Thursday, May 10, 2018

Task 5 Version 3: It's been proved that reading for pleasure develops the imagination and betters the language skills than watching TV does


  1. Imagination and language skills are mainly developed by reading books and watching television. However, television is more popular than books in that aspect. People like television because of its functionality and variety of information which it could provide, when in fact reading is proved to be more beneficial than watching TV.

    Television is more modern than books. It has many functions which books do not have. It shows us visualized information and provides new ideas audibly. Furthermore, there is a variety of channels and just by switching them you could find information almost for all spheres in life. People choose it because reading books is a more troublesome way to find information.

    Although the quantity of books is enormous, finding an appropriate one is difficult. Using remote controller is much easier. To read books we need to have patience. Firstly, we find a quiet and peaceful environment, so that others could not disturb us. Secondly, we seek a place with good lighting, so that our eyes will not become tired. Thirdly, we are spending much time to immerse ourselves in books, so that we do not miss its content. On the other side, to watch TV we only need to buy one, install it inside a house, put batteries into a remote controller and then enjoy watching TV programs.

    Nevertheless, all the “trouble” we go through while pleasure reading is a valuable experience. This “trouble” is what makes pleasure reading so attractive. Only through enduring hardships could we gain something truly precious. That is one of the main reasons reading is considered more beneficial than television.

    Earlier, I loved watching TV very much. By watching it I found much information which interested me. I liked watching cartoons and movies, found programs with information related to my past hobbies and learned from them. However, I also read books at the same time. I spent my days watching TV, but when interesting books “arrived”, I read them with pleasure for days and weeks without stop.

    Evidently, books always interested me more than TV. The reason being is that when I watch TV, I feel myself an outsider. I could not immerse myself with the world shown there. Trying to forcefully do so only made me feel worse. So, with the flow of time, TV programs became dull for me. Consequently, I completely stopped watching them.

    On the other hand, reading books never became boring, even now books and stories interest me the most. My English vocabulary as well as my ideas and thought process progressed while the quantity of books I read increased. From my point of view, books and stories promote people’s minds and influence their thinking in a better way than television.

  2. Nowadays, person’s brain is in a difficult situation. People replace reading fascinating books with watching big screens of televisions. It is clear that it is going to affect the development of humanity.
    From a long time ago, people knew that reading is a valuable way of evolving. Firstly, reading is the main part of developing imagination and creativity. Due to while person reads, he imagines and presents numerous number of pictures in his mind. However, TV shows us finished pictures, which may interrupt the development of our imagination, so that people can’t think outside of the box.
    Actually, language skills such as vocabulary and grammar develop by reading too. I would like to share with my own experience about reading national geographic books, which I started in grade seven. Somebody can say that it is boring and not useful pastime as he or she is sure. Despite this, during reading these books I have learned many academic words, I have improve my English grammar and memory skills. Memory is a thing, which we can develop by reading amazing books with different information.
    TV does less benefit, than reading. That is obviously clear. Unfortunately, today the majority of people continue to spend their free time on watching TV and only minor amount do not forget about a world inside astonishing books.

    1. Hello!
      -"Due to while...", it sounds not natural)), so "Due to the reading, person start to imagine number of pictures in his mind"
      -" I have improve(d)..." it must be past simple here
      Good job!

  3. With the development of television people forget about books that really advance their imagination and language skills. Television plays an important role in our life. Every day we turn on the TV and watch news or films. To eat and watch simultaneously is comfortable and it becomes a part of our routine. For some people television is their work. There are so many reporters, operators and speakers who work very hard to provide as much new information as they can. However, if we overdo watching TV, it will bad affect us because of its radiation and a risk to become addicted. Therefore, we cannot stop reading.
    I totally agree with the statement that reading for pleasure evolves the fancy and language skills than watching TV does. Firstly, we see figures in our mind during reading. Concerning television it shows you ready pictures, your fantasy and creativity do not become better. Secondly, while reading we memorize sentence structures and replenish our vocabulary. On the other hand, when you watch videos you hear the audio and do not remember all information.
    In my own experience, reading is the most useful way if you want to refine. I watched American films but it was hard for me to learn new words. Of course, I carry on do that for my listening and speaking. However, I noticed a real progress when I started to read National geographic books in grade seven. These little books contain a lot of academic words. Furthermore, the majority of the stories are fascinating. There are levels so that you can improve your skills step by step.
    In conclusion I want to say that everybody has the freedom to choose but I advise you to read instead of watching TV.

    1. Hello, Margo.
      1)However, if we overdo watching TV, it will bad affect us because of its radiation and a risk to become addicted ~ it is a false fact about TV that share a radiation.
      2)On the other hand, when you watch videos you hear the audio and do not remember all information ~ it depends on the viewer.
      3)In conclusion ~ In comclusion,(comma)
      4) National geographic books ~ "National Geographic" books.

    2. Hello Margo, great job!

      Just a few small suggestions:
      1) Instead of saying eating while watching TV is "comfortable", can you think of a stronger adjective?
      2) "bad affect us" could be improved by changing it to "negatively affect us"
      3) "I carry on do that" should read "I carry on doing that"

      Very nice essay and I hope that you will continue to enjoy reading awesome magazines such as National Geographic!

    3. Dear Hames and Jumping Frog, thank you so much for your feedbacks. Thanks to your advice I have a chance to rewrite my essay and improve it.

  4. Have you ever thought about how important books are? How many of good ideas you had lost leaving books on your old shelves? People rather watch TV than read books, and this can make a difference in the not-so-distant future.

    Books are just like teachers, they teach us how to think. They help us to maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. While reading, person uses his own imagination to create images of characters, buildings, even whole countries in his mind! Is this comparable to what the TV offers? Ready-made thoughts, prepared phrases and no need to think. I guess that's what attracts people so much. All that remains after watching TV is wasted time.

    Moreover, books are truly useful, when person learns new language, because they improve vocabulary, sentence structure and grammar. They help to develop reading skills and critical thinking. I have a life example. After changing my school my English level was not bad, but I did not know a lot at the same time. In that case, reading helped me to develop and taught me how to think out of the box. I started reading actively, especially National Geographic books. I wrote down every new word for me, and for now I have got the thick notebook full of useful words and phrases. It has been a long way learning, but I am aware of that it was not in vain. I believe that it will affect my future.

    Reading is a pleasure, which everyone can get easily. So instead of wasting free time, better read more!

    1. This is a fantastic piece of writing - I enjoyed reading it very much. Your writing flows naturally and I am very impressed with its accuracy. It is very close to being perfect. Here are a few things that I spotted:

      Have you ever thought how important books are?
      How many good ideas have you lost leaving books on your old shelves?
      People would rather watch TV than read books, and this could make a difference in the not-so-distant future.

      While reading, you use your own imagination to create images of characters, buildings, even whole countries! Is this comparable to what the TV offers?

      After changing schools my English level was not bad, but I did not know a lot at the same time.

      I wrote down every word that was new for me, and now I have a thick notebook full of useful words and phrases.

      It has been a long journey, but I know that it has not been in vain. I believe that it will affect my future.

      Reading is a pleasure, which everyone can do easily. So instead of wasting free time, just read more!

      Fantastic - keep it up. You have great potential and I am thoroughly impressed!

    2. Good afternoon, Ddraig Goch.
      Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate your help. I have rewrite my essay according to your advise. So, thank you very much again. Your feedbacks help me a lot.

  5. In our 21st century new technologies are developing very fast. Moreover, television was invented last century. In spite of the fact that most people prefer spending their leisure time watching TV, books are still with us. Moreover, writers did not disappear, yet, so people stop reading.

    Firstly, I want to say about our imagination. When we read even though we do not see anything we start picturing characters and events in our mind. Person chooses clothing, eyes, generally everything s/he wants. It will be like we are living on another planet, when person reading it is like he is with his dreams. On the other hand when we watch television I am of the view that we do not think, but only look at a blue screen. Maybe we will not like externality of person. For example: we may response main character as 20 -25 years old handsome man, with lush hairs and perfect snow-white smile, but at film it is completely different.

    Let’s talk about language skills. When we are watching television, we don’t think about anything besides film. Admit honestly, do you think how spelling this word or using this or that grammatical rule wrong, while watching film? However, when person is reading book, he is subconsciously learns new grammar rules.

    For example: Our class, we are reading “National Geographic” from 7th grade. In my mind we write much better than before. From these books I learn words, collocations, such as: mournful thought, gentle sorrow, misfortune, meanwhile and many other words. Moreover, I think that my and my classmates’ grammar was improved a lot. Firstly, when I start read books I did not understand some information. Always browse some word and collocations. However, right now it is easier for me to read books, I am able to understand and learn new information.

    I can say that reading books is much better than watching TV. Furthermore, reading develops imagination and language skills than television.

    1. -"Writers did not disappear, BUT..."
      -"For example. our class are reading..."
      -"In my opinion..." than "mind"
      -"Now we are writing much better..."
      -"I think that I and my classmates..."
      Good job!

  6. People always think that it is better to watch television than read a book. However, watching TV is decreasing our critical thinking skills and imagination because the television always shows us opinions of other people. By listening to other people our critical thinking will never start to develop. So I recommend you to read books. There are many pluses here!
    By reading we can improve our creativity and thinking skills because while reading we picture the location, people and their feelings. Moreover, we start living inside of the book and experiencing whatever the characters of the book feel.
    Honestly, when I started to read national geographic books, I thought that it will never help me. However, national geographic books really affected me and I understood that it is very helpful to improve language skills by reading.
    Firstly, books can increase your vocabulary. It really helps you, when we need to paraphrase, while keeping the meaning of our words.
    Secondly, reading books improve your grammar. After reading some books you will start pay attention to sentence structure, grammatical mistakes and other small, but important things. Furthermore, by learning something new, we can minimize our weaknesses.
    I think, that you will agree with my opinion that we have more advantages in reading books than in watching TV.

    1. -"Picture" is a noun, but in your sentence you want to write it like a verb, as "picturing"
      -"start to pay attentionon the sent. structure..."
      Good Job!

  7. Nowadays, in the 21 century, in the epoch of new information technologies and robotics, Internet and television are playing important role in our life. Today’s life cannot be imagined without smartphones and gadgets. Consequently, every human spend much more than 2-3 hours per day by surfing in the Internet, watching TV channels and browsing news in social networks. Because of this, television gradually replaces books, and it turns to a global problem.

    Television badly affects on people. In recent years, by watching films, advertisements and movies human society developed in oneself “clip thinking”. It means that people’ memory stores information as a short video. The concentration and level of learning become low. Watching TV gives us a lot of information, but sometimes not needful. People spend a lot of time by sitting near the TV and untiringly see on monitor. Humanity receive news, but unfortunately not always true.

    It’s been proved that reading for pleasure develops the imagination and language skills. When you read books, you literally get into the world of book and feel the mood and emotions of characters. That is the most fascinating in books. Moreover, by reading you subconsciously speak with author and learn his ideas and view of life. You receive a lot of interesting and needful information. I would like to say that I started reading since I was 5-6 years. I very like books about adventures and sci-fi. It really develops my imagination and grammar skills. Now, I am reading National Geographic books, which are tremendously enrich my vocabulary and knowledges about nature and foreign cultures.

    I completely agree with the statement belong, because as a result people changed thinking and became addicted of new gadgets and television.

  8. Books always have been best friends of people. They always maximize our strength and minimalize our weakness. Works of different genres and authors conquer hearts of readers. However, nowadays books have the opponent which calls TV. Both of them give information to their audience, but it is not always useful in TV. Books give us chance to be aware of opportunities, thanks to helpful advices which it contains. Also, we mitigate threats in our life thanks to books.
    Statement says that reading for pleasure better than watching TV.I strongly agree with this opinion. Moreover, I have arguments for that.
    Firstly, while reading for pleasure, we develop our imagination and creativity, especially fiction books. You do not need to strain, you just enjoy your reading. It affords us opportunity to forget about daily problems.
    Secondly, while reading books, we expand our vocabulary. Reader learns new expressions and academic words.
    Majority of people like to waste their time while watching TV, which contains a lot of trash. TV is a stock of fake information and propaganda .
    In conclusion, I would like to say, that we need to read more books, instead of cloking our mind with the rubbish from TV.

  9. It's been proved that reading for pleasure develops the imagination and betters the language skills than watching TV does.

    Nowadays lots of people prefer watching TV rather than reading books. It became a social problem. People do not pay attention to books and they started spending most of their time watching TV.
    I partially agree with this statement because people develop their imagination and language skills by reading books. There are a lot of people, who assert that watching TV is much better than reading books.
    I can prove this by giving some arguments. At first book is the main source of knowledge. Books teach us how to be more successful and find yourself in this world. Most of the people who read books have better thinking skills and imagination. At second you can choose what do you to read, however you cannot do the same things with TV. When the person want to spend his/her free time by watching TV the person will watch programs that TV have. The person will just change the channels to find appropriate show. Thirdly, TV is full of improper cartoons and films. People who are watch these programs cannot think out of the box. People are becoming the slaves of TV. So, nowadays the majority of the people are declining from reading books. It is very disturbing problem. Again, the reading and writing skill of a person can be developed by reading a book. Only watching television programs are not a good choice to advance these skills. We must remember that watching TV eradicate out health and creative thinking.
    In conclusion I would like to say that only by reading books people advance their life. The TV does not stop people from thinking, but it makes it so that people forget about each other.
    Thank you !

    1. -"spending most of their time ON watching TV"
      -"When a person wants to spend his/her free time on watching TV, he/she will watch programs that only TV has"
      -A person
      -"People who are watching"
      -"I would like to say that people advance their life only by reading books" (sent. structure)
      -"TV cannot stop people from thinking"
      Good Job!

    2. You wroye yhey you partially agree with this statement< but in conclusion told " only by reading books people advance their life". Moreover you have some mistakes:
      1.In this case it will be more correct, if "pay attention ON books";
      2. "At first" means "at the beginning" and we use it when we make contrasts. Howener there you have not contrast, so you should use first/firstly because it is shows the order of the points we want to make;

  10. Nowadays majority of people average 75% use a social media, 20% watch TV everyday as well as others do something like reading books. I do not know what can be found in social media and in TV news, channels. It is a one of global problems in our society.
    Mass media just washed a brain as give information about what people want to listen. For example, they are some boring films and cartoons which do not help to improve or develop a person’s creativity. Watching television can critique to person.
    On the other hand reading books for pleasure gives us more information than watching TV. Moreover, reading for pleasure develops your imagination, improves language skills and helps to understand the main idea of the book. It is a good opportunity to change person’s view, it forces to think out of the box and develop creativity. For example, in 7grade 3 term we started to read a National Geographic books. I think this books really help me in improving language skills. You can eradicate bore and enjoy reading, it is a fact about developing and better language skill than watching TV, scientists are proved this statement. In my point of view, instead of spend your time on social media , people should spend their precious time on reading books. I am of the view that books gives us more real information, some helpful advances and develops our lexicon

    In conclusion, If we want to achieve our purpose, goals we must break away from TV, Social media, instead of this we should self-develop with reading books. Books are our treasure.

    1. -"THE majority"
      -"give an information"
      -"in sevenTH grade's thiRD term"
      Next time try to write related to the topic, write about "TV and books", do not add info about social media
      Good Job!

  11. From the beginning of life to its end every person works on developing his/her personality. In our modern world, there are a lot of opportunities to tap. Many of them are aimed at developing of people’s invisible sides, maximize creativity and talents. The majority of people prefer watching TV than reading books and in their opinion it is more useful and gives more pleasure. However, they need to understand that time is very valuable and it cannot be returned.

    I agree with this statement. Since people have learned literacy, they do not stop reading and writing. I am of the view that there is no better hobby than reading a book with a cup of hot tea in a rainy day. I can endlessly continue reading for pleasure and recommend you too. First of all, reading improves person’s creativity and will help you to think out of the box. After reading different books, you will not even notice how you began to compare yourself with the characters of the book and say like they. The contents of books are different, so people should not read only one genre. Be open to read various genres such as classical books and science fiction. Also, it is very important to be aware of that TV gives people temporary pleasure. One must remember that after watching TV, instead of feeling rested you feel tired. Some TV programs are indeed useful and informative. However, I do not think that noisy news, meaningless TV series, boring films and not wise cartoons are better than books. I am not talking about all of them, but some of them may waste our precious time. If people continue to waste time watching not-deep TV shows, the world will stop developing and will stay in its place. Moreover, books develops our language skills as they uses academic and artistic language. Every reader may open the world of new words, which will be useful for everybody. Unfortunately, some TV programs do not use half of those words that are written in books.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that reading for pleasure is one of the most useful and a rare activity that brings not only pleasure but also benefits for people. It is never late to start reading. Reading is what is fashionable now.

  12. Today, after work or lessons people come home and watch TV. While eating or relaxing we have time to sit and watch TV, but some people prefer to read books. Teenagers do not watch TV, because they sit on social networks or surf on the internet. On the other hand, people, who want to develop themselves, read books. ……………………………………………………………………………….
    I partially agree with the statement that. In my opinion, watching TV helps us, because TV has documentary channels like "National geographic" or channels for children which effect on their critical thinking such as "Balapan". However reading books much better .Thanks to reading books we think out of the box and evolve our imagination. For example, when a new teacher came to us she says: “if you want to develop your English skills, you must read National Geographic books”. In one term I read minimum 5 books and it is help my English skills and knowledge. I know people who read many books and now they have really good vocabulary. In my opinion, majority of the books develop imagination and enhance language application skills.
    In conclusion, I would like to say that reading books better than watching TV because reading progress develops our imagination, enhances our thinking, develops creativity and gives new emotions. Read more books instead of surf the internet or watching TV, it will help you in future.

    1. Hello, Simple panda.
      Thank you for your hard work. I liked your essay very much.
      There are my advice for you to correct some of your minor mistakes.
      1. ...they sit on social networks. The verb "sit" sounds a little bit weird in that case. So try to replace it. For example: they use social networks, they spend their time on social networks.
      2. I partially agree with the statement that. The word "that" can not be the end of the sentence.So you need to finish your opinion by adding more information in the first sentence of the second paragraph or you can choose an easier way and delete the word "that"
      3. However reading books is much better.
      4. when a new teacher came to us she said: “if you want to develop your English skills, you must read National Geographic books”. Be carefull with tenses. Your sentence can not contain two different tenses.
      Good luck!

  13. Have you ever thought how important books are? How many good ideas have you lost leaving books on your old shelves? People would rather watch TV than read books, this could can make a difference in the not-so-distant future.

    Books are just like teachers, they teach us how to think. They help us to maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. While reading, you use your own imagination to create images of characters, buildings, even whole countries! Is this comparable to what the TV offers? Ready-made thoughts, prepared phrases and no need to think. I guess that's what attracts people so much. All that remains after watching TV is wasted time.

    Moreover, books are truly useful, when person learns new language, because they improve vocabulary, sentence structure and grammar. They help to develop reading skills and critical thinking. I have a life example. After changing schools my English level was not bad, but I did not know a lot at the same time. In that case, reading helped me to develop and taught me how to think out of the box. I started reading actively, especially National Geographic books. I wrote down every word that was new for me, and now I have a thick notebook full of useful words and phrases. It has been a long journey, but I know that it has not been in vain. I believe that it will affect my future.

    Reading is a pleasure, which everyone can do easily. So instead of wasting free time, just read more!

    1. Hello Hopefull Girl!
      1)I think in this sentence "Moreover, books are truly useful..." "Moreover" it is didn'n good to using for beginning of the sentence because before this sentence you telling about TV and in this sentence you telling about books.
      2)Also in this sentence I think we mustn't using coma before:when and because.Since it's subordinating conjunctions and when we use him we don't use coma

  14. “When I was your age, television was called books” said writer William Goldman, because now television has replaced books. Teenagers all the free time sit in the Internet and maximum read magazines about fashion or cosmetic. So I want tell you why we must read books

    Books educate us. For example, reading develops our grammar and punctuation. We maximize our vocabulary by reading books. For example, I read books in Russian language as the result I know how to use punctuation marks while I write.

    Books train our imagination. We receive only ready information by watching television as a result our imagination does not evolve. Conversely, when we read books we start imagining. For example, in my childhood my mother used to read fairy tales to me before I went to bed.

    Books help to learn new languages and cognize new culture of other nationals. I am aware of opportunities developing knowledge of other ethnic groups for our generation. For example, it’s help to me with English language. I read “national geographic”, it is interesting books about all of the topics. You can find information about new technology, another interesting place and my favorite about other types of animals.

    It is evident that knowledge is power. Without it we might not be able to mitigate threats around us. Reading books gives us knowledge that we can use in this life. For example, books about psychology help me with public speaking. So we must read!
    P.S. Good Luck!

  15. With the development of television people forget about books that really advance their imagination and language skills. Television plays an important role in our life. Every day we turn on the TV and watch news or films. To eat and watch simultaneously is convenient and it becomes a part of our routine. For some people television is their work. There are so many reporters, operators and speakers who work very hard to provide as much new information as they can. However, if we overdo watching TV, it will negatively affect us because of a risk to become addicted. Therefore, we cannot stop reading.
    I totally agree with the statement that reading for pleasure evolves the fancy and language skills than watching TV does. Firstly, we see figures in our mind during reading. Concerning television it shows you ready pictures, your fantasy and creativity do not become better. Secondly, while reading we memorize sentence structures and replenish our vocabulary. On the other hand, when you watch videos you hear the audio and do not remember all information.
    In my own experience, reading is the most useful way if you want to refine. I watched American films but it was hard for me to learn new words. Of course, I carry on doing that for my listening and speaking. However, I noticed a real progress when I started to read “National Geographic” books in grade seven. These little books contain a lot of academic words. Furthermore, the majority of the stories are fascinating. There are levels so that you can improve your skills step by step.
    In conclusion, I want to say that everybody has the freedom to choose but I advise you to read instead of watching TV.

  16. Reading for pleasure develops the imagination and betters the language skills than watching TV does.
    I partially agree with this statement, because both of them have advantages and disadvantages.
    Let’s start with reading. Of course, reading is always good, because it really helps us to develop our imagination and language skills. All of us create perfect images of characters from books and that’s why it is good for our brain and imagination. Moreover, when we are reading, we should pay attention to the structure of sentences. Then it will teach us correct grammar and structure. We also say: “The book is the best teacher”, which is true. I learned a lot of new words in my life thanks to books, and it does not matter in which language, and I spent my time with pleasure. And only one disadvantage related to books is that you should spend a lot of money to update your library. Anyway, we have free city libraries, where you can find out books you want to.
    Concerning television I would like to give an example from my life. Now, my little sisters and brothers are aware of how to count up to ten and more, thanks to children’s channels on TV. Moreover, their pronunciation is very good for their young age. I share the view that there are some advantages of watching TV such as developing listening skills and learning something new. Occasionally, we all want to relax for some time and the TV comes to rescue us by offering good channels. Some funny shows help us when we really need some help. However, it has disadvantages too. One of the reasons why I do not have time is that I waste my time watching TV.
    I spent my time with pleasure in both cases. However, in my opinion, we also need to spend our time for useful things. So, reading has more useful advantages, than watching TV and if we will read books more, we will maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses by learning.

  17. It has been proved that reading for pleasure develops the imagination and betters the language skills than watching TV does.
    Reading gives us an opportunity to develop ourselves, our skills and logic, critical thinking, outlook and vocabulary. It has a lot of advantages. Reading is not only benefit, but it is also a pleasure. In my opinion, reading helps to improve our reading skills.
    So, that is why it is more helpful than watching TV. To understand that everything has own advantages, to show that watching TV is also good and informative; we should see the difference between them.
    Reading, every person knows that reading books of different genres, gives us the skills related to them and an ability to apply those skills in everyday life. By reading, a person can learn to feel emotion of others, their feelings. Sometimes it makes your soul more beautiful and make sensitive, because of it gives inspirations.
    While you are reading, you analyze the situations happening in the books you read, and you will think critically, from another point of view, different perspective. Furthermore, you will think globally. Also you start thinking how decide that problems in your own experience . During the reading you will be introduced to issues pointed out by authors of the book, and you start thinking on how to solve the issues. You will start thinking out of the box, your imagination will not be bounded. And we cannot forget than you can learn lots of new and academic words, expressions, which you can use in your speech and writings. By improving the degree of your understanding of what you read you also improve skills such as: short time reading, vocabulary, grammar.
    What about watching TV ?! It is very informative, we should note this. However, while you are watching TV , your brain does not work in enough level. I do not say your brain relaxes, I say it does not work enough. May be you can take some new information; know what happens around the world. However, does not help to improve some skills. After watching TV you may feel tired and slight headache, desire to sleep, you can use up your energy.
    I hope that you can see the differences between reading the book and watching TV. Also I believe that you can make a correct choice and try to develop yourself. I believe in you my dear friend. Stop watching TV, do not waste your time, read the book.

  18. In our leisure time we like to do what we want. We enjoy it and delight. However, we need to start thinking about its help for our development.
    I partially agree that reading for pleasure advances our imagination and improves language proficiency more than watching TV.
    When we are reading a book, we are aware of opportunity to better English language skills, because we can learn new words for us, and find a material about anything, develop ourselves with necessary information. Furthermore, people visualize characters, actions that are happening in the plot, which can effect to the development of imagination. Thirdly, compared with watching TV while reading we pay more attention for words. Sometimes in the book we can notice definitions of words. Also book describes happening actions more detailed. For example, I compared my knowledge of English language, so I think that I really improve my level. We read books, like National Geographic. It gives me a lot of new information. Nowadays, I know about different cultures and traditions, I learnt scientific facts, and find material about history of some nationalities. Try to maximize your strengths, so you can affect yourself and height language skills. It mitigates threats, such as illiteracy and inadvertence.
    Nevertheless, watching TV can influence to us from the good sides, too. It develops our imagination. For example, cartoons illustrate pictures in colors and make the character’s voices, give full information of the occasion. Films can show some historic or vital situations that were in people’s life, so that we will be able to understand and conceive its significance. TV programs give us information from all over the world, about the last news.
    Consequently, both reading for pleasure and watching TV impacts to our development at all if we use and take its maximum benefits. If you minimize your weaknesses like laziness, and start to read books you can build your successful future.

  19. Literacy is indispensable for all people and reading for pleasure can give more benefits than watching TV, such us a developing the imagination and bettering the language skills. I totally agree with this statement above. In this essay, I am going to compare both negative and positive sides of watching TV as well as reading for pleasure.

    There are resemblances and differences between them. One of the resemblances is that they provide information and broaden our purviews. Moreover, since they are types of hobbies, we can watch TV and read books in our free time.

    I consider that watching TV has more disadvantages than advantages. Firstly, during the watching TV we spoil our eyes, which is very harmful for our health. I have been watching TV since I was 3 years old. Therefore, I regret now that I have been wasting my time. I might have become better in science if I read a lot of books. Secondly, instead of wasting our golden time, we can enhance our language grammar by reading books. Thirdly, in my opinion, when we watch various TV series and programs, we have an emotional stress. Furthermore, by getting rattled we might become ill.

    In addition, if we read books related to a sci-fi, we might enhance our imagination. I mean that by reading scientific books we learn how to look at an item on the other side as well as on another conception. For instance, my friend could not find a topic for her project, but after she read the book about secrets of our world it was not an issue. Just in one day she thought outside of the box, and in the blink of an eye she could find new answers to her questions. Then she invented the modern model of clock, which can pronounce the time.

    As a conclusion, I share of view that reading books more useful than watching TV. If you read books, you are going to develop your imagination and a way of thinking. Books are the best teachers in the world!

  20. Some people consider watching TV, reading books or doing other stuff as their favorite activity. Moreover, we need to understand that reading for pleasure improves our imagination, makes us a little bit smarter, teaches us some expressions and ideas, betters our language skills as well as affects our knowledge and understanding about the world.
    Starting from second part of 7th grade my classmates and I began reading books of “National Geographic" series. All of us found them boring, not interesting. We thought that reading them would not help. However, it should be accepted that our skills have been increasing by reading these books. Although some books were interesting, helpful and full of information about our world. In one book you will read about long journeys to find part of ancient kings of the Earth, dinosaurs, or in another book you will find out about bright colorful hummingbirds which live on tropical islands, you can meet stories about eastern countries, water pollution, in daggered whales and many more. Here you find out slangs in English, new expressions or other meanings of well-known word, and all of them made us more skillful. Famous people like to read books, too. One of the most famous people such as Élan Mask liked to read books all day long. How you see he was busy with reading, but now he busy with building rockets. You can surf the internet to search thousand examples from lives of hundred famous people.
    Thus I agree with this statement, but not completely because TV shows can affect you positively as books, too. Watching shows or other actions are going to help you if they are done for pleasure. For example, I start to study English language thanks to computer games. When I saw words on unknown English for me, I started to compare them with Russian, so I find out new words. However, they were simple like menu, kick, man, tree, and others. These examples are counting for hundreds, starting from TV until gaming. Moreover, we cannot do what somebody is talking us. All are unique with their opinions as well as desires, and who can compel us to read if we choose other activities?
    In conclusion, I am willing to share the view that every activity that done for pleasure, especially reading will improve your skills and influence positively on your life and imagination. However try to do what you are willing to do, not what you are required to do. So let us doing it because knows language is way to communicate with other people as well as to express yourself, and let’s do it correctly and let us rule our life how we want.


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