Thursday, April 23, 2020

Task 16 Version 2 Many efforts have been made by countries to address challenges concerning the environment but the situation has not improved. What are the possible reasons for environmental degradation? Are there any solutions to combat this problem? Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.


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  6. Despite all commitments that have been done by world community to tackle ecological issues, the status of environment keeps deteriorating. I am of the view that the reasons of environmental problems are incorrect treatment, irrationality of human being and fortunately or not successfulness of humankind what could be tackled by increasing the consciousness and changes in current economic system.

    Firstly, those problems popped up due to the foolishness and humankind. In other words, rapid evolution of science and technology led them to higher population, better life conditions and the hugest amount of production. To illustrate this, humanity went to one billion population in 19th century and to over 7.5 billion in only 200 years what deteriorated the natural conditions all over the world. Secondly, as I said before our industry have become the most effective than everywhen it was. Although we have all resources to provide with better living conditions all population and solve couple of problems, most of the money is still in pockets of 20% people. Moreover, charity in African countries made it worse because it does not better their industry what is the most necessary to tackle governmental issues and making them capable to provide their own wealth.

    Fist solution that I would suggest is broadcasting of recycling, green energy and other modern pro-natural trends. The idea is to change mindset of people around this problem all over the world and to rise their awareness of the problem. For instance, China is nation that has used the most effective ways to solve the problem as policy of one child for one family. Secondly, transportation is another issue that produces thousands of tons of greenhouse gases that worse the atmosphere, so the solution is to develop the local production. Good example are people who rejected meat and started to consume products of grateful companies that bring high-qualified food that is of course 99% ecologically clean. However, this kind of people are not aware with phenomena as carbon footprint of planes, trucks and ships that are harmful.

    In conclusion, I consider those ways as effective solutions to struggle against our own footprints, and I think that humanity will evolve and change everything into better way in next decades.


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  8. Due to the deterioration of the environment, with which the world has been faced in recent years, governments of different countries have taken measures to eliminate the occurred challenges. However, the problem continues to worsen at an alarming rate mainly due to human activities.

    To begin with, main causes for the situation are a burning of tremendous amount of fossil fuels and usage of plastic. Cars and aerosol sprays are used by mankind in everyday life, producing additional carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, factories produce endless outbursts of toxic substances into the air and water. Plastic bags are available at any store for free.

    If people can make an effort to cut the usage of such products, and change their lifestyle, it would significantly reduce the burning of gases. Hence, to tackle the problem, individual attempts and responsibility could make a substantial shift in addressing this issue. Cars are another source of air pollution. Gasoline used to run a car, forms toxic components that affect air purity. Such components include carbon monoxide, various aldehydes and soot.

    The possible solution to mitigate the environmental issue is to produce an eco-friendly state in humanity’s mind. In other words, it would bring great effects if people start using public transport or bicycles instead of cars that run on gasoline. Moreover, every person could play a main part to save our habitat by not using plastic in daily life, which is a hazardous pollutant of the soil. For example, people could use paper or cloth bags. Also the government could set some rules for factories, to reduce the emissions.

    In conclusion, the environmental problem is the burning condition and one's has a crucial role in joining the government in reducing the harm. However, the main solution remains in the hands of ordinary people and individual participation.

  9. Humanity have been exploring the possible solutions of enviromental issues for decades. Despite of governmental actions towards this problem, our nature still suffer from unpredictable actions of humankind. In my opinion, it would be difficult to claim that it can be solved through several steps. Nevertheless, there are some possible solutions of this global issue that should be implemented.
    For a variety of reasons, it would be impossible just to cease the actions of human in order to save our environment. However we can attempt to reduce the level of pollution. Firstly, government of all countries should change its development vector from using fossil fuels to eco-energy. Success in the field of eco-energy is achieved every year. For instance, in developed countries like Denmark and Switzerland, the efficiency level of eco windmills jumped over the efficiency level of a thermoelectric power station.
    Secondly, using of recycled products ought to be widespread. The idea is to change mindset of people around this problem all over the world and to rise their awareness of the problem. Government ought to subsidise the companies that specialise in recycling. For example, from 2015 "Apple" are using paper boxes for their earpods instead of plastic bags in order to make it recycable. Those kind of actions of immense companies can put a trend on recycable products and inspire them to use them.
    In conclusion, I firmly believe that problem of enviromental degradation can be solved through this simple steps. Nevertheless, it all depends on a mindset of people.

  10. Governments put appropriate schemes into place with the purpose of making people aware of the burning environmental issues, but in spite of this fact a current situation has not been altered. The main reason for this is that citizens do not realize their responsibility and in order to tackle this problem, countries should tighten the laws.
    If we desire to protect ourselves from global issues, such as the emergence of greenhouse gases, melting glaciers and pollution, we ought to work together as the citizens of one country first and then as the worldwide citizens. However, the majority of people do not understand it because they assume that the actions of one person will not influence globally, therefore, they continue to pollute, spend a large number of resources like water which are exhaustible.
    Countries are trying to concentrate people’s attention on global problems by introducing this topic into the curriculum and organizing special events dedicated to the protection of the environment. However, in my point of view, this is not enough because the situation is still the same as it was before. So, I think that the government needs to introduce new laws due to the environmental issues. For instance, make limitations for using water resources or penalties for incorrect waste sorting.
    To sum up, the current problem of countries regarding the environmental issues caused by the unconsciousness of some people might be alleviated by the introduction of new rules. These measures are necessary because people have to unite and nobody can combat this problem on his or her own.


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