Thursday, April 23, 2020

Task 16 Version 1 Many efforts have been made by countries to address challenges concerning the environment but the situation has not improved. What are the possible reasons for environmental degradation? Are there any solutions to combat this problem? Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.


  1. The anthropogenic effect to an ecosystem of the planet has been being explored for decades. Notwithstanding the attempts of the human race to fix its destructive actions, the setting has hardly changed. All of these issues are connected with our consciousness and may be fixed only by awareness and solidarityof people.
    Despite the earth population themselves know how their effect and lifestyle are deleterious to an ecology, I reckon that they do not amply understand that they are destroying their home and cannot get rid of selfish consumer mind. The individual citizens do not realize that responsibility lies on everyone’s shoulders and each bottle we throw or each animal we kill are an enormous loss. Industrialists are still working with factories, which produce harmful gases, transports are still burning fuels with detrimental products.
    In this case, the first thing we should consider is the taking into account the interests of both parties and reach a compromise. If we cannot abandon the industry, there will be need to find a solution with a scientific approach. The achievements of studies nowadays can afford the resolution to almost all troubles. For example, people could apply an air purifier in order to remove the greenhouse gases and prevent the global warming. In addition, if the recycle of the waste products was actively supported, the accumulated garbage would be abolished.
    To conclude, the humanity has brought a loss to the environment, mainly due to their behavior. I consider that the situation will not be changed unless people will start from themselves and take care of the nature with the aid of science.

    1. Hi, lazypotato! I liked your essay very much. It was interesting for me to hear your ideas and perspectives.
      However, this essay would be more better if you organized your arguments in a logical way by showing exactly to a reader, where your response to the question is. I mean, in the task it is said "give reasons, solutions", so you show by saying "The first/second reason is that" or "The main reason is/Another reason is" or "Firstly/Secondly to tackle this problem". In other way your reader will be lost.

      And could you look through:

      (*-*) The anthropogenic effect to an ecosystem - The anthropogenic effect ON smth, it is a rule

      (*-*) an ecosystem of the planet - THE ecosystem of planet,pay attention to your articles as they are the most common mistakes at IELTS. It must be "THE ecosystem of planet" as you are providing the specific example( plus in this case the Earth has only and single ecosystem, therefore it is THE ecosystem of planet) rather than general type and your phrase is also followed by "of smth" . So the structure is; "THE improvement/development/etc. OF SMTH" (According to the book called "Cambridge common mistakes at IELTS Advanced", page 5, if you want to read more)

      (*-*) has been being explored - has been exploring, Present Perfect continuous. Because We use the Present Perfect Continuous to put emphasis on the duration of an
      action which started in the past and continues up to the present

      (*-*) each animal we kill are an enormous loss - each animal we kill IS an enormous loss, must not be in plural since you say "each animal"

      (*-*) products was actively supported - products WERE actively supported, please review the grammar regarding the usage of IS/ARE and WAS/WERE

      Thank you, sooo much for your hardwork, I really appreciate it ;)

    2. Dear Lazypotato,
      Separate your paragraphs in order to make it easy to read.
      I reckon - this can be used in speaking only
      they are destroying their home- habitat
      (habitat is the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.)
      cannot get rid of selfish consumer mind.- What verb can be used here? mind is a countable noun
      an ecosystem of the planet has been being explored- This is correct. Present Perfect Continuous Passive.
      It seems that you need to review words and collocations related to the environment.


  2. Environmental problems are considered to be vital in the majority of countries. However, taken the first steps has not tackled the current situation. Firstly, this essay will identify the root causes of the issue as deforestation, non-eco friendly wastes, and, secondly, it will analyze possible solutions such as taxes, fines, and recycling factories.

    One of the main causes of environmental degradation is cutting down forests. This is because rarely do people realize how minimizing the number of trees can affect the environment, and thus, people assume trees as the resource rather than environmental objects. Take for example manufactures clean up a whole territory to build up some construction and misusing trees as combustible materials. As a result, not only does the environment suffer, but a variety of biodiversity also losses. However, this issue could be tackled, if the government took the first steps in implementing some taxes or even programs to save the environment in the long term.

    Another vital reason for the problem to consider is the waste production or abusing them. This cause is considered to be important because it causes soil erosions and contaminates water stocks in the long run. Therefore, the environment is supposed to be degraded over the year. However, if it were not for toxic substances from facilities or thrown wastes, people would not face these problems. Fortunately, having carried out research among environmentally degraded areas, scientists have revealed that some recycling by specific factories or even fines could tackle and mitigate the issue.

    In conclusion, the root causes of environmental problems as waste production and deforestation can be solved by solutions such as implementing taxes, sorting, and recycling.

  3. In the last decade, the environmental situation of the world has worsened. The different measures taken by the government are aimed to solve that problem, however polluting our Earth is becoming greater and greater. This essay will look at the main causes of the issue, and propose some solutions.

    One of the reasons of environment degradation is transport. Traffic congestion and a million of vehicles have led to serious air pollution in cities. It is common these days for people to have one or more car, and travel by it every day to everywhere, even to the short distances. The solution is for the government to increase tax on this kind of transport. This would hopefully encourage citizens to change the way they commute.

    Another cause is various kinds of waste being dumped at sea and inland. The degradation of Earth’s surface commonly results of human activities. For example, nowadays, due to the high demand for food, house and clothes, more goods are being produced. Therfore, they became disposable and harm the environment. To tackle that problem, people have to be more conscious of what they consume and alter their lifestyle.

    To sum up, although it is clear that the environment face a range of problems, it is undoubtedly possible to start to solve these issues. Governments and people must take the lead in dealing with this degradation, otherwise the Earth will only get worse in the future.

    1. Hello from future Raj!
      1) In paragraph 1 instead of polluting our Earth use pollution of Earth.
      2) In paragraph 2, its not "a million of vehicles", its " the millions of vehicles".
      3)"It is common these days..." - it is repetition, so choose either common or these days.
      4) Recondsider this: " by it every day to everywhere, even to the short distances".
      5)In paragraph 3, line 1, add "s" to the word waste.
      6) Reconsider this: "dumpted at sea and INLAND"
      7) This sentence is grammatically incorrect: "The degradation of Earth’s surface commonly results of human activities".
      Next time use more academic words and different structures. Good luck!

  4. Despite all commitments that have been done by world community to tackle ecological issues, the status of environment keeps deteriorating. I am of the view that the reasons of environmental problems are incorrect treatment, irrationality of human being and fortunately or not successfulness of humankind what could be tackled by increasing the consciousness and changes in current economic system.

    Firstly, those problems popped up due to the foolishness and humankind. In other words, rapid evolution of science and technology led them to higher population, better life conditions and the hugest amount of production. To illustrate this, humanity went to one billion population in 19th century and to over 7.5 billion in only 200 years what deteriorated the natural conditions all over the world. Secondly, as I said before our industry have become the most effective than everywhen it was. However, although we have all resources to provide with better living conditions all population and solve couple of problems, most of the money is in pockets of 20% people. Moreover, charity in African countries made it worse because it does not better their industry what is the most necessary in governmental issues.

    Fist solution that I would suggest is broadcasting of recycling, green energy and other modern pro-natural trends. The idea is to change mindset of people around this problem all over the world and to rise their awareness of the problem. For instance, China is nation that has used the most effective ways to solve the problem as policy of one child for one family. Secondly, transportation is another issue that produces thousands of tones of greenhouse gases that worse the atmosphere, so the solution is to develop the local production. Good example are people who rejected meat and started to consume products of grateful companies that bring high-qualified food that is of course 99% ecologically clean. However, this kind of people are not aware with phenomena as carbon footprint of planes, trucks and ships that are harmful. In stead of this they should use local industry and assist them as much as it possible.

    In conclusion, I consider those ways as effective solutions to struggle against our own footprints, and I think that humanity will evolve and change everything into better way in next decades.


  5. In recent years, the world has been faced with the issue of atmospheric deterioration. This challenging problem is mostly caused by deforestation of plant life and the use of fossil fuel as a major source of energy. Solutions such as afforestation and the use of electricity and solar energy can replace the use of fossil fuel to produce clean and healthy air.

    Nowadays, modification of the environment in the form of development has altered the natural ecosystem. The process of plant respiration produces oxygen which is vital and essential to humans. Biological studies show that plants inhale our used gas, which is carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen. Therefore, logging of trees alters this environmental balance as there are not enough trees to give out oxygen. In addition, the usage of fossil material as a major source of energy in the world has caused a tremendous decline in the environment. Fossil fuels such as diesel and petroleum are used by automobiles, aviation, and other industries. Consequently, these engines pollute the entire air with its product which is carbon dioxide, thus replacing the amount in circulation.

    The government has a role to play in ensuring there are clean and healthy surroundings by enacting legislation to control pollution as well as to regulate deforestation and encouraging the masses to imbibe the habit of planting a tree. Besides, automobile and aviation companies should manufacture engines that consume less fuel and produces less emission of CO in turn. The recent introduction of solar and cell-powered cars is a major step to curbing the problem of pollution in the atmosphere.

    In conclusion, with the political will towards deforestation and the use of battery and solar cars, the issue of environmental depletion will be taken care of. In addition, rarely do people realize the consequences of their actions, so they should try to tackle this problem.

  6. Numerous attempts to improve the ecological situation around the world were made by various countries, but there are still almost no noticeable progressions. In this essay, I will discuss the causes and possible solutions to this problem.

    If we take into account the number of different factories and facilities, which operate by utilizing the natural resources, it is obvious that the environment will slowly deteriorate. As more and more trees are cut down and more and more minerals are unearthed, the earth crust as well as forests will gradually die out. A good solution to such a problem will be to distribute more budget on growing green plants and artificial forests. That way, trees would be able to harden the earth and prevent the cracks, while simultaneously freshening the air around us.

    Another reason for the worsening of the ecology around the world is that artificial wastes produced by corporations are disposed of by burying them inside the soil or leaving them in the waters of the oceans. The consequences of such course of action are the drying of the soil and the marine life becoming extinct. That is why, in order to restore the natural balance in earth and water bodies, the number of water cleaning and soil enriching facilities ought to be increased.

    Overall, the global situation ecological issues around the world are many. However, I believe that all of them have effective solutions.

    1. 1) the natural resources --> natural resources
      2) the earth crust --> the earth's crust
      3) as well as forests --> ... , as well as forests, ...
      4) of such course of action --> such a course of
      5) soil enriching --> soil-enriching

      Very good job

  7. Due to the deterioration of the environment, with which the world has been faced in recent years, governments of different countries have taken measures to eliminate the occurred challenges. However, the problem continues to worsen at an alarming rate mainly due to human activities.
    To begin with, one of the main causes for the situation is a tremendous amount of fossil fuels and plastic, which we are using. Cars and aerosol sprays are used by mankind in everyday life, producing additional carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, factories produce endless outbursts of toxic substances into the air and water. Plastic bags are available at any store for free. If people can make an effort to cut the usage of such products, and change their lifestyle, it would significantly reduce the burning of gases. Hence, to tackle the reason, individual attempts and responsibility could make a substantial shift in addressing this issue.
    The possible solution to mitigate the environmental issue is to produce a nature-friendly state in humanity’s mind. In other words, it would bring great affects if people start using public transport or bicycles instead of cars that run on gasoline. Moreover, every person could play a main part to save our habitat by not using plastic in daily life, which is a hazardous pollutant of the soil. For example, people could use paper or cloth bags. Also the government could set some rules for factories, to reduce the emissions.
    In conclusion, the environmental problem is the burning condition and one's have a crucial role in joining the government in reducing the harm. However, the main solution remains in the hands of ordinary people and individual participation.

    1. Hey, consider some suggestions to improve your writing:

      1)"To begin with, one of the main causes for the situation is a tremendous amount of fossil fuels and plastic, which we are using." Consider this sentence to paraphrase. For instance, "To begin with, main causes for the situation is a burning of tremendous amount of fossil fuels and usage of plastic.
      2) "To begin with, one of the main causes for the situation is a tremendous amount of fossil fuels and plastic, which we are using." --> "main causes" since there are 2 causes mentioned.
      3)"endless outbursts" I like this collocation :)
      4)Try to have one idea per paragraph. "If people can make an effort ..." this sounds more like a solution, while the 2nd paragraph is about causes.
      5)"tackle the reason" --> please, consider "tackle the problem".
      6)"nature-friendly" --> "eco-friendly".
      7)"affects" --> "effects".
      8)"public transport" is also using gasoline. May be you should mention that the burning of gasoline is going to be reduced by usage of public transport.
      9)"one's have" --> consider to write "one's has".

      Overall, your essay is very good! Complex vocabulary, good structure, and logical conclusion. Great job!

  8. Over the years, countries have made considerable efforts to preserve the environment, but the situation does no change. Human awareness largely affects the state of the environment and only humanity can be a key decision in preventing a global catastrophe.

    One of the main reason for environmental pollution is human lifestyle that has a devastating effect on the ecology and condition of our planet. Deforestation and mining for the purpose of enrichment leads to the destruction of everything of all that person needs. Even the destruction of mosquitoes can lead to the destruction of the food chain in one biome, which will bring enormous damage to all of humanity. Vast quantities of plastic currently produced nowadays could soon lead to global climate change.

    In order to prevent and stop the further destruction of the environment, it is necessary first to change the harmful habits of people. Many countries should direct their efforts not at solving a problem, but at changing people's lifestyle also at transition to alternative energy sources.

    Overall, the problem connecting with environmental pollution is very serious and requires immediate resolution and human attention.

    1. This essay is short
      It is a dissonance between “humanity can be a key decision” while “the main reason for environmental pollution is a human lifestyle”

      Instead of “all of humanity” you should write “all of the humanity” or “all humanity”.

      “Many countries should direct their efforts not at solving a problem, but at changing people's lifestyle also at transition to alternative energy sources.” is not understandable, because changing of human lifestyle is a solution of problem however you wrote it is not.

  9. Governments put appropriate schemes into place with a purpose of making people aware of the burning environmental issues, but in spite of this fact a current situation has not altered. The main reason for this is that citizens do not realize their responsibility and in order to tackle this problem, countries should tighten the laws.
    If we desire to protect ourselves from global issues, such as emergence of greenhouse gases, melting glaciers and pollution, we ought to work together as the citizens of one country first and then as the worldwide citizens. However, the majority of people do not understand it because they assume that the actions of one person will not influence globally, therefore, they continue to pollute, spend a large number of resources like water which are exhaustible.
    Countries are trying to concentrate people’s attention on global problems by introducing this topic into the curriculum and organizing special events dedicated to the protection of the environment. However, in my point of view, this is not enough because the situation stills the same as it was before. So, I think that the government needs to introduce new laws due to the environmental issues. For instance, make limitations for using water resources or penalties for incorrect waste sorting.
    To sum up, the current problem of countries regarding the environmental issues caused by the unconsciousness of some people might be alleviated by the introduction of new rules. These measures are necessary because people have to unite and nobody can combat this problem on his or her own.

    1. 1) into place with a purpose of --> the purpose
      2) but in spite of this fact --> despite this fact, ...
      3) as emergence --> the emergence
      4) water which are exhaustible --> exhaustible water

      Very good job

  10. Nowadays, according to the immensely number of researches, the environmental conditions have been degenerated, while majority of countries tried to change this situation. However, the serious attempts to halt ecology collapse still must be made.
    The main flaw of our efforts is misunderstanding of our main contribution. The USA President Administration initiate the program of ban the hotels' hygiene products which are made by using plastic, although the main problem of USA is a greenhouse gas producing and the deforestation. Nowadays, according to the immensely number of researches, the environmental conditions have been degenerated, while majority of countries tried to change this situation. However, the serious attempts to halt ecology collapse still must be made.
    The main flaw of our efforts is that we cannot stop producing the greenhouse gases and the garbage in manufacturing process. For example, when we generate energy from fossil fuel we could not prevent producing of carbon emissions. However, we made small steps in order to eradicate this problem by introduction of carbon neutral and alternative energy sourced. Nonetheless, these technologies demand a massive money sources and efforts. In other words, we may not overcome problem, because know we have not got necessary technology that will be cheap and easily replace the hodiernal apparatuses.
    One possible solution way to deal with this problem would be making large efforts to develop our technology as soon as replace the old mechanics with high tech that we have currently. We cannot combat ecology problem in one day, it will be long-term problem. Governments should focus their attention to improve the situation of environment in long-term solution instead of short-term.
    In conclusion, the ecological problems were collected by long time and so to solve this problem we need a long time. As a result, this problem presently may only slow down, because solution right now it could not be found.

    1. Dear, Marshal Lee. In general, I liked your essay and your ideas, academical words and sentence structures. However, I have some suggestions that could make your essay even better.

      1.Better to use “although” instead of “while” in this sentence.

      2.“However” should be replaced by something else like “Thus/Therefore etc” after improvement of previous sentence.

      3.Do not forget to write thesis statement and outline sentence. In this case you’ve better write “In this essay I am going to...”

      4.Repetition of the word “main”. Try to find synonyms or paraphrase the sentence.

      5.The sentence: “The USA President Administration initiate the program of ban the hotels' hygiene products which are made by using plastic, although the main problem of USA is a greenhouse gas producing and the deforestation.”, is very informative, but it sounds too official for your style of writing. I think we need to use only one writing style.

      6.I think you accidentally added introduction paragraph in body 1. Be careful)

      7.There must be balance between your paragraphs: equal number of reasons and solutions. Planning an essay before writing is also an important part, and do not forget to separate your paragraphs while publishing your essay on the blog.

      8.Suggest you to put comma after the word “fuel”, because correct punctuation will rise your score 😊

      9.“Now” instead of “know”. Maybe you have just mistaken.

      10.I think it would be better to write only the word “way” in sentence: “One possible solution way to deal with this problem would be...”.

      11.The sentence: “One possible solution way to deal with this problem would be making large efforts to develop our technology as soon as replace the old mechanics with high tech that we have currently.” sounds incorrect. I guess, you meant “as well as” instead of “as soon as”.

      12.In the sentence: “Governments should focus their attention to improve the situation”, “...on finding the solutions for environmental pollution” or “...on improving the environmental situation around the world”. We use “attention to” when we write “pay attention”, but in your case “attention on”.

      13.I think you need to paraphrase the sentence: “In conclusion, the ecological problems were collected by long time and so to solve this problem we need a long time.”. My suggestion would be: “In conclusion, we are facing the ecological problems for a long time and we need the same to overcome this issue” or something like that (not sure about it).

      A little suggestion to you to state ideas that are easy to protect and proof. For now, it is not that clear as we wish it would be. Thank you for your wonderful essay. I look forward for your improved version.

  11. Although, many procedures have been made by countries to combat burning issues in our surrounding environment, the situation remains unsolved. Possible reasons for the environmental stagnation could be a reduced control of officials over rural areas on violation of laws regarding pollutions as well as a misconception of mediocre people on environmental problems. In my opinion, optimal solutions to tackle serious issues concerning environment are an encouragement of volunteering movement among population, especially, youngsters, and tighten the control over violation of laws.

    Compared to major cities with a strong performance of legislation and well-developed law enforcement, distant towns and villages have a reduced control on violation of laws, especially regarding environment. There is a significantly less patrol, which, in turn, leads to excess pollution of nature, such as making bonfires, which emits a lot of greenhouse gases and illegal deforestation. Another vital factor could be a misunderstanding of majority citizens on rising environmental problems, such as global warming and air pollution.

    One of the possible solutions to tackle this environmental degradation is an encouragement of volunteering movement from the government’s side, such as sponsoring environmental projects. A volunteering background of candidates could be considered as a crucial part in the application to the admission of higher educational institutions and universities, which, in turn, can tremendously increase the commitment of students towards the environmental enhancement. This policy originally comes from American universities and, in my opinion, should be worldwide. Another optimal solution is to solve a major problem of violation of laws in rural areas mentioned before. In my point of view, government officials and policemen should pay a close attention towards their governing territory and tighten penalties, such as increasing a value of environmental fines or imprisonment of citizens in case of frequent violations and contribution of massive impact on environment.

    Despite the fact of reinforced commitment of countries’ governments, the environmental problems still urge anxiety. Reasons for that is reduced control of violation of laws in rural areas and misunderstanding of people on importance of saving nature. Optimal solutions to tackle these problems are an increase of volunteering commitment of people towards the environment as well as tightening penalties on violation of laws.

  12. It is not a secret that today the ecological condition of our planet is very poor. Many governments all over the world are trying to resolve this problem, but these activities do not help considerably in this situation. In this essay I will consider different causes and provide some possible ways of dealing with this issue.
    To begin with, it is necessary to understand that humanity has very serious effect on the environment. A lot of current processes on the Earth are caused by human activities. Along with the development of technology and industry, numerous amount of resources is required. Such consumer activities significantly deplete our ecological wealth. Also, a lot of people do not realize the necessity of defending environment. They tend to pollute the nature during the hiking. That is why nature is witnessing significant degradation.
    Fortunately, not everything is lost. There are some solutions of this problem. We still can save our planet from total destruction. Firstly, it is necessary to use renewable energy sources, such as sun, wind, wave and so on. The use of alternative energy will not drain the fossil fuels. Secondly, governments should take control the environment defense. To do that, they need to establish special laws that will defend the environment from pollution. Thirdly, many factories that pollute the air by harmful gas emission during the process of production, need to reduce this amount of gases by installing special filters into the tubes. These actions will positively affect to the environment.
    To conclude, it is necessary to keep clean our nature, because it is a place, where we live and where our children will live. If we do not want to destroy our planet, it will be better to take these steps.

  13. Although, a great deal of effort is being made by governments, condition of the environment is becoming a burning issue due to the anthropological factors nowadays. Even though, this problem is not insurmountable and this essay considers some of the reasons of environmental destruction and suggests optimal solutions to overcome it.

    To begin with, one of the major reasons of environmental degradation is carbon dioxide emission which is mostly produced by cars. In today’s day, using a personal car shows the status of an owner and that is why it is essential for individuals to change their lifestyles in order to prevent even more serious natural disasters. Moreover, limitless production of plastic causes pollution all over the world, harming the nature and wildlife.

    The optimal solutions to alleviate this issue is lying on measures taken by individuals. Taking control on their own lifestyle is the only thing required to do by each. Using either public transport, bicycle, electro car or any other vehicle not based on fossil fuels could play a significant role to save our environment. Furthermore, less utilization of goods made of plastic and replacing them by other materials is also a way to tackle the problem. However, measures taken by governments are important as well as efforts taken by people. Thereby, the government will monitor the situation in society by taking certain measures, such as setting limits on use of cars and plastic.

    Taking everything into account, from my point of view, it is crucial for either government and individuals to join hands in combating this burning issue, because by protecting the nature we protect ourselves.

  14. Nowadays, environmental situation all around the world is deteriorating and the main reason for this is human activities. Nevertheless, country, activists and volunteers all around the world are making every endeavour to protect surrounding from destroying, their efforts are not enough, because individuals have the major role in achieving multilateral solutions to global problems.

    First of all, one of the biggest reasons for environmental pollution is exhaust gas that comes from work of the plant and uncontrolled usage of automobile. The scale of the problem is related to the size of entreprise, source materials used, private cars and public transport, that relates to burning of fossil fuel. Air pollution is one of the most dangerous factors for person’s health, that related to environment.Moreover, people can try to travel to wok by busses and trains, which are abundant and not expensive. In addition to, entreprises are able to use air filters, that are cheap and efficient.

    The possible solution to mitigate this problem is efforts that each individual can make to save our surrounding. People can start from reducing amount of plastic, that they use in everyday life. Instead of plastic bugs in supermarkets, individuals can use paper or cloth bags.Start utilization trash, dividing it by plastic, bag, glass and et cetera.

    In conclusion, the damage of environment is relevant right now, there are many activities that are aimed at solution of this problem. However, the best way to solve it is each individual’s participation

    1. Hi, I am very glad that I had the opportunity to comment on your essay. Your work looks pretty nice except for some small mistakes.
      1) After the word "destroying" paragraph-1 line-3, you put a comma, but you should put a semicolon or write "but" after the comma.
      2) You wrote "First of all", which means that the structure of your essay must go on with the second, third paragraphs and so on, but there are no subsequent points in your essay.
      3) enteprice -> enterprice
      4) Remember, you don't use a comma before a clause that begins with "that".
      5) Also try to write 250 words.
      That's what I found and I hope that it will help you, good luck!

  15. The world is currently facing a growing crisis over preventing the natural environment from being exposed to hazardous waste. This is mainly because of the harmful substances which are released as a consequence of human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation. There are number of solutions which should be implemented to deal with environmental pollution.

    Firstly, the main reason for the air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation. In other words, the burning of petrol in the engines of the vehicles is responsible for more than ninety per cent of the greenhouse gases that are contributing to climate problems according to “National Geographic” magazine. Secondly, the land pollution issue is also owing to the deforestation which is being done by the logging industry. As a result, the loss of forests has become a serious threat to the health and wellbeing of all living things on earth. One clear example is the Amazon rainforest in Brazil that once had the highest deforestation rate in the world in 2005.

    There are two viable solutions to the problem of the air pollution and land degradation. One way to tackle this is to ensure that governments possess cost-effective alternatives to fossil fuels, such as using wind turbines to collect the power of the wind or solar cells to harness the energy of the sun. By doing this, countries are going to be able to minimize the negative effect of combustion on global warming. Another method to combat the land pollution is to encourage recycling activities and maintain proper waste disposal among the local population. This solution would hopefully prevent landfills from the household rubbish and many of the items that take hundreds of years to decompose.

    In conclusion, discovering sustainable sources of energy and recycling activities are effective in dealing with the issue. If governments implemented these solutions, environmental pollution figures would soon drop.

    1. So, if I have to comment my own essay, I would say that the best thing about it is the logical sequence of arguments which is strictly followed and the presentation of ideas at all. For example, I gave 2 reasons of this issue: the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation, and then developed each ideas in the 2nd paragraph. Then I wrote 2 solutions: one for combastion - cost-effective alternatives, and one about recycling.
      Although, structure is good, I would say that in the 3rd paragraph I ought to give an example for each solution as I did with reasons. For instance, if alternatives and the recycling then what kind of countries already did it and how effective it was(but this wouldn`t be possible to write in 1 essay, as there are already more than 300 words, which is already too much)
      Generally, I could also add more advanced grammar with more conditionals as I did in the conclusion

  16. Governments from all over the world are taking radical measures to manage environmental issues however it seems difficult to achieve any significant progress. Extremely high amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and ocean waters is responsible for current challenges as air pollution and global warming. In order to tackle this problem, the combustion of fossil fuels should be replaced by alternative energy and citizens should alter their attitudes.

    First of all, it has long been known that one of the main reasons for excess concentration of CO2 in the air is the usage of nonrenewable fuel sources. Despite several restrictions from authorities, the majority of individuals tend to use automobiles and other vehicles everyday which produce exhaust emissions and damage the environment. Negligent attitude of some residents makes problematic to regulate the ejection of toxic gases. Furthermore, pollutants such as methane or black carbon also generates from additional sectors which means agriculture, manufactory and other management burning fuels are liable, too. This problem requires immediate solution, as it leads to considerable changes in the temperature on the Earth’s surface, air quality and ozone layer. In addition, the consequences of ecological deterioration may negatively affect the public health and ecosystem.

    The possible solution to mitigate this problem is to supply the industries with sustainable energy. The replacement by renewable sources including solar, tidal and biomass energy, hydrogen gas, geothermal power and biofuels plays essential role in the reduction of emissions. Moreover, it would be better to eradicate the unconsciousness of people and increase the public awareness about the troubles faces the nature. What the state and local organizations should do is to promote the importance of ecological safety and enhance the eco-culture among the population. Had the community used the public transport more and plastics less, the environment would be harmed fewer.

    In conclusion, the difficulties in ecological condition of planet seem to be solved by teamwork and joint efforts of countries and society. I believe that adjustments in the resource implication system and humanity’s behavior will make a great breakthrough.

  17. Despite the buoyant attempts of the humankind to save the disappearing integrity of nature, only infinitesimal changes have taken place. Environmental issues still crop up time and again. This essay will examine the main causes of environmental disasters and possible solutions to this problem.

    The two main causes of ecological degradation are Exhaust gas from factories and auto-emissions and defective Agricultural Policies. Human vital functions now include strenuous usage of fossil fuels that emit an infinite number of harmful gases that negatively affect every aspect of ecosystems, starting from human itself, and ending with snow deserts on the shore of the Arctic Ocean. For instance, since Manufactural Revolution took place, the ratio of elements in the chemistry of the air had dramatically altered. Also, the agricultural field demands an extending amount of natural resources that lead to environmental crises. For example, water resources in the recent 20 years have been overexploited further than before, which is managed by ill-advised regulations. In other words, human activities are the only real reason for environmental crises.

    Some possible solutions to this problem are protecting natural areas and promoting awareness among people. By protecting areas where human activity is limited and avoiding stretching of its resources, we can save the untouched environment and prevent pollution. Moreover, the next step in fighting environmental problems is informing the general population about the dangers of this problem. This way, people will be more conscious of the environment and won’t overuse or destroy its resources.

    To conclude, people’s activities that change the environment have a negative impact on the world's ecosystem. However, we can significantly lessen the natural degradation by protecting natural areas and enlightening people as to this problem.

    1. Hi, MagicUnicorn!
      You did great! You essay structure is perfect!
      However, I suggest you to work on your coherence in introduction. Secondly, its advisable to connect you problems to solution. Maybe you will try structure where you write problem+solution in one paragraph. That will make you essay more clear, so examinator will understand all things you want to say.
      In paragraph 2, line 3: it has to be "Vital functions of human"
      Please, reconsider this: "infinite number of harmful gases" because gas can not be evaluated in numbers.
      Also, avoid repetition (paragraph 2, line 5) in this sentence: "...harmful gases that negatively..." You used harmful, no need to use negatively. Both of them means the same.
      In paragraph 2, reconsider this: "the ratio of elements in the chemistry of the air had dramatically altered" because I understand what u mean, but examinator won't. They dont know chemistry as well as you. Keep it in mind.
      "The next step in fighting environmental problemss" - please reconsider this too. It's not clear and doesnt sound natural.
      "...will be more conscious of the environment..." - maybe in this sentence you wanted to say about environmental situation because I didn't get how people can be conscious of environment.
      Generally you essay is really good. Keep working. Good luck!

  18. A burning issue of the technology century that many countries all over the world already face is environmental situation. Despite the measures taken by the government, the communities still do not reach the noticeable results. In this essay I will examine the possible reasons of environmental degradation and suggest some optimal solutions that should be taken to deal with the problem.

    The main cause of the current environmental situation is the population growth. Over few decades, highly increasing number of the world citizens leads to overconsumption of the natural resources, therefore, the environment has not enough time to recover into the initial stage. In addition to, another reason is a high level of the industrialization. As a result, the majorities of the fabrics throughout the world emit exhaust gases into the atmosphere and cause the air pollution. For instance, CFC, which we use in the fridges causes the ozone depletion and the climate change.

    The practical solution for the government is to put appropriate schemes into place. The municipality should limit the use of cars and chemical, which destroy the ozone layer and pollute the atmosphere. For instance, in 1951 the countries introduced “The Montreal protocol” in order to decrease the influence of chemicals on the atmosphere, as a result, 25% of CFCs was destroyed. The way forward might be to increase the community’s awareness and attitude to the environmental issues by informing people about the diverse outcomes.

    All things considered, with the population growth and human’s needs, the insurmountable problem of the environmental degradation also increases. Therefore, countries should collaborate and take the measures to tackle the problem.

  19. Many countries allocate huge human and material resources to solve environmental problems. But as we see, the situation has not improved, only regression is noticeable. Such a result is associated with low self-awareness of the people and with their views on the problem.
    First of all, the consumer attitude of the population to the environment and their particles is the main source of this problem. Not all people understand that they themselves are part of this planet and that by destroying nature they destroy themselves. Lets consider using water pollution as an example. In areas located near water resource like a river, residents throw all their household waste into the river. The similar situation with large factories, but they pollute the seas and oceans. They do not think about the consequences and for them it is like the everyday life. Their priority is their current income.
    Secondly, low self-awareness and low responsibility of people causes big problems, including environmental ones. For example, the use of plastic. Despite the fact that this is an difficult decomposable waste, people continue to use it. Due to the cheapness of plastic, several times. In some countries like Bangladesh, the use of plastic is prohibited. And this is the only good news. Every year, 8 tons of plastic gets into the ocean, which is very dangerous.
    To summarize, I would like to say that countries need to engage in the development of public consciousness. After all, only the responsibility and self-awareness of people will help to find out way from these problems.

  20. Countries made several attempts to overcome environmental issues, but the situation has not changed.The environmental damage rises alarmingly, primarily because of human activity.
    First of all, the unregulated use of vehicles is one of the key causes for environmental pollution. When people would make a deliberate effort to improve their habits by reducing the usage of private cars by using public transport, fossil emissions are greatly reduced. In other words, people might try seriously to ride regularly to work by cheap and plentiful busses and trains. For instance, 50 years ago in USSR where were a lot of public transports but less private vehicles, was more cleaner air.
    One potential way to alleviate this problem is that every person can play a major part in our environmental protection without using a huge quantity of plastic in everyday life, which is a dangerous pollutant. In other words, nearly every consumer uses plastic when shopping and a tradition of usage still exists. Instead of plastic packet we can use paper bags.
    To conclude, the environmental crisis seems to me to be causing alarm, and we must play a key role in putting together government efforts to minimize environmental harm. Lack of personal participation may mean that it is not possible to address environmental problems.

  21. Over the past few decades, whole world society is facing problems of environmental deterioration. Activity of various economic sectors and human activities such as deforestation gave rise to severe damages to Earth. To tackle these problems, the government should implement strict laws and promote eco-friendly products.

    To begin with, developing the economy will always damage the environment. Oil, heavy metal extraction and electricity generation are processes that release huge amounts of toxic emissions. Due to poor regulation laws, many irresponsible companies did anti-environment operations to generate large profits. A good example of this can be seen in Vietnam, a good deal of their economic growth has come from oil companies, which has resulted in oil spills.However, no one cares about the environment when there is a chance to make profit.Moreover, all of these activities had caused deforestation which lead to global warming. It was clearly represented that there is a need for severe and strict laws to handle this problem.

    It is important that action is taken to combat these problems.First, the government ought to impose strict laws, begin with increasing the penalty for polluters including corporations. It may prevent some polluting actions by irresponsible corporations. Secondly, society members, business owners and companies should be encouraged to use eco friendly products. For instance, large companies can use electric cars as service vehicles. In addition, authorities should subsidise production of electric cars and charging stations.Therefore, encouraging the society and business owners to use environmentally friendly products will help to decrease pollution of the ecosystem.

    In conclusion, improving the environment requires a great deal of time and finance. However it is worth it to live in a better atmosphere.Thus, it is believed that governments of all world countries will act to stop the deterioration of Earth.
    299 words

  22. Many countries are trying to solve the problem of environmental pollution that has become serious but the improvement in this problem is not significant.This essay will discuss the root cause why this issue arises which is a lot of human harmful activities and also not a perception of the urgency of the problem.Secondly, it will be followed by an analyses of the collaboration work community with political leaders as solutions.
    Human activity is a major factor exacerbating the problem.Moreover, not only does the factories damage the ecosystem but also our vital activities such as driving cars, throwing garbage in the wrong place brings ecology hazardous impact. For example, according to the UN statistics the US produces 147 million metric tons of air pollution each year alone.However, people around the world still do not realise that their activity is harmful for the environment, which is why the problem is gaining momentum.
    One solution to resolve this dilemma could be managed through cooperation between governments and individuals.Through the media and campaign, many people can learn more about the importance of the environment and start using fewer packages and less plastic and papers,it will decrease a massive threat to the environment.Reducing the number of cars on roads by encouraging the use of public transports or eco-cars and bicycles might help to reduce car emissions to the atmosphere.
    In conclusion, the main reason for the global problem of pollution is human activity and the most effective way to tackle the issue is every person's contribution.

  23. The environmental issues are continuing to increase at an enormous rate, even though there were done countless efforts to meet the challenges. All because of the human being’s actions and insufficient implementations of primary purposes of the governments. Solutions such as replacement of hazardous substances and tighter control can be able to tackle the problems.
    One of the reasons of environmental pollution growth is that people are not controlling their usage of plastic and other types of substances that can be harmful for nature. Moreover, many individuals are not aware of the waste-management, and governments are not organizing special events in order to raise the knowledge about the consequences of environmental issues that is able to damage surrounding. By throwing trash everywhere they are contaminating environment, and also the air, soil and water, which negatively affects to the entire ecosystem. For example, coastal cities dump off their wastes in the water, and then the marine animals consider that litter as an ordinary food, which leads to the perish of fishes and other water creatures.
    To tackle this issue governments should take steps to increase the number of special sorting bins so that citizen will sort the waste for the further recycling. In addition, if some people do not follow it, they would be liable to a fine. Secondly, it is vital to improve the minor mistakes first. For instance, mankind can replace the plastic dishes with the glassware ones, or to introduce the usage of eco-bags that are made from safe materials rather than polyethylene packages in the supermarkets. Despite of the fact that plastic bags are highly useful today, by changing peoples’ mindset about the environment it is possible to reduce the possible environmental degradation.
    In conclusion, environmental problems are facing around the globe because of the indifference of the people to the surrounding and lack of the enforcement from the governing bodies. It is significant to extend the awareness of humankind and develop the usage of alternative products in order to fix the issue.

  24. Environmental damage is increasing at an enormous rate, mainly due to human activities. However, at the present time governments of all countries of the world make great efforts, individuals also play an important role in minimizing the global environmental hazard. Personally, there are some possible solutions of this global issue that ought to be introduced.
    Firstly, it must be recognized that one of the main causes of environmental pollution is the uncontrolled use of gasoline-powered vehicles. If people begin to realize the seriousness of the situation, they can consciously make efforts to change their lifestyle by reducing the use of private cars and using public transport, which will significantly reduce the burning of fossil fuels. In other words, people can regularly go to work on bicycles and trains that are cheap and environmentally friendly. Consequently, the use of these vehicles can help to reduce emissions from vehicles, and thus play a vital role in solving this problem.
    Second possible solution to considerably decrease of pollution is in each and individual person could play a significant role to save our planet by not using enormous amount of plastic on daily basis, which is a hazardous pollutant of the nature. In other words, almost every consumer use plastic bags and bottles while doing shopping, and there is always use and throw culture. Instead of using immense amount of unrecycable plastic, Individuals should take into account the usage of eco-backpacks. For example, people can use paper and cloth bags instead of biodegradable plastic in supermarkets. So, the utilization of plastics on the environment is devastating, and must find alternatives to plastic from the individual perceptive.
    Taking everything into consideration, I firmly believe that only together by the common desire and joining hands with the government we can reduce the harm caused to the environment.

    1. Dear Heisenberg, thank you for the essay. My first impression is that I do not see your paragraphs. You should leave one line between paragraphs because it is a requirement of IELTS assessment criteria.
      *Personally, there are some possible solutions of this global issue that ought to be introduced. Do you think personally is required in this sentence?
      * make efforts to change their lifestyle by reducing the use of private cars and using public transport,- your idea is not clear here. You used "and" to say the use of public transport should be reduced? You could say "using public transport instead"
      * burning of fossil fuels- I liked this collocation
      * that are cheap- cost-effective. Cheap is not academic word
      *these vehicles- very good usage of the word, however, you used it twice and the second one should be replaced by a pronoun that will show your grammar level. "Consequently, the use of these vehicles can help to reduce emissions from vehicles" Or you just write "could cut/reduce carbon emissions"
      * " play a vital role in" Replace "play" you used it in the introduction.
      * You are starting your second paragraph with "Second possible solution" It means that you have discussed about first one in the first paragraph, however, the beginning of the first paragraph gives a signal that you are going to discuss causes of the problem. Please, before you start writing plan the structure of your essay.
      *Do not use pronouns like I, my, we, our if possible.
      I suggest you read and work on one or two problem solution essays to see the style and the structure.
      Overall, it is a good essay but a little bit confusing.


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