Friday, September 4, 2020

Week 1 assignment “How might your perspective be similar or different from the one you’ve heard?


1 – Choose the speech you’d like to listen to

2 – Listen to the speech (1-2 times) (YouTube)

3 – While listening try to recognize the speaker’s opinion on the topic and answer the question related to your video

5 – Answer the question “How might your perspective be similar or different from the one you’ve heard?”

6 – Publish your answer 






Priyanka Chopra

“The Full Power of Women” (Education)

What is speaker’s viewpoint on gender inequality in education?


Will Smith

“How to Face Fear”

What is speaker’s viewpoint on fear?


Jordan Peterson

“The Guide to Successful Public Specking”

What is speaker’s viewpoint on successful public speaking?


Jordan Peterson

“The Great Advice to Every Student”

From the speaker’s perspective what is the best thing for students to do?


  1. Video:Jordon Peterson "the great advice to every student"
    Answer: The best advice of the author is to read a lot of books, because they are written by intelectual people. We have to educate ourselves,leran how to think critically, learn to speak in front of an audience and become articulated. There are number of opportunities world providing us by, all student have to do is to use them and take advantage.

    Perspevtives: I am imressed by the speech of Jordan Peterson. I support each word coming out of him. I always thought that knowledge is the greatest power in the world and Jordan persuaded me again. People shuold teach each other to "How to think" not "What to think"

  2. Video: The Greatest Speech Every Student Should Hear (Jordan Peterson)
    Answer: Everyone who enters a university or other educational institution tries to explain that the most important thing is to improve their qualifications and acquire new ones that will be important for us in the future. And if you succeed, then you will shine like a diamond.

    Perspective: I completely agree with him that every educational institution makes us better, and as a result, if we build-up, we will be masters of our craft and will be like a diamond

    1. Hey, pretty interesting point of view!

      Consider the following:
      1)"we will be masters of our craft and will be like a diamond" --> "we will be masters of our craft and shine like a diamond."

      Great work!

  3. Will Smith, "How to face fear?"
    In this video, Will Smith describes a fear, that stops us from doing crucial things and makes people unsure, doubtful. Then, he defines his fear - skydiving. Moreover, he inspires an audience to not make silly actions under fear.

    I think that this is the most motivational video ever done by speakers. Because he describes the tiny thing that destroys our lives every day and shares with faced, real-life experience.

    1. Hello! I really liked your answer and I completely agree with you, because indeed, with his excellent facial expressions, gestures and humor, Will Smith was able to convey his main message to the audience and was even able to motivate them by sharing his personal experience.

  4. Video: “How to Face Fear” by Will Smith.

    Answer: Will Smith's point of view on fear is to actually confront the fear and do things that you have never done before. He told the story of skydiving in Dubai and mentioned that the moment he jumped out of the airplane was the bliss. Don't worry about the risks and ruin your day thinking over this problem.

    Perspective: I was impressed by the speech of Will Smith. It was funny and at the same time very wise. I agree with Will Smith - the moment of withstanding the fear makes you feel extremely satisfied.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Video: Will Smith "How to face fear"

    Answer: Will Smith tells about fear on his own experience. His point of view is that people are always scared of something that they imagined. They imagine that there will be a real danger or catastrophe, that is why they feel uncomfortable, have bad mood and worry about this situation. In fact, they are not worth it and there is nothing such dangerous, it is just our imagination. Everytime the fear of something unreal stops us from achievements and bless. The fear is an obstacle that separates us from the final result and good feelings, that is why we should fight it everyday and learn to accept things as they are. Otherwise, the state of anxiety and fear will ruin our day or even whole life. When people overcome their scares, they can really enjoy the life.

    My perspective: I totally agree with the speaker's opinion. The fear is one of the main things that we should fight and overcome in order to achieve the results or just enjoy the life.

  7. Video: Jordon Peterson "The great advice to every student"
    Answer: Students need to understand the real reason why they are studying. Articulate people who can think and speak are the most powerful because they can do whatever they want. Students have the opportunities and the only thing they need to do is to use them reading good books written by intelligent people.
    My perspective: I absolutely agree with Jordon Peterson because a person who knows how and what to think will always win and live a life he wants to live.

  8. Video: Will Smith “How to Face Fear”

    Will Smith considers fear as an obstacle on the way of great, incredible experiences. "God placed the best things in life on the other side of terror, on the other side of your maximum fear.", - he says. So Will encourages us to fight fear every day of our lives because we have no idea what beautiful things are waiting for us behind that fear.

    My own perspective of fear is similar. It stops you from even trying something new. The fear blocks the way, shuts the doors to brighter opportunities. To me fear is associated with regret most of the time.

    1. Hey, I really like the way you have answered the question! It really conveys what Will Smith wanted to say!

      Just consider these:
      1)"The fear blocks the way, shuts the doors to brighter opportunities." --> "The fear blocks the way and shuts the doors to brighter opportunities."

      Great work!

  9. Video: The Greatest Speech Every Student Should Hear
    Speaker: Jordan Peterson
    Answer: Students should try to take advantage in university and in every other educational facility by using all those instruments that they provided by. Moreover, they should develop social skills, public speaking, read books and generally educate themselves.

    My perspective: I am of the view that humankind is destined to develop and educate, and loosing opportunities that we provided by in modern time is foolishness.

    1. I agree with your point of view and here are my suggestions for you:
      1) to take advantage in university and in every other educational facility-> to take advantage of going to university and other educational facilities
      2) instruments that they provided by -> instruments (maybe opportunities?) that they are provided by
      3) opportunities that we provided by -> opportunities that we are provided by
      and good luck!

  10. Priyanka Chopra - “The Full Power of Women”
    The author of this speech is fully against discrimination towards girls, especially in education. According to her, girls were deprived of education - a basic human right, just because they will get married, and teaching them would be a waste of money. Also, girls at 12-13 (in some areas) are forced to marry and to give birth, while for boys - it is the start of their childhood. She believes that a woman shapes the destiny of civilization, educated girls can not only empower her family, but also own power to change the world.
    I totally agree with Priyanka Chopra, people should not be withdrawn their basic and the most important rights based on their gender. Women are powerful as well as men, and should not be treated with prejudice.

    1. Wow! I am in awe of your answer. I found a mistake only in one sentence: She believes that a woman shapes the destiny of civilization, educated girls can not only empower her family, but also own power to change the world. -> She believes that a woman shapes the destiny of civilization and an educated girl can not only empower her family, but also own/have the power to change the world.

  11. Priyanka Chopra - “The Full Power of Women”
    The author fully against gender inequality in education. According to Priyanka Chopra, In India, women's status has been considered to be lower than that of men. Because of this many girls have not the opportunity to go to schools and get an education. Their parents think that going to schools for girls is not necessary, it is just "a waste of money." As a result, a lot of girls compared to the boys are illiterate. Moreover, 12-13 years old girls are forced to marry and
    give birth to a baby, whilst boys continue to enjoy their childhood.
    The speaker says that inequality in education is not right, as literate and well-educated girls can alter their country.
    I agree with the opinion of the speaker. As she mentioned, girls and boys have an equal right to get education and be consummate professional.

    1. Hi! I agree with your point of view. Equality should be considered in majority of spheres, and education is one of the vital parts in the way to success.

  12. Video: The Greatest Speech Every Student Should Hear
    Speaker: Jordan Peterson
    The powerful matter which has sundry opportunities is not only being educated but also to know how to think and share thoughts. Jordan Peterson assumes that everyone should have a respectful identity to reading books and learning. Moreover, the willingness to aware of new things contributes to crafting student’s highest skills. It is important to note that the optimum way to win is to be a master of formulating arguments.
    From my point of view, the author had an incredible and motivational speech. Indeed, he considers that we are capable of being the world-beaters, a complication of life with unnecessary details should be stopped. I utterly agree with him since individuals must be assured, why they have chosen that way. It does not depend on whether or not it suits the standards of society.

  13. Jordan Peterson: “The Great Advice to Every Student”

    As the speaker mentioned - education is a superpower. Critically thinking is the most important skill and reading books is one of the effective ways to learn it. Intelligent writers can help students to be a master at formulating articulated speech.

    Personally, books are my best friends. Anywhere, at anytime those stories of great individuals provide me the needed information. However, it is vital to choose a well-written book. By reading books people gain experiences, learn to think, learn to speak and I think, it is a key to succes.

    1. Yeap, I agree with your point of view and surely believe that education is the key to success. However, except the reading books as you have mentioned also schools and universities help us to develop such kind of skills.

    2. Hey, I absolutely agree with you! One of the most effective ways to be motivated is to read books!

  14. Speech: Jordan Peterson: “The Great Advice to Every Student”

    Answer: Dr. Peterson gives simple and obvious answer to the questions tormenting students such as what they would do in the future of even is it worth it. As he says, being articulate, able to think and speak is a superpower in the hands of the literate. The answer is that students should stop suffering from the useless things, since such worries amounts to rubbish.

    Question: I absolutely agree with the fact that education is the power in the modern society, since being articulated opens a door to countless opportunities. In different situations, it can help to earn money oe even survive the great calamity. In the hands of the wise man it may become the greatest weapon, so it shouldn't be underestimated.

  15. Speech: Priyanka Chopra "Full Power of Women"

    "Education is a basic human right". The author tells about her personal experience of inequality by calling them "triggers" and gives some examples from Indian girls.
    According to her, a lot of girls and/or their parents give up on education at the age of 12-13. The main reason is the puberty and being ready to become wives/mothers, while boys simple enjoy the rest of their childhood. She says that woman shapes the destiny of civilization and I totally agree with her. Because educated women is the power that no one can stop. However, in my country the vast majority of young girls are fortunately able to get an education, thus this problem is not alarming for Kazakhstan. But the attitude toward girls education is still the same. I do even remember how my aunt told her daughter that school is not that important because in the end we(girls/women) all gonna marry to an educated man. And that's scary.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Video: Priyanka Chopra “The Full Power of Women” (Education)
    Question: What is the speaker's viewpoint on gender inequality in education?

    Answer: As far as I understand, the speaker emphasizes that gender inequality for girls facing it - is not a choice, it is a way of life. So, many girls in developing countries are forced to leave schools simply because they will get married and it is a waste of time. However, it can be inferred from the speech that it is a basic human right and it is unacceptable to not provide education for girls.

    Perspective: The speaker shares some of her personal experience and profoundly conveys the importance of education, so I can't dismiss her ideas. I agree with her point of view and as a woman, I understand how we can be under great pressure just because of our gender. By establishing that common ground, she, I believe, opens up a strong connection with me.

  18. Video: Jordan B Peterson “The great advice to every student”

    Jordan Peterson believes that the main purpose of education is to teach HOW to think not WHAT to think. For students, he advises reading a lot to broaden their mind. He said: “The highest faculty of the human being is articulated speech” which I completely agree with. He also advises “...articulate beyond comprehension...” which I think is the best advice for everyone.

  19. Video: Will Smith's "How to face fear"

    In this video, the speaker recounts his experience of skydiving. He explains how fearful it was before the actual skydiving even started. From his perspective, the fear he experienced before the skydiving is redundant and irrational. Will Smith suggests his audience to "take a daily confrontation" with the concept of fear, while expanding on the irrationality of it all. By exposing the futility of the actual constricting emotion, Will Smith shows that to him fear is an unnecessary emotion and that people should not be ruled by fear.

    In my opinion, the emotion of fear is highly uncomfortable and sometimes hostile emotion. It leads people's minds to irrationality and constrains their thoughts. Nevertheless, I think that it is impossible to get rid of fear for a human, except by physical means such as nerve surgery. That is why I agree with the speaker's idea that every one of us should not be controlled by fear. I believe in the concept of fighting and confronting fear every day.

  20. Video: Jordan B Peterson “The great advice to every student”

    In this video, Jordan Peterson leads a discussion about modern education and the qualities that students really need in real life. He advises reading a lot of books in order to develop articulated speech and develop his authority, influence and competence in society. According to the author of this video, the qualities acquired through reading books are really necessary and important in the life of a successful and wealthy person.

    I completely agree with the author of this video, since a person develops his personality only through learning and acquiring new skills. Moreover, only students have the most free life and unlimited opportunities for the development of personal qualities.

  21. Video: Will Smith - "How to face fear"
    First of all, I want to tell you that I have the same viewpoint as Will Smith. With the help of him, I have realized that fear should not control us because as he said: "God placed the best things in life on the other side of Terror and the other side of your maximum fear.". In order to convince us, he told the audience about his real-life experience of skydiving and how he overcame his fear. To tell the truth, it always controls our minds, and when we continually think about the fear we just ruin our day and nothing more. In my opinion, it is obvious that every person is afraid of something. He asked: "What do you need that fear for?", so the answer is if we have a choice to do not do it why we should be stressed about it. However, people have to remember, that only fear can destroy our real ability, so in some cases, it is essential to step out of the comfort zone to live a blissful life.

    1. WOW! Good job! I agree that fear can destroy our real ability, so, it's essential to get out of the comfort zone to feel content with your life.

  22. Video: Will Smith “How to Face Fear”

    First of all, I really enjoyed this video because Will Smith’s speech was very impressive. By his facial expressions and gesture I was able to feel and fully understand his point of view about facing the fear.
    In his speech, Will Smith talks about his own experience of coping with fear which was skydiving. He expresses his emotions, his thoughts before and after trying this activity. As I understood, speaker has an opinion that before we come face to face with fear, we experience different feelings such as worry and anxiety. We start to fear the thing that we actually didn’t even try before. We want to play for time as long as possible and hope to avoid facing the phobia. But after it happens, all of those emotions and feelings just disappear and we enjoy the activity that we do. So, in conclusion, he says that we shouldn’t waste our time to worries and on thinking about fear. We should just try it and make sure that it is not that frightening. Those words really inspired me and now I absolutely agree with his viewpoint.

  23. Due to living in a culture where manhood is highly dominated, women have to struggle every day to reach an equal level of male creatures. It is believed by the author that girls' education is one of the gravest concerns facing humanity in the future.
    It is conspicuous that girls have an absolute power to adjust the whole world, however, they are unable to acquire knowledge despite all the efforts and progress made.
    I assume that gender inequality in education is a pervasive issue in destitute countries, because of cultural gender biases in these regions. I bet some people presume that the expenditure on women's education can be wasteful, hence the majority of young girls never set a foot in a classroom of a primary school.

  24. “The Full Power of Women” Priyanka Chopra
    In this performance Priyanka Chopra shares with her opinion about unequal opportunities in the education system for girls comparing with boys. She outlines that the gender inequality in the education relates mostly to the developing countries all around the world, where the parents cannot afford “waste their budget” to the girls who will get married and leave the home. Therefore, the boys are always allowed to participate in school lessons, while the girls are limited in obtaining the basic knowledges. The author’s viewpoint is that in high-developed century the girls ought to have the same opportunities in education as the boys, because getting degree is a basic human right. Also, it is an enormous responsibility in relation to a future generation.
    My own perspective is similar to the author’s main point, because the increase number of more educated specialists will influence to increase of the life quality around the whole world and will make our life much better.

  25. “How to Face Fear”
    Author of this marvelous performance is Will Smith. In this interview he was talking about his first time of skydiving and how it was nervous. As a conclusion of his story he said that people should afraid less and be more confident.
    He claim that fear of the unknown is the foolest thing in human's life. People could experience the most blissful feelings in their life if they will run via an obstacle called "fear". He said "God placed the best things in life on the other side of terror." I can not disagree with his point of view because my life experience can prove it. I realized that point of maximum danger is the point of minimum fear. As Will Smith, I am proud of my choice to be fearless and what I have accomplished over the past years.


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