Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Task 20 Version1 In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast food. This has a negative impact on families, individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Plan for 5-10 minutes. Put your plan before your essay. Spend 30 minutes on writing.


  1. In the contemporary world, people tend to consume junk food more than traditional dishes and there is a popular opinion, that eliminating this type of food from daily life might lead to some problems in the family and society. I absolutely agree with this statement, and I opine that loss of national individuality, misunderstanding of mentality and conflict between generations can be one of the consequences of the given issue.
    To commence with, it is important to mention that traditional cuisine of any nation contains diverse healthy ingredients and components. These are recipes that symbolize the whole history of the nation and is inherited. Traditional dishes are part of the mentality, however, due to the popularity of fast food and cuisine of other nations, many families rarely prepare traditional dishes. Accordingly, they prepare them only for national holidays or anniversaries. For example, “Kurban Ait”, “Nauryz” and etc. I assume, that people, instead of promoting our national food, are become addicted to fast food and the cuisine of other nations (Italian, Japanese, Korean) and this leads to the loss of the national individuality.
    In addition, the issue of misunderstanding between adults and adolescents started to develop because of the consumption of the fast food. From my perspective, due to globalization and many changes in the world, fast food consumption took up and even became a trend among the younger generation. For example, the well-known cafe KFS was opened in our country only ten years ago. Most of the older generation do not support the idea of eating junk food and this leads to misunderstanding and the problem of generational conflict.
    To conclude, preferring fast food over traditional healthy food can lead to many socially important problems. Therefore, I believe that people need to reconsider their attitude towards this type of food in order to prevent the further development of those negative consequences.

    1. Wonderfull essay with a wide range of lexical resorces. Author uses different grammar structures and keeps the whole structure of the essay in one piece. There are few demerit that should be mentioned:
      1) Author didn't use an inverse sentence structure.
      2) It is recommended to use more complex sentence structures as a varied conditional sentences where you can substitute if with should
      3) Try to use semicolons in the sentences
      4) Author also can emphasise parts of the complex sentences as ,however,; , in addition,; ,moreover,; and so on
      5)I also believe that giving unique opinion at the conclusion (suggestion or link to other themes) may score the essay higher.

    2. Hello! I have checked your essay and found that you did not use perfect tences. Sentences with "used to" and "would" are also absent. And i recommend you to use inversion next time)

  2. The era of globalization had changed all spheres of life including foodstuffs. Notorious fast food chains such as Burger King, KFC and McDonald’s are gaining more popularity by replacing the intake of traditional foods in many countries. However, in my point of view, consuming junk food in a daily base negatively affects to our well-being and leads to severe consequences for whole country.
    Convenient food has already caused health problems in many countries and it is being wherefore of dozens of diseases. The main reason is in the consistence of the food as far as it is composed of high amount of salt, fat and sugar and little vitamin and protein. Consequently, there is a huge chance to gain obesity as well as other diseases when humanity tends to carry on sedentary lifestyle. Such problem, accordingly, forms a new issue because require the government have to spend more money on the national medical system, which in turn result in a budget cut on other aspects becoming an obstacle of the economy.
    There are tangible consequences on culture too. In other words, when a nation gets addicted towards fast food and restaurants, local culture dies out because traditional cuisine that provides more diverse is inextricably linked with culture. Gradually, people who get used to cook or eat fast food are hardly going back to traditional food due to its complex recipes.
    As a result, I agree with the prevailing of fast food leads to a serious problem in our society. Moreover, it does not only threat our health but also negatively impact to our culture making traditional cuisine to be forgotten.

    1. Good job, Isla! You followed the essay structure, shared with your opinion and used wide range of words.
      However, i would recommend you to use more complex sentence structure and also to follow criteria given by teacher. Good luck!

    2. Hi Isla,
      We use Past Perfect when we talk about past events. For example, I had eaten five apples before you arrived. Я сьел 5 яблок перед тем как ты пришел. Can you see the difference? Review the usage of Perfect tenses.

  3. At the same time as the cuisine of the nation becomes less common in the lives of the people, junk food is gaining increasing popularity. Personally, I agree with the widespread opinion that such changes may have harmful implications on the society.
    First thought, which weighs on everybody’s mind, is that eating convenience food in large amounts is not nutritious for the body. Fast food contains large amounts of harmful substances, which is the main culprit for such diseases as obesity or diabetes. Most of the doctors verify that eating junk food may increase the chances of having cancer. Perhaps, if people don’t reconsider what they eat, it would lead to the bleak future. Therefore, growing popularity of junk food can negatively affect the health of the consumers.
    The last but not the least important is that it accelerates the rate of the globalization. Perhaps, it may be not harmful in the beginning, yet in the long run it may lead to the huge issue. A traditional food being replaced by the junk food holds irreplaceable importance for the nation. Firstly, it outlines the national identity. Secondly, since it make a food more diverse, people consume more balanced food. Thirdly, having the same meal close the distance between the individual. Therefore, replacing cuisine negates all benefits obtained from it.
    To sum up, I completely agree with the fact that increasing consumption of the junk food can have a negative impact on the society. Life will become less healthy and less diverse in terms of food and national identity.

    1. Hello! I have checked you essay and found that you did not used sentences with "used to". And perfect tences are absent, too. I recommend you to use inversion next time.

    2. And one more thing is that using contraction such as "don't" will reduce your score

    3. Hi, do not start your paragraph with "At the same time" it has its own place in a sentence. It meams В то же самое время. Learn the usage of "at the same time"

  4. It is argued that international convenience food is replacing traditional foods and it has a daunting effect on society and people, as well as families. I firmly support this point of view.
    First of all, it leads to health issues among people as fast foods contain saturated fat, sugar, salt in great amount and have no nutritional value. Consumers of junk foods by eating it regularly may face with diseases such as obesity, sugar diabetes or illness in their stomach. As the result, consuming junk food instead of traditional can cause weakness in individuals’ immunity and a drop in life expectancy of individuals. Moreover, eating fast food at restaurants killed off families’ contact during meals and the habit of eating regularly.
    Secondly, the popularity of junk foods has a deleterious impact on traditional foods by decreasing traditional value, while unhealthy foods gain admiration. People have been buying fast foods, so it causes expansion of restaurants or cafes, which sell pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs or sandwich. People tend to buy quickly prepared foods and takeaways. In a consequence, the significance of traditional food decreases respectively.
    To conclude, traditional cuisine is being removed by convenience food now. I agree that consuming fast foods lead to lose traditional values and cause many diseases. In that way, they have hazard effect on society, families, people and their personal life.

    1. Hello! I read your essay and you did really good job. However, you wrote exactly 225 words, so I suggest you to add a couple more sentences in your essay, in order to increase the word count and achieve the criteria of "writing at least 250 words"(it would be nice to expand your thought in the introductory part).

      Your arguments are well written and structured, but there are not enough real examples in each argument.
      You used conjunctions in your complex sentences correctly. Also, you added some sentences with perfect tenses ("People have been buying...") and there are a lot of sentences with passive voice and collocations(face with diseases, leads to health issues).

      To do your sentences much better and to increase your points, you should add some sentences with inversion.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hey, you have done an excellent work! Your linking words provide smooth connection between sentences. Also I see a great range of vocabulary. However, there are some points:
      1. You did not use inversion;
      2. Also there are minor mistakes relating with prepositions articles.
      3. Try to use complex structures.

  5. In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast food. This has a negative impact on families, individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    agree> pure ingredients, obesity and family members spend less time together

    The traditional cuisine of several nations has been replaced by junk food in the period of globalization. I strongly agree that this replacement has a detrimental effect not only on the bonds between family members but also on the physical health of nowadays society.
    The main reason why this trend has negative consequences is that people start to lose their traditional values. This is because rarely do people realize the importance of national cuisine in terms of cultural heritage. As a result, it is not more significant as it was in the past and now people spend less time together in order to have dinner. For example, having carried out research among teenagers, scientists have revealed that almost all of them prefer to have dinner in restaurants such as KFC or McDonald's because of their busy lifestyle. Therefore, young people tend to spend time neither with family members nor at home.
    Another point to consider is the health of today's generation. The reason for this is that while traditional food consists of organic products, fast food is made by using nutritional supplements and chemicals for good taste. As a detrimental consequence, society is faced with the problem of overeating and obesity. For instance, when people once start to eat junk food it is almost impossible to stop eating it. This happens because of all chemicals inside of it and customers become addicted to this kind of food.
    In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that people should keep their traditional food because the importance of it cannot be emphasized too much. This is due to the fact that it has its own cultural significance and clean pure composition of ingredients in it.

    1. VIOLET GLEAM has used perfect tense correctly: ... has been replaced...; Violet also has inversion in a proper way: ...rarely do people...; Collocations, such as junk food, nutritional supplements, were used correctly. Complex sentences are constructed well.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello! I read your essay and you did really good job. You wrote enough words(exactly 281 words) and followed the essay structure.

      Your arguments are well written and structured and there are enough real examples in each argument. However,

      You used conjunctions in your complex sentences correctly. Also, you added some sentences with perfect tenses ("have revealed...", "has been replaced") and there are a lot of sentences with passive voice(is made,is faced) and collocations(face the problem,...). You even use the inversion(rarely do people). Your vocabulary is pretty good.
      However, I noticed some mistakes in punctuation and I suggest you to correct them.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I am staggered by reading this captivating essay. You followed the structure of the agree/disagree essay and wrote more than 250 words (281). You gave your opinion and gave some explanations with examples. You have a good lexical resource.
      My suggestions:
      -attempt to use more advanced vocabulary ;
      -use conjunctions in your complex sentences ;
      -avoid from wordy sentences

  6. Plan:Agree, because it
    1. Causes health probrems
    2. Leads to the loss of traditions.

    It is commonly recognized that the replacement of traditional dishes by fast food products could harm both families and modern society. This essay strongly agrees with this statement since consuming unhealthy food can lead to being overweight as well as to the loss of traditions.

    To begin with, an increasing popularity of junk foods is worsening the problem of obesity in many countries. A growing number of individuals tend to eat oily fast food due to the lack of time for preparing fresh and healthy food on their own. Unfortunately, the ingredients contained in junk foods are completely harmful as they are often high in calories. Therefore, the body's metabolism is slowed whenever we eat unhealthy dishes. In its turn, low metabolism rate leads to the obesity by storing extra calories in fat tissues.

    Furthermore, not only do the fast food affects people's health condition, but it also threatens traditions of many cultures. Not surprisingly, a wide range of traditions and customs are directly connected to local cuisines. These days, however, many traditional recipes are vanishing due to the rising habit of consuming hamburgers and fried chickens. As a result, ways of traditions, such as tea ceremony in China, have now become just a part of the history.

    All things considered, fast food, without any doubt, has negatively influenced public health and customs related to food. AS I see it, we have to reduce the consumption of junk meals in order to alleviate the current situation.

    1. Good job! You followed the essay structure, shared with your opinion and used a wide range of words. I would recommend you to write more than 250 words, use complex sentences and advanced vocabulary. Read about using articles correctly.

  7. Traditional food are the important part of individuals’ healthy regular diet. However, some people assume that fast food altered their position which have negative effects. I completely agree with this statement, as in the contemporary world society are consuming more junk food and it resultsn in destroying of healthy eating habits and loss of traditional culture.
    Firstly, fast food is more attractive and luscious than a traditional food. However, mostly fast food is prepared by frying and adding ingredients with low quality. Due to it there are an abnormal content of calories. The dramatically increasing rate of ilnesses can show impacts of junk food. For instance, heart attack and digestive system hazards are mainly related with fast food. One of the well-known health problem - obesity’s main cause is food that contain the highest level of fat. Generally, those kind of food may put individual’s health at risk.
    Secondly, the fast pace of life leaves only a tiny amount of time for eating and for modern society fast food can be the only way to save time. Nonetheless, this actions making people forget their tradition of eating home foods. For instance, number of restaurants that provide fast food is growing, while rate of people who prefers traditional food and those who cook meal at home with using of great quality ingredients. There is a danger of losing our food culture.
    In conclusion, fast food industries are replacing traditional food institutions and it haves harmful effect on modern society. Nevertheless, individual’s health depends on their decisions and how they follow healthy eating lifestyle.

    1. Great work! Albeit, you have done several mistakes. 1. In the 3 sentence, there should be 'societies' instead of singular form. 2. Illnesses, in second paragraph you made spelling mistake . I recommend you to use other synonyms for word 'however'. This essay has a varied range of vocabulary. Nonetheless, grammatical structures, like inversion and conditionals were not used.

  8. Plan:
    - Introduction(paraphrasing the task,reason of using fast food, my opinion/ agree)
    - Main Body:
    - Health Problems caused by fast foods
    - Damage to the traditional foods and culture


    In twenty first century, in the era of innovations and technologies, where everybody have to be very adaptive, efficient and punctual, every second of our life is essential. Every sphere is adapting to be fast and food is no exception. In terms of efficiency, traditional cuisine is really time consuming, so fast foods are replacing our usual meal. I agree, that international fast foods are damaging our culture of traditional foods.

    Junk food has already caused health issues in many countries. Different quick meal brands such as KFC, McDonalds etc. use highly amount of fat, salt and sugar as well as little vitamin and protein, that are damage for our health in daily consuming. People eating fast food on usual basis are struggling with different diseases, especially obesity became a tremendous thread for the society. USA, where quick meals were created and are very popular is a number one country with people with obesity. This will require the government to spend more money on the national medical system, which will lead to a budget cut on other aspects, education, technology, etc. Eventually, a food change will become an obstacle of the economy.

    Moreover, ready meal is threatening the culture of different nations. The huge number of people among the world are consuming the same type of food - fast food, forgetting their root. Traditional food brings us diversity in not only food choice but also the way it’s cooked. Fast food, on the other hand, bring less choice. Normally, they only serve pizza, hamburgers, and fries. People who get used to cook or eat fast food are hardly going back to traditional food as complexity.

    In conclusion, I completely agree that junk foods destroying many cultural recipes and cuisine masterpieces, which will destroy the uniqueness of thousands of nations.

    1. hi! You wrote a well-structured essay using advanced level vocabulary. It can be seen that you followed the structure of the agree/disagree essay and wrote more than 250 words. You gave your opinion as well as some explanations with examples, also you used a wide-range of lexical resources.
      So my suggestions are:
      1. try to use more advanced vocabulary ;
      2. also attempt to use conjunctions, inversions, and the perfect tense in your complex sentences;
      3. here are your some grammar mistakes: not highly amount -> high amount/ not daily consuming -> daily consumption/ also use THE before USA.

  9. In the contemporary world, majority of individuals, especially in developed countries, prefer to save their time by consuming junk food instead of ordinary traditional dishes. It is explicitly observed that this lifestyle contributes to sundry repercussions, starting with affecting detrimentally to health and disrupting other spheres, which include abominable influence on general public and cultural tendency. Personally, I totally agree with it since conventional meals is one of the most essential keys to nations’ culture and prevention of undernourishment.
    To begin with, masses are assumed to abide by public’s principles, habits and the following trend is extremely popular nowadays. Indeed, their busy mode is not supposed to be intervened with other factors, that is why they have to eat either processed food or dine out. It is interesting to note that individuals, especially young generation imitate others with consideration that it is more fascinating, fashionable in contrast with their own culture. Actually, the globalization trend is supposed to have powerful influence in this trouble. Ergo, the opportunity of arising of social internal issues and gap between two distinct generations will increase significantly. It is widely accepted that impairment in relationships which are caused by rare appointments can be solved with family and close people meetings, thus traditional foods play vital role in cultural and companionable ways.
    To put in another way, fast foods are reported to have high calorie intake, low amount of nutritious ingredients and be fattening. Consequently, various health issues are to occur, which includes obesity and troubles with heart. A good illustration of this is common situation in USA, where a great number of teenagers suffer from adiposity. In comparison, traditional dishes are generally found to be organic and food hygiene is respected.
    Fundamentally, conventional meals should not be substituted with junk foods, which are pernicious in all fields. People are beginning to realize that cultural treasure is more crucial than following others that lead to worsen globalization trend.

    1. Having read this essay, I should say that the author did an awesome job and is worthy for a praise. Writer illustrated wide range of lexical and grammar resources. All ideas are coherent and are logically linked. As for drawbacks of the essay:
      1) Author should think about using less overused words
      2) There is no inversion
      3) Writer should use more complex structures.
      4) Personally, I recommend that writer should more focus on unraveling the pointed idea and sticking opinions in the supporting segment. I believe that author is just stacking examples instead of opening them
      5) Finally, it is good to stick to structure but I believe that writing an essay is an art of showing self, therefore writer should more show who he is and what ideas he have.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello! Great work and amazing thoughts)

      I have noticed at least one complex sentence in your essay, that have been used correctly. However I cannot see any perfect tense, inverse, used to or would. But in general, your essay is full of high level words, good sentence structure and obeyed overall essay structure. Good luck!

    4. hi! Really impressive essay, which consists of advanced level vocabulary as well as less comman words, and it is also well srtuctured. However here are the things:
      1. try to pay attention on the articles ( THE mojority/ on THE general public/ THE young generation/ THE common situation );
      2. You have not used the perfect tense, inversions and because of that most of your sentences are simple;
      3. Unfortunately, I have not found any collocations in your essay. Therefore, in the next time try to include some of them.

  10. In modern realia, processed food has been replacing the long-established dishes, influencing adversely on families, people, and society. I solidly agreed that the replacement causes the neglect of unique traditional cousins and health issues for individuals.

    The food that individually consumes plays a vital role in leading a healthy lifestyle. Although the convince food to gratify their needs in irregular working hours, the overconsumption of junk foods can cause health issues, such as obesity. The precooked dish and chemical ingredients that make them delicious tend to increase the level of cholesterol, which is directly linked with the work of the heart. Furthermore, family members stopped to spend their spare time, sitting together, and sharing with the status quo. Therefore, the introduction of fast food affects the appearance of health diseases and annihilate the family relationships.

    It is conspicuous that the prevalence of junk foods harms society, concerning people forgetting their traditional products and their importance. An increasing amount of international foods may lead to the disappearance of traditional values. For instance, the growth of the fast-food industry has been crowding out the national cousin, because local people tend to be inclined towards junk food restaurants. Hence, traditional values have been neglected because of globalization and monopolization by foreign countries.

    To recapitulate, the replacement of conventional foods has perceptible consequences on society and individuals. Despite the convenience and time saving of junk foods, it can cause irreversible impacts, such as the growth of the indisposed generation and disobeying retrospect values.

  11. People worldwide tend to consume products of fast food chains rather than national cuisines. Moreover, some individuals claim that this tendency have an negative impact on different spheres of our social life. I totally agree with this point because of adverse effect on the health as well as on the culture of local people.

    Initially, consuming a junk food daily cause a variety of healthcare problems. For instance, in UK during the period of 2010 – 2015 child obesity had increased for 27% due to the incrising popularity of fast food restaurants. The reason is the amount of calories and other contaminants such as cholesterol that can be the cause of weight problems or heart diseases. Consequently, people are becoming less healthy as consumption of junk food increases.

    Secondly, these changes in society also affect the traditions and customs of people. This is caused by the fact that people less use their national attributes in everyday life. As a result population loses their identity which might have more gains for human health. According to the researches, Finish, Marconian, Japanese and many other nationalities have the set of the most healthy diets in comparison with the fast food chains which provide with the worst set of diet in a world.

    In conclusion, I agree with the cons of fast food chains in our society. Furthermore, it does not only threat our health, but it also negatively impacts on local culture by altering national cuisines.

    1. Hello, Smart Wood! I like your ideas included in the essay, however you have mistakes:
      1) this tendency HAS (NOT HAVE)
      2) work on articles - a negative impact
      3) junk food causeS - SUB+VERB agreement
      4) in THE UK, incrising - increasing
      5) you can use a synonym of " amount of" - a number of
      6) Use comma - As a result,
      7) "threat" is a noun, to threaten - verb

  12. In several parts of the world convenience dish substituting traditional food and is having detrimental impacts on community, family and person. I totally agree with that statement because this is having hazardous effect on people's health and can lead to the disappearance of traditional values.
    Firstly, popularity of fast food can lead to enormous usage of them. Because of that the society health crashing and people in big amounts have disease like overweight. Traditional dishes in most ways prepared from healthy ingredients and beneficial properties for the human body. For example, among the population, the percentage of fat people has doubled and the death rate from the disease has increased.
    Secondly, people have started to prefer fast food instead of traditional cuisine and this is seeing many traditions disappear. Through traditional cuisine, you can convey the life of the people and its traditions, and soon we can lose it. One of the examples is United states of America with a big population and amount of nations, but most of them do not know their traditions.
    To conclude, I strongly believe that traditional foods are more beneficial and preferable than fast food because it riskier for society health and bring to the loss of traditions.

    1. Hi, Simple Panda! I like your style of writing. However, 204 words aren't enough (min 250).
      1) Articles - A hazardous effect
      2) Firstly, THE popularity of....
      3) a disease
      4) THE US
      5) It IS riskier for the scoiety'S health. Also, you should consider perephrases to enrish your vocabulary.

  13. In the majority of countries, the fast food is replacing the traditional one and is having some negative influence on family bonds, people as well as the community they live in. I totally agree with this statement because consuming this type of food on daily basis can be extremely harmful.

    Firstly, the convenient food has a destructive impact on one’s health and personal live. Excessively consuming the food with a high level of fat and sugar may lead to the health hazards as obesity and increase the risk or even cause the heart diseases. If people are not healthy, the productivity of nation will considerable decrease. In addition, fast food culture not only damaged people’s health but also weakens family bonds and make them vague. Traditional food only strengthens the relationship between family members as they cook and eat together, which is nearly infeasible with fast food.

    Secondly, the wide-spread fast food chains around the world also affect the societies. Traditional cuisine is a reflection of the nation’s values as well as traditions. In other words, there is a strong link between food and culture. In a world, where every other country prefers fast preparing food to traditional food, the national identity and local culture rapidly disappears. Therefore, it has a detrimental impact on societies in the long run.

    In conclusion, it can be clearly seen that international fast foods have a dozen of drawbacks on people and their lives, even though this type of food may be considered as a convenient one.

  14. It is considered by the modern society that phenomenon of the traditional cuisine replacement by popular junk food becoming more and more relevant and threatening concern. People are enjoying the fast service and delicious food products, accordingly reducing the demand for the traditional food. However, I am of the opinion that this occasion has negative impact on individuals as well as communities.
    First of all, the proliferation of the fast food is quite satisfactory method for working family’s needs. In other words, for the family characterized by constant busy schedule composed of no time for self-cooking, it would be efficient way of energy consumption and saving the time. However, despite the convenience of international franchised food industry, there could be lack of communication between family members due to such type of food consumption. Modern people tend to spend less time for having home-made dishes, thereby reducing the strength of the family band. If cooking the traditional meals at home allows family members to make a communication, exchange their opinions and simply be together for certain amount of time, in contrast, eating the fast food from another places and spending less time with family contributes to the emotional weaknesses.
    Another point to consider is the health issues caused by high indicator of the junk food consumption. Frankly, eating a huge amount of fast food from like KFC, Burger King has a strong correlation with such health problems as overweight or obesity. For instance, fried chickens from KFC which has comparatively more calories than traditional cooking method which emphasize a balanced diet will cause the respiratory and weight problems. Additionally, there is another concern of replacing authentic traditional food by fast food which is cultural erosion. Modern people, in particular young generation are less likely to have a family meal because junk food tastes really delicious rather than a soup with boiled carrots and cabbage. As a result of it, the traditional cuisine and cultural cooking methods will be on the threshold of the extinction.
    In conclusion, although fast food became an inevitable aspect of modern society, it has enormous danger for family relationship, health issues and cultural features.

  15. Nowadays the majority of people do not have enough time to cook at home and have a full lunch. That is why often do they choose fast food restaurants. Some people think that this situation causes the replacement of homemade food by different ready meals and negatively affect to the society. I totally agree with this statement and in this essay I will give my personal opinion.
    To begin with, we need to understand, why people prefer fast food. It is obvious that since the beginning of time, humans used to cook in order to eat healthy and delicious meal, which will help to work and live. This state continued until about the last 100 years. At that time it was common for people to have a lunch or dinner together. They cooked at home national and other different foods. But with the development of society and economy, people's free time began to decrease. They started to pay more attention to the work. Businessmen noticed it in time and opened restaurants of fast food, where they could have a quick lunch and then go to work again. Busy citizens were glad for such new conditions. During the next decades such restaurants had become very popular and spread all over the world. So a huge number of people started to regularly visit them.
    At the same time, the number of people who cooked at home was decreasing. So, a lot of traditional foods, which were passed down through generations and have become our heritage, were lost. Because of the fact that people did not cook them during the many decades. It is unfortunate, because with such national foods, we lose the part of our cultural uniqueness and traditions, which our ancestors gave us
    Finally, in my point of view, ready meal restaurants are very good opportunity for people to save the time, but we should not misuse them and cook at home too in order to save our cultural and traditional wealth.


  16. It is widely been said that alternative types of food changing the value of traditional ones. Moreover, people say that fast food negatively affects society and its members. I strongly agree that it has an adverse effect, such as obesity, overall people's health condition and wastes in the environment.
    Fast foods cause a bunch of problems related to health, especially obesity. It leads to it due to high percentages of fats and light calories, that do not provide normal energy to sustain health status. Moreover, it was been revealed by scientists, that junk foods contain excessive fats, sugar, and starch rather than protein and vitamins. Therefore, more people will suffer from this health disease. As a result, it can confidently be said that obesity in society is going to be a vital issue, caused by fast food.
    Another point to consider is the impact of fast food on the environment. It essential to take care of our nature around, however, the increasing demand for junk food negatively impacts the environment. For instance, fast food services provide plastic packages that are unrecyclable waste with a meal. Moreover, observations have revealed that excessive chemical wastes came with the popularity and accessibility of junk foods. Therefore, not only do people, but services also pollute our environment with excessive waste forms. As a consequence, we should give our attention to these surrounding issues.
    To sum up, junk foods are replacing daily common foods, that society used to. Moreover, they have a number of adverse effects, for instance, they cause health problems and pollute the environment.

  17. In many parts of the world traditional food is being replaced by convenience food and it can affect negatively on individuals and entire society. I firmly support that belief due to the fact that it will be injurious to health and significance of traditional foods can be lost.
    First of all, by consuming fast food humankind should remember the hazards on their health. It contains very high percentage of calories, fat and sugar. Moreover, cutlets and sausages that are included in the ingredients can be only semi-finished products, which can be the reason of developing very serious consequences. Undoubtedly, health issues such as obesity or stomach ailments can be provided as a great illustration of those huge problems.
    Secondly, due to the globalization process the fast food services are increasing their popularity which might damage traditional ways of cooking. It has a direct influence on family values. Therefore, a vast majority of families cannot be able to spend their time on cooking and eating together. Besides, if everyone always starts to prefer convenience food rather than traditional food, it will lead to the disappearing of the national identity of certain cuisines.
    In conclusion, I think that although junk food is very fast to prepare and tasty, it is vital to be aware of both negative effect of them on people’s health and traditional food culture.

  18. Traditional foods are an inevitable part of every family. However, due to modern requirements, junk food has shifted them and unfavorably affect people's culture. I totally agree with this opinion since fast food causes health problems, as well as people, can lose their traditional values.
    First of all, fast food has an adverse impact on the physical health of a human. Because it contains chemicals and unhealthy cholesterol which can cause cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, rarely does it provides people with essential vitamins that are important in growth, while homemade food would be a great source of healthy organic molecules and minerals. For instance, one hamburger is approximately 450 calories and contains trans-fats as well as more sugar than proteins. Whereas the homemade sandwich is lighter and got less fat. Likewise, the unhealthy ingredients of fast food would cause obesity and heart problems.
    Secondly, every nation has its traditional food which makes the nations unique. Moreover, preparing these foods would bring together family members and a golden opportunity for spending some time with each other. However, due to the lack of time and changes in priorities, people do not pay that much attention as they used to. Unfortunately, although people understand this, they are still consuming junk food, and devote less time to cooking at home. This causes the traditional foods to be forgotten. As a result, it might have dire consequences on a national level.
    In conclusion, even though fast food is a solution to modern problems, it should not detrimentally change people's lifestyles. I think if people hadn't neglected fast food, it would not have been a problem now and cause health problems.

  19. There is a rising concern about possible withdrawal of traditional dishes as consumers’ acceptance of fast foods has been on the upward trend for the past decade. In my opinion, it is a negative trend with far reaching consequences. I totally agree that this trend possesses a terrible impact on both community and its people.

    To begin with, homemade meals are prepared from organic ingredients which include fresh veggies, raw meat, while the junk food is produced by industrial methods from battery farming materials. Therefore, fast food is called “an unhealthy meal” due to the fact that it is considered as one of the main contributing factor to the obesity, especially among young people. As a result, being overweight is likely to have a serious impact on health. Carrying extra fat leads to serious health consequences such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

    Furthermore, the huge popularity of fast food has not only caused health problems but also weakened the family bonding. That is to say that by gathering around a table for conventional food, the family has an opportunity to strengthen relationships between family members. However, now many children prefer eating in fast food branches with friends of their age rather than with their parents which decreases the amount of time where the whole family actually gathers. As a consequence, this could lead to the loss of the family tradition of eating together.

    In conclusion, from my perspective, junk food is more than likely to have a negative influence bringing unwholesome results and bad habits setting the stage for health disasters for people of different ages. It is my belief that everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food.

    1. Hi, my dear! Thank you for such a great essay, it was a pleasure to read it. I liked that you have used many complex sentences, a wide range of linking words to connect your ideas as well as good management over the topical vocabulary. Also, that you have avoided generalization by using words such as "likely, could".
      However, the last sentence of the 1st body paragraph left the feeling of uncertainty. It would be better if you had finished that paragraph with "as a result, .. " sentence.
      1. "THE possible withdrawal.."
      2. far-reaching (with a hyphen)
      3. you are supposed to write 'junk food' without "the"
      4. "one of the main contributing factorS"
      5. personally, I think "peers" is better and less wordy than "friends of their age"
      Besides, do not forget to use conditionals, inversions :)
      Overall, it was a really good essay. Wish you luck!

  20. As era of globalization has come, international fast-food brands became quite common. People prefer visiting MacDonald’s rather than gathering by cooking national food and having a meal at home as a family. Some people assume that rising popularity of fast-food restaurants is a detrimental tendency, which has negative consequences on entire society as well as on families and individuals and I completely agree with them.
    First, with the rising popularity of pizzas, hot-dogs and hamburgers, the number of overweighed people increase. This problem especially seems alarming when it comes to children .Rarely do people realize the danger of frequent fast-food consumption. Fast food is high in fats and cholesterol, and an excess of these two components may lead to serious health issues. In this way, obesity becomes another huge problem for the health department. For instance, USA is the country, which is considered as a hometown of fast food has the greatest number of obese people
    Second, the growing intake of fast food makes national dishes to lose their significance. Traditional food is valuable part of national identity. However, it is likely to disappear because people prefer ordering fast food that requires less both time and effort. If a region had unique dishes, but globalization arrived there, it is highly possible that they will not survive the rivalry with fast-food giants.
    Finally, due to the busy lifestyle, people’s reliance on fast food increased. Before sandwiches and burgers appeared, families used to go to grocery together, cook their dinner and have heartwarming discussions while having a meal. All of those mentioned processes seem insignificant but they are not. Such moments strengthen family bonds and create an atmosphere of kindness and love.
    In conclusion, despite the convenience of consuming fast food, it causes health problems, ruin the national identity by replacing traditional dishes and resists forming the family bonds.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Intro: I totally agree
    1st reason: all meals eventually will taste the same despite the place and cultural background
    2nd reason: families will not spend time with each other

    Nowadays the culture of fast food and fast life is widely spread all over the world. Some people claim that slow food, on the other hand, suffers from that and emphasizes its consequences in different aspects of life. I totally agree with this idea and in this essay, I will support my opinion with example.

    Actually, the vast majority of people opposes the standardization of taste that fast food companies promote. It means that, for instance, the hamburger will taste the same either it is served in America or in China. Therefore, the proponents of traditional food believe it dismisses the idea of cultural food variety. If all foods were produced according to one principle everywhere, we would lose that cultural and traditional background of the food.

    The second reason focuses on the importance of leisurely meal with family and friend. Spending time with the loved ones during the meal significantly contributes to how they get bounded. But fast food undermines that value, by establishing the new lifestyle - fast life. In the end, it should be asserted that it may lead to the loss of traditions in regions where having slow pleasure in the home plays a key role.

    As fast-food companies grow, it becomes the reason for perennial debates about food production. Personally, I think traditional food culture has to be preserved since I support the idea of food diversity and unhurried enjoyment offered by it.

    1. Hello, thank you for your essay :)
      1. the vast majority of people oppose (not opposes)
      2. leisurely mealS
      3. with family and friendS
      4. in America or China
      5. what do you mean by slow food?
      6. try not to write like 'in this essay ..."
      Good luck, my dear!

  23. t is commonly witnessed in several parts of the world that convenience food is rapidly replacing the traditional food and is having detrimental impacts on people, their families as well as the societies. I firmly support this belief and will discuss it in forthcoming paragraphs.

    First and foremost, the trend of consuming finger food in excess has deleterious effects on people and their personal lives. To illustrate this, there are health hazards caused by junk foods because they are incredibly high in fat and sugar. By consuming them excessively, health issues like obesity, high levels of cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases are caused. Also, the personal relations are interrupted as in part, families used to cook and eat together, by which a quality time was spent together. But in the current scenario, it does not seem possible.
    On a broader perspective, the popularity of fast food across the globe is also disturbing the societies. For example, as people are inclined towards convenience foods, the traditional foods are loosing their significance. In other words, as every region has its specific food specialty, with the introduction of international foods, they are more likely to disappear. In this way, the whole communities will face unfavorable impacts in terms of losing their traditional values.

    Finally, by virtue of analytical study of the various aspects of the subject, it can be stated that even though fast food seems convenient, it has tragic consequences for individuals and societies in the long term.

  24. Year by year human's life becoming easier and easier,thanks to technology and globalization, even food has become as accessible as possible for all people. I agree that fast foods have eaten up traditional foods and it is bad affects for the health of families and society.I have a number of arguments for this.
    There are many detrimental effects on family health. Firstly, at the present time people work very hard and, accordingly, they do not have time to cook and enjoy traditional homemade food, as a result of which they switch to fast food. One of the popular fast foods is McDonald's. Secondly, people forget their roots and traditions. For example, in the past, all family members sat together and ate, and at the dinner table they shared their day's events. These fast foods are eaten alone and quickly so that no one has time to talk. As a result, family ties and relationships become blurred. Moreover, the art of home cooking suffers greatly.The local culture is also plagued by fast food when people prefer fast food and restaurants.
    The traditional cuisines of each nation are unique, but when all people around the world eat the same type of fast food, the uniqueness of these cuisines is lost.
    In conclusion, I agree that international fast food took its place, and traditional food faded into the background. Of course, this has an adverse effect on individuals, families and society.


  25. Plan
    1Introduction(strongly agree)
    2 The deleterious effect on family(kinship and culture )
    3 Negative effect on health (obesity)
    4 Conclusion

    Eating fast food is gaining more popularity while conventional cuisine is starting to being neglected by most of people. Many people argue that this trends in diet will cause negative effects to many aspects of community. I strongly agree with them due to the harm of junk food to family relationship and national culture as well as the social health.

    Cooking together may be the key process in the family to feel an emotional fulfillment. However, fast food, which supposed to shorten the time to prepare a dinner may enlarge the psychological distance. If we compare the family, spending much time at work or study and order a food at evenings with another one, whose members expend time together on cooking and have dinner together, it is obvious that the latter is more effective. Never should we allow fast food to totally replace the immutable traditional menu.

    Another hazard of eating junk food frequently is that the large proportion of society may suffer from obesity. The content of , for example, hamburger or pizza is not healthy and might accumulate extra fats in the human organism. Consequently, it will engender another abnormalities as diseases of heart and skeletal system. If people consume junk food in great amounts, the health of whole society will fall down. Instead, it would be more healthy if they eat fruit, vegetables and meat.

    To conclude, the deleterious effect of the fast food is obvious. It threatens our kinship in family as well as our health. Therefore, the healthy diet should be followed by every member of the community.

  26. Many countries are facing the problem of fast food predominating over traditional food. I completely agree that the growing consumption of fast food harms individuals and society causing health and interpersonal relationship problems.

    Firstly, a high level of fast food using has a deleterious effect on public health.
    Owing to the fat and sugar which are components of junk food people are facing health issues like obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic weight problems. At the moment, obesity in the United States of America is a major health issue resulting in numerous diseases and significant numbers of early mortality. This is due to the high number of fast-food restaurants which offer big portions of junk food for low prices. However, chronic weight disorders are not the only problem in the USA, but it is also a rapidly growing global health problem.

    Another point to consider is that fast food domination over traditional food may cause family and societal issues. In some countries, traditional food is a valuable part of cultures such as language or literature. Therefore, the trend of fast food consumption may cause a loss of cultural values. Also, the interpersonal relations in the family might be disrupted as a result of a preference for fast food than traditional meals. An example of this is a family who used to spent time together by cooking a meal and eating together. However, in the case of fast-food dominance, it is not possible.

    In conclusion, the complete displacement of traditional food by fast food will have tragic consequences for individuals and society.

    260 words

  27. With a growing world population, many countries have faced situation where people favor to consume fast food more than their traditional kitchen. Personally, I completely agree that this is a huge problem which has a negative impact on citizens and society.
    Firstly, it is not a secret that consuming too much junk food might cause the issues surrounding obesity and weight problems. People who prefer to eat junk food on a daily basis tend to feel anxiety and have heartaches when they become elders. At the moment, average kid in the USA is consuming fast food such as sandwiches and burgers more than twice a week. Undoubtedly, this fact make scientists wonder about a lifestyle of coming generation.
    Another point to consider is that in countries where traditional dishes are successfully replacing by fast foods, citizens might lose their sense of national spirit. Obviously, main wave of tourists are coming in order to discover new cultures especially their kitchen. However, in the conditions when citizens of particular country are consuming same thing as their neighboring state, some tourists might lose their intentions to visit this particular country. This would result in the collapse of tourism.
    Taking everything into consideration, replacing national dishes by modern fast food might cause a lot of problems to families, individual’s health and particular countries too.

  28. Plan: Fast food contains fat; traditional cuisine as an important part of culture(many nutrients, original taste and more delicious); These are developed by communities over a long period of time; Although junk food is cheaper bringing back to normal our body cost needs more money than eating healthy food initially

    In modern society, fast foods are intensely replacing traditional cuisine. While restaurants such as McDonald’s, KFC are quite popular among the people in all continents, many families began to forget about the national foods.I totally agree that this is a negative trend concerning all aspects of our life . Not only it has a detrimental impact on human health, but also affects families, personality and the general public.
    First of all, people need to eat in order to stay healthy. That means it should accumulate a body with energy and range of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, water, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, and protein. Junk foods, in this case, contain few of the nutrients and a lot of fat, sugar and salt, which the body can easily get too much of. Creating the impression of being cheaper and time-saving, in fact, the consequences of eating such food can be harmful and bring the body to initial state will cost a large amount of money and even more time.
    Secondly, traditional food,an important part of culture developed by communities over a long period of time , includes the methods that made it the most beneficial to well-being. Long time boiling which is initial to exterminate all dangerous bacterias, fresh vegetables and minimum supplementals enough to cover everything that human organism needs.
    Finally, eating is a means to form strong bonds with other people. Preparing fast food is a quick deal, in contrast, cooking, serving and consuming traditional food together strengthens family relationships.
    In conclusion, it is a very pressing issue that many families rely more on fast foods than preparing traditional foods at home.Taking into account all written above, I am firmly convinced that even though fast food seems convenient now, in long term it has more downsides to individuals and society as a whole.

  29. In modern society, the fast food sphere has become such a large industry that even in some ways it has begun to replace national cuisines. There is an opinion that this alignment of events can have a bad effect on society and on members of society, that is, on us, on people. I believe that this opinion is correct and I agree with this.
    First, as we all know, fast foods are the main source of obesity among people. Any fast food product is multi-calorie and can have a huge impact on the physical condition of the consumer of this product. Daily use can lead to bowel disease, which can significantly affect the exchange of things in the body. This, like any disease, first of all has a bad effect on the emotional state of a person, and in some cases it can be a cause for depression.
    Secondly, with the development of the fast food system and with the growing demand for such food, people lose the need to eat together. Everyone can eat quickly and clean up after themselves without wasting much time. In this regard, contact between people decreases. The same happens with family dinners. With the advent of technology, family dinners were the only time family members had contact with each other. Now, with the advent of fast food, this happens less often.
    As we can see, frequent consumption of fast food can have an impact on human health, plus it can affect relationships between people, which is the main resource. Of course it is tasty, fast, but do not overuse them.

  30. Plan:
    -Introduction(Thesis, my point of the view)
    -Main body: 2 paragraphs(pros and cons of the process of replacing traditional food by fast food)
    -Conclusion (Based on the arguments above)

    In the modern world, fast food products have begun to gain high demand and popularity. However, the fact that they are becoming popular does not make them useful at all. I am of the view that eating fast food has the same amount of benefits and harms.
    Of course, there are several advantages of fast food products, such as: saving time on cooking, saving money and finally the ability to eat little, but at the same time enough. Moreover, such food is more accessible to people and able to solve the global problems associated with hunger. For example, wealthy businesses are helping countries, which are suffering from hunger, with fast food.
    Оn the other hand, regular consumption of fast food will significantly affect the human body. Fast food products contain substances necessary for our body, but these substances are in excess there. Substances such as: salts, sugars and fats. Therefore, with their excessive usage in products, a person will begin to suffer from various diseases, ranging from obesity to diseases with the circulatory system.
    Based on the foregoing, I believe that eating fast food is appropriate, but in small quantities and not permanently. At the same time, a person should monitor the health and pay attention to the diet.

  31. Plan: agree that consuming of fast food has negative consequences
    1. health problems such as obesity
    2. loss of traditional values

    It is argued that over last decades, popularity of junk food has highly increased among modern society all over the world by replacing a national cuisine. This negative tendency leads to ridiculous changes in relationship between family members and health of whole population. I absolutely agree with the statement, because increasing the population suffering from obesity and other health problems, and disappearing of national individualities are the possible consequences of this issue.
    First of all, non-stop lifestyle and time shortage allows people to order fast food from highly-popular restaurants, such as McDonalds and KFC instead of waste their valuable time on cooking. Therefore, currently the society tends to consume more fried, fatty food, which contains a variety of chemical additives, than it was before. As a result, the obesity and breathing issues caused by excess weight are more abundant health problems among the world population. For instance, only in United States 30% of the society harms from obesity, this is the highest percentage around the world.
    Another negative is that replacing traditional dishes with junk food causes loss of traditions and historical importance of numerous nations. The traditional food is one of the basic parts of identity of each nation or a country, which describes them. Hence, the traditional values ought to be saved by the society in order to pass it to the future generations. In addition to, cooking traditional dishes strengthen relationships between family members by spending time together and enjoying the cooking process.
    In conclusion, the main drawbacks of higher popularity of fast food over traditional meals are variety of health problems and loss of traditional values.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Introduction: Totally disagree
    P1: Food become more diverse
    P2: Food become more healthy cause the new ingredient
    Conclusion: Food is in balance
    Some people think that traditional national dishes were replaced by junk food. I totally disagree with that opinion, so in this essay I will present the reasons.
    Firstly, people always cook traditional food to the celebrations, so in daily life we could eat more diverse food. For example, in Kazakhstan we have less fruits and vegetables while meet is very common. Consequently, the numbers of vitamins and nutrition are very limited. As that moment, we can eat more and more foreign products, so this is a big advantage of that globalization process
    Secondly, variability of dishes will be healthier, because people in modern life don’t take only junk food, since nowadays we have a big choice of ingredients and recipes. As a result, we can combine different foods as healthy food, Chinese food, sports diet food and other types in order to take our metabolism in balance. For example, the Kazakh traditional dish is “Beshparmak”, this is just dough with meet without any vegetables. As a result, this food will be unhealthy in regularly nutrition without varied vitamins. Consequently, it causes the problem with disease like the scurvy when you haven’t got enough C vitamins.
    In conclusion, in my personal opinion, the modern dishes didn’t replace traditional food. It’s complements our diets for taking it in balance.

  34. Plan: agree because it deteriorates 1) the health of society and 2) the knowledge of traditional food
    Owing to the globalization process many fields in human life are being altered and these changes have an effect on food industry thoroughly. These days fast food which is easy to find in almost every city of many countries started to transcend traditional dishes. I absolutely agree that this trend influences community in negative way because it deteriorates the health of society and the knowledge of traditional food.
    Since food is a source of energy that directly impacts the health people should consciously choose what they eat. Nowadays there is a plenty of junk food, so that people even began to study nutritional science in order to understand the relationship between the nutrition and health. Selling fast food is a profitable way of earning money but, unfortunately, the owners of this business do not think about the health of the nation. Therefore, individuals ought to try to stay healthy by themselves.
    Under no circumstances should fast food replace traditional foods due to fact that traditional dishes are indispensable part of culture. It is important to keep the traditional cuisine because we cannot forget our origins. In spite of the possible convenience in preparing fast food, it still affects negatively on health. In comparison with this cooking traditional dishes may contribute family members to get closer.
    In conclusion, if the countries continue to eliminate traditional foods, there will be no opportunities to create a healthy society and honor the traditions. Thus, we need to promote traditional cuisine in order to form a strong nation.

    1. 1)these changes have an effect on food industry thoroughly->these changes have an enormous effect on food industry
      2) due to fact that->due to the fact that
      3)In comparison with this cooking traditional dishes may contribute family members to get closer.-> While cooking traditional dishes may contribute to bringing family members closer.

  35. 1. forgetting traditions, loosing national identity
    2. health problems
    These days, national cuisine is beginning to be forgotten in many countries because of the spreading of fast food around the world. This essay agrees that this trend negatively affects the society, families and individuals. Firstly, this essay will discuss the drawback of fast food on society, such as forgetting national traditions and secondly, discuss its negative influence on one's health.
    Due to the sharp development of globalization, traditional food of many countries is familiar for the other states. However, one of the most popular types of food in today’s day became fast food, so that this trend causes the replacement of national cuisine by fast food. Due to the consumption of fast food and influence of globalization, countries are loosing their national identity. This causes the lack of knowledge of a new generation about their country’straditions and national food. The future of countries as the unique nations is near to be impossible.
    On the other hand, nowadays, people often do not eat well because of the lack of time and resources. Being always available and cheap, fast food had gained popularity among consumers. However, while being convenient to eat, fast food is also harmful for people’s health. Number of researches had identified, that daily consumption of fast food, most commonly, causes diseases such as obesity, stomachache and gastritis. That is why in today’s society fatness is a very common problem among people from children to adults.
    In conclusion, the development of fast food consumption in many countries negatively affects families, individuals and society. Taking all the points discussed above into consideration, I support the view that it is crucial for every country to develop the consumption of traditional food and save their national identity.

  36. Rapid growth of junk food popularity is quite noticeable in large number of countries, therefore people tend to change their diet by cutting home-cooked meals and stuck to fast food menu. Such tendency appears to essentially affect in-family relationships, decrease total health level of a human being and negatively impact culture and traditions raised in society many decades ago.
    First of all, adherence for poor nutrition might cause family members to spend less time together, as fast food restaurants offer quick service and instill the habit of eating on the go. Family dinners seem to fade at that point. Hence, family connection weakens especially in big cities, where life tempo is already pretty high.
    In addition, disagreements might appear due to the generation gap. As known adolescents and young adults are the ones to prefer junk food over traditional cuisine. Therefore, older people may forbid that poor diet, which also leads to frequent disputes.
    Secondly, fast food has a negative impact on ones’ health because it happened to contain a lot of fat and fatty components. Repeated consumption of such dishes can lead to enormous amount of varies diseases, for example obesity and diabetes.
    To finish with, the change in people diet could harm the culture because traditional cuisine plays a significant role in society. It represents and reflects the history and traditions of a country. Well then, getting used to eat only junk food impacts not only an individual but an entire country.
    In conclusion, I totally agree with the statement about negative effects of replacing traditional dishes by fast food because all of the above an individual, a family and a society suffers from such experience.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Some pedagogues support the idea of music education. I partially agree with this statement, as despite its benefits as improving cognitive skills and personality, this lesson might be unnecessary for other students who are likely to study other subjects.

    First of all, I believe that any extracurricular activity has a positive impact on children’s development, and playing a musical instrument is not an exception. Learning process will increase the brain activity which is significant for enhancement of creativity, memory and patience. In spite of the fact that this might be challenging for some children, I am of the view that music classes will teach juniors how to become more responsible and even inspire them and assist in finding their direction in this life. For example, not all the parents are aware musical abilities of their child, and classes such as this will reveal young talents.


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