Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Task 20 Version3 In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast food. This has a negative impact on families, individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IELTS Model Essay: Traditional Foods and Fast Food In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast food. This has a negative impact on families, individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The rise of fast food globally is often thought to have an injurious impact on families, individuals, and society at large. In my opinion, fast food is a negative overall despite some tangible benefits. The advantages of fast food vary according to the segment of society in question. Individuals get enjoyment out of fast food, the clearest evidence of which is its popularity. Fast food is also relatively cheap and, as its name suggests, saves time. For families, the advantages are similar. In many working-class families, parents spend at a lot time and energy at their jobs and do not have the luxury of preparing a nutritious, time-consuming meal for their children. Fast food is therefore a necessary, viable alternative. Finally, society benefits in a general sense because of the employment opportunities. Fast food restaurants employ thousands of, admittedly, lowly paid workers and is a safe transitional job for students and struggling individuals. Regardless, the negative impact of fast food is greater. Though people enjoy the taste and convenience of fast food, they are doing irreparable harm to both their short and long-term health. Research has shown that the high fat and sugar content in fast food not only affects daily energy levels but also contributes to conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. These same health risks extend to families, with the added caveat that children are forming potentially life-long bad habits. Society also suffers from the growth of the fast food industry as local businesses lose revenue to these international conglomerates that enrich primarily the already wealthy or foreign nationals. In conclusion, despite the benefits related to convenience and economics that fast food brings, the health drawbacks should serve as strong deterrents for countries looking to encourage these industries. Vocabulary rise increase


  1. In today’s modern society in many countries fast foods are replacing traditional foods. Some people claim that this impacts adversely on individuals, families and society. I completely agree that this is reflecting negatively on society.

    First of all, preference for fast food has a negative impact on health. Everyone knows that instant food contains a large amount of sugars and fats. The constant use of such food over time leads to obesity, to various cardiovascular diseases. The second negative aspect of this process affects families. Fast food is usually eaten in eateries and on short breaks. A person who used to eat traditional food at home, together with his family, already ceases to do this, since he already eats in various public institutions.

    The last and no less important consequence is the damage done to traditional cuisine. Each nationality has its own national cuisine. Fast food is gradually replacing these dishes, thereby erasing the uniqueness of traditions in the use of food of each nation.

    Finally, after careful consideration, we can say that although fast food is convenient and less costly, in the long term, the choice will still fall on traditional food.

  2. Traditional foods are an inseparable part of every family. However, due to a brisk demand for junk food, traditional foods have shifted and people's social life has been unfavorably affected. I totally agree with this statement since fast food can lead to the loss of traditional values as well as health problems.

    It is well-known that fast food has an adverse impact on the physical health of people. Food is composed of chemicals and unhealthy cholesterol might cause cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, it rarely provides people with essential vitamins that are important in growth, while homemade food would be a great source of healthy organic molecules and minerals. For instance, one hamburger is approximately 450 calories and contains trans-fats as well as more sugar than proteins, whereas a homemade sandwich is lighter and got less fat. Likewise, unhealthy ingredients of fast food would cause obesity and heart problems.

    Secondly, every nation has its own traditional food which makes the nations unique. Furthermore, preparing these foods would bring family members together and a golden opportunity for spending some time with each other. However, due to the lack of time and changes in priorities, people do not pay that much attention as they used to. Unfortunately, although people understand this, they are still consuming junk food, and devote less time to cooking at home. This causes the traditional foods to be forgotten. As a result, it might have dire consequences for the fate of national values.

    In conclusion, even though fast food is a solution to modern problems, it should not detrimentally change people's lifestyles. I think if people had not neglected fast food, it would not have been a problem now and cause health problems.

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  4. There is a rising concern about the possible withdrawal of traditional dishes as consumers’ acceptance of fast foods has been on the upward trend for the past decade. In my opinion, it is a negative trend with far-reaching consequences. I totally agree that this trend possesses a terrible impact on both community and its people.

    To begin with, homemade meals are prepared from natural ingredients which include fresh veggies, raw meat, whereas junk food is made by industrial methods from battery farming materials. Therefore, fast food is called “an unhealthy meal” due to the fact that it is considered as one of the main contributing factors to obesity, especially among young people. As a result, being overweight is likely to have an adverse impact on health. Carrying extra fat leads to severe health diseases such as cardiovascular complications or diabetes.

    Furthermore, the huge popularity of fast food has not only caused health problems but also weakened the family bonding. That is to say that by gathering around a table for conventional food, a family has an opportunity to strengthen relationships between family members. However, now many children prefer eating in fast food branches with peers rather than with their parents which decreases the amount of time where the whole family gathers together. As a consequence, this could lead to the loss of the family tradition of eating together.

    In conclusion, from my perspective, junk food is more than likely to have a negative influence on people of different ages bringing unwholesome results and bad habits setting the stage for health disasters. I believe that everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food.

  5. It has widely been said that alternative types of food put in place of traditional ones. Moreover, people say that fast food negatively affects the society and its members. I strongly agree that it has an adverse effect, such as obesity, overall people's health condition as well as a waste pollution.

    The main reason why fast foods could not be accepted in the public is the reason of many problems related to health, especially obesity. These foods lead to health problems due to high percentages of fats and light calories, that do not provide sufficient energy to sustain a healthy status. Moreover, it has been revealed by scientists, that junk foods contain excessive fats, sugar, and starch rather than protein and vitamins. Similarly, it supports the previous claim that light calories have impacts on health. Consequently, more people will suffer from health diseases than people who eat traditional food. As a result, it can probably be said that ailments as obesity in the society are going to be a vital issue, caused by junk foods.

    Another point to consider is a quick service, which is provided by fast food restaurants, that eases numerous processes in making common meals. However, these types of services have enormous effect on the ecology. The reason for this is that a fast servicing leaves far greater refuses than normal restaurants due to a quick production rate. For instance, the scientists from the UK have revealed that the use a plethora plastic and paper substances by fast food services have been increased drastically in the last few years. Therefore, it is fair to ponder that junk foods pollute the environment by manufactured, used wastes. As a result, while fast foods are replacing common foods, the pollution will be continued in the long run.

    In the conclusion, despite the fact that fast foods are widely known and replacing the valuable place of traditional foods in a menu, they have countless impacts on health condition and ecology; therefore, it is desirable to get rid of junk foods.

  6. In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast food. This has a negative impact on families, individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    The era of globalization has been changing all spheres of life including foodstuffs over the past few decades. Notorious fast food chains such as Burger King, KFC and McDonald’s are gaining more popularity by replacing the intake of traditional foods in many countries. However, in my point of view, consuming junk food on a daily basis negatively affects to our well-being and leads to severe consequences for whole country.

    Convenient food has already caused health problems in many countries and it is being wherefore of dozens of diseases. The main reason is in the consistence of the food as it is composed of high amount of salt, fat, sugar and little vitamin and protein. Consequently, there is a huge chance to have obesity as well as other diseases when humanity tends to carry on sedentary lifestyle. Such problem, accordingly, forms a new issue because require the government have to spend more money on the national medical system, which in turn result in a budget cut on other aspects becoming an obstacle to the economy.

    There are tangible consequences on culture, too. In other words, when a nation gets addicted towards fast food and restaurants, local culture dies out because traditional cuisine that provides more diverse is inextricably linked with culture. Gradually, people who get used to cook or eat fast food are hardly going back to traditional food due to its complex recipes.

    As a result, I agree with the prevailing of fast food leads to a serious problem in our society. Moreover, it does not only threat our health but also negatively impact to our culture making traditional cuisine to be forgotten.

  7. In many parts of the world, traditional food is being replaced by convenience food and it can affect negatively individuals and the entire society. I firmly support that belief because it is injurious to health and the significance of traditional foods can be lost.
    First of all, by consuming fast food humankind should remember the about the health hazards. It contains a very high percentage of calories, fat, and sugar. Moreover, cutlets and sausages that are listed in the ingredients can be only semi-finished products, which can be the reason of developing very serious consequences. Undoubtedly, health issues such as obesity or stomach diseases can be provided as anillustration of those huge problems.
    Secondly, due to the globalization process, the fast-food services are increasing their popularity which might damage traditional ways of cooking. It has a direct influence on family values. Therefore, a vast majority of families will not be able to spend their time on cooking and eating together. Besides, if everyone always starts to prefer convenience food rather than traditional food, it will lead to the disappearing of the national identity of certain cuisines.
    In conclusion, I think that although junk food is very fast to prepare and tasty, it is vital to be aware of both the negative effect of them on people’s health and the danger of losing traditional food culture.

  8. The rapid growth of junk food popularity is quite noticeable in a large number of countries, therefore people tend to change their diet by cutting home-cooked meals and stuck to the fast-food menu. Such tendency appears to essentially affect in-family relationships, decrease the total health level of a human being, and negatively impact culture and traditions raised in society for many decades.

    First of all, adherence to poor nutrition might cause family members to spend less time together, as fast-food restaurants offer quick service and instill the habit of eating on the go. Family dinners seem to fade at that point. Hence, family connection weakens especially in big cities, where life tempo is already pretty high.

    Also, disagreements might appear due to the generation gap. As known adolescents and young adults are the ones to prefer junk food over traditional cuisine. Therefore, older people may forbid that poor diet, which also leads to frequent disputes.

    Secondly, fast food harms ones’ health because it happened to contain a lot of fat and fatty components. Repeated consumption of such dishes can lead to an enormous amount of various diseases, for example, obesity and diabetes.

    To finish with, the change in people's diet could harm the culture because traditional cuisine plays a significant role in society. It represents and reflects the history and traditions of a country. Well then, getting used to eating only junk food impacts not only an individual but an entire country.

    In conclusion, I agree with the statement about the negative effects of replacing traditional dishes with fast food because all of the above an individual, a family, and society suffers from such experience.

  9. It is argued that over last decades, popularity of junk food has highly increased among modern society all over the world by replacing a national cuisine. This negative tendency leads to ridiculous changes in relationship between family members and health of whole population. I absolutely agree with the statement, because increasing the population suffering from obesity and other health problems and disappearing of national individualities are the possible consequences of this issue.

    First of all, non-stop lifestyle and time shortage allows people to order fast food from highly-popular restaurants, such as McDonalds and KFC instead of waste their valuable time on cooking. Therefore, currently the society tends to consume more fried as well as fatty food, which contains a variety of chemical additives, than it was before. As a result, the obesity and breathing issues caused by excess weight are more abundant health problems among the world population now. For instance, only in United States 30% of the society harms from obesity, this is the highest percentage around the world.

    Another negative is that replacing traditional dishes with junk food causes loss of traditions and historical importance of numerous nations. The traditional food is one of the basic parts of identity of each nation or a country, which describes them. Hence, the traditional values ought to be saved by the society in order to pass it to the future generations. In addition to, the cooking traditional dishes strengthen relationship between the family members by spending time together and enjoying the cooking process.

    In conclusion, the main drawbacks of higher popularity of fast food over traditional meals are variety of health problems and loss of traditional values.

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  12. Many people consider that international convenience food is replacing traditional foods and it has a daunting effect on society and people, as well as families. I firmly support this point of view.

    First of all, it leads to health issues among people as fast cooking contains saturated fat, sugar, salt in great amount and have no nutritional value. Consumers of junk foods by eating it regularly may face with diseases such as obesity, sugar diabetes or illness in their stomach. As the result, consuming junk food instead of traditional can cause weakness in people's immunity and a drop in life expectancy of individuals. Moreover, eating fast food at restaurants killed off families’ contact during meals and the habit of eating regularly.

    Secondly, the popularity of junk foods has a deleterious impact on traditional foods by decreasing conventional value, while unhealthy foods gain admiration. People have been buying fast foods, so it causes expansion of restaurants or cafes, which sell pizzas, hamburgers, hotdog or sandwich. People tend to buy quickly prepared foods and takeaways. In a consequence, the significance of traditional nourishments decreases respectively.

    To conclude, ritual cuisine is being removed by convenience food now. I agree that consuming fast foods lead to lose traditional values and cause many diseases. In that way, they have hazard effect on society, families, people and their personal life.

  13. At the same time as the cuisine of the nation becomes less common in the lives of the people, junk food is gaining increasing popularity. Personally, I agree with the widespread opinion that such changes may have harmful implications on the society.

    First thought, which weighs on everybody’s mind, is that eating convenience food in large amounts is not nutritious for the body. Fast food contains large amounts of harmful substances, which is the main culprit for such diseases as obesity or diabetes. Most of the doctors verify that eating junk food may increase the chances of having cancer. Perhaps, if people didn’t reconsider what they eat, it would lead to the bleak future. Therefore, growing popularity of junk food can negatively affect the health of the consumers.

    The last but not the least important is that it accelerates the rate of the globalization. Perhaps, it may be not harmful in the beginning, yet in the long run it may lead to the huge issue. A traditional food being replaced by the junk food holds irreplaceable importance for the nation. Firstly, it outlines the national identity. Secondly, since it make a food more diverse, people consume more balanced food. Thirdly, having the same meal close the distance between the individual. Therefore, replacing cuisine negates all benefits obtained from it.

    To sum up, I completely agree with the fact that increasing consumption of the junk food can have a negative impact on the society. Life will become less healthy and less diverse in terms of food and national identity.

  14. In the contemporary world, the majority of individuals, especially in developed countries, prefer to save their time by consuming junk food instead of ordinary traditional dishes. I agree with it since it is explicitly observed that this lifestyle contributes to sundry repercussions, specifically affecting detrimentally to health and disrupting other spheres, which include an abominable influence on the general public and cultural tendency.

    To begin with, the masses are assumed to abide by the public’s principles and habits. Indeed, rarely would their busy mode be intervened with other factors, that is why they have to eat either processed food or dine out. It is interesting to note that individuals, notably the young generation imitate others with the consideration that their own culture as not fascinating, fashionable as other’s heritage. Actually, the globalization trend is supposed to have a powerful influence in this trouble. Ergo, the opportunity of arising of social internal issues and gap between two distinct generations will increase significantly. It is widely accepted that impairment in relationships that are caused by rare appointments can be solved close people meetings, thus traditional foods play a vital role in cultural and companionable ways.

    To put in another way, fast foods are reported to have a high-calorie intake, low amounts of nutritious ingredients, and be fattening. Consequently, various health issues will occur, which include obesity and troubles with heart. A good illustration of this is the common situation in the USA, where a great number of teenagers suffer from adiposity. In comparison, traditional dishes are generally found to be organic, and food hygiene is respected.

    Fundamentally, conventional meals should not be substituted with junk foods, which are pernicious in all fields. People are beginning to realize that cultural treasure is more crucial than following others that lead to a worsening globalization trend.

  15. The traditional cuisine of several nations has been widely replaced by junk food in the period of globalization. It is considered that this replacement has a detrimental effect not only on the bonds between family members, but also on the physical health of modern society and I strongly agree with this statement. This tendency has negative consequences in terms of the cultural sphere and physical health. because humankind has started to lose their traditional values.

    Despite some drawbacks such as the time-consuming method of cooking, these dishes are used to be healthier. Some individuals prefer to eat outside because they can avoid spending time on cooking. However, rarely do people realize the importance of national cuisine in terms of cultural heritage. As a result of losing traditional values, people pay less attention to each other, than they used to in the past. For example, having carried out the research, it has been revealed that almost all teenagers prefer to have dinner at restaurants such as KFC or McDonald's. That means, young people tend to be neither with family members nor at home, which negatively affects the relationship between them.

    Another point to consider is the health of today's generation. The traditional food consists of organic products, while fast food is made by using supplements and chemicals. For instance, when people once start to eat junk food it is almost impossible to stop eating it because of some additives. As a detrimental consequence, customers are faced with the problem of overeating and obesity.

    In conclusion, I am convinced that people should keep their traditional food because national cuisine is vital for family relationships. Moreover, the clean and pure composition of ingredients in it provides healthy nutrition and welfare.


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