. Some people may have similar experiences as written in the poem, thus they can share the author's perspective.

  15. 1) The message is about an ability to let go; not being stuck to the past. “Don’t let people in if you don’t want them to, because your time is precious.” - That’s seems to me to be the main idea of a poem.
    2) I agree with Naomi Nye. In my opinion the poem also refers to not being afraid of speaking your truth and being confident and independent enough to give up unwanted people.
    3) The main idea of a poem is debatable. Some people might think that it is too harsh and it is with giving people a chance. Surely, not every problem could be solved by disappearing and solving.

  16. 1) The author is trying to convey to the reader that we should go after a thing which really matters to us. Moreover, from my own perspective, Naomi Nye would like to say that people should use their time in a smart way by putting their efforts in something important. Therefore, the intended message of the author is to live a fuller life by a maximum engagement in it.

    2) In my opinion, this poem is a sign and a reminder to not waste your time for unnecessary and not vital things to you. It is like you are not supposed to go to a party, just because you feel that you must. It is more about finding a proper reason and asking yourself "why". If you can find an importance, then you go to that party.

    3) My point of view might be different, because I am afraid that I cannot agree with the author, when she says " When someone recognizes you in a grocery store nod briefly and become a cabbage". The reason of my disagreement is that I prefer to be friendly and open to people by having a warm conversation once I have met them somewhere like a grocery. So, I would rather great them in a friendly way than nodding briefly. It is my belief that the way you talk to person defines your personality and character. Therefore, I would act in another way  in this kind of situation.

  17. 1. I think the author in a poem “The Art of Disappearing” dedicated to the problem of decision-making, because in all parts they say “Before making a decision, think”. Since majority people reply before they realized the meaning of question.
    2. I totally agree with that point of view. People in order to decide listen the opinion of others or they just scared take responsibility of making personal decision, so they don’t considering before response.
    3. My perspective is just one of the ideas that construct sense of “The Art of Disappearing”, because you can notice the problem of respecting of your time or the taking responsibility of decision-making. So in one composition you can observe the uncountable number of perspectives, since you create it.

  18. 1) The author wants to show the importance of decision-making in our life, because every choice has the power to alter your whole life. Each person by making the right and beneficial decisons may safe their time and energy.
    2 ) From my perspective, each person has a right to choose what they want. All people cannot know "whether it's good or bad for you". However, people should think properly before deciding as their wishes or actoins may have a negative effect in the future.
    3) Each individual thinks differently, so my ideas may differ from others. For example, the author says "When they invite you to the party
    remember what parties are like before answering." But, I believe that having fun with your friends helps you to be happier than not attending parties.

    1. Yes, I agree with you. Everyone has their own choice and only their decisions will have impact on their whole life. Also their actions depend on their view of the world.

    2. Lucky lady, you have a fascinating idea. Our contribution to lives and view to the world can identify who we are in reality. Additionally, hard work to success and having fun should be balanced.

  19. 1. I reckon that an author points out the essential aspect which should be considered by everyone, particularly spending time on what our hearts want to do. Listening to ourselves on sundry occasions is supposed to help to determine an appropriate way. Besides, while reading the last lines of the poem, I realized that Naomi Nye wants to say that individuals should use their time as maximumly as they can since life is short, and we do not aware of troubles that may occur at any time.
    2. I utterly agree with the author’s view as our opportunities and achievements depend only on us. If we want to achieve our goal, we should dedicate time to it. Prioritizing, knowing that thing, which is vital for us, is the first step to success.
    3. It is interesting to note that each individual is extraordinary in his/her way. My opinion and view of this poem can differ from someone else cause a person can identify another fascinating side of this verse. People’s views may not be similar every time. Albeit, I guess that the main point of this poem is that our priceless treasure is our time.

    1. I agree with your opinion. Life is too short and we should appreciate the time and strive for greatness by doing what our heart wants.

    2. That's an interesting thought and I completely agree with you. We do not have an eternal time. The way how we spend every second of our life will lead to success or fail. Of course, this is everyone's own choice.

  20. 1) After reading this poem, I saw that the author expressed his thoughts quite bluntly, which is actually contradictory to the genre of the poem. I felt as if some adult, elderly person was giving me advice based on his life. After the lines “You’re trying to remember something too important to forget”, "Then decide what to do with your time”, I was able to make sure that the main idea that the author wanted to convey is that we need to understand where, why and on whom we spend our time, since it is necessary to pay more attention to things that are really important to us and worth in priority. In the third quatrain, we can also come to the idea that we need to be able to keep our life and news in secret and not reveal all the cards to the person with whom you have lost contact for a long period. Therefore, I think that the author also touches on the topic of trust.
    2) To be honest, this poem reminded me of my previous years when I didn’t use all the opportunities, time and my resources in the best way. That is why, it can also express the importance of making wise and correct decisions that will pay off in the future. So, the thought was that we should invest our time correctly and do not spend it for the past relationships or useless actions. However, after reading the last lines, which are “Walk around feeling like a leaf. Know you could tumble any second.”, all my thoughts turned upside down, I was thinking that it was worth living at the moment, since we don’t know when the end will come. Proceeding from everything, I came to the general conclusion, that the poem symbolizes the whole life of a person: in the past, present and future. Let go of the past, invest in the future, live in the present.
    3) Maybe my perspective does not agree with the opinion of others. The reason is that, the feelings that we get from the poem might depend on our past decisions and experiences.

  21. 1) I assume that the author has a significant message to all readers. She wanted to tell us that life is not eternal and people have only a certain amount of time. The most important point is that no one knows when their time will end up. Therefore, we should understand the value of every minute of our life and got to grab life while we can.

    “Walk around feeling like a leaf.
    Know you could tumble any second.
    Then decide what to do with your time.”

    2) This poem inspired me to take action and appreciate our main treasure. There is an enormous number of choices, however, we cannot get all of them. In order to gain one important experience, we might be able to say “no” to the other ones.
    3) Everyone has his/her own vision about the world and I believe that people understand the meaning of the poem in a different way. For some of them, it will be meaningless, nonetheless, for others, including me, it will bring a clear vision of the world that we should spend every second of our lives wisely.

    1. For me your opinion is reasonable, time is an essential value that we have. If once precious time goes, then it goes forever and never returns. Yesterday’s time is gone and you cannot have access to future/ tomorrow's time. All you can do is live the present time and manage it effectively.

    2. Thank you, Lucky Lady! Your point of view is valuable for me.

  22. 1) In my opinion, the poem's author wanted to tell us that only we are the masters of our lives, also we are able to control our emotions. People should have a long think before making a decision and understand what is really important in order to make the right decision in time.
    2) I have partially the same view as Naomi Nye. Our life consists of different choices, which do not only affect our present but also can totally change our future. Therefore, I think, people have to consider before accepting an offer from someone as a primary example of this we can take the lines where the author mentioned the party invitation:
    "When they invite you to the party
    remember what parties are like
    before answering." That will help us to be able to understand whether we really need it.
    3) In some points, my perspectives can be different from others because everyone has their own view and thoughts about that topic based on their life experience. However, the author wrote to focus only on our selves, but do not mention how it can hurt others, which sounds egoistically for me. In this life, we need close friends with whom we can share our thoughts and people who will either try to help or be next to us. I think, we definitely should not act in that way as she wrote about the grocery store: "When someone recognizes you in a grocery store
    nod briefly and become a cabbage." It depends on the individual, so someone can agree with these lines of the poem and someone can not.

  23. 1) From my point of view, author is telling people to use their time on things that will give bigger results. Author wants audience to know that before taking any decision person needs to think properly, as everything you do shows what person you are.
    2) This poem is teaching people to think wisely and use every moment, and I agree with this stage. But everyone in this life have their own values, and prioritizing things or not is their own choice. And so, I agree with ideas of this poem halfly.
    3) In my perspective, feeling of person is much more important than his success, because everyone must live their lives as good as they can! If you are not happy right now, and you are convincing yourself that in future it will change, then you must be lying to yourself. Other people might think that success in life makes you better than others, but I think that as much as you have moral, healthy and long term values that make you happy nothing matters.

    1. I completely agree with your statement about happiness in 3 answer. Success does not indicates our happiness as well as our moral and health. However, in the future please try to make less grammar and punctuation mistakes, since its hard to read sometimes)) Wish you luck

  24. 1) Author claims that everyone should take control of their own lives and decide what to do with it. It is your life and you have limited time, so it is important to spend it to things, to people which play an essential role for you. If not you, someone else will take control out of your life. So you have to say no to them and live with your own rules.
    2) I completely agree with the author. I think it is a significant skill to say NO sometimes, when you have other things to do. We should spend our live to activities we enjoy, to the people that make us happy and ignore anything else.
    3) Others might have thing that I am assuming to be an egoist and always say No to others. No, it is essential to help other people and be kind. However, it is also important to love and respect yourself,spend time with yourself. So you should just feel the balance.

    1. Wow, you wrote really an interesting point of view. Your position towards the poem is clear and accurate. I can say that the way I see the meaning of this poem is the same as yours. We should effectively spend time and control our own lives. Yeap, sometimes it is necessary to say no and as you wrote, "If not you, someone else will take control out of your life." and I guess that you are absolutely right. We should not follow the crowd and decide only based on our minds.

  25. 1) Naomi Nye's poem superimposes quite a few unique points and ideas. Author implicictly illustrates how time changes people from close friends to mere acquaintances. Such ideas may be found in the lines "When they say Don’t I know you? Say no." and "When someone you haven’t seen in ten years appears at the door, don’t start singing him all your new songs. You will never catch up." The main point is that people should mind how they spend their time. Poem shows how to avoid and distance himself/herslef from the bad company, then how to control your own time and be the ruler of your own life by disregarding influence of outsiders on your life.

    2) Well for me this poem is still a mystery, since I can't be so full of myself to state that I completely understoor this piece of art. Even though I answered the first question, my response is still crude and lacking. In my perspective, I only touched the tip of the iceberg and the poem still contains more than I can unravel.

    3) I completely agree with the points mentioned by others since art can be viewed from different points and everybody comprehends ideas differently. One point that distinguishes me from others is that I acnowledged the complexities of the poem

  26. In my opinion, Naomi Shinab Nye lets us know that we have a choice and we do not have to follow the rules of the crowd. She is trying to say that we can reject or give up something for more important purposes(in line “It’s not that you don’t love them anymore. You’re trying to remember something too important to forget”).
    I could not find words to express my own perspective. So I did research and I saw the word “renunciation” in someone’s comment. I agreed with this comment. I believe that poem is about renunciation. But not in the way we all think about “renunciation”. Naomi Nye attaches new meaning to this word as not a complete rejection of everything valuable but rejection of something for something more valuable. I admit that my perspective may be totally different from other perspectives.

  27. 1) Your decisions, style and taste should not depend on those of others. You do what you enjoy and you can deny someone and that will be ok.
    2) Sometimes the people's interest aren't similar with that of yours and I consider that it doesn't mean you treat them abysmally if you do not assuage them.
    From time to time, I give up my own plans or principles in order to assent others. I am frightened if I disappoint them

    1. Good point. Never ever put your own plans or principles to the 2nd place, my friend. Also, do not be afraid to disappoint your friends. I think they understand if you explain them that you are busy. If you will love and respect yourself, others also gonna do it.

  28. 1. In my opinion, author of a poem is trying to open up a relevant topic like the value of our time and the way we are spending it. We should be sure that we are not wasting it on things less important than our own plans. And when we are rejecting someone's invitation, it does not mean that we do not like him, it just means that we are busy with something else.
    2. Sometimes, thinking of others, we are forgetting about ourselves and the value of time that we are wasting on things we are not even interested in or do not need. After this poem I started paying attention on things I do during the day and thinking about unnecessary meetings.
    3. Despite the fact, that we are talking about one similar poem, perspectives of each of us can be totally different. We cannot predict or deduce someone's way of thinking, so I guess in some aspects my opinion differs from others'. It does depend on person’s own experience and perception.

  29. 1.In my opinion, the author reveals that everyone ought to live to satisfy themselves and not others. In other words, Naomi Nye intimates that every person is responsible for their happiness, without expecting from the others to make you happy that might lead to disillusionment. Stop charging others for your unhappiness, because it depends on your altitude. An exciting point is that the author does not address directly readers what to do, she just wrote experiences or challenges that everyone has been faced with.
    2.I believe that being happy is a mental state that starts with your decision and attitude. We should remember, that this sense does not rely on people surrounding you or the situation, and not vice versa. It is all about the perception of the situation. Time is one of the most valuable and vital things in our life because how you spend your time is how you spend your life. Hence, you should not be wasting time with mindless people.
    3.My perspective can differ considerably from others, due to the perception of the same thing in various ways. In my opinion, it is vital to look at the topic from multiple perspectives, hence it allows us to see the whole picture.


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