Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Task 15 Version 1 Some people think that young people should go to university to further their education while others think they should be encouraged to work as car mechanics or builders serve society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


  1. It is no secret that it has always been a struggle for school alumni to decide what to do after graduating. Some say that they have to apply for universities to continue education, however, others feel that starting to work in the service sphere is the best option. In this essay, I will look at both sides of the argument and give my opinion.

    First of all, further education considerably increase the number of job opportunities. Whether people finish bachelor degree, earn master’s or seek a certificate of completion - this achievements may open various doors for career. The time that students spend in universities help to acquire valuable knowledge and go through significant experience that is appreciated by most employers. As a result, a person has more chances not only to be accepted, but also to gain a job promotion.

    On the other hand, the jobs related to the serving society develop transferable skills in people in a short period of time. For example, car mechanics, builders or waitresses tend to train brain based on activities they do periodically, so they quickly become an eminent person in such area. So, the practical experience become the best teachers for them. As a result, individuals by moving into service work may seriously improve the chance of earning good money at an early age.

    In conclusion, there are positives of both way described above. Personally, I believe that all graduates have to go to universities in order to broaden horizons and for the better gob growth in future. However, if people want to work to serve society, they can freely choose it.

    270 words

    1. Dear Raj,
      your usage of linking words and new vocabulary cheers. I suggest you to revise the structure of introduction in IeltsLiz

    2. Hello, lazypotato! Thanks lot for your feedback! I will consider it in new version of essay.

    3. Secret is a countable noun and it is not academic word.
      alamni is a countable noun
      finish bachelor degree- the same mistake
      Learn collocations related to degree
      Degree has several meanings. One of the meanings is qualification. Read the collocations below.
      college, university | first, ordinary, undergraduate | higher, master's, postgraduate, research | BA, BEd, BSc, MA, MSc, PhD, etc. | honours | pass | good, poor | first-class, (lower/upper) second-class, third-class
      Candidates must have at least an upper second class honours degree.
      | honorary | business, medical, history, law, philosophy, etc. | professional
      Candidates must hold a professional degree in architecture.
      | external | combined, joint, joint/combined subject, joint honours
      a joint honours degree in Business Studies and Modern Languages
      | modular | part-time

      have, hold | do, take
      He took a degree in law then joined a law firm.
      | be awarded, gain, get, obtain, receive | award sb, confer on sb
      The university conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

      course, level

      ~ in
      a degree in economics
      * "jobs related to the serving society" Don't we all serve when we are working? I think this classification is not quite correct.
      * gob growth - job (not correct collocation)
      Keep working on collocations and topical vocabulary. I liked the structure. I can see that you are paying attention to the grammar; however, you need to revise rules related to the usage of articles, revise countable and uncountable nouns. I noticed that you are writing boldly which is really good.

  2. Despite some graduates devote their time to a tertiary education, others object and claim that general labour is also beneficial to person as well as to the community. As far as I am concerned, both of these personnel are significant in the life of humanity since the demands of citizens vary from the repair of the automobiles to the production of new drugs from a recently discovered disease.
    People, who have been educated and received a degree, makes contribution to numerous spheres such as medicine, power engineering and economics. Over time, when the development of civilization does not stop, the exploration of science should also evolve. For instance, due to the appearance of law and human rights, policeman and lawyers are demanded, which encouraged a large number of students to dedicate themselves to that and study in appropriate program.
    Nevertheless, although these educated staff is eminent, the general workers should not be neglected because they are helpful to society anyway. They are men, who dedicate their lives to serve other people, for example, every house holding need plumbers, carpenters and auto mechanics. Therefore, students ought to apply for these majors, otherwise, the imbalance in the labour market is inevitable.
    To conclude, whichever way the youth choose, either study or work as handyman, their job is required to the human race and the future is not clear unless all kinds of staff work collaboratively.

    1. Dear lazypotato!
      Your essay is good, you use wide range of vocabulary and linking words that build your paragraphs. However, I would like to mention some points you have to consider. Firstly, reconsider this sentence:"Despite some graduates devote their time to a tertiary education, others object and claim that general labour is also beneficial to person as well as to the community". Also, examples that you used in 1 paragraph are quite not relevant in that case. However, it is great that you explain why you think so in the beginning of the essay. In the paragraph 2, line 2, please reconsider the usage of "over time" as an linking word and find which t ense is used with this word.
      In paragraph 2, your example about lawyers is not clear, I suggest you to avoid generalizations by using may or tend to be.
      The task asks you to give you opinion, so draw clear conclusions next time.

    2. Dear lazypotato, review the rules for despite and in spite of.
      "As far as I am concerned," this is good in speaking.
      Separate your paragraphs, it is a rule of the Task 2. An examiner wants to see your paragraphs right away. It is about (CC).
      Read the collocations below. They are related to degree.

      college, university | first, ordinary, undergraduate | higher, master's, postgraduate, research | BA, BEd, BSc, MA, MSc, PhD, etc. | honours | pass | good, poor | first-class, (lower/upper) second-class, third-class
      Candidates must have at least an upper second class honours degree.
      | honorary | business, medical, history, law, philosophy, etc. | professional
      Candidates must hold a professional degree in architecture.
      | external | combined, joint, joint/combined subject, joint honours
      a joint honours degree in Business Studies and Modern Languages
      | modular | part-time

      have, hold | do, take
      He took a degree in law then joined a law firm.
      | be awarded, gain, get, obtain, receive | award sb, confer on sb
      The university conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

      course, level

      ~ in
      a degree in economics
      * "Nevertheless, although these educated" If these two are used together, it does not make any sence to me. What do you think?
      Thank you for your work.

    3. If I read my essay again, I would like to add more linking words and topical vocabulary.

  3. Some people assume that students should continue their further education in a college or university, whereas others argue that they should start working as car mechanics or builders as soon as they finish high school. From my point of view, I believe that it is more beneficial to have a university education in order to learn become a professional in a job market.
    On the one hand, students in tertiary institutions acquire all necessary professional knowledge, it elaborates on the skills that are highly required to become a competent specialist. In addition, in college or universities young people will be able to learn new skills such as communication and leadership. For instance, it is impossible to work in a law or medicine sphere with a limited awareness of all aspects that can happen in a career. Therefore, by pursuing higher education young people enhance their future opportunities.
    On the other hand, theoretical knowledge from university education can be usefulness and having relevant skills can be the only necessary option. If young people make a decision to work as a businessman, they just need to have interpersonal skills without any management degree. Moreover, despite of the fact that someone will not graduate a certain degree, some specialists just need a huge interest in a working area, and only then adolescents will have a chance to be encouraged to as mechanics or builders to serve the society. However, in a job market there are usually educated people in demand.
    In conclusion, even if young people can develop their selves in a fields that serves society and it is necessary to have a work experience more, I think that further education will create the better career prospects in the future life.

    1. Hi, Cooper! Your is really good written, I like ideas, and a structure of the essay. My suggestions to you:
      1) in order to learn become -> to learn to become (an article)
      2) awareness is uncountable.
      3) a usefulness
      4) You ought to write "despite the fact" or "in spite of", not despite of
      5) When you mention a noun second time you can use an article "the" instead of "a"
      6)a fields -> a field or fields


  4. It is often believed that youngsters ought to gain knowledge by going to universities, however, others argue that they should work to serve the public. In my opinion, the modern world employers require first of all skills and knowledge in a certain sphere. Firstly, this essay will discuss skills and new pieces of knowledge obtained only by universities, and secondly, the type of jobs that are highly demanded by society and waste of time to study.

    On the one hand, young people need further education to retrieve demanded and steady jobs in the long term, and I agree. This is because colleges provide essential preparation or even specific knowledge for future life unlike straight working instead of studying. Besides, an educational degree or diploma is valued more than a work experience by many employers. Take, for example, top leaders in our century who had finished at least one university education and successfully served to society. As a result, not only further education is a key factor in many professions, but it also a fundamental part of youth's lives.

    Another point to consider is juveniles ought to straight work as car - mechanist or builders to serve society. The reason for this is that those kinds of jobs required by the public and do not claim for education. Moreover, some colleges cannot provide such education and skills which are suitable for those works. Thus, additional education is supposed to be just a waste of time for the young generation. As a consequence not only do service jobs benefit society but it also saves youngsters' time for education.

    In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that studying further much better than straight working. This is because, education brings extremely necessary abilities and knowledge in comparison with the early experience at work.

    1. Hi, Marco_ !
      I liked your logical sequence of presentation. Your essay is understandable and it is just a pleasure to read ;) Arguments are precise and clear.
      However, it would be great if you could give more refined examples. For instance, you say "top leaders in our century who had finished at least one university education and successfully served to society. ", but there is no an exact example of an individual. Writing names of those leaders will make it amazing!

      I would like to note that some changes are needed here:

      (*>*) In my opinion, the modern world employers require first of all skills and knowledge - In my opinion, first of all, the modern world employers require skills and knowledge
      (*>*) the type of jobs that are - here is a grammatical mistake, you are saying "the TYPE" which is singular noun, but you are using "that ARE", please put 'typeS' or 'IS'

      I want to recommend you to replace:

      (*>*) knowledge in a certain sphere - a broad knowledge in a certain professional sphere

      Let`s learn new phrases!

      (*>*) Just was interested in the phrase "new pieces of knowledge" and found out that there are natural sounding collocations such as: treasury of knowledge/ repertoire of knowledge

  5. Some people believe that young adults should advance their education and obtain a university degree while others think that it is favorable to serve society and work as a car mechanics or builders. Both views must be discussed as higher education provides with a wide range of opportunities and leads to improvements however, service sector benefits community life.

    Firstly, real professionals are considered to be valuable in the labor market and rarely do employers in prestigious companies hire workers without college degrees, which indicate the significance of further education. Going to the educational institution not only will increase students’ comprehensive knowledge and broaden their career opportunities, but also able to supply the society with professionals in different industries. What the main requirements for occupations such as doctor, engineer or pilot, are the professional tuition and appropriate license. In addition, improving qualifications of young people contributes to the development of the whole country as they would promote brilliant ideas, boost the technical progress and design scientific and industrial innovations.

    On the other hand, adolescents who prefer to go to work as they finished their high school education instead of university mostly become experienced, and this key element tend to be attractive to hirers. Having a practical experience is also advantageous for professional skills and individuals, started to earn a living in the early age may easily get promotions or even set up own business and become independent. For instance, youngster, having been worked as a car master, in the future can open his own workshop, and upgrade the service industry.

    To sum up, either juvenile going to university and working young people will make a huge contribution into advancement of the social services and industry in their region by managing opportunities and abilities in a proper way. Personally, I believe it will be better for young adults to gain profound and specialized knowledge in universities and represent achievements after putting them into practice.

    1. Your essay is well-written. You have a really good range of vocabulary, you differently paraphrased words. Also, you used different sentence structures, such as inversion. I cannot mention any serious mistakes which will reduce your mark. But, you have some points that you need to improve to get higher mark. In introduction part, you missed a comma before "while". I think, the third sentence of Body paragraph 1 should be restated or you needed to write "What about the main requirements...". In the second sentence of Body paragraph 2, it should be "individuals, who started...". Of course, it is my point of view and maybe someone will find other mistakes in your work. Good luck and keep practicing

  6. It is considered by some that youth ought to go to educational institution in order to advance their education, while there are others who think that it is better to land a job as auto technics or constructors by working in service sector. In my opinion, attending a college of higher education must be at the top of graduate`s priorities.

    On the one hand, many people believe it is easier to enhance job prospects if they graduate from a honorable university with a professional degree. In other words, possessing tertiary education puts young people one step ahead of others who do not, thus being the deciding factor in getting a promotion at the workplace. Today the rivalry to enter universities and the expanding number of graduates are the clear examples that demonstrate how the higher level of education is crucial for future job opportunities.

    On the other hand, gaining work experience as well as earning money at the same time can also throw the balance in favour of working in service industry. It is obvious that jobs, which provide a service for society, grant youth a great opportunity to earn a huge amount of money immediately after graduation without spending several years to study. For instance, nowadays the considerable demand for cosmetology services is allowing nail technicians make more money than those who earn a living holding the tertiary diplomas.

    Finally, it is my belief that employers generally look favourably on candidates who possess relevant level of education when applying for a position. Therefore, it is better to continue education at college.

    In conclusion, people should take their time before they rush into making a decision about advancing their education or not in order to be sure of success.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello, _lolipop!
      In your essay, you followed the logical sequence and I like that you used variety of sentence structures.
      The usage of linking words and synonyms is also appropriate.

      I recommend you to write 1-2 more sentences in conclusion part, and it would be better to use inversions or past perfect in order to improve the quality of your job.

      In the 3rd paragraph, you used "It is obvious that " which is generalization. In some cases it might not be "obvious " and people may not know, so suggest you to replace it.

  7. It is argued by some that youth should be inspired to work in service industry in order to provide benefits for community, while others would rather graduate and receive university degree. I am of the view that university education allows young people to master essential skills for academic jobs, whereas increased number of blue-collar workers would have salutary effect on infrastructure and society.

    Initially, educational centers are intended to rise consciousness and intelligence among the population as well as to teach them the required professional perks. In other words, graduates of quality educational facilities are mostly guarantied to find a good job that are provided with higher salary and better working conditions. The best illustrations are how prestigious learning centers are desired by youth today.

    On the other hand, growth of human capital in the variety of spheres would lead to development in framework, rapid expansion of cities, better quality of service and other improvements. Moreover, despite the colossus advertisement of mental labor and its reputation as vital part of development, manual laborers play crucial role in society these days as well. Manufacturing, mining, electricity generation and a plenty type of works are relying on blue-collar workers.

    Finally, in my point of view, in spite significance of working class it is better way to graduate to receive academic background. The reason is upcoming technological revolution that will diminish the need of the manual work. Furthermore, all around the world decent universities a opening up what have enhanced availability of university education.

    In conclusion, the choice between the described way depends on some other circumstances, but I would recommend going to universities because additional training is always valued same as experience.

    1. Hello, Smart Wood! In your essay I've catched really good ideas and vocabulary.
      1) you missed some articles - the service, the community, an increased number, a degree and etc.
      2) to rise -> to raise
      3)guarantied -> guaranteed
      4) a good job that IS provided with A higher salary
      5) missed articles: growth, rapid expansion, better quality
      Please work on articles. You have issues with that.

    2. Hello, Smart Wood. You have a very good essay. There is a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structure. At the same time, you need to improve some points of your work. I think that in the last sentence of the Body paragraph 1, it should be "the best illustration is...". Also, instead of "type of works" it would be better to write "types of work". That is all that I have found. Keep working and you will get higher mark

    3. Hello, Smart Wood! I really like the way your essay is written: it is clear and accurate. Here are some advice in order to improve your essay.
      P1 L2: "others would rather". I guess, there ought to be a word "think" after "others" because you are explaining two different groups' opinion on this topic, not an action of different students. (hope, it's clear)
      P1 L3: Please, can you check the word "academic jobs".
      P2 L1: "educational centers". I think you need to reconsider it and mb replace it with "educational institution". Also, you can add an example to strength your opinion.
      P3 L1: "the development of human capital" is more suitable.

      I enjoyed your conclusion because it is logical and clear, but it is a bit short. Maybe instead of writing two paragraphs (finally, conclusion), you should write one conclusion. Because outro ought to be the same size as intro.

      You showed a wide range of vocabulary. Just read a lot, analyze sample essay and you gonna get a high mark. Wish you good luck!

    4. For Marco' attention
      catch-caught- caught
      "I caught the aroma of coffee"
      "Did you catch the thief?"

      (baseball) be the catcher
      "Who is catching?"

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. These days, it is often believed that a university degree is essential since it allows working in a prestigious place as a white-collar worker. However, another part of the population thinks that graduates should do community services instead of continuing to study. From my point of view, it would be better if undergraduates keep studying to get a university degree because the majority of workplaces require the graduation of a university.

    Nowadays, mental jobs are mostly required, which need special knowledge. For instance, the ICT programmer is highly necessary due to modern needs. However, people cannot cope with this job with high school knowledge. Besides, universities would teach important skills that may be useful, such as critical thinking, analyzing as well as technology and information literacy. Graduates can acquire these skills mostly in educational facilities. Furthermore, knowledge is obtained in universities would provide work safety and sustainability. As a result, people cannot underrate the significance of university degrees.

    On the other hand, rarely do people realize the importance of community work, and hold views that a society lack of blue-collar workers. These kinds of people play a crucial part in society, thanks to them, people do not face any major problems in daily life. In addition, these jobs do not entail any high degree, which means no need for further studying and wasting time. Likewise, these workers would start their work earlier and be more experienced. Also, they have an opportunity to set up their own business. Therefore, people believe that community work is better and the best decision after the graduation of a school.

    In conclusion, I take a stance of even though manual workers are a vital part of our life, a university degree is necessary. Moreover, if it is possible, every person should try to study at universities since it is a great opportunity to learn a plethora of things to develop the world.

    1. Hello Lucky Dr.Robert, how are you? Your essay is very good and there is no grammar mistake, but they're no mean that is it ideal work. I like how you used the words and you have almost no repetition. I think you need to learn more complex grammatical constructions for more effect. Good lack of your next tasks and versions.

  10. Nowadays people's opinion about education has been changed. It is believed by someone that young generation should study at university to enhance their knowledge, while others think that youth should rather work in the service sector. In this essay I will discuss both sides of this situation and give my own opinion.
    To begin with, it is not a secret that the majority of people want to get a job in demand. But often such work positions require a university education. For example, if someone wants to be an engineer, he needs a high level of education to properly work in this area of activity. He will not be allowed to work without satisfactory level of knowledge, because it might be dangerous for people: he may make a mistake during the construction and there is a real threat of destruction of the building. Moreover, in the cases of job loss, people can move to the another vacancy, because he has a diploma. That is why people need to study at university or in college to get the wanted job.
    On the other hand, there is no need to graduate the higher educational institution, because not everyone wants to spend his lifetime by studying and working for a certain company. A lot of people prefer to be self-employed. It is clear that such way of activity may be beneficial, as well. To launch a business, university education is not required. That is why it seems to someone that it is better to work in a service sphere, as a mechanic, builder or cook and so on. Also, in some cases such businesses can be modified or changed. For example, recently, due to the coronavirus, a lot of field of activity have witnessed a great crisis, but cafes continued to work distantly by delivering foods to the customers. From this side, this point of view is sensible.
    In conclusion, everyone should choose his/her way of activity independently and should take into account his/her future sphere of activity. But, personally, I think that higher education is always much more useful for people than the lack of education.

    1. Hi, Modern Idea!
      ~ people's opinions
      ~ missed articles, recheck your essay properly
      ~ In this essay,
      ~ a real threat TO THE destruction
      ~ just another, not THE another
      ~ to spend his lifetime (by) studying and working - here (by) is incorrect.
      ~ Please paraphrase your words and DO NOT use informal words and structures such as: Also, but and so on.
      a lot of field of activity have witnessed a great crisis ->
      a lot of fieldS of activity haS witnessed a great crisis
      ~ a way of acting instead of a way of activity

    2. Good morning my dear, I wanna say that you wrote a good essay and it had really good ideas. However, I want you to improve your essay by properly and more clearly developing your arguments. Also, pay attention to the punctuation.
      - THE young generation;
      - I do not recommend you to write "in this essay, i will discuss..", at least here;
      - without A satisfactory level;
      - no comma before because ("because it might be dangerous");
      - to another vacancy (no article, usually it does not require an article);
      - no need to graduate FROM A higher educational..;
      - that such A way;
      - or cook, and so on (you should put comma before "and" in this case);
      - Also, in some cases, (comma after "cases");
      - a lot of fieldS ( a plural form);
      In addition, I have noticed that in your BP2 that you wrote "people can move to another vacancy" but then you wrote "HE has a diploma", there is a noun disagreement. Also, if you write someone, you cannot be sure that it is "he", so i offer you to write he/she as you did in your conclusion part.
      I am not sure, so can you consider an article with education, Because, the word "education" can be both countable and uncountable depending on the situation. Since, i do not confident about ypur situation, i want you to check it.
      You know, you have really good ideas, and in order to make them easier to read I recommend you to use more linking words. I like your essay because you have avoided the overgeneralization by using modal verbs and words such as seem, etc. Thank you for your hard work and good luck.

  11. Many today are of the view that youth ought to get tertiary education while others believe that they should perform social work in order to be useful to society. In my opinion, it is good to work for society but tertiary education is more important.

    On one hand, further education provides more opportunities to the young in the future. Moreover, it also contributes to the economic growth and development of the country. Individuals studying in university would be able to broaden their learning capacity and get professional knowledge. They will serve the country not only as taxpayers, but also make important decisions in the development of the state. One example of effective use of knowledge from a university is the Kaspi Bank app created by a young student from Kazakhstan. It is a really handy app to control money transactions and do online shopping.Thus, higher education provides many opportunities.

    On the other hand, young people who start working rather than studying will be more experienced. Experience is a crucial criteria to be successful and get a job.Moreover, If youth start working after high school, they will get a chance to earn money at their early age. Also, working instead of studying in university is a great option to save money because tuition fees of tertiary education are very expensive. For instance, many students who are engaged in business found their working experience useful in their work.

    Taking everything into consideration, youngsters going to university would have more opportunities to broaden their knowledge, whereas students who are working will have vital experience for the future. However, in my opinion, it is better to get tertiary education to become a more professional specialist.

    283 words

    1. I really enjoyed reading your essay for the next reasons:
      1. The essay structure is correct;
      2. Your ideas are decent and clear;
      3. Your vocabulary is good.

      However, examiners would love to see complicated and intriguing grammar structures, right? :) Keep going, you already have an excellent foundation, just need some development.

      I would like to mention just a bit of tautology: you used "opportunity" a lot of times.
      Some preposition mistakes crop up from time to time. Here are the correct versions:
      -for the young in the future
      - studying at university
      -fees for tertiary education
      And you miss some articles:
      -have a vital experience
      -to get a tertiary education

    2. 1) One the one hand - you wrote without an article
      2) more opportunities to the young - > opportunities for ..
      3) criteria gonna be criterion
      4) at university
      5) a vital experience
      6) in the future - not for the future
      7) a tertiary education (an article)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Some believe they have to go to universities to finish their studies, while some think it's the best choice to start operating in the services field. I will discuss the two sides of the debate and offer my opinion in this essay.

    Youth schooling is highly beneficial, on the one hand. It funds not only the students, but also helps to improve the region. People who join school will be able to expand their knowledge beyond the subject. They would ultimately enable the country to make things simpler through creativity and different technologies.With that way we can get more educated workers.

    At the other hand, though, people would become more knowledgeable if they started working instead of going to school. It's also the best way to save money because it could cost a lot to attend college. In Uzbekistan, for example, many students after finishing their education at school, get work in building sphere.That way help them economize their money on university and we can get skilled workers.

    In summary, young people who go to college will have more chances to widen their horizons, while working graduates could achieve more positions in the future. I assume that young people are best off attending universities.

    1. VERY GOOD ESSAY!!! But there words less than 250 words. You can use institute instead of university. Introduction is too short, next time write it more longer

    2. Dear Rakamakafo!
      I like your essay and the ideas you discussed in it. It seems like you did an immense progress since your last essays. However you have some mistakes and little minuses that you have to fix in future. Fortunately, there is only one grammar mistake that I found.
      First of all, Punctuation
      Use a comma before 'and' if it connects two independent clauses (unless they are closely connected and short).
      Replace with:
      university, and.
      Secondly, you wrote "I will discuss..."in introduction. It is not a mistake but it will be better to replace it with your own opinion instead of telling your reader what are you going to do. Essentially, it's just a waste of time and words. Why tell the reader what you're going to do? Just do it! You only have 250 words to write, don't waste your time and energy on telling the reader what you're going to do.
      It would be better to add some examples and argument in first paragraph. Also, you introduced second paragraph by writing "At the other hand". It is mistake and it should be written "on the other hand". Nevertheless, you have done great job! Good luck.

    3. *It is good that you separated your paragraphs
      Heisenberg gave you really good feedback, however, I decided to correct some grammar mistakes.
      *"offer my opinion in this essay." give my opinion
      *"while some think it's the best choice to start "- it is
      *" I will discuss the two sides of the debate" -I will discuss both sides of the argument....
      * Please memorise the collocations below, copy them into your copybook. They are related to the word school.
      school noun

      elementary, high, middle, nursery, prep/preparatory, primary, secondary | comprehensive, grammar, secondary modern | direct-grant, grant-maintained, state | independent, private, public | special
      (In Britain ‘public schools’ are private.) She attends a special school for children with learning difficulties.
      | boys', co-educational, girls', mixed, mixed-sex, single-sex | boarding, residential | day | Sunday | summer | local, rural, village | art, business, dance, drama, film, language, medical, riding, secretarial, training, etc.

      attend, go to | start | finish, leave | skip, (play) truant from | be/stay off, keep sb off
      His mum kept him off school for two weeks when he was ill.
      * The examiner will be looking for collocations in your writing, so it is better to use collocations rather than translating expressions fron your language.
      ***"At the other hand, though," ON THE OTHER HAND, and I do not think that these two can be used together. What do you think? Read it and translate it. It is better not to use them together.
      *"It's also the best"- It is
      *"In summary," IN CONCLUSION, Do not use anything else.
      Thank you for making an effort to write this essay. Hopefully, blogging is helping you to write better.

  14. Some people strongly believe that adolescents should get higher education at a university, while other people believe that the younger generation should pay more attention to professions that do not require additional education.
    First of all it should be understood that nowadays it is not mandatory to have university education. However, our society and the way we live clearly show us that people should be at the forefront of technological developments or advancements. If person wants to be high paid specilist in organizations that require diploma of high education he should get graduated. For instance, it would be impossible to become IT specialist with a limited education. Therefore, by pursuing higher education young people expand their future opportunities.
    Nevertheless, theoretical knowledge from university education can be useless in particular cases. To give an illustration, it will be enough to have basic knowledge in spheres such as seller. However, if person attempt to become IT manager or analitic without any educational degree it would be issue. Moreover, despite of the fact that someone will not graduate a certain degree, some specialists just have to be curious in a working area, and only then teens will be encouraged to as mechanics or builders to serve the society. However, in a job market there are usually educated people in demand.
    Taking everything into consideration, I strongly claim that studying further much better than straight working. This is due to, education brings extremely necessary abilities and knowledge in comparison with the early experience at work.

    1. Dear heisenberg!
      Generally you did great, but let me mention some aspects of your essay you have to reconsider:
      You have to learn structure of introduction IELTS essay. Secondly, you conclusion is not conclusion of your essay, make sure you draw clear conclusion next time. In conclusion you talk about knowledge, but in paragraphs you talk about high-paid job.
      3) There is no need to repeat your example about IT, so just find out other ideas.

    2. Hello, Heisenberg.
      The first thing should be noticed is the punctuation: you missed some commas, for example, after "First of all".
      Secondly, pay attention to the use of "despite": it is used without "of".
      However, I liked that you use linking devices propoperly.

    3. Dear Heisenberg, separate your paragraphs. Otherwise it will affect your CC score. It is a rule of writing in IELTS.
      * Copy the following collocations and learn them. The are related to the word school.
      school noun

      elementary, high, middle, nursery, prep/preparatory, primary, secondary | comprehensive, grammar, secondary modern | direct-grant, grant-maintained, state | independent, private, public | special
      (In Britain ‘public schools’ are private.) She attends a special school for children with learning difficulties.
      | boys', co-educational, girls', mixed, mixed-sex, single-sex | boarding, residential | day | Sunday | summer | local, rural, village | art, business, dance, drama, film, language, medical, riding, secretarial, training, etc.

      attend, go to | start | finish, leave | skip, (play) truant from | be/stay off, keep sb off
      His mum kept him off school for two weeks when he was ill.
      * The examiner will be looking for the topical collocations, so make sure you used them.
      * Knowledge:
      acquire, gain | have | demonstrate, flaunt, parade, show (off) | test | apply
      The job gave her the chance to apply the knowledge she had acquired at university.
      | share
      The barman was happy to share his knowledge of wine with us.
      | spread
      The volunteers' task is to spread knowledge of how to prevent the disease.
      | broaden, extend, improve, increase | deny
      He denied all knowledge of what had happened.
      * "Nevertheless, theoretical knowledge from university education can be useless"- gained at university. What do you think?
      *"knowledge in spheres such as seller." Seller is not a sphere
      * "However, if person attempt to become IT manager" Articles are missing here.
      * "analitic" analyst
      analyst noun

      a leading business analyst
      | business, computer, data, financial, industry, investment, market, military, policy, political, retail, systems

      ~ of
      He was a shrewd analyst of players' strengths and weaknesses.
      * Read the following collocations:

      college, university | first, ordinary, undergraduate | higher, master's, postgraduate, research | BA, BEd, BSc, MA, MSc, PhD, etc. | honours | pass | good, poor | first-class, (lower/upper) second-class, third-class
      Candidates must have at least an upper second class honours degree.
      | honorary | business, medical, history, law, philosophy, etc. | professional
      Candidates must hold a professional degree in architecture.
      | external | combined, joint, joint/combined subject, joint honours
      a joint honours degree in Business Studies and Modern Languages
      | modular | part-time

      have, hold | do, take
      He took a degree in law then joined a law firm.
      | be awarded, gain, get, obtain, receive | award sb, confer on sb
      The university conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.
      * without any educational degree it would be issue. An article is missing.
      * Revise the usage of DESPITE AND IN SPITE OF "Moreover, despite of the fact that" This is a dangerous mistake
      * "someone will not graduate a certain degree" Check the collocations related to degree.
      *"in a job market" in labour market is also a good expression
      *"much better than straight working." Correct the grammar here
      *"However, in a job market there are usually educated people in demand." Not a clear sentence and correct the grammar here.
      Overall, you really need to work on your grammar.
      Thank you very much for your effort.

  15. It is argued that graduated students may enter the university to continue their academic performance when others believe they should be enlivened to the job as car engineers, builders, or other professions that serve to the society. In my opinion, I believe that a university degree is essential to professions that required deep knowledge, while for serve job needs only experience.
    On the one hand, it is extremely beneficial for young individuals to continue their education, and education provides more opportunities for the young in the future. They will provide better ideas and university learnings will help them with deep knowledge of some job. This is because, the learning most things in university is systematically, that necessary for many professions. For example, doctors should have the professional knowledge to care patients and do surgery.
    However, on the other hand, people who go directly to work rather than going to get higher education would become more experienced. Having experience is one of the essential elements in being a successful professional, as well as, attaining job security. Moreover, working at an early age can provide some youngsters with money and save them instead of paying them to college or university. For example, builders do not construct amazing architecture, if they only know basic things from books.
    In conclusion, young people going to university will have more knowledge, however working students will become more experienced. In my opinion, it is better to go to the higher education place and get proper knowledge and demonstrate it to the society.

    1. Hello, friend of mine!
      ~ THE only experience
      most things in university is systematically -> SYSTEMATICAL
      the professional -> just professional without an article.
      ~ to care for

    2. Hello, Simple Panda!
      You have wrote 255 words but it is required to write more than 260 +.
      To care patients and do surgery. - to care FOR patients and do surgery.
      young people going to university will have more knowledge - not clear

    3. undergo surgery- this is a collocation, check it please.
      to experience something, especially something that is unpleasant but necessary
      undergo surgery/treatment/an operation etc: She underwent emergency surgery for suspected appendicitis.

    4. Hello, Simple Panda!
      Your essay is good, but there are some minor mistakes that you should reconsider.
      Your conclusion is a bit short, so please make sure that your conclusion is the same as your introduction. Also, you can improve your essay by using conditions and other complex structures! Wish you good luck!

  16. It is often argued that young adults should continue their studies by entering college after graduation in order to advance their education where as some think instead they should be encouraged to work in order to serve the society such as, a car mechanic or builders and so on. In my opinion, I believe that after graduating, young people can do more good and this knowledge will allow them to work better. Firstly, this essay will discuss the benefits of tertiary education and secondly it will analyse accumulated experience gained by work started earlier.
    On the one hand,studying at the university gives hope for a better future.Not only does it benefit the students, it also contributes to the improvement of the country.Highly qualified professors guide young people in the right direction and help set goals necessary for success in the future.High education serves the emergence of new ideas with great benefit to society.
    On the other hand, people who start to work, rather than go to university, will become more experienced.Having experience is one of the most important elements of successful professional activity, as well as learning new practical skills related to their chosen profession. There are also jobs that do not necessarily have a degree, such as building and those that can be learned without a university.
    In addition, for those who do not have the ability and money to enter universities, this is the only way out.
    In conclusion, though people may vary in their opinions,I am firmly convinced that it is better for young people to go to universities and get the right knowledge and bring new ideas with greater benefit to society.

    1. Hello, Happy Chemist!
      1) where as -> whereas
      Don't put a comma after "such as"
      2) Secondly,(comma)
      3) analyse -> analyze
      4) THE accumulated experience
      5) Not only does it benefit the students, BUT it also contributes to the improvement of the country.
      Good job!

    2. where as -whereas
      education and secondly it will analyse accumulated experience gained by work started earlier. - education and secondly(, )it will analyse accumulated experience gained by work started
      it also contributes to the - i think that it will better to add (but) before the it also

  17. It is often believed that young adults should go to the university in order to advance their high education while others consider that instead of going to colleges people should go to physical work to serve the society. On no account, the importance of studying in universities and cannot be ignored, but the significance of the physical work cannot be emphasized too much.
    It is extremely vital to study in universities for young people after graduating from high schools. The reason is that it benefits the student’ life and in future can be helpful for the country’s improvement. Students by continue the education can expand their knowledge in their specialized sphere. Moreover, while studying in colleges they can create projects which can make the lives of residents of countries more convenient. For example, students from Moscow’ university have invented the program which helps tired people in order to find the quiet places in the city. It shows a number of people in particular places; therefore a person that wants to relax from the noises can use this program. It is a satisfactory example of how education in universities can betterment the society’ life.
    On the other hand, people who started work instead of going to the universities have more experience. The availability of experience while hiring plays a significant role. An employer would choose and trust a person who has a particular knowledge and practice concerning the special sphere. Furthermore, the working youngsters are more independent in comparison with people that are studying in the universities. They start to earn a living in early ages and in future they can to set up their own business. For example, in Kazakhstan, the majority of businessmen have not graduated from colleges, in youth, they started work in the service sector, and now they rose to that level.
    In conclusion, there is no guarantee that a person who has graduated from university would have a better life than a person who has not got a diploma but has a rich work experience. Each person should choose own way to success because it depends on people.

    1. Hello, fatcatdog! I really like your advanced grammar structures as well as your interpretation
      1) to serve society without an article
      2) student's life, Moscow's university
      3) in THE future
      4) to find the quite places -> to find quite places
      5) universities, without THE
      6) a particular knowledge -> you can paraphrase it, like : a piece of particular knowledge.
      7) working youngsters (no the)
      In that case, experience is uncountable

  18. It is often believed that youngsters ought to receive a college education in order to advance their study, whereas some think instead they should be eager to engage in work connected with the manufacture and constructing. Both views must be discussed as having university education is a practical prerequisite for success in today’s knowledge-based economy. However, having a career as a junior worker will provide a chance for young people to gain money and acquire experience in their early age. Personally, I totally agree with the former view.

    On the one hand, college is worth it contend that college graduates have higher employment rates, bigger salaries and more work benefits than high school graduates. The overwhelming majority of corporations prefer their staff having higher education, which indicates the importance of receiving university degree. To put it differently, having a master or bachelor degrees put adolescents one step ahead of others, who are only school alumni. For example, one of the main requirements for professions, such as doctors is professional knowledge and college degrees. Therefore, with higher education, many job opportunities and benefits arise.

    On the other hand, there is a tendency that graduates, who started working as soon as they finished school become experienced, which allows them to be hired for well-paid job. Having experience is a key to success in our society nowadays. Moreover, college education can become a setback in life due to the big college loans. Therefore, youngsters, who were employed as blue-collar workers might have an opportunity to become independent and get a higher positions in their work fields in the long run.

    In conclusion, young people, who decided to apply universities, may have a professional occupation, whereas working students gain life-long experience, which aids them to get better job opportunities. In my point of view, school alumni ought to go to college in order to become professionals in their work field and demonstrate essential skills.

    1. Hello, Honey bubble!
      I am satisfied with your essay, especially I like your introduction and conclusion parts.
      The usage of linking words is great. I met various collocations and synonyms, which is a big advantage. I can say that there is no serious mistakes, however you can improve it by using more complex structures and conditional sentences.
      Good luck.

    2. Hello, Freya! Thanks for your feedback, I will take it into consideration :)

  19. Oftentimes, society puts enormous pressure on graduates forcing them to immediately choose physical work in order to be useful for community just after graduation. The logic behind that tendency is that, unlike tertiary education, social work does not an extended period of time to get qualified. Obviously, manual workers are a significant part of labour market; however, I am convinced that enough attention must be paid to university education and eminent professional specialists in the field of medicine, science, technology, communication, and human sciences.

    Indentured labourers are doing crucial work, performing complicated and physically demanding tasks that create a foundation for our society. They provide every member of the community with daily services and goods. The pace of local life could not any longer exist without efforts of social transport machine drivers, builders, repairmen, and farmers. They are valuable members of society and their work remains necessary and essential for centuries.

    On the other hand, in the age of technology and science humankind is in need of PhD-s and experienced intellectuals more than ever. The capacity for human development is directly proportional to the amount of intellectual work. For instance, Kazakhstan demands IT-workers and engineers for the development of the cutting edge technology field. Higher education is a crucial factor for the qualification of the aforementioned workers.

    To conclude, society cannot diminish labour output; however, youngsters’ prospects cannot confine to serving. Both fields have merits, but intellectual work and higher education own superiority in terms of development.

  20. In the modern world studying in university become a trend of many countries because of several reasons such as a guaranteed high salary job, advancement of knowledge and an opportunity to become a qualified specialist. However, others choose to become blue-collar worker such as a builder or a mechanic, consequently, some people consider that it is unnecessary to study at universities and spend a large amount of time on it, while there is an opportunity to work immediately and become a superb specialist. From my point of view, studying or working after high school graduation depends on the ability, the economic condition and the desire of students.

    Every successful person appreciates university since it trains and guides a student academically to become a wise and functional person with the country in general and family in specific. Moreover, higher education is supposed to be the minimum level for whom want to obtain a firm standing in the society and it provides people with numerous benefits, opportunities to do researches, chance to access a rich resource of academic knowledge. As a result, parents always hope their children can become a part of a famous university because of belief in a bright future forward. Not only do parents think, but some students also desire to acquire far more knowledge from well-known professors.

    However, some individuals want to live with their own passion which is not studied from a university. Now, many prosperous businessmen without university certificate can mature by their passion, energy and effort. In contrary, someone determines wrong major to follow, they may regret after studying and dishearten this major and it leads to some negative consequences subsequently.

    To conclude, I am of the opinion that university is an academic place where students can learn and obtain a sterling degree for a high salary job, however, if someone does not go to university, they can decide to follow their own path to never regret what they did and I believe that this decision should depend on student’s personality and necessity of further education.

  21. It is argued that graduates ought to apply to university to continue their academic activity. Nevertheless, there are people who believe that they should contribute to social services by doing blue-collar job. The following essay will discuss the both views.
    On the one hand, proponents of the idea that young adults should keep studying in the university appeal to the fact that qualified specialists could contribute to country and society even more rather than doing physical job and I completely agree with them. There are number of demanding professions such as IT specialists, engineers and doctors who are number one priority people in developing countries. By studying at college, youngsters might become one of the former specialists and make enormous contribution into improvement of the society. The prime example is Mark Zuckerberg, graduate of Harvard University, who in age of 19 become the founder of the largest social network in the world.
    On the other hand, opponents of this opinion assume that doing community services is the best option for the school graduates, because by serving people they could straightly start earning money and gain valuable experience. Rushing into job is financially beneficial for young people, because they are no longer dependent on their parent’s aid. However, the amount of earned money by doing blue-collar job is not very significant. For instance, many students in the eastern countries prefer working as soon as they finish the school, finding it easier to earn their living and working experience.
    In conclusion, obtaining knowledge’s is more advantageous for young individuals than going to work right after graduating from school. In my opinion , university enables students the wide range of opportunities to become demanding specialist and develop their country.

  22. Some people argue that young people should continue their education, while another part of people is inclined to the fact that young people should start a working career. Personally, I agree with the first point of view, and in this essay, I will provide evidence in favor of my opinion.

    There is an expression that it is only through training true professionals are born. Based on this, a person cannot work in the field of technology or medicine without the appropriate professional knowledge obtained at the university. For example, no one will allow a person who has no idea how the engine of the machine work to fix this engine. Moreover, a person himself will not be able to do anything.

    On the other hand, not everyone wants to spend four or even more years of their life on getting a diploma, and then the same amount of time on career development. Despite this, there is currently a huge demand for specialties related to technology development. Therefore, the time spent on training in any case should pay off, because with an increase in demand for the profession, salary will increase too. However, if a person goes to work without education and proper skills in his field, then the career development of this person will require much more time and effort

    Based on the above arguments, I believe that the best option for young people is to continue their education.

  23. There is a popular opinion that students should continue their education in post-secondary institutions while another view is about that they should go straight to work right after finishing school. In my opinion, the choice is dependent on the professions that students are taken since they require a specific set of skills and knowledge.

    Young people are encouraged to go to universities because it is one of the secure pathways that might lead to a successful career. Their professions require post secondary education, which is far beyond the school curriculum. Students expand their knowledge in a specific area; socialize with people with similar interests and educational routes which might lead to a further collaboration in the future workplace. The instances of these professions could be nurses, teachers, doctors, engineers. Other than that students acquire necessary skills, such as a good work ethics, time-management, and team work. These skills are essential for the job recruitment and further job promotions.

    On the other hand, students can finish their education studies and go straight to work. They are usually the type of people who do not see a necessity to go to college and waste their time in unrelated courses. Most of the times, their future professions do not require a specific educational training. Examples could be car mechanics, shop consultants, builders. However, these people could be competitive in the job market as they have developed social and complex problem solving skills and gained a real experience. Few of them people open startups and develop themselves as entrepreneurs.

    Overall, in my opinion, the choice to either go to college or work straight after school is mostly dependent on the preferred profession. Students who choose to further their education usually will work in STEM or social studies. Others acquire a real work experience and acquire important skills, such as social and complex problem solving skills.

  24. There is an opinion that young adults need a complete higher education to fully serve society and advance their education, instead, some adhere to the fact that practical skills such as mechanics or building experience are much more important and priority.
    On the one hand, continuing to gain knowledge is quite prestigious for students, since higher education has huge advantages for graduates. Individuals with a diploma have expanded knowledge in a certain field, thus this fact can contribute to creative thinking and the creation of new ideas. Furthermore, graduation can indicate such personal qualities as hard work and perseverance.
    At present, most employers appreciate the completion of higher education among their employees and many students go to universities after they graduate schools.
    However, on the other hand, individuals, who rather preferred to start working, would become more experienced as professional. Work experience and practical skills add value to the employee because theoretical knowledge without practical application is not important for society. Moreover, some people even with a lack of higher education were able to become successful and brought innovations that changed the world. For instance, Bill Gates - one of the most famous and richest people in our time. Bill studied at Harvard for 2 years, after which he was expelled. He immediately directed all his efforts and time into the creation of software and the foundation of the future Microsoft Corporation.
    In conclusion, I think that both practical skills and theoretical material are essential for a good professional. However, higher education is more beneficial for young individuals, because it helps to develop deep and critical skills, which are important for further development of practical experience.

  25. The school finished students undergo a big dilemma “What they should to do next?” . So people think it is necessary to graduate the university, while others opinion in contrast say that life experience such as working a builder or car mechanic is more needed. In this essay, I will discuss both of views and share my vision of this phenomenon.
    On the one hand, the further education is very necessary, because give opportunity to become specialist in the particularly required sphere. For example, if your works in pharmaceutical company, the knowledge from chemical engineering faculty could speed up your career promotion. Otherwise, if you do not know the science basic, the work become harder and career will demand more time.
    On the other hand, the real work instead of theoretical information could give to you opportunity developing practical skills such as communication skills or critical thinking skills. For instance, the newbies usually do not know what they should do when the circumstances become terrible, so they start panic and make the situation worse. Alternatively, due to life experience the before worked employee may react to this situation fast and sober, because they can saw this problem previously and knew what they should do.
    In conclusion, the further education and life experience equally necessary. As a consequence, the university start send students for internships or other initiate dual training which is included theoretical and practical work. Henceforth, the dual training is optimal type of studying actually.

  26. It is often believed that graduates ought to continue their degree in academic institutions in order to get an appropriate knowledge, while others strongly believe that after high school teenagers has to work in service industry, which is more beneficial for a community. In this essay I will discuss the considerable knowledge gaining by university’s study as soon as types of job, that does not require a specialised education.

    First of all, the main reason of the further educational process of the most graduates is to become a professional in a particular work industry. Universities allow young people to gain the deeper knowledge of the subjects and, also to get an essential preparation for the future job. Currently most multinational organisations and companies are focused on individual’s degree level during a recruitment process. For instance, enormous world companies, such as Yandex and Google consider an ICT degree as the fundamental for their employees.

    Turning to the other side of an argument, the amount of the service worker has been increased because of its high importance in a society. That kinds of jobs do not require the specialised education and the considerable period of time to study. Therefore, some teenaigers go straight to work after their graduation in order to earn the money, because most of them have not enough money to pay for further study. For instance, the service workers, such as waiters, drivers and salesmen always have been needed to serve the community, and they do not lose the position in labor market.

    Taking all things into consideration, every student have own choice either to get the degree in university or to gain work experience by straight working for the society. Personally, I strongly believe that both highly qualified and service workers are essential for the community life, because each of them make contribution into public development.

  27. It is often thought that it is vital for school graduates to apply for universities with the purpose of advancing their tuition. Others claim that it is better for them to contribute to society working as car mechanics or builders. In my opinion, gaining knowledge in universities is crucial in order to become a professional in any field.
    These days, the majority of adolescents desire to study at prestigious universities because they are aware of the fact that good education is a direct path to career growth. Studying in universities, they are able to acquire high quality knowledge necessary for becoming competent specialists in the market. So, working as doctors, engineers or opening an own company will be possible only if the appropriate knowledge is obtained.
    On the other hand, it is necessary to have workers who contribute to society because it is hard to imagine the community without the service sector and in this case, studying in universities become needlessly. It is one’s choice to decide where to work, but adolescents tend to be forced to work in the unpleasant sphere because of their economic conditions. In other words they cannot afford education in universities, and therefore, they go to work as car mechanics or electricians.
    In conclusion, despite serving society jobs are necessary all the time, nowadays, school graduates aim to work in more prestigious work places. I think that gaining knowledge in universities is beneficial and indispensable due to the fact that it allows building a career.

  28. It is considered by some that youngsters should continue their education process after completing a high school by studying at university. However, others believe that they should earn more experience by getting a job as auto mechanics or builders, in order to serve society.

    On the one hand, it is well known that university degree provides more opportunities to young people in the future, due to the high demands of our time. Firstly, university gives a systematical knowledge and a student is able to become a professional in his sphere. It is essential to have a qualification to earn people’s trust. Moreover, nowadays, corporations prefer higher educated employees and because of the great number of candidates, the one will have more difficult to find a favorable job if his or her competitor has a master degree.

    On the other hand, having work experience can also throw the balance in favor of the applicant, according to some. Practical experience and having basic knowledge would help to achieve success in being a better worker. For example, learning the basics from textbooks or mentors is also way to become a specialist in spheres such as building, mechanics, plumbing and others. It is also helpful for young people to gain money and become independent, cause the cost of living, nowadays, has jumped steadily.

    In conclusion, both sides have a great deal of strong arguments. However, I firmly agree with the opinion that getting further education in the university is better in many cases, because it broadens our horizons, boosts our minds and causes personal development.

  29. There is the famous opinion, that young adults should go to colleges in order to advance their education, whereas others think that it is better to build own career as a junior worker. Personally, I totally agree with both opinions.

    First of all, it is really hard to deny fact that it would be much easier to form a good career with a high education, it provides more opportunities to the specialists in the future. Moreover, young people can learn professional knowledge systematically in universities, individuals going to universities would have the opportunities to expand their learning capacity beyond the boundaries of the subject. For example, doctors, nurses must have high education to take care of people, no one will accept a doctor without license. Secondly, companies prefer staff with a good education. Person without bachelor or master degree will not be able to find job in corporations with high payment.

    On the other hand, works like car mechanics or builders will provide chance for young people to gain money in their early age. Nowadays, the cost of living has jumped steadily. Working in an early age will help the young more independent. Practise makes perfect, so they will be professionals in the few years of working and experiencing.

    In my opinion, there are some works, where people need to have a high education and license and other works that does not need any of those, both of them are important.

    In conclusion, young people going to college would have more opportunities to widen their horizons, whereas working students would be able to gain better job opportunities in the future. I believe, it is better for young people to go to universities and gain proper knowledge and to demonstrate whatever they specialized to the betterment of the society.

  30. Some people agree that high school graduates should proceed with their education in universities, but others think that the responsibility of young people is to work after finishing their middle education. In my opinion, finding a job without attending a university is a more stable choice among the two.

    There are two reasons why university is a bad choice. Firstly, higher education is expensive. The cost of attending a good college is enough to break all the financial stability of one middle class family in almost any country of the world. For instance, the standard amount of money required to get higher education varies between twenty thousand to thirty thousand dollars a year, while oftentimes the price goes even higher.

    Secondly, learning in a university is an extremely time consuming activity with no material results for the efforts. In most cases, it takes a student in a college about 4 years to complete an average course. In these 4 years, a person is required to acquire a lodging, the food to eat, daily necessities and other belongings. To cover all of the listed supplies, monthly stipend, which varies from 200 to 500 dollars, is not enough.

    On the other hand, an average freelancer is typically able to improve his or her material situation in about 2 years of work. In other words, the likelihood of getting definite results for the time and effort spent over 4 years is higher if a person starts searching for work opportunities after high school.

    Another argument for working after high school is that in that way, the person will be able to become independent faster. Without anyone’s major help and professors’ meticulous attention, there will not be many people one is able to rely on. That will teach a young person how to make rational decisions and act on them on their own.

    In conclusion, in regards to the financial stability, working without going to college is a better choice.


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