Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Task 17 Version 1 Why do you think social skills are now being emphasized by companies during the recruitment process? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  1. In today's world, it can be undeniable that the labor market is becoming more competitive every day. More and more employers are paying special attention to workers who have developed social skills. Personally, I firmly believe that there are a number of reasons for this that will be discussed in this essay.
    Firstly, it’s no secret to anyone that social skills are of great importance when selecting an employee for an individual position. Most international companies are always concerned about how to outperform their competitors. Thus, they emphasize that their employee must have collaborative skills that are useful for enhancing the growth of the organization. For instance, last studies in Canadian University show that people who can work in groups and controll their process are smart people.
    Secondly, because of the high competition in the labor market, people are forced to do work under pressure. Consequently, immense companies will need workers that can handle with the workload. For example, employees who have high emotional intelligence can go through the enormous amount of stress on a daily basis.
    Also, it would be fair to mention that competition in industries grew exponentially, so a well-paid employee must have perfect language skills to win the competition. Communication and body language play a vital role in attracting customer attention. According to the statistics, people with developed language skills can make-up a successful deal with business partners.
    Taking into account everything, the growth of the company depends on the qualifications of the employee and on his abilities. Therefore, each recruiting agency should focus on social skills such as teamwork, stress management and much more to improve the business.

    1. Hello, Walter White! I really like your essay, your vocabulary and grammar as well. However, the expression "Personally, I .. " creates a tautology, you are repeating your words.
      9 line: ..show that people ... are smart people. In this case you shoul've left just " are smart" without "people"
      Second to last sentence: inappropriate usage of preposition "on".

    2. Hello, your essay is well-written. You used a wide range of vocabulary. Answered to the main question os the task, and paraphrased several words with synonyms. But you also have some mistakes. You used 5 times the word "employee" and it would be better if you paraphrase them. You should reconstruct the last sentence of your introduction section. In the first sentence you need to use "it is not a secret" or "there is no secret". Maybe I'm wrong, but don't you think that your example about studies in Canadian University is a little weird?

    3. Hi, Heisenberg, I am just amazed with your writing style which uses different structures correctly and makes your reader enjoy!
      I would like to suggest you, to check these sides of your essay:

      1) not "labor" but "laboUr" , because we need to write by following the UK spelling, not US one
      2) "handle with the workland" - should be "handle the workland", as far as I am informed the phrase is "to handle smth" without any preposition there
      3) please put articles before these words: (!here) high emotional intelligence,to mention that (!here) competition,(!here) customer attention

      Generally, you did a great job, please keep going. Your grammar and vocabulary are amazing ;)

  2. It can not be ignored in the modern world that the labor market is highly competitive. Public behavior and management skills are given special consideration when workers are hired for a certain job. This article analyzes why selection criteria have been modified.
    Actually, social skills are of great importance when a individual is chosen for a specific job. Next, globalisation, which put together professional employees into cross-sectional communities, has produced multinational corporations. For the company's success teamwork is very helpful and important, so that the owners pay special attention to the communication skills needed to interact with other team members.An recent study in Europe, for example, has shown that 85 percent of the courses offered by leading universities of Germany, Austria and Hungary include group activities to develop communication skills with team members.Finally, this is a very tough labor market and people have to work under extreme stress. Degrees in management help to teach workers how to handle tension. For starters, many institutions are leading stress reduction courses to make their students more ready to face the real world. Students will do routine relaxing practices like workouts, smile, laugh, exchange knowledge with friends.
    To summarize, the success of the industry relies on employees' skills. Each hiring agency should therefore concentrate on social skills like teamwork, stress management and many more to improve the company.

    1. Hello, Rakamakafo! You did a great job, and I like your writing style. However, there are my suggestions for you:
      1) globaliSation -> globaliZation
      2) a individual -> an individual
      3) An recent study -> a recent study
      4) therefore -> , therefore,

    2. Hello, you have a very good essay. But you have some insignificant mistakes. There are some mistakes with the articles and punctuation mistakes.

    3. Hello, Rakamakafo!
      1. As all of us know, the number of words should be more than 250, and next time try to achieve this number, beacuse you wrote only 224 words.
      2. I recommend you to write more than one body paragraph, and remember to focus on only one idea in each part and promote it in details. Despite you follow the instruction, for instance, to provide with examples, your format is inappropriate and may affect your score.
      3. Suggest you to work on articles as it mentioned in Marco's comment
      4. Try to use more linking words, collocations and avoid long listing (Germany, Austria, Hungary)
      5. It would be better to ise your life experience, instead of statistics and studies
      6. The quality of your essay can be enhanced by the usage of complex sentence structures, conditional sentences and synonyms.

  3. Nowadays, the job market has been altered and soft skills, such as communicating, are valued more, while employer are recruiting the personnel. The technical or theoretical knowledge are not enough to satisfy them and climb up the corporate ladder. This essay will consider the reasons for this alteration in job requirements.
    The first reason is the globalization, which has exceptional effect on the skills on demand since the relations between countries went to the new level and many multinational companies need communicative staff, who can work in teams. The team work is also being accentuated by hirers, who believe that it brings more development and profit. For example, the manager, who can confidently speak with customers, workers or his team and able to promote the product in front of the people is immutable to many companies.
    Secondly, the burden of work and competition in market is related to increased stress level at the workplace. Management degrees help employers to deal with stress not only at his work, but also minimize it among the team. The minimal level of conflicts between colleagues is beneficial to authority since it saves the time and improves the quality and quantity of the product. If we take enormous companies, naming Facebook or Google, they value the ability to fight stress and seek for communicative people to work.
    In conclusion, social skills among employees are on-demand now because of trends in the workplace of multinational companies and the rise of communication, which is connected with the development of international relations.

    1. Hello, you have a good essay. You used a wide range of vocabulary, gave examples and used different sentence structures. You have a really good level of paraphrasing. But you have some things that you need to improve. In the first sentence you should use "employers are recruiting". Also, it should be "the trends".

    2. Hey, lazypotato! You've written a really good essay. There are my suggestions how to improve your essay:
      1) You did major mistakes by confusing is/are. For instance, employer are -> employer is and so on.
      2) globalization - without an article.
      3)team work -> teamwork
      4) You missed some articles such as a, an and the (the market)
      exceptional -> an exceptional

    3. Hello, my lazypotato,to be honest, I enjoyed your this essay more than the previous one. Now it seems better as well as more organised. Also, you have used some topical collacations and followed my last feedback. I was so glad by noticing that.
      However, there are someminor mistakes to be corrected:
      - employer ARE (not IS)
      - globalization (without an article)
      - has AN exceptional effect (the worf effect is countable)
      - teamwork (it should be written together, as one word)
      - in THE market
      - at his work but (no comma)
      - in your first and second body paragraph, it seems that it should be employEES(not employers)
      - it saves the time, and improves the quality and quantity( comma after the first "and")
      I suggest you to use more linking words to show a flow of your ideas and make them logically connected. Good job, my dear. Proud of you!!!!

  4. Competition in the modern labor market requires a wide range of skills. Now theoretical knowledge is not enough to hold a position in an advanced company.The reason for this is that the company's success depends on the emotional intelligence and social skills of employees.

    To begin with, nowadays selection of employees based on social skills such as team working, communication and grace under pressure.First, many companies require well coordinated work by employees to take a leading position in the market. Thus, they emphasize team working skills which are handy for growth of a company. For example, BI group company managers offered by the courses of organized work space which improve this skill.

    Secondly, due to communication with customers is vital, people should have impressive communication skills. Sharpened communication skills allow them to gain the attention of consumers which is important in the sales sector. For instance, a salesman with specified skills can easily sell products or the manager of a company might sign a profitable contract.

    Furthermore, a huge flow of work needs stress tolerance. Take for instance, a university business and management degree offers courses of stress management which confirms the need for stress tolerance.The last, another social skill is interpersonal skills.Well-coordinated teamwork and assistance to a teammate will help to increase work efficiency and create a friendly atmosphere.

    Taking everything into consideration, the success of a company depends on the personality and social skills of the employee. Thus, recruiters focused on social skills such as team working, communication, stress tolerance and interpersonal skills
    260 words

    1. Hi! You wrote very good essay!
      -I think it will be better if you say "due to the vitality/significance of the communication"
      -Try to use another synonyms of the word "communication"
      - "well-coordinated" should be written with hyphen (2paragr, 2line)

    2. Hello, linq! I really liked your essay, thank you very much for sharing with your ideas ;)

      The arguments were generally relevant and excellent as you tried to look from different perspectives. Moreover, I think improving these points would make your work even better:

      1) not "labor", but "laboUr" market, because the 1st one is US spelling and the 2nd is the one that we should use in IELTS - UK spelling

      2) "workplace" is not 2 separate words, it is just 1 word

      3) please check the structure of Passive Voice, as you are writing "managers offered" and "recruiters focused". It should be ""managers ARE offered" and "recruiters ARE focused". (P.S. not shouting at you, but trying to highlight the difference😂)

      4) please be careful with articles, here should be articles(!) before these words: (!here)theoretical knowledge, (!here)selection of employees, (!here)communication with customers,needs (!here) stress tolerance, (!here) work efficiency.

      I liked the way you used various collocations and topical vocabulary!

    3. Good afternoon, linq, it is my first time writing a feedback to you. I hope you will not be offended and that we can do good job. I think that you wrote a pretty great essay, I really liked it. Especially, the introduction part, there were good background information and you have briefly provided your future argument.
      Besides, i have noticed that you have used quite a lot of ideas for this essay. I know that the topic is engaging but to develop one idea properly, it ie better to write 1-2 arguments. Also, i've notices that you were generalizing like you can't be sure that these skills WILL ensure success to a company, so it is better just to assume. There are some of your mistakes:
      - THE selection of employees
      - well-coordinated (with hyphen)
      - for THE growth of
      - university business and management degree offer(not offerS)
      I recommend you to review and work on the punctuantion in complex and compound sentences as well as pay attention to others comment, which might be useful. I hope you get my point and will do improvements in your essay. Have a nice day, darling!!!

  5. Over the last years, the way the people is being employed has changed. Companies started to pay more attention on social skills. There are several reasons for development such culture in work communities, so in this essay I will look at them.

    It have to be noted, that the encouragement of having good-developed communication skills is based on productivity of work. It was investigated that building a strong team work impact effectiveness of people. For instance, companies are deprived of teams where everyone can easily become part of the team, so they can use best quality of each workers to increase the productivity. As a result, people who referred to make friends among their colleagues and able to get involved into any processes quickly is really appreciated.

    Secondly, one of the reasons head of the recruitment emphasizes social skills is that it can improve creativity. Person who can strik up a new friendships without facing any issues, therefore is able to bounce ideas off people at work. Endless communication and interaction between employers sometimes leads to spontaneous situations where great ideas can be produced. Companies understand this and try to make that happen more periodically. As a result, people with interpersonal skills contribute to the development of promoting creativity.

    In conclusion, enhancing social networks at work can resulted in increasing both productivity and innovation. The people who has social flexibility can empower new ways of company improvement.

    1. Hello!
      -Look for the usag of articles a/an/the with countable and uncountable nouns!
      -It have to be noted, it should be "It have been noted" or "It HAS to be noted", correct the form of the verb
      -Try to exchange the word "good"with more academic one
      -impact ON (you can learn it in collocation dictionary)
      -EACH WORKER, (not "workerS"), "Each" is a way of seeing the members of a group as individuals, but it can also be used with plural nouns and pronouns BUT must be followed by 'of', (learn it in ef.com)
      -Typing mistake in the word "strikE"
      -can result(!) in
      Good job!

    2. Hi, Raj. I enjoyed reading your essay. However, you have minor problems as: 1) people is being – people are being
      2)It have to be noted – it has to be noted
      3) a strong team work – a strong teamwork
      4) a new friendships – new friendships/a new friendship
      5) employers sometimes leads – employers sometimes lead
      6) person who can strik up – please, fix it, please.


  6. In today’s world, labour market has became extremely overcrowded, and candidates have developed incredible competitiveness. Surprisingly, high qualifications and a superior mind are not the only merits that workers should have in order to successfully climb up the career ladder. Many cutting edge-companies seek for interpersonal skills of as much importance as being a graduate of the eminent university. This essay will analyze this tendency and figure out the main reasons.

    It must be mentioned, that nowadays a special emphasis is given to communication skills during the selection process for a particular job. First of all, human resources managers prefer individuals that are capable of working in a team since huge companies have to deal with enormous amount of work and manage versatile projects that require collaboration. Teamwork is a crucial aspect for companies to succeed. For instance, ccording to recent researches conducted in Turkey telecommunication company, 95% of tasks cannot be performed without the joint effort of the whole group. Moreover, due to globalization a lot of companies find integration entirely efficient; therefore a candidate must be ready to work with new colleges. Last but not least, the job requires a great amount of time. Time-management skills play a significant role in workers’ efficiency. For example, training dedicated to time-management is one of the most popular courses of all.

    To conclude, globalisation and an extremely competitive job market have increased the demand for skilled workers who also have good social skills like teamwork and time-management in order to tackle the difficulties of nowadays processing reality.

    1. Hi MagicUnicorn! I just enjoy reading your essay, thank you very much for your hard work ;)

      The best thing about it is that it contains a lot of academic words and advanced vocabulary, which definitely can higher your score. The arguments are clear and given in a speical logical sequence which makes reading understandable.

      However, I would really recommend you to have a look here:
      1) has became - has becOme, as you know Present Perfect has a structure "has/have Verb3", so the 3rd form of "become" is again "become", therefore it should be 'o' instead of 'a'.
      2) please put articles before "incredible competitiveness", "collaboration", "globalization", "integration"
      3) "cutting edge-companies", I think here should not be "-" after the word "edge"
      4) ccording - According
      5) It would be the perfect essay if you would separate you body paragraph into 2 and write 2 distinct ideas in each. In this way, you could develop your second idea better with supporting arguments
      6) I hope you have checked before writing time-management skills as social skills, because I think the time-management is other type of skill rather than the communication. I really hope you are sure about it as an examiner might get confused because of the task achievement.

      Generally, I loved your essay very much, you know you have that subtle art of writing that includes really natural academic words and collocations! Keep going ;) Waiting for your new essay, darling

  7. It is quite noticeable that companies have started paying attention on communicational skills of employees recently. The reasons of this changes in market are recent studies that found out that high-qualified service and higher sufficiency of production can be provided by more socially adopted workers.

    Firstly, communication with consumers can be developed by sociable team, since they can find common ground with client. In other words, communicative employees usually evolve their service which today plays crucial role in all spheres. To illustrate this, customers would rather go shopping in mall than in market due to comfortable atmosphere in those facilities. This rule is common for all businesses because people like feeling comfortable as well as convenience of the service.

    Secondly, close-knit stuff always does a better coordinated teamwork what has a huge impact on effectiveness of company products. Moreover, in majority of situations those teams are established by worker with developed soft skills. For example, team of penguins that consists of leader Skipper and other communicative members shows how this kind of social people can work effectively.

    In conclusion, it is obvious that market have rapidly changed during last few decades and will keep going in this way in order to produce product of higher quality and in fewer period of time, so companies should follow those trends to keep pace and stay competitive.

    1. Smart Wood,
      You use high-level vocabulary such as "common ground" and "close-knit" and linking words. But, I suggest you to analyse your examples one more time, it seems they are sometimes irrelevant

    2. Hi Smart Wood. It seems like you are really smart according to your essay. 'Cause I really like it. I just enjoy reading your essay, thank you very much for your hard work ;)
      In my opinion the best thing that your essay contain it is a strong structure. However, I think that you should work on some points on order to make your essay better.
      1) In introduction you wrote "this changes", it should be "these changes".
      2) Surprisingly I didn't find any other grammar mistake in your essay. Really good job!
      3) May be you will try to use other linking words instead of "Firstly", "Secondly", "In conclusion" because they are quite overused in essays. So, it would be very beneficial if you will use specific words to impress examiner.

    3. You make really good job. The all mistakes that i found ware mentioned before. As a result, I want say good luck and continue work like that.

  8. In today's world, it cannot be refuted that the job market has become extremely competitive. Just possessing theoretical knowledge or technical knowledge-how is not enough to climb up the corporate ladder. Special emphasis is given on social behaviour and management skills during recruitment interviews for a particular post.

    As a matter of fact, nowadays a lot of importance is given to social skills at the time of selecting an individual for a particular job. Firstly, globalisation has given rise to the multinational companies where skilled blue-collar workers collaborate in cross-functional teams. Teamwork is extremely beneficial and necessary for the success of the company and therefore, management skills are needed to deal with other team members are emphasized upon by the company owners. For example, in a recent survey conducted in the US, it was shown that 90% of the management courses offered by the top universities involved group activities to sharpen this skill of getting along with the teammates.

    Last but not the least, this job market is fiercely competitive and people have to work under a lot of stress. Management degrees help to teach the workers to cope with stress. For example, all top universities across the world hold classes for stress management so that their students are better equipped to face the real world. As a result, one of the modern requirements is a great ability to deal with stress effectively and to take it easy.

    In conclusion, globalisation and an extremely competitive job market have increased the demand for skilled workers who also have good social skills like teamwork and enterprise and can withstand the stress and strain in today's job scenario.

    1. I just have finished reading your incredible essay, and I have to admit that it is the best essay I have ever read on this blog. Actually, it felt like I was reading a band 9 essay from special web-sites. Wonderful job.
      Your essay structure definitely matches the classic IELTS essay structure.
      Your language contains a wide range of versatile vocabulary that makes you sound natural as a native speaker. Things, that were especially unique and eminent, and I want to point out:
      1. Linking words;
      2. Collocations;
      4. Topical vocabulary;
      My eye didn't catch any grammatical mistakes. Overall, you are doing great! ;)

    2. Dear Lucky Dr.Robert, you wrote a great essay using a wide range of academic words. I think that it would be better if you used conditionals, inversions and other sentence structures. Also pay attention to punctuation. Here are some of your mistakes that I noticed:
      1) As a matter of fact, nowadays a lot of importance -> As a matter of fact, nowadays, a lot of importance
      2) company and therefore, management -> company, and therefore, management
      3) management skills are needed to deal with other team members are emphasized upon by the company owners -> management skills needed to deal with other team members are emphasized upon by the company owners
      Overall, you have done a good job. Good luck!

  9. Nowadays priorities of hiring workers have been considerably changed. Many companies require a high level of soft skills, such as an ability to communicate with people. There are some causes of this situation and in this essay I will provide my own vision of this state.
    To begin with, it is necessary to understand to what extent have the recruitment process changed. During the several centuries, the physical skill was one of the most important proficiencies, because in those days, society needed a lot of blue-collar workers. Also, employers did not forget about mental skills. However, today it is not enough to have only strength or brain. Modern people need to be able to communicate with each other, work in a team and make the right choice. Such employees are more valuable in many fields of activity. For example, famous companies, such as “Google”, “Microsoft” consider the logical, social and critical thinking skills as the most important.
    One of the most important reasons of this situation is a development of the society. According to this, companies need to hire the best workers and that is why the requirements to new employees are more severe. Over the time the rivalry between companies becomes more severe, too. Workers have to be better than in other rivals. This is the second possible reason of this state. Communication skills are so important for these organizations, because they provide the friendly working conditions and atmosphere within the company. Moreover, such team working is helpful in different projects. That is why lots of employers require such skills from workers.
    In conclusion, I think that such recruitment requirements are related to the development of the society and rivalry between them. Also, in the future these requirements may become more demanding and people will have to adapt to such conditions.

    1. Hello, modern idea!
      Generally you did great, but I would like to mention things you have to reconsider:
      Please, follow IELTS Essay structure otherwise you will be penalized. To tell the truth some of your ideas are not clear, and you coherence lacks. Also, try to avoid repetition and generalization next time you write essay.
      Good luck!

    2. Hello, I read your essay couple of times and found some mistakes:
      - Do not start the sentence with the word “Also”; you can replace it with “In addition”. Because in this case you mention another point connected to your topic. (paragraph 2, sentence 3; paragraph 4, sentence 2)
      - You forgot to put comma after “Over the time” (paragraph 3, sentence 3)
      - I think that it would be better to use “many” instead of “lots of” in some cases (paragraph 3, sentence 8)
      In general, I like this essay, especially your arguments and examples of well-known companies.

  10. The world is becoming more and more competitive, and today having only the basic knowledge of a certain sphere is not enough in the modern recruitment process. In order to move up the career ladder it is vital to have social skills, which is particularly emphasized by a number of employers.
    Firstly, due to the fact that the entire success depends on the workers, it is beneficial for recruiters to find a person, who have skills such as communication, team-building and also have a personal appearance. Although one can be a high-qualified specialist, if that person cannot deal with customers and understand their requirements, it is possible to lose their importance in a market square. Moreover, social skills of the employees will have an influence on the reputation and able to make up company’s profit higher than others. For instance, it is clear that customers elect the company that is always interacting with them and creating products according to the purchasers’ needs.
    Secondly, one of the most significant processes in the business is engaging with various corporations, sometimes with international ones. Therefore, employers pay a huge attention on the linguistic abilities. In addition, negotiation skills are also efficient in recruitment process. Having been the specialist who is in demand it is doubtful that this man is able to lead the company to the success, so the capability to understand the novelties and be good in necessities of modern world is valued in a collaborating with investors and other invoving individuals.
    In conclusion, social skills are emphasized in recruitment process because the the development of companies is relying on the employee with attractive personality and unique potential to interact with people.

    1. Very good job done, Cooper!
      I really impressed by your essay. However you have some grammar mistakes. For ex. you wrote

    2. Hi,Cooper! I`ve heard that you write really wonderful essays, so I am very happy to read your essay for the 1st time. I am sure that I can learn a lot from your work ;)

      Although, your essay is superior, I would suggest you to look carefully one more time to some sides of it:
      1) in the modern recruitment process - I think here the word "modern" is an unneccesary one in your 1st sentence, because you have already told "today" in the beginning, so just "in the recruitment process" will already show that it is related to now.
      2) social skills, which is particularly emphasized - social skills, which ARE particularly emphasized. It is because you are saying in a plural from "skills" so there should be the plural verb form "are"
      3) a person, who have skills - a person, who HAS skills, because here we are using a single "person", so the verb is not "have",but "has"
      4) The last sentence of your 3rd paragraph is a way too long and a kind of confusing. So, let`s try to shorten it by not losing the advanced grammar of yours which starts with "Having been the specialist". - Having been the specialist who is in demand, does not mean that he is able to lead the company to the success. Therefore, the capability to understand the novelties and be good in necessities of modern world is valued in a collaboration with investors and other invoving individuals.(still, I think you should try to make it better and more clear)
      5) because the the development - because the development(1 extra "the")
      6) with attractive personality - with AN attractive personality

      Generally, your essay is really amazing as you use an advanced grammar, I must say that I noticed how careful you are when you put articles and prepositions. Good luck with your IELTS, hope for sure that you will get a high score for writing;)

    3. Thank you very much, Lollipop!


  11. Communication skills are considered by many people to be one of the most essential contributing factors towards successful employment. In my opinion, when you apply for a position, the communication acts as a backbone because in this way employees will be able to convey their ideas as well as interact with different mindsets together at workplace.

    The main reason why during the process of appointment employers look favourably on sociability of individuals is that the good communication help build confidence in people as they can express own ideas with clarity. In other words, social skills play a key role in the future success of an employee at that company as interacting with customers is the inseparable part of business world. Along with other skills and talents, excellence in communication skills is also very vital, as far as professional success is concerned. For instance, the first thing that is generally noticed when one walks in even for an interview is the clarity of his goals, and the strength in them is evident only when he is able to communicate them well. Also, there are a huge number of candidates for an interview, and in order to win the interviewer over, the first and foremost thing one can use are his communication skills.

    The another reason why the ability to get well on with people is valued by entrepreneurs is that the socializing allows people to work with diverse societies, cultures and countries, thus bringing people together to expand the business. This way communication brings people from different societies and mindsets together on a platform, and by their mutual understanding, solutions are provided and a healthy and interactive environment is formed. For this purpose, special communicators are elected whose strength is their communication skills. For example, for corporations such as Microsoft, Apple or Tencent it is crucial to have sociable individuals at workplace because international interactions are valuable as they have the company network over the world.

    To conclude, communication is a need of today and only those with evcellent communication skills have more chances to survive in this competitive world. The successes of people as well as international communications are credited to how well they communicate.

    1. Just read your essay and, in my opinion, you did a decent job. Your ideas are solid, well-structured. I want to give a special emphasis to your topical vocabulary. Wonderful!
      However, the are some mistakes with prepositions and articles There are correct versions:
      -at the workplace;
      -on the sociability;
      -that good communication;
      - is an inseparable part of the business;
      -at the workplace;
      You also did some punctuation mistakes: do not forget to put a comma before "or", "and", "as". Good luck!

    2. Hello
      -Firstly, pay attention to the spelling of the word "favorably" (without U)
      -I think it shoukd be "Another reason..." (without the)
      -Do not use "you" in IELTS writing
      -Look for the usage of "that", ("THAT one can use.." last sent. of 2nd paragr.)
      -way OF communication
      -try to find another word/synonym of "communicaion" in order to not repea it several times

    3. Wow, it is a good essay! You have used a lot of complex structures, good vocabulary and pretty long sentences. It shows your English proficiency. However, I want to mention some of the mistakes that need to be considered:
      1)"Communication skills are considered by many people to be one of the most". Skills are plural form, so you need either change it to singular form, or remove "one of the most".
      2)" interact with different mindsets" --> cope with different people
      3)", thus bringing people together to expand the business" consider use of semicolons.
      4)Repetition of the verb "bring", try to replace it.
      5)" Tencent it" use comma between these 2 words.
      6)"survive" may be succeed.
      7)TRy to use shorter sentences, because then you will have less mistakes. However, I really like how complex sentences you are using.
      8)" good communication help build" --> "helpS TO build.

    4. 1) favorably
      2) individuals is that good communication helpS build confidence
      3) the first and foremost thing one can use IS his communication skills
      4) entrepreneurs is that socializing allows (without "the")
      5) cultures, and countries ("," before and)
      6) Apple, or Tencent (",")
      7) evcellent? --> excellent?
      8) , as well as international communications, (comas)

      Your essay is very informative.

  12. In today’s world, the job market becomes extremely competitive and required a wide range of abilities as communication, etc. Just knowing theoretic and practical part it is not enough that’s mean worker needs to be more adaptive and has special skills. Separate attention given to collaborative, social, and management skills. This essay will analyze which skills need to recruit in our modern world.
    To begin with, most of the companies want to get employer with extra traits and he needs to become perspective. On of the mast have skill is communication. Firstly, globalization has given rise of multinational companies where numerous workers work in one team. Therefore, management ability is necessary for a deal with other members of the team. Secondly, an employee with high degree communication can deal with the customer and understand the trends of the market, he can identify the accurate strategy for developing of company. For example, now we have a big amount of training that helps to develop management skills and successful worker with that have major salary.
    To conclude all written above, an employer with an interesting personality has a direct influence on the company success. So that, more successful agencies want to recruit wage-worker with a set of management skills.

    1. Hello, Simple panda, I'm just astonished at your prose, which properly employs various structures and enjoys your reader!
      To study these sides of your article, I want to suggest you:To write more than 250 words, you wrote 210 words.Also,it will be better, if you put there as example facts or statistics.
      Overall, please keep going, you did a fantastic job.

    2. Hello Simple panda! I really liked your essay. Good structure and organization are noticeable. But there were small permissible errors. To be precize:
      1. According to authorities, "etc." is out of place in formal writing.
      2. It will be more correct if you will replace the "become perspective" to "be perspective"
      3. You should be more accurate and careful with spelling. For instance ONE of the (NOT ON), MUST have(NOT MAST)
      It will be better if you correct these minor mistakes, but despite this, you did well!

  13. Today the majority of companies tend to elect employees who possess social skills. Moreover, more people playing a special role in employers' perspectives. From my point of view, there are several reasons why such skills emphasized during the recruitment process by employers.

    One of the main reasons is effective communication and cooperation at the time of work. This is because assistance and responsiveness increase the efficiency and support people to do work well. Thus, not only is education important now but possessing social skills are also appreciated by companies. Moreover, employees with social skills are often believed to improve performance by helping each other. Take for example an outstanding identity - Henry Ford, he valued people with altruistic purposes and successfully hired them to a job on his company. As a result, his company achieved unprecedented levels as well as people familiar with him to this day.

    Secondly, due to a market is expanding exponentially, more and more labor is needed by corporations. However, just labor is not enough and nonpractical in the long term. Therefore, businesses are looking for specific social skills. The reason for this is that workers ought to be able to sell the "product", all of us know that it will be impossible without empathy and respect. For example, having carried out research among major companies, scientists have revealed that employees with social abilities involved in the direct development of businesses.

    To sum up, companies hire people with such specific skills for a good reason. Thus, the importance of social skills cannot be emphasized too much.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello, Marco, I'm just astonished at your prose, which properly employs various structures and enjoys your reader!
      You wrote enough quantity of words,you wrote great examples with facts and name of humans.The only thing, which I want to correct in your essay is "to sum up" in conclusion, I think that it is informal, instead of this yoou can use "to conclude" or "to summarize"
      Overall, please keep going, you did a fantastic job

    3. Hi, Marco! The best side of your essay is that it is easy to read and you have a really good logical sequence. I liked it very much!

      However, in order to move forward and make it more better, I really recommend you to take care of these following situations (hope it will be helpful):
      1) “Moreover, more people playing a special role in employers' perspectives.” – here should be “people ARE playing”, but Marco, you know still this sentence is still not clear. I mean that when we read it, we cannot understand what do you mean in this context, I guess you wanted to say smth like “Moreover, because of the increased competitiveness when applying for a job, social skills are especially crucial”. Please, could you develop your idea here, so it will be coherent.
      2) skills emphasized - skills ARE emphasized, here according to the Passive Voice, we follow the structure [ noun +IS/ARE + V3], because Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
      3) Articles are needed: is [here] effective communication, because [here] assistance, is [here] education important, to improve [here] performance
      4) hired them to a job on his company. – the preposition “on” is not correct here, we cannot say “on company”, but let`s try to change it keeping the same meaning. “Hired them ON IN his company”, would fit better as the collocation is “hire on” and according to Oxford Collocations Dictionary, the preposition before “company” is “in”.
      5) “people familiar with him to this day.” – people who are familiar with him today, other way your structure will be not correct and a little bit confusing
      6) Secondly, due to a market is expanding exponentially,
      7) Labor – laboUr is correct, because we need UK spelling not US in IELTS
      8) Nonpractical – I could not find this word in Cambridge Dictionary, I think it should be “impractical” instead
      9) Replace repetitive the phrase “social skills” with communication/interpersonal/soft/communicative skills or “an ability to get well with people” to show your advanced level of English
      10) having carried out research among major companies, scientists have revealed – yeah, men!(lol) I used to use this structure a lot, too. However, in IELTS it might be criticized as a memorized structure, so let`s be careful;)
      11) To sum up – To conclude or In conclusion only, because I was told that this kind of phrases are not academic
      12) companies hire people with such specific skills for a good reason – you say “a good reason”, but in conclusion you should highlight because of WHAT kind of reasons it happens (to conclude what you have been writing for 2 body paragraphs!). So, for example, you should write:
      “companies hire people with such specific skills to increase the efficiency of work[according your 1st body parag.] as well as to develop businesses[according your 2nd body parag.] ”

      Overall, you did a concise and a great job using complex and advanced structures! Thank you very much for your hard work;)

  14. As time goes by, job requirements have been changing. Nowadays, employers appreciate the social skills of recruits rather than others. I am of the view that, the former difference occurred due to the era of globalization. Demand for the employees who can collaborate and do the teamwork also affects the resume of people.
    One of the most vital reason for the new work requirements is the great number of interactions between people of different nationality. As Multinational Corporations have occurred, the globalization process commenced to affect the employment process. So complicated has job apply became that ICT and theoretical know-hows are not sufficient to have a decent job. The most urgent criterion is the sociability of the person, because companies hire people who can easily interact with people from all around the globe. For instance, the survey has been carried out in the USA revealed that 90 % of top managers of the companies preferred to hire the person with the best social background out of 10.
    Another important reason of the demand for communicability is the benefits of teamwork. The large companies realized that collaboration of the employees is much more advantageous than individual work. By working in teams, people would work productively and consume less time. Therefore, companies hire the team players, who prefer to work in groups, avoid the argues and comfortably interact with people. The prime example is the employee selection of the IT giant Goggle. Sociability is must have criterion for the corporation, because the entire system of the company is based on teamwork.
    To sum up, the process of globalization and increased demand for the teamwork led to the growth of sociable workers popularity.

    1. Hello, me dear friend!
      Your essay is great! However, there are some things I think you have to reconsider:
      "I am of the view that" - reconsider it because it doesnt sound natural. I suggest you to use a wide range vocabulary because in some cases you use 1 word 4 times. Secondly, learn IELTS essay structure and follow it to make your essay more clear for examiner. Also, I suggest you to use different sentence structure. And I assume you it will be better if you will use examples from your own experience so examinator will believe you.
      Good luck!

    2. Dear Don_Corleone, I really enjoy your essay.You showed the expansion of your vocabulary.Whole essay structure was also good and using this kind of advanced and less common words you can already get a high score.However, this notes will help you to get even higher:
      1)One of the most vital reason-> one of the most vital reasons (you need a plural here)
      2)requirements is the-> requirementS are the
      3) the globalization-> globalization
      4) complicated has job apply->you probably need a past participle here. Try this instead: "jobbed".
      5) do not forget about punctuation:person, because companies-person because companies
      Good job!

    3. Hello, Don Corleone, I am just stunned by the prose that employs various structures correctly and appreciates your reader!
      You wrote enough quantity of words,you wrote great examples with facts and name of humans.The only thing, which I want to correct in your essay is "to sum up" in conclusion, I think that it is informal, instead of this yoou can use "to conclude" or "to summarize".Also, I think that your conclusion should be more longer.
      Overall, please keep going, you did a fantastic job

    4. Dear Don-Corleone, it was a pleasure to read your work because your arguments are strong and you followed the structure of the eassy providing good examples. However, here are some of your mistakes:
      1) I am of the view that, the former difference -> I am of the view that the former difference
      2) One of the most vital reason -> One of the most vital reasons
      3) So complicated has job apply became -> So complicated has job apply become
      4) the survey has been carried out in the USA revealed -> having been carried out in the USA, the survey revealed
      Also I think that you need to work on your conclusion and add sentences to it.
      Overall, you have done a good job. Good luck!

    5. Hi, Corleone. I would like to comment about your essay. Firstly, I want you to know that you did a fine job. After reading your essay several times I can see the effort you put into this essay. In your essay you address all parts of the task and present and support your ideas. I can honestly like that you are trying to put some very good academic expressions in your writing.

      Nevertheless, there are some parts of your essay that I am inclined to address. Mainly, you made some mistakes in regards to the grammatical aspect of the essay.

      (1) As time goes by, job requirements have been changing – (As times go by) implies that the tense in the sentence is going to be Present Simple, but then you proceed to say (have been changing) which is Present Perfect.
      (2) appreciate the social skills of recruits rather than others – It is unclear who “others” are here.
      (3) As Multinational Corporations have occurred, - check out the usage of the word “occur” – I am saying here that the Company cannot “occur” as a “company” is not an event
      (4) So complicated has job apply became – “job apply” is not a proper academic expression. Job application would be correct in this case
      (5) know-hows – try to avoid using it as this expression is too informal(I am implying that ONLY semi-formal language is appropriate on IELTS)
      (6) the survey has been carried out in the USA revealed – again with the tenses. HAS BEEN CARRIED OUT and REVEALED in the same sentence. That is two different tenses one after another.
      (7) Therefore, companies hire the team players – again team players is rather too informal
      (8) , avoid the argues – avoid the arguments
      (9) Goggle – google(goggles are what you wear when you go skydiving or piloting aircraft)

  15. Today’s work environment is more competitive than ever before. Social skills help a team to collaborate and perform better in order to survive in a competitive society. Nowadays, the technical skills and academic knowledge are not enough because social skills become more vital during the recruitment process.
    The 21 century is the period of the internet and globalization. A large number of companies spread their branch offices all over the world in order to build global organizations. Multinational companies would not be so successful without people who own social skills. They build the communication between teams from different countries. By collaborating teams become stronger and able to сompete with other companies. For example, according to statistics, 75 % of employers during the hiring process choose candidates who have the social education because it is important for the companies’ success.
    Secondly, the social skills play a vital role in the holding’s reputation. Employees who communicate with customers show the real face and attitude of the company, so these properties determine the relationship between the customer and the company. A person needs to attract the client’s attention and find out the common language in order to support companies' reputation. For example, if the companies’ fellow workers would not be able to build a relationship with their clients, in future they will choose other organizations which will be able to understand their desires. Therefore, the workers should understand the customer’s wishes and make it real.

    In conclusion, globalization and competitive job environment have increased the demand for skilled workers. Thus, now these skills are extremely important during the recruitment and selection process.

    1. Hi dear fatcatdog,
      I really enjoy your essay.
      However, there are some things that can be improved:
      1)Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
      2)attitude- the attitude
      3) A large number of companies - it is better to use "many" or "numerous"
      Good job!

  16. Recruiting criteria involves a variety of qualities requirements. Nowadays employees put special emphasis on social skill since company promotion and progress depend on this skill.

    Initially, employees are the main part of every company. Having an employee with effective communication skills to understand the choice of interest and analyze the weak points of the market is key to companies success. Thus, lack of those skills will put the company far back in the business race. For example, sociable sales manager can market the company and make up companies profit high much better than less socializing person. Thus, the beneficial impact of social skills on the companies progress cannot be emphasized too much.

    In addition, the competitive market seeks for employees with high linguistic skills. The number of international companies, who cooperate with the delegates all over the world is significantly increased today. Therefore, employees with several linguistic capability are required in order to interact with the company partners from overseas. As statistics delineates, an intelligent socially skilled workers are able to understand trends of other international companies, which leads to the company promotion. Hence, social, especially linguistic, skill plays the main role in the companies cooperation in the long run.

    In conclusion, the social skills among employees are vital for the growth and promotion of the business. That is why companies put a considerable emphasis on the on employees’ communication skills.

    1. Dear Honey bubble, thank you for your essay.
      Make sure you leave single space not double space between paragraphs.
      *a variety of qualities requirements. What do you mean here?
      Read and learn the following collocations:
      Requirement is a noun
      There's no absolute requirement to disclose your age.
      | important, key, main, prime | essential, fundamental
      An open system of criminal justice is a fundamental requirement of any democratic society.
      | demanding, strict, stringent | detailed | exact, precise | reasonable | basic | minimum | additional, further | general | special | particular, specific | individual, personal | annual, daily
      your daily requirement of vitamin C
      | constitutional, contractual, formal, legal, legislative, mandatory, procedural, regulatory, statutory | business, commercial | borrowing
      The public sector borrowing requirement is expected to rise.
      | client, customer, market | academic, course, curriculum, educational, entrance, entry | technical | environmental, safety | visa | dietary, nutritional
      patients with special dietary requirements
      | energy, food, housing, information, labour, manpower
      * "Recruiting criteria involves a variety of qualities requirements" - job requirements, the word qualities is not used correctly.
      * Can you think of different ways to say this "Initially, employees are the main part of every company."
      * profit high much better- Correct this
      * Thus is used twice "Thus, lack of those skills will put the company far back in the business race. For example, sociable sales manager can market the company and make up companies profit high much better than less socializing person. Thus, the beneficial impact of social skills on the companies progress cannot be emphasized too much."
      I think you need to read some articles on this topic. In that case you will be able to clearly express your ideas.

    2. My dear friend!
      Your essay is really good! But I know some things that is going to make it better:
      I suggest you to work on reasons and clearly emphasize them in the beginning of your paragraph. Also, try to use linking words to bulid coherence between paragraph. And in end, I want to say dont rely on statistics so much, try to use examples of you own experience and life.
      Good luck!

    3. 1) emphasis on social skillS
      2) key to THE companies succes
      3) Thus, THE lack of those skills
      4) A sociable sales manager (consider an article)
      5) than less socializing PEOPLE (better word choice)
      6) seeks employees with high (preposition is unnecessary)
      7) several linguistic capabilitIES
      8) intelligent socially skilled workers (no article; plural form)
      9) understand THE trends
      10) to company promotion
      11) In conclusion, social skills (remove "the")
      12) considerable emphasis on employees’

      Very good job

  17. The modern labor market highlights the social skills as a part of proper qualification during the process of enrollment. Along with technical skills and academic knowledge, social qualities are becoming one of the main criteria while recruitments because of the dynamic progress in the corporations and development in the collective.

    To begin with, todays work environment has long identified that worker with high social abilities tend to achieve impressive results in marketing and promoting the multinational companies using pleasant gesture and language skills. From my point of view, socializing person in the trade can be extremely attractive to the investors and by putting their intelligence into practice in a proper way they will conduct successful negotiations and sustain stable partnership. In addition, communication skills include not only team capabilities and corporate skills, but also ability to receive and make constructive criticism, great sense of discipline and healthy relations with companions. The difference between communicative employee and unsociable one is a bright example showing the significance of active interaction. It is hard to deny than a sociable laborer is more likely to win in the promotion race and manage the serious projects than his or her passive colleague.

    Another reason to put emphasis on the social skills is its capacity to supply with healthy work surrounding. In my opinion, through holding the wide-ranging discussions, sharing the valuable experiences and notions and supporting each other the company will establish harmonious interpersonal relationships. As soon as employees stimulate each other to work harder, they will strive to achieve great success and boost the career and the business of the enterprise will go uphill which means both employers and traders are going to benefit. Moreover, during the effective teamwork operation, all the workers will have opportunity to express their viewpoint and make a contribution into generating essential ideas.

    In conclusion, the better social skills are vital key instrument to achieve the success in personal life and professional aspect as it is advantageous for overall growth, productivity, management and organization’s business. I believe that managers should appreciate all their employees and provide with all necessary condition to develop their skills and their field.

    1. Dear Freya,
      It is noteworthy that the way you use the uncommon vocabulary, complex structures, linking words is brilliant! The essay structure is also perfect. The only thing to consider is to providing more illustrative examples, just few sentences)
      I am convinced that you will get high mark

    2. Hi, Freya! I am happy that I had a chance to read your essay, it was really pleasant and easy to read ;) I`ve noticed that you have a really amazing vocabulary and grammar!

      Your essay would be even better if you take into consideration these suggestions:
      1) not "labor", but "laboUr" market, because the 1st one is US spelling and the 2nd is the one that we should use in IELTS - UK spelling
      2) a part of proper qualification - THE part of proper qualification, please pay attention to your articles as they are the most common mistakes at IELTS. It must be "THE part of proper qualification " as you are providing the specific example(you are showing what exact “part” it is by saying that it the part of “proper qualification”) rather than general type and your phrase is also followed by "OF smth" . So the structure is; "THE improvement/part/etc. OF SMTH" (According to the book called "Cambridge common mistakes at IELTS Advanced", page 5, if you want to find out more)
      3) social qualities are becoming one of the main criteria while recruitments – I think here must not be “while”, because if you use “while”, you should provide 2 simultaneous actions. For example, “While I was in Italy I went to see Alessandro”. Here it this case the best variant to use would be “in the process of recruitment”/during recruitments/etc.
      4) need to put articles: that (here) worker with high social abilities, (here) socializing person, sustain (here) stable partnership, make (here) constructive criticism, between (here) communicative employee and unsociable one, to achieve (here) great success
      5) that worker with high social abilities tend to achieve - that worker with high social abilities tendS to achiev, because we are talking about a single worker, so it is Verb+S
      6) sharing the valuable experiences and notions and supporting each other - sharing the valuable experiences, notions and supporting each other (usually when there are 3 subjects, we put “and” between the 2nd and 3rd word)

      In general, you did a great job, thank you for your hard work! You really write it from the bottom of your heart.

    3. 1) market highlights social skills (article is unnecassary)
      2) proper qualificationS
      3) identified that workerS with high social
      4) promoting multinational companies
      5) a/the socializing person
      6) sustain THE stable partnership
      7) corporate skills but also the ability (remove the coma; add an article)
      8) A great sense of discipline, and (article; coma)
      9) between a communicative employee and an unsociable (articles)
      10) social skills is its capacity to supply healthy work surroundings
      11) during effective teamwork
      12) the opportunity to express their viewpoints and make a contribution to
      13) In conclusion, better social skills are a vital key instrument to achieve success in
      14) management, and organization’s business. I believe (don't forget comas)

      The essay is brilliant. You did a really good job!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. In the modern world, there should be no doubt that the business industry has become extremely competitive simultaneously with the high necessity of employee’s communication skills during the recruitment. The major reason for it is that success is the most valuable component of each company and for its conservation purposes modern recruiters are keen to evaluate employee’s communication and linguistic skills rather than his manual labor abilities.

    First of all, employees are the crucial component of companies’ success. Therefore, selection of most efficient and skilled person would guarantee both job satisfaction for employee and business success for the employer. In particular, a person with high communicative knowledge and linguistic abilities who can sacrifice his talent and experience would definitely become a key for company achievements. The reason for it is that an employee who can effectively deal with customer or client, understand the choice of interest and identify weak and strong points of company strategies would aid to achieve a customer satisfaction which is absolutely essential for every single industry. For instance, an employee working on TV company knows that the price for a subscription to the series is high and that there are a large number of TV followers. He recommending company boss to make free subscriptions for two months in order to attract a large audience and by such action he definitely would profit company and aid to spread of its popularity.

    Furthermore, the escalating competition inside the industrial sectors need an employee with multilingual capability. Since business industry is becoming significantly relevant in many countries. Subsequently, the number of business companies is growing with the level of competition among them. An intelligent socially skilled employee with multilingual ability and communicative knowledge would be superb and valuable source for integration and communication purposes with other companies. For example, a multilingual employee who knows English and Spanish languages could create comfortable atmosphere and provide successful integration with Spanish company for particular purposes during the meeting.

    To conclude, company development and success could be the result of perfect employee with interesting personality. Hence, every company evaluates person’s social skills such as creativity, communication and linguistic skills in order to keep the enhancement of company.

    1. You have a good vocabulary and usage of linking devices, however, I believe you should reconsider the sentence " Since business industry is becoming significantly relevant in many countries", it seems you missed some part of that. Secondly, use more complex structures.

    2. Really good essay. A lot of good vocabulary and complex structures. Consider the following improvements:
      1)" it is that success" --> the success
      2)"The major reason for it is that success is the most valuable component of each company" use comma after that part of a sentence.
      3)"selection of most efficient" --> "the selection of the most efficient". Try to consider that.
      4)"selection of most efficient and skilled person would guarantee both job satisfaction for employee" how does it will guarantee job satisfaction for the employee?? Please, clarify it in the essay. Also, you forgot "the" bedore employee:)
      5)" can sacrifice his talent and experience " please replace "sacrifice" with something like "use". It is not an appropriate usage of this verb since you are writing about usage of the one's skills and experience for the better of the company in a positive tone.
      6)"The reason for it is that an employee who can effectively deal with customer or client, understand the choice of interest and identify weak and strong points of company strategies would aid to achieve a customer satisfaction which is absolutely essential for every single industry. " --> too long sentence. Either put commas, or try to break it with several sentences.
      7)" He recommending" --> " He IS recommending".
      8)"he definitely would" --> "he would definitely".
      9)"by such action" comma before it.
      10)"need" ---> needs.
      11)"capability. Since" --> no dot.
      12)"for integration" --> "for the integration"
      13)"integration" repetition. Consider usage of "collaboration".
      14)"of perfect employee" --> "of a perfect employee"

  20. Dear Honey bubble, thank you for your essay.
    Make sure you leave single space not double space between paragraphs.
    *a variety of qualities requirements. What do you mean here?
    Read and learn the following collocations:
    Requirement is a noun
    There's no absolute requirement to disclose your age.
    | important, key, main, prime | essential, fundamental
    An open system of criminal justice is a fundamental requirement of any democratic society.
    | demanding, strict, stringent | detailed | exact, precise | reasonable | basic | minimum | additional, further | general | special | particular, specific | individual, personal | annual, daily
    your daily requirement of vitamin C
    | constitutional, contractual, formal, legal, legislative, mandatory, procedural, regulatory, statutory | business, commercial | borrowing
    The public sector borrowing requirement is expected to rise.
    | client, customer, market | academic, course, curriculum, educational, entrance, entry | technical | environmental, safety | visa | dietary, nutritional
    patients with special dietary requirements
    | energy, food, housing, information, labour, manpower
    * "Recruiting criteria involves a variety of qualities requirements" - job requirements, the word qualities is not used correctly.
    * Can you think of different ways to say this "Initially, employees are the main part of every company."
    * profit high much better- Correct this
    * Thus is used twice "Thus, lack of those skills will put the company far back in the business race. For example, sociable sales manager can market the company and make up companies profit high much better than less socializing person. Thus, the beneficial impact of social skills on the companies progress cannot be emphasized too much."
    I think you need to read some articles on this topic. In that case you will be able to clearly express your ideas.

  21. Nowadays,the labor market has now become extremely competitive.Companies are looking not only for craftsmen but also for socially active workers.In the initial stages of selection and in the interview itself, special attention is paid to social behavior and managerial skills for a particular position.This essay will analyze the reasons for this change in the selection criteria.
    Firstly,social skills are initial on the foundation for having positive relationships with colleagues.People with poor social skills will not be able to connect with people correctly. As a result, it will be difficult for them to meet new people and expand their horizons.
    Secondly,teamwork is extremely useful and necessary for the success of the company, attracting investment and sponsors, therefore the owners of the company pay special attention to the communication skills necessary to communicate with other team members.Human interaction in the workplace involves team production, with workers playing off of each other’s strengths and adapting flexibly to changing circumstances.
    In addition, if the ability to work with some kind of program can be learned in a few months, social skills take a very long time to develop.
    In conclusion, since social skills are no less important than other abilities companies always pay great attention to finding employees with such skills.

    1. Happy Chemist, I like your essay and your ideas, but I think you have things that should be corrected. For example, I think you should’ve expanded your first paragraph to strengthen your ideas with argument or an example. Then first sentence of your second paragraph is too large, I’d recommend you shorten them as our teacher always says. Thirdly, I am of the view that it is not good idea to write so much sentences in introduction paragraph, since it could be considered by the examiner as a redundant and filler to increase a number of words. “...therefore the owners of the company pay special attention to the communication skills necessary to communicate with other team members…” here you need to put comma after the linking word and that or which after “communication skills”. Finally, I think that space between full stop and first word of next paragraph plays crucial role in typing because it is world standard, and it could decrease your mark in exams. Thank you for taking this into consideration, hope you will better your writing. Good luck!


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