Monday, May 4, 2020

Task 19 Reflection on blogging

Remember it is a reflection report, so you should not follow the IELTS essay format.
Write more than 250 words. Do not worry about grammar and usage of academic words. The main focus is your opinion about the blog. It is free writing.
You should describe the blog first and then write about giving and receiving feedback.  Write as if you are explaining it to your friend. :
These questions may help you to write.
1. What are doing? (Description of the blog)
2. How are you doing?
3. Write about the process of giving feedback. (How is it helping you? What have you learned by commenting? What skills have you learned by giving feedback? How working on the blog is helping you in your life? How is it going to help you in your future career?) 
4. What you do not like about the blog. 
5. Your suggestions.


  1. Last year I was looking for a website where I can share with my writing works in english and get comments and feedback for my work. Fortunataly, I found a website called Everyday I visit this site to gain some knowledge and to read works of other people in english. Personally, I firmly believe that the finest way to learn english is to do practice works and get feedback from other people as you.
    This website provide an environment for us to share with our essays and develop our level of English.
    My entire class is writing essays and commenting this blog on a daily basis.
    One reason I favorite this website is that there are many topics for writing tasks in English. We can select one of them as we want and post our work below the chosen topic.
    Secondly, the most beneficial point of this website is that personal account of each user is defended by the terms of privacy. That is why we can not see who wrote a comment to our writing work. It might be beneficial to your friend who wants to criticize your work but does not want let you know who wrote it¯\_(ツ)_/¯. However, your tutor or teacher can see the actual names of each person in order to assess your work.
    To sum up, I love this site and will attend this website often. All students! Please login and learn English here.

  2. Blogger is really convenient platform to share ideas,write essays and read other people's opinion and writing works.There we can choose our favourite topic and write our own essays on tis topic.We can read other people's essays, which can help us to correct ourself and take new ideas.Also our teacher can easyly see all works of all students and comment them,check and give some advice to our future writing works.But usually students comment other students work.Sometimes this activity is useful for all of us, because it guarantees that student will read other student's work, also students will be more aware with mistakes and with the essay structure.On the other hand, some students can comment or give incorrectly advice to other students, which can lead then to the mistakes in these students's essay.Also, our posts are anonymously, I think that it is a benefit of blogger.Because some people dont want to show their mistakes to other students.Only teacher can see our real names, other students see only nicknames,which is really funny and give some atmosphere of blogging.
    The only thing, which I dont like there is little place to write.Really uncomfortable to write there, then we should firstly write our works on document, then put it here.My suggestion to programm developers of this site is to create a convenient place where students can work with comfort.

  3. Since we - students and teachers started to use this blog, I would say the process of English learning developed very much. This platform a great way to improve our language, it has so many advantages!
    Of course, it is obvious that this blog is convenient and easy-to-use. I write all my essays, publish them very quickly, I am not snowed under with papers. Personally, I really do not like writing all things by hand. After publishing my essays, I save them to one document, so by adding new versions of it, I can monitor my progress. I think. I will be well-prepared to my exams (for example, IELTS) because I remember all essays I have written.
    Actually I receive some good feedback not only from my teacher but also from other teachers and students. In the blog, there are people from different classes and by reading their essays I feel I’m kinda bounded with them. I read their essays where they express and explain their thoughts. Even I don’t know who they are, at least I know their ideas and perspectives. Every day I comment on their works and most of them are really good at writing. This motivates me to write and I am encouraged to do my best.
    I highly appreciate the willingness of people in the blog to read your essay and try to understand your point of view. It is a community where all of them are extra polite and kind to you. Members of the blog treat each other equally and respectfully.
    I really like that people share their knowledge, so you can use them and practise more and in the end, you will gain proficiency in English.

  4. The first point I should mention about the blog is that we are practicing in writing task 2 and improving our essays. We write, we give feedback to each other and then, change them. So, I'd say that it is not only work of ourselves, but it is collaborative work of the whole grop. Another point is that our writings don't only depend on the writing on the blog and fixing the weak sides based on the feedbacks. We also learn additionally grammar,vocabulary and structure.
    In terms of my progress on the blog and process of writing, there is large difference between my first essays and the last ones. I have gained a huge knowledge relating all criterias of writing task 2. Moreover, I learn new structures and words by reading the essays of other authors and comparing them with mine and it is noteworthy that there are many capable students , whose writings are brilliant. Some essays are so impressive that they don't need a feedback and nobody should criticise them. But, I am glad when the author improves his essay according to my comment. and I learned to evaluate my own works by giving a feedback to others. I think that the critical thinking and assessing the works according to criteria is a great skill to be prospective in the future career.
    However, I have a little suggestion. Our job would be more productive if we wrote faster and more freqienty than we do now

  5. The blog is pretty simple. Everyone uses the blog by tying their mail and can create a blog and join the participants. In our case, the creator of the blog is a teacher and the blog is used to write and receive feedback for the essay.
     First, the teacher publishes an essay topic that is visible to all blog participants. The teacher also indicates the criterion and the number of words. Then the students write essays according to the specified topic and criteria.
     All students can comment on the essays of others. For example, at the moment in our blog we write mainly written assignments in the IELTS format. Therefore, the comment should also be structured and based on this format. For me personally, commenting on the essays of other participants was useful because I got to know the evaluation criteria and key points in writing different written works in the IELTS format. Accordingly, I began to pay attention to compliance with the criteria in my work. Now I do not know what other benefit I can get from the blog, but I am sure that in the future it will still be useful to me.
    For me, this style of blogging has no shortcomings and is convenient.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Blogger is a free blogging platform where users in our case are students who might share their knowledge with each other. Because it's owned by Google, users can link it to various other Google products, like photo-sharing sites and Google Drive. We use the blog as a workplace for IELTS writing. Blog is controlled by a teacher, who determines topics and creates threads for essays.Moreover, students may comment on each other’s essays which provides interaction and circulation of knowledge between students.

    Using this platform has greatly facilitated our studying process.Firstly, in blog students can type and publish their writing in two clicks which is faster than writing on paper.Secondly, blog facilitates the task of the teacher: students send their work to one online platform which provides systemisation of process. It is better than receiving student’s work via whatsapp or email. One of the useful features of blog is anonymity of members: only the owner of the thread(teacher) may see real names of students. It allows students to be confident and free in their writing.
    Next is the ability to comment on each other’s work.Let’s look at it in details:
    Commenting is handy for both the commenter and the person who gets a comment.
    Person who writes feedback, commenting on someone’s work can get new knowledge for himself. The person who receives feedback will get an opportunity to rewrite and make their work better.
    Commenting on others' writing helps me to improve my own writing skills and broaden my vocabulary. Working in a blog provides me with activity during quarantine.
    There is nothing in the blog that I do not like. One suggestion is to add thread for free topic essays where students can post their essays written by themselves.For instance, I have written several essays on different topics which I would like them to be checked too.

  8. We’ve been working on writing using that blog for a long time. This method became pretty comfortable in the meantime. There are some reasons why do I like practicing on this block:
    1.My work can be accessed, not only by the teacher but also by my fellow peers. I have an opportunity to get professional consultation, and moreover, gain advice from philistines.
    2.I can compare my own writing skills while commenting on essays. I can see if I’m doing well or bad compared with others. I can find out my mistakes and weaknesses.
    3.It perfectly fits distance learning. This practice can be done and commented at any time, any day of the week. Comfortable.
    4.Privacy. Others do not see my name on comments, I do not see the names of my peers. As a result, no one is embarrassed about stuff done on the website.
    However, some students do not take this practice seriously and do not give solid feedback. I easily can handle constructive criticism and I would like to see deep and versatile analysis of my essays, just as I do so that we all can improve together. Thank you all for your active participation.

  9. Looking back on it now, it has been more than 3 years since we started to write various essays and comments on our blog. In general, we have already written articles, essays and even short private posts where we shared with our lifestyles like how did we spend our winter holidays. I think we really benefitted from these writing activities.

    To begin with, the most vital thing I`ve learnt is a communication. I mean, you know before this blog I have never participated in such kind of online blogs, where you can interact with members. So, thanks to it, now I know how to address other bloggers and the way I should treat them when I give feedback to their work. Secondly, of course (no matter how obvious it sounds ;)) it is the knowledge of vocabulary and ideas on a particular topic that I personally gained from this experience. It is like when you check others essays and just read them, you start to search for new words and expressions without realizing it. Then, writing new versions of your past work helps to figure out mistakes and some sides of your work that you should consider in the future. It is not a secret that your 1st work usually seems as a perfect, however when you get others viewpoint, it really helps to change some perspectives and grammar, too.

    In addition, I would like to make some suggestions. For example, it would be interesting to return back to abandoned activities as just sharing with our opinion without any borders. I mean when you have no obligatory limits to words number and to structure like IELTS. I don`t say that we should not write IELTS essays, but along with them we can rarely write those free-topical kind of compositions for the sake of sharing our views. I think it would be really interesting to read other`s opinion on debatable,mind storming or sharing with life-experience questions like: what is your inspiration in this life? What was your last sad mood and why? What causes stress in your daily life? The funniest story in your life? Or just your favourite quote and why? Mixing IELTS and this type of questions would be really appealing to write!

  10. “Blogger” is a website on which people can register for free and start publishing their blogs. Our blog is called “Let us learn English together” and has been set up in 2017. We have decided to use this website in order to develop our English writing skills. All students as bloggers remain completely anonymous and only the teacher knows the identities of bloggers. The teacher publishes essay question and then every blogger posts his or her personal writing. Afterwards bloggers comment each other’s work giving feedbacks. There are 2-3 versions of one writing task where improved essays are published. We have been working in this way for 3 years and I think that not only do I see a real progress in my writings, but other students see it too because we learn new grammar structures and replenish our vocabulary. In my opinion, “Blogger” is a great tool for working on writing due to its convenience of use. Moreover, a huge advantage of this blog is that the students do not hesitate to post their essays since it is anonymous. By reading the feedbacks we work on the mistakes and reproduce our works. Finally, this website allows us to unite assisting each other.

  11. «Let us learn English together» blog is a platform for English language learners to get experience in writing IELTS level essays as well as identifying mistakes in the various essays and correcting them. This writing is a reflection on what I experienced as a learner in regards to the feedback system of the blog.
    The foremost problem I identified in regards to the feedback system is that some of the students give feedback, which does not contain useful or rather constructive criticism. That is not to say that students should not encourage the others in their feedback, but in my opinion it would have been much more efficient if learners gave their good wishes along with some constructive criticism.
    Another problem, which I admit that I am guilty of contributing to, is that not all of the students give their feedback frequently enough for the learners to know how to improve their essays. Some learners are left without feedback. Fortunately, though, this problem was already addressed by the host of the blog. Now, all the students are “partnered” with two other people and they are required to give comments to these specific two people’s essays.
    Nevertheless, the blog has some significant advantages when it comes to the comment section, as feedback from other students helps learners to learn from their own mistakes. Some of the more experienced writers can help the less experienced writers, and even teachers partake in giving constructive criticism. By receiving information about their mistakes, students learn of what to pay attention to and the subtle nuances of writing. Not only does this help the writers, but those who give out their comments can also learn by reading and analyzing the works of their peers.
    Overall, my feedback in regards to the comment section of the blog is positive. I believe that advantages of the feedback system outweigh the disadvantages.

  12. “Let’s learn English together” blog is a great opportunity for students to acquire their writing and reading skills, enrich vocabulary as well as interact with each other. Students write essays on the given topics and then comment on other works, meanwhile receiving own feedback and improving their essays. In my opinion, usage of nicknames helps some students to express their thoughts and give more constructive feedback on other writings. I am of the view the way the blog is organized creates a good learning environment where each student learn and contribute to this process.

    This blog has started in 2017 when I was only in 8th grade. It was very new, more modern and meanwhile very interesting way of organizing English classes. For me it was interesting to read friends’ works and even though they were all anonymous, I tried to identify students based on their writings. It was a sort of a fun game; therefore, I was eager to read different writings in a hope to find friends’ works. As a result, I got to know other students’ interests, thoughts and ideas.

    In my opinion, this blog is a good preparation for the upcoming IELTS testing, especially for the writing portion. Topics are taken from the previous IELTS testings, which is a good practice for the real test. Recently, other English teachers started to involve in this educational project by commenting on students’ works, giving relevant and professional feedback.

    There is always a way for growing, and new developments on the blog always makes me happy. I want to add some suggestions in order to improve this blog. For instance, making an option for liking other works, just like in the social media. Another way could be weekly awards, like “top commenter” or “best writer”, so students will have more motivation to write and comment on other works.

    Overall, “Let’s learn English together” blog significantly developed my writing and reading skills as well as brightened my school days and made my learning English more exciting.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The using of modern technology is a great method in order to improve the necessary skills. Owing to the fact that majority people have access to the contemporary devises we could practice that.
    The writing essays in the blogger web-site were a good practice, because it is completely anonymous and you can do not be shy if you make some mistakes. As a result, you can easily to take feedback from other people in the sphere where you knowledge is a little, so you can correct yourself. Moreover, you can aid to other people if you understand some rules that rest of the people may do not know. Consequently, this process will remind your knowledge about grammar and structures.
    However, the main advantage for me from this blogger is the ideas exchange. I have my own perspective for the problem and my own opinion, since I will write with that perspective. Nevertheless, after when I will read others’ essays I can look at challenge from different angles as well as learn some new information about the topic. Furthermore, it helps me to improve my vocabulary as soon as acquire knowledge about new structures.
    In conclusion, the writing essay in blogger was a really useful process for me and I learn more things about English writing techniques.

  15. I have been using the blogger platform for a long time. Since 2017, the platform has become a source of inspiration for me to prepare for IELTS, the hundreds of essays that published here motivate me to become better at writing them. Moreover, a blogger is a great opportunity to work on your mistakes and correct them because you have a chance to receive constant feedback.
    For me, the biggest plus of the blog is anonymity. People do not see your real name, therefore, they cannot judge you, and this is very important for introverts. The blog helps to find new ideas, or gain new knowledge that will be useful in the future. For example, if a person understands some area more than you do, you can always ask for advice from such a person, even without knowing who it is. Maybe you yourself can help someone. This is very important, because even on IELTS you don’t know what topic you will find. Moreover, here you can find a lot of vivid expressions, vocabulary, phrases that can be used in communication, and also will be useful for those who are going to study abroad.
    All in all, a blog is a great opportunity to develop, find new ideas, and prepare for exams such as IELTS. I would also like to thank Nagima Kenzhebekovna for such a successful organization of the blog and the efforts put into it.

  16. “Blogger” is a unique platform, where students can anonymously publish their pieces of writing and then receive feedback from other users. We have been using “Blogger” for a couple of years already, and it definitely affected our writing skills.

    I’ve been on “Blogger” from the very beginning. It was a long way up. During all that time I did okay. I mean, of course, sometimes I felt lazy as any other ordinary human being. However, I have never underestimated its’ importance in helping me to develop in many different ways. In my opinion, the best part of the platform is commenting essays of other students. Looking for mistakes was never easy, and it really developed our reading and critical thinking. Therefore, “Blogger” concentrates on different skills and not only on writing. Working on the blog is meaningful, especially for now, when all of us have to pass our IELTS exam. The blog also has helped me in my real life and affected my personality. Giving and receiving feedback taught me how to give polite and constructive criticism, as well as how to perceive it. Moreover, constant writing, developed my thinking skills and creativity because we have to finish tasks in time and to do so, you have to be fast enough to come up with dome ideas. I’m not sure how the blog would help me in the future with my career, but the presence of high writing skills and other qualities has never bothered a person.

    What I really like about the blog is that it is pretty convenient and easy to use. Every person is absolutely anonymous and can publish an essay or feedback without any embarrassment. I can’t think of any suggestion because working on the “Blogger” was always pretty interesting and quite easy for me.

  17. The blog is a great opportunity for students to improve their writing skills by sharing own writing works, giving feedbacks and reading other students’ essays. People share amazing ideas for some topical essays and receive feedbacks from other students. In process of commenting, the student pays attention to an appropriate vocabulary related to the given topic, the range of grammar and make suggestion in order to assist another student to improve his/her performance.

    By reading other’s works, you may learn new academic words or some idioms that you do not know before, and as a result, broaden your lexical resources. As for me, giving the feedback is really helpful, especially for our future exams, because in the process the student have a chance to imagine being an examiner for a short period of time. It gives a deeper understanding how our works are assessed in exams, such as IELTS, and how improve our own essays according to the assessment criteria (grammatical range, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, task achievement). It enables to establish strengths and weaknesses of our writing works and improve the weak parts of our performance by ourselves.

    In the future, I would like to write on the blog more frequent, because we spent not enough time on posting essays. I believe that the most effective case for improving the writing skills is to write on the blog on a daily basis.

  18. The blog "Let Us Learn English together" was created by our teacher to develop our skills in this language. In our blog, participants write topic-related essays (for example, topics from IELTS), evaluate each other, and provide essential feedback about others’ work to improve it in the long term. Moreover, students in the blog rewrite the old version of their essays based on previous comments by other users.
    From my point of view, the blog is supposed to be a fundamental part of learning English. I say like that, because we really work hard, develop our abilities, and work on our mistakes. I think it is widely known that evaluating someone’s job teaches other users and ourselves too. Furthermore, the blog is a convenient way to share and post essays, thanks to the Internet, it does not require a pen or paper. In my opinion, feedbacks are an essential part of our tiny blog. This is because, not only does feedback teach a student, but it also helps to avoid these issues in the long term. Personally, I have learned some advanced grammar structures and new paraphrases to terms, thanks to other users. Moreover, the obtained information helps to improve other’s essays too, and it really assists me in speaking. Besides, it is much better to do mistakes right now, so we could have born it in our minds. Thanks to the site, I work on my own mistakes and trying to fix it. Also, the website gives us a completely anonymous, so everyone can freely comment to each other.
    However, the blog has some issues with authorization. For instance, I could not sign in, when I had several Google accounts in the system. Besides, this issue is not reflecting on the efficiency of users.
    In the end, my suggestions to improve the functionality of the blog is to solve some minor problem. But, in general, the blog allows us to learn hard, and improve language skills.

  19. Unfortunately, I started using this website since only this year. However, I believe that during this short period I’ve gained a huge experience of preparation for our IELTS exam. I think that if I was joined to this blog site 1-2 years ago, I definitely would develop dramatically not only my writing skills, but also critical thinking skills. It’s an awesome opportunity to share your ideas, structurize your essay and fairly easily share with the constant comments and feedbacks. Another crucial benefit of the blog is its anonymity. People can create a new nickname which they would like to have and it absolutely don’t affect to the communication path. Despite the fact that there are various essays for the particular topic, it really provides you with different ideas, perspectives which could be used in the IELTS writing exam. Here you can have an opportunity to get the qualitative feedback from the other users and easily figure out your mistakes in your essay and immediately find out effective solution for fixing it. On the other hand, here is an opportunity of rewriting and idealizing your previous essay by writing new version of the identic topic. I believe that such a method is much more beneficial rather than writing essays one by one, thereby ignoring the mistakes and incorrect structures. In general, I would like to say that during the period of the blog usage I felt that my writing skill has been significantly improved and that regular feedbacks made me to pay attention to the other users’ opinion and, on this basis, create your own idealized essay.

  20. Since 2016 I’ve been working on this blog and have written more than 12 essays. The blog is created by my English language teacher, who established the rules:

    * Write essays
    * Give feedback to others
    * Rewrite your essay

    These rules became my lifestyle. Having been an 8th grader, I have had mixed feelings about this blog because it’s not teachers, who are checking your work, it’s STUDENTS, just like you.

    However, as time goes by, I started receiving constructive comments, where you are not criticized, but suggested how to improve your essay. Starting from that moment, I understood that blog can give me knowledge, that will aim me in the long run.

    Firstly, due to the blog, I’ve learned how to properly give a feedback on something: you should compliment and write something really nice at the beginning, your suggestions in the middle and again something nice about this essay. Just like sandwiches :).

    Secondly, I’ve improved my writing skills, which is obvious, because we have putted so much effort on this blog.

    * Takes a while to receive a comment
    * Sometimes you receive so simple comments, such as “Good job! Check the spelling of “curriculum” “, while you write an essay-comment on somebody’s essay.
    * Dependency on others: you cannot move further, if you haven’t receive a feedback.

    This blog is history. 60+ students by anonymity became friends and family: you know each other, even though you don’t. Every time I write new essay, I am waiting for feedback from “Hero of the world” or “Freya” and other my virtual friends.

  21. “Let us learn English together” is a blog platform, where users can share their essays with others. The process of working is simple: people publish their essays in this blog, then other users will give a feedback. This website was designed to help people to improve their writing skills.

    It is not a secret that such practice can significantly improve our skills, because there is an opportunity of getting many different comments. The variety of points of view is helpful in order to find out some unnoticeable mistakes. People can advise some points that are needed to be improved or changed. Moreover, we can give feedbacks and comment essays, as well. In addition, there users can type their nick names to keep anonymity. During the reading works of theirs, we can also notice and take to use some useful words, collocations or sentence structures. By giving feedback, I have learned to pay attention to the details in the essay, such as punctuations and prepositions. This blog can help me to improve my writing skills and in the future it will be useful in writing motivation essays and different writing tasks.

    However, there is one point that I do not like and want to recommend to improve. The main thing is that it is quite inconvenient to go through all works till the end of the page to get the writing and publishing field. It would be better, if developers of the website change its position to the top, just at the bottom of the task.

    To sum up, I can say that in spite this point, the blog is very helpful and I recommend people to use it in order to develop their writing skills.

  22. This blog is way of training the writing skills by analyzing each other’s essays, receiving feedbacks from the students and doing task 2 essays on a variety of topics that was first used by our teacher, unless I’m mistaken. Analysis and reflection give us chance to identify typical mistakes that we do in writing tasks what would increase our odds to avoid them during the next exams. Topics of different sorts allows to investigate the topical vocabulary and structures of the writing task 2 to gain higher score. Moreover, when we are writing the essay in comfortable atmosphere, we are also learning to time ourselves what will allow us to do the real one at the time as well as do not be so stressed by the exam conditions. I personally try to do every task that have been given by Miss Nagima as most of us do. Although this blog has a plenty of pros it also is not so perfect. The reasons are that sometimes this blog is not taken seriously what makes the quality of the essay and feedbacks far more unhelpful. In addition, it takes a lot of time to work on it because you need to develop one writing around the one topic several times to really benefit from that and spend time on relevant commenting. I would recommend giving more time on first or second time to study the topical vocabulary and the structure.

  23. I first started using when I was a 7-th grade student. At the beginning I had some issues due to the lack of experience in writing tasks and faced some challenges while writing on the blog. However, my teacher always supported me telling that while working on the blog we will gather great experience, improve our skills and learn how to give feedback to other bloggers in order to benefit our own writing skills by noticing different mistakes. On this site we met different people who also gave us feedback and helped us in improving our writing tasks. I found out different styles of writing from other students and took some new things for me thanks to users of this blog, because we all are trying to use different sentence structures, academic words, write in different essay types, etc. After several years of blogging and commenting I came to realize that this really develops our writing skills and is useful in today days because of the need of taking important and more or less difficult exams (such as IELTS, SAT, etc.). Now, I feel that continuing working on the blog will definitely benefit my IELTS band score for what I am very grateful. I like that we are getting comments from people with different perspectives, knowledge and edits. My suggestion for increasing the advantages of blogging is to urge teachers to check the works of students and make comments in order to give more motivation for bloggers and benefit students’ works.

  24. Blogger is a free blog-publishing service where people can easily express their opinions or ideas about the certain topic.
    My classmates and I use this platform for the IELTS Writing preparation. We open a special order of tasks and then start to write and publish our essays. Then, other students who are participating in our Blog leave the comments under the writings in order to correct the mistakes and give some advice on grammar or vocabulary. From my point of view, It is very convenient to write there due to the fact that it is easy to read other people’s works and feedbacks. The Blog is organized in special style, so it would not make a discomfort for the users.
    Personally speaking, I consider this process which is happening in the Blog very helpful. Firstly, everyone is able to write a several versions of their writing tasks in order to correct their selves and work on their problems that were in previous ones. Secondly, students can share their own thoughts about the others essays and give a feedback. I think that it will be a tremendous contribution for our exams, because we learn new things. Moreover, by reading other users’ works we are learning new advanced grammar and vocabulary, ideas and point of views.
    However, one thing that I noticed in the Blog is that some people have no comments, and so somebody will have no things to learn or correct to do their best. Therefore, I would suggest dividing in little groups in order to have a partner to give a feedback for every participant, so every people can learn something new.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.