Saturday, September 19, 2020

Task21 Version3 Some people think that in order to produce a happy society, it is necessary to ensure that there is only a small difference between the earnings of the richest and poorest. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Model essay (overall band score 7.5) Some people think that to produce a happier society is to ensure that there is only a small difference on the earnings of the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? There are people who believe that a happier nation is evaluated by a short gap of the income between the richest and the poorest people, but I do not agree with this point of view. I think that there are other factors contribute to the level of happiness of a society. To begin with, people would be happier if their needs met, especially in health care, education, infrastructure, and entertainment. Such essential needs are provided by the government, thereby the authority should be the one manages and has a fair system to use the income taxes received equally. Taxes, on the other hand, are contributed by the rich and the poor people, therefore a good tax system would help to reduce the gap and would make the community happier. For example, the wealthiest people would pay higher tax and the least poverty classes pay less amount. And, the government should use that money to pay back for the benefits of the whole nation by giving free access to healthcare, education or entertainment. On the other hand, shortening the gap of the income between the rich and the poor is not a good strategy because it could not make the world strive for a better. Firstly, if everyone gets the same amount of what they work for, no one wants to work harder and thinks differently. As a result, the country could not develop well because everyone has the same standards. Besides, people become lazier and more laid-back and that would not make people happier. In conclusion, I think the government plays a vital role in controlling the public money and helps society become happier by enhancing local tangibles, not by cutting the salaries between the richest and the poorest.


  1. The majority considers that a blissful society is generated by a little variation in the income of wealthy and indigent people. Others argue with this point of view and reckon that the financial position has no significance in being content with their life. Personally, I completely support opinion that money cannot produce happy public and the human race has more crucial values to be delighted.

    Firstly, all human races need neither money nor a profitable job. The most important value is being healthy as having a good physical condition is the indicator of happiness and key for attaining desired goals. Also, it provides benefits like improved mood, longevity and enjoyment. Moreover, other indicators such as education, infrastructure and entertainment could contribute to the satisfaction of people. These factors could provide a chance to live in good conditions and feel content with their life.

    Secondly, killing off the income gap cannot be a wise decision. It is obvious that workers obtain different salaries because of difference in works’ difficulties, education level, capabilities and the force of demand. However, the government must give a chance to all desired residents to get tertiary education and become successful and earning enough money to supply their whole family members.

    In the result, inequality in income amount cannot determine our level of happiness. From my perspective, the crucial indicators of a happy society are level with education, infrastructure and amusement in their country. The higher authority should provide free health care centres, opportunity to get optimum education and assist people who need money to create happiness.

  2. It is often argued that the small gap of salaries between affluent and destitute individuals is utterly vital in the way of reaching happiness of the society. I completely disagree with it since finances cannot be the main factor of being blissful, and the amount of money which people have earned vary in the way of their labor.

    To begin with, it is considered that happiness cannot be measured with expenses, and views of the masses about this concept might be entirely diverse. For instance, the abundant of individuals prefer a peaceful life with essential needs and they do not care about other's income as they are satisfied with what they have in the current moment. An important point is that an adequate number of individuals have various necessities, which is usually corresponded by their earnings, ergo the way of amending the difference between wealthy and poor people is not a beneficial method of achieving happiness.

    To put it another way, scarcely have the general public been blissful because of merely altering the gap between two layers of society. It is widely accepted that these stratums always exist, thus nothing will change if gaining be the same for all people. Indeed, instead of this method, individuals should focus on their lifestyles and crucial living factors.

    Fundamentally, the happiness of society is not supposed to occur by controlling the budget of individuals. Everyone is assumed to obtain their own money with consideration of their works, and concentrating only on finances will not bring felicity.

  3. In recent times, there is no doubt that people's level of happiness depends on several factors, including their amount of salary. Some individuals are used to believe that in order to raise this rate the government should reduce the gap between wealth and poor and I completely disagree with this point of view. This is not the most effective way because there are many more circumstances, which can affect the life-standards of society.

    Rarely do people realize the meaning of joyful life and if all segments of the population had the same income, they would live without any discrimination towards each other. However, on no account should the importance of other elements such as good physical health, high level of education, and entertainment be ignored. The main reason for that is a human cannot buy happiness as well as health. For instance, having carried out the research, it has been revealed that not all the richest people as happy as the poorest. In other words, frequently do wealthy people understand that more money does not give more sense of happiness.

    Another point to consider is that the power of money cannot be emphasized too much. Not only does it motivates employees to work harder, but also gives a sense of accomplishment to them. The principal example is the distribution of social wealth among citizens in some countries is based on their working capacity. Therefore, these people cannot rely on the government and should work harder in order to earn enough money and be overjoyed.

    In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that an equal range of earnings does not bring more sense of happiness to the community, additionally cutting the bridge between sectors of society will have no results.


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