Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Task 22 Version 3 Some educators believe that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

This is the link to the model essay to help you work on collocations and some grammar. https://howtodoielts.com/ielts-essay-musical-instruments/ Model IELTS Essay: Education Some educators believe that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Many teachers feel that learning to play a musical instrument is an indispensable part of a student’s education. In my opinion, there are socioeconomic concerns with this tenet but it is still advisable overall. Detractors can easily argue not every child has access to the supportive environment required to learn an instrument. Firstly, a family might not have enough money if a child wants to learn piano or buy a quality guitar. There are also related expenses that include the fees for private lessons and other equipment. Added to this, they will need their parents to have enough time to drive them to and from rehearsals and recitals. At home, the entire family will have to listen to them practice and this could be contentious if there are a lot of people living in one home or a child shares their room with siblings or relatives. All these factors affect underprivileged children and place them at a decided disadvantage. Nonetheless, the above issues can be mitigated with more funding for schools and the developmental benefits of music outweigh all other concerns. Research has shown that in early development, physical changes take place in the brains of both children and adolescents. Some of these relate to music and children who take up an instrument, even if they quit later, have demonstrated improved cognitive flexibility and creativity in longitudinal studies across a variety of cultural backgrounds. Apart from the scientific grounding, it is also common sense that children will feel more fulfilled and derive a lot of joy from playing music. This can provide a boost to not only academics but also their long-term mental well-being. In conclusion, though policymakers will have to account for accessibility issues, learning an instrument is key for neurodevelopment. Schools, parents, and teachers should work together to ensure the best chances of success. Vocabulary https://howtodoielts.com/ielts-essay-musical-instruments/


  1. Some pedagogues consider that children should be educated to play a musical instrument as it helps to be well-rounded. I do not agree with this opinion, despite the benefits of playing musical instruments, every child has a right to choose how to spend their spare time.

    First of all, children should be independent of others’ opinion and have the right to choose. Pupils have various talents in different spheres in art, such as singing, dancing, composing poems and eloquent public speaking. As independent individuals, children have an opportunity to devote their time to favourite activities. It is essential to give freedom of choice as it assists in building pupils’ personality in their junior ages. Every student must have an opportunity to opt their extracurricular activities and balance this with academic subjects.

    Secondly, pushing boys and girls to learn musical instruments could bring daunting consequences. Students, who have the unwillingness to attend art subjects, can be fatigued and it may lead to drop energy to attain other goals. For example, a child, who has not an ability to play one of the instruments, may feel apprehensive, lose his/her confidence and lose aspirations. Moreover, they may waste time as this activity can be unnecessary in the future. For instance, some students may be engaged in science and want to spend their time in laboratories or in the library instead of learning how to play in the musical instrument. Consequently, they lose their concentration on science and have less time for activities that make them delighted.

    To conclude, it is clear that playing a musical instrument makes children better-rounded. However, it could bring to some drawbacks, such as loss of confidence and waste of time. I reckon that every child must have a choice to choose their extracurricular activity which they are interested in.

  2. Some teachers claim that every student should learn how to play musical instruments. I completely agree with this opinion.
    Let's start with the fact that every person from birth has unique genetic abilities for various things. These abilities will germinate in childhood. To identify the innate skills of students in school, there are many subjects, including music lessons. As I said, if a child's musical abilities are present, they can be determined by playing musical instruments. It's like a tasting, children try many activities and choose the dominant one. Music lessons as a child allow you to identify great musicians as early as possible.
    The next point to be noted is the development of creativity. Scientists found that the creativity of children in the United States grew until about 1990 and remained stable for one decade. Since then, there has been a gradual decline. Scientists claim that the Internet and television are the reasons for this. Playing musical instruments as an art can have a positive effect on children's creativity. In the modern world, when most processes are controlled by a computer, creativity is one of the main advantages of a person over a computer. Even if a child does not find himself a musician, he will develop his creative abilities and gain musical experience.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that teaching children to play musical instruments can contribute to the growth of the Future of Beethoven or Mozart, or it will provide experience in music and make them more creative.

  3. It is thought by some educators that learning to play musical instrument is an indispensable part of children’s growth. Personally, I completely disagree with this statement and I believe that every child has the right to choose what he/she appreciates.
    For are variety of reasons it would not be correct to force up-coming generation to learn how to play musical instrument. It ought to be acknowledged that parents cannot pressure children to love certain hobbies such as playing musical instrument. Some children such as my little brother tend to have more interest to mathematics from childhood, or some kids might be noticed as talented football players. For instance, Lionel Messi is the most high-paid football player in the world at present moment. In 2016, in his interview to Bazaar he admitted that he is very grateful to his parents because they enrolled him in football instead of another section.
    Another point to consider is that musical instruments are quite expensive. So, there is a little chance that all public schools or private education centers will be provided by necessary equipment. Also, some families might not have enough budgets to purchase musical instrument. There are also related expenses that include the fees for private lessons. There is a study done by Canadian scientists in 2020 on the topic “Impact of acoustic music on a child's emotional growth”. According to the statistics, more than half of participants of this survey acknowledged that they don’t have an access to quality equipment.
    Taking everything into consideration, I strongly believe that playing or not playing musical instrument is a choice of every individual and especially every child. So, it would be proper to give children an opportunity to choose their hobby.

  4. In contemporary world, there a lot of ways of improving children's memory and thinking skills. Many mentors think that all children should know, how to play at least one musical instrument. I totally do not agree that every child should play musical instrument, because, it depends on human's desire and interests, there a lot of other ways of mental development, administration should leave students the choice.

    First of all, children should do what they want to do. Every student or child has own interests and educators should give them the right to choose their own way to develop. For instance, some children prefer to play video or computer games instead of playing musical instruments. Video games also can be useful for children's mental development. The study found that students who played online games almost every day scored 15 points above average in mathematics and reading tests and 17 points above average in science.

    Turning to the other side of an argument, playing musical instruments is really useful for children. Musical instrument like piano or guitar can bring down stress and affect positively on memory of children. However, they are useful and interesting only for some part of children. Other part has own interests, that is why I disagree that every child should play on musical instruments, despite the benefits of it.

    In conclusion, I think that musical instruments are good affect for children, however every child should choose own way of mental development and having a fun, but not what the teacher said.

  5. It is thought by some people that the skills to play musical instruments are vital for every single child. I disagree with that belief because it should depend only on the child’s desire and concerns, and of course, sometimes it can affect negatively the attitude of children to the music.
    Firstly, parents should be aware of the activities and hobbies that can be fascinating for their child. They should ensure certain conditions to find interests in a variety of fields. For example, parents can go with their offspring to the football clubs, or to the swimming sections where a person will realize what to expect and the motivation to be engaged in further. Undoubtedly, this tremendous contribution to the future development of children should improve the establishing child’s desire and prevent huge problems as their interests were not taken into account.
    Another point to consider is that parents’ decision to force their child to be taught playing musical instruments can lead to the reluctance to learn it. If it happens, children will start to hate the sphere of music, which also has a negative influence on their attitude. Moreover, children will not be focused to work hard, so that the entire efforts of parents are going to be ruined.
    To conclude, parents should not force their children to do what they do not want to, and attend the undesired lessons. Instead, it is vital to assist children to choose their hobby which inspires and develops their other skills.

  6. Some pedagogues support the idea of music education. I partially agree with the given statement, as despite its benefits as improving cognitive skills and personality, this lesson might be unnecessary for other students who are likely to study other subjects.

    First of all, I believe that any extracurricular activity has a positive impact on children’s development, and playing a musical instrument is not an exception. Learning process will increase the brain activity which is significant for enhancement of creativity, memory and patience along with exploring new cultures. In spite of the fact that this subject might require extra efforts, I am of the view that music classes will teach juniors how to become more responsible and even inspire them and assist in finding their direction in this life. For instance, not all the parents are aware of musical abilities of their child, and classes such as this, will reveal young talents. Moreover, music rooms can be considered as an excellent way to relieve the stress after a long school day.

    On the other hand, mandatory lessons might be challenging for some students due to the lack of necessary skills and interest. This will lead to undesired consequences such losing motivation or negative impact on academic performance. It is difficult to deny the benefits of performing music, however schools should not force children to investigate it, and instead provide them with a wide range of additional activities or arts depending on students’ favor. Unfortunately, another essential point is that music lessons often requests quality musical instruments or even individual sessions which costs expensive, and not all the families can afford such expenses.

    To conclude, from my perspective, music programs are crucial point in child’s growth but learners should be passionate about them and have the right to make a choice. Factors including youngster’s enthusiasm, mastery and financial position should be primarily taken into account.

  7. There is a claim suggested by pedagogues that each student should be able to play music. I totally agree with this statement because it would give children way of self-expression and benefit their personality.

    Initially, new professions of our time demand a variety of skills from employees as imagination and thinking out of the box. Consequently, youngsters could develop themselves by playing a guitar or violent. Moreover, playing a music creates enormous activity in our brain due to mechanical and mental work done. According to British scientists in Norfolk, children who have mastered art in young ages have better degree of memory, task-solving and thinking in extraordinary way, and they are capable to keep clear mind in old ages incomparison to those who haven’t. Despite the fact that sense and taste of music occurs in elder ages, it is vital to start working with younger students who have more free time as well as less stress due to the lessons in higher classes.

    Secondly, music is the essential part of our lives and history. Rarely have people rejected to listen to music. Furthermore, a plenty of great people and royalty learned to play music due the fact that it is the way of expressing thoughts and ideas by instruments. Our ancestors created them for this purpose before creating language, government and far more melaenas ago. Charles Darwin have stated that music is protolanguage and while we listening to our favorite music our brain produces hormones of pleasure. Therefore, youth would be able to discover art deeply, get rid of stress and establish strong personality.

    In conclusion, I am of the view that such skills are worth of learning because of their necessity in human community as well as human nature. However, I would dismiss idea of forced learning of music what would rather distract them from major subjects than teaching them.

  8. Some teachers are of the view that a child must have a musical background, and consequently, master a play on a musical instrument. I completely disagree with this perspective, because compelling a student to learn an instrument might cause detrimental effects, followed by squandering of time and money.

    People at the beginning of their childhood mesmerize about the surrounding world and absorb new information alike to a sponge. They quickly process information, memorize new words, and in this case, can easily pick up the musical instrument. Though it is necessary to foster the children's interest, educators should not coerce them in pursuing, what the latter might think desirable, endeavors. It would lead to, first of all, a waste of time. If a child does not want to do a specific activity, he/she either would try to elude from his/her tasks and, in the worst case, vigorously try to master an instrument just for the sake of parents' satisfaction.

    Alternatively, forcing a child to link himself with music might block his developing perception and finding things that he is actually passionate about. Instead of scrutinizing musical notes and mastering the instrument, he can engage in sports, engulf encyclopedias and watch TV. Encouraging children to do something they want to do might increase their chances of success in the future. For instance, Elon Musk was exposed to the engineering field due to his work at home; he was highly interested in building something new. As a result, he is one of the wealthiest people on the planet.

    In conclusion, coercing children to play a musical instrument might have detrimental effects on their development, especially if they are not interested in pursuing it.

  9. Some educators believe that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Position: Completely agree
    1st argument: Teaching math and music to the child is the commonly believed way to upbring the genius. It was proved by the brain scanning that while the math develops most parts of the brain, music is able to develop other parts of the brain that are usually unused in everyday life.
    2nd argument: It may be argued that learning music requires the talent and natural apptitide; however, how the child will know that he has no affinity to music, if the child doesn't tries himself in that field.

    Teachers always look into innovative ways to guide their students which will enable them to learn the study material better; thus, the notion of implementing music into our education system is becoming increasingly popular. I am a strong advocate of this changes in education system since music makes children all-rounded.

    To commence with, learning music and math is the best way to upbring a genius. Little do others know about the significance of the music in the life of the child. While the math develops the brain regions which are responsible for the calculation and technical skills, music is the best in developing the brain parts pertaining the emotional intellect and creativity. In consequence, music can accelerate the maturing of the children.

    Despite such merits of music imlementation into the education system, it is widely argued that not every child can have affinity towards musical instruments. There are, however, doubts about the existence of the obstacle in terms of the talent, since how children will know rather that they have an apptitude or not, if they never try it. Furthermore, it may strain the children with the additional material to learn, nonetheless, it will also result in quick maturing. Thus, talent can't be an obstacle to the implementaion of music into the educational system.

    In conclusion, playing a musical instrument develops the brain regions which are hardly improved, moreover, talent is not an obstacle to the changes in educational system.

  10. It is a common belief of pedagogues that every child is assumed to be aware of playing a musical instrument, despite their abilities and willingness. Personally, I partly agree with it since it is indispensable to consider youngsters’ inclination and their alacrity, albeit music also has tremendous benefits, which includes advancing personal characteristics, behavior, and views of the world.

    To begin with, success in a particular sphere cannot be achieved without a strong eagerness to learn. Actually, it is widely accepted that hardly do individuals continue their contemplation which is coerced to them. It is important to note that they forsake, even though they have reached the halfway of their roads. Furthermore, the abundance of people elects either the technical or other sundry fields, which fundamentally differ from the music sphere. Indeed, if the educators had not compelled their students to learn playing a particular musical instrument, children would obtain accomplishment in their field which is utterly fascinating for them.

    To put it another way, music is supposed to have cumulative and advantageous sides, which are valuable to learn from an early age. A good illustration of this is the medical excellence, specifically, youngsters will learn controlling their emotions, being a patient and their hearing abilities is announced to refine significantly. Further, if children devote their time to playing an instrument, their discipline will be enhanced. Moreover, it will be one of the most crucial steps to settle their future professions. Ergo, it is intelligible that it has numerous profits, particularly, improved cognitive flexibility will be enumerated, that is why children have to learn it.

    To sum up, teaching how to learn a musical instrument make children better-rounded and it has developmental benefits, nevertheless, the tenet of considering their propensity is also vital. It is generally claimed that it should depend on the choices of learners as it will influence their futurity.


  11. It is argued that playing a musical instrument should be mandatory for all students. This essay disagrees with this statement since learning the language of music often requires talent, and children may have other interests rather than music, which they want to realize.

    To begin with, music classes are primarily aimed to teach students with a passion to become a musician. Moreover, the musical instruments’ nature is not straightforward for every person to understand. This means that insisting on the necessity of playing musical instruments could be just a waste of time for those young individuals who are completely not into music. Instead, they should spend their time on such important things as socializing, improving their weaknesses in specific areas, or doing their hobbies, which can often help them to develop as a person.

    Furthermore, although playing musical instruments is indeed useful in dealing with stress and relaxing, there is a wide range of other activities which are as important as the music. What I mean by this is that schools, especially teachers, must appreciate the interests of each learner because everyone has wonderful dreams, and children need support to make these dreams a reality. It might turn out that one of such dreams will save our whole planet from destruction in the nearest future. In addition, it is scientifically proved that our brains relax and develop when we are doing things that we love.

    All things considered, turning music into a necessary subject can be a waste of time and become a barrier for those who are willing to focus on their hobbies and dreams during their leisure time.

  12. It is often believed that almost all schoolchildren should be required to learn how to play an instrument. I strongly agree with this point of view because this kind of education system might assist to revise their cognitive skills as well as create their individuality. Therefore, the learning process will be beneficial not only for a child’s brain, but also for personal development.

    On no account should the importance of playing instruments be ignored because it helps to be concentrated not only at school but also in daily life. As a result, frequently do parents realize the significance of playing an instrument that cannot be emphasized too much. For instance, having carried out research among students, it was revealed that most of them, who regularly play musical instruments are more concentrated during lessons in comparison with students who do not know how to play. Therefore, engaging in the art on an everyday basis helps to pay attention during lessons as well as can enhance the verbal memory of junior year students.

    Another point to consider is the development of people's identity. It depends on several factors, however, seldom do society understand that playing instruments such as either piano or guitar will be beneficial in order to ensure the full development of their children. Subsequently, childhood is a high time to be taught how to manage their time in order to be responsible in the long run. As a result, they will have been balancing their studies with extracurricular activities since their primary school. In spite of having a lack of talent, almost everyone can learn how to play on any instrument.

    In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that music is an essential part of education, which has a plethora of benefits in terms of the positive development of cognitive skills and personality.

  13. In the contemporary world, there is a popular opinion among teachers and parents that children should be able to play a musical instrument. Even though it has a lot of benefits and can give many opportunities for kids, I disagree with this statement. From my perspective, it should be a personal choice of a child and this type of additional activity or hobby might be unsuitable for some of them.

    To commence with, people should notice that everyone including children, has their preferences, interests and hobbies. In most of the cases, often do parents want to improve their children’s abilities and give them opportunity to learn new things in diverse areas. Therefore, the musical education is the most popular type of extracurricular activities that parents prefer for their child. However, there are many other out-of-class businesses like activities, chess, dancing, or drawing. It means, that if there is no desire, then the child will easily abandon this hobby and waste his time. Moreover, the parent’s concern and enforcement might come up with negative consequences.

    Additionally, learning to play a musical instrument might not suit junior because of his individual features or personality. Many musicians and teachers often mention that this activity requires a lot of time, patience, and perseverance. Since some people cannot sit on one place for a long time, the musical area could not bring the pleasure for those children but will make them feel uncomfortable. For example, people who play the piano should have an ear for music and be able to skillfully control their fingers. Due to the reason that it depends on the character and behavior of each person, educators cannot teach some children to unsuitable type of

    In conclusion, I can say that each person has the right to choose the sphere where he wants to improve in the future. That is the reason for adults to notice the children’s preferences and interest in hobbies before teaching something.

  14. It is considered, learning to play in musical tools is an indispensable part of education. I believe that gaining experience has developmental benefits for mental activity and overcome stress-related problems.

    To commence with, learning in an instrument is vital for developing brain activity and cognitive skills. Owing to the impact on neurons, receiving a music education may lead to accomplish considerably better in academics. For instance, playing an instrument frequently would amplify children’s reasoning skills that are significant for learning math and science subjects. Due to influencing the work of the brain, individuals tend to think outside of the box. Therefore, acquiring a musical education is beneficial in evolving a mental function and preferably academic achievements.

    Apart from scientific groundings, learning to play an instrument helps to receive stress and has a wide range of physical benefits. Practicing playing can be healthsome, especially in keeping at level heart rate and blood pressure. Because of the narrowing hormone cortisol, musical instruments allow them to repose and bring down stress. The patience that can be established in daily lessons aid young learners to overcome difficulties in education and obtain setten goals. Hence, learning to play instruments from childhood permits individuals to overcome stress and teach patience that is valuable in achieving aims.

    To recapitulate, gaining a musical experience may be substantial in elaborating on mental and physical health. In my opinion, music education stimulates children’s creativity and cognitive flexibility, boosting their academic performances.


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