Friday, May 25, 2018

Task 6 Version 1 Topic 1. The best way to travel is travel in a group led by a tour guide. Do you agree or disagree?


  1. One of the best ways to spend free time or relax is travelling. Travelling helps people to get away from their daily routine. This is enjoyable and allows people to learn about different cultures and places.
    Depending on your budget and season there are different ways of travelling. I partially agree with the statement. First of all, I am of the view that travelling in a group is the best of way, because people can travel with their families or alone. However, guides are not the only one who is able to show you a country. It may be your friend or relative. Also, people may get lost from their group while guide is talking or other tourists may not understand one’s language and views. Secondly, some guides are not too friendly and during a tour he/she may become angry or ignore person because of other tourist’s questions. Nevertheless, the majority of tourists prefer travelling in a group led by a tour guide. In many tourist companies only professionals work as they know local heritage in detail. So, they will give tourists more information. On the other hand, this kind of tour is a good opportunity to become friends with native of foreign people. During the tour tourists usually share with their emotions, different stories, culture and their own practice. People will open new doors to the world. Moreover, travelling in a group is cheaper than traditional travelling. In a three-day tour you will learn more than from any other resource. For example, listening to a guide talking is better than just reading on a website. In my humble opinion, every detail of one’s travelling depends only on the people.
    In conclusion, I want to say that travelling is very useful. The most important thing is your emotions and pleasure. The objective of travelling is to relax, ao just enjoy your travelling.

  2. Travelling is a very interesting and fabulous activity. It broadens our mind and helps one to learn more about oneself. When we travel, we meet new people, learn about another country and traditions. Moreover, we develop new life skills and discovery something new. We become more independent and open-minded persons. Consequently, to start travelling we must choose a method of travelling. Is the best way to travel in a group led by a tour guide?
    Travelling in a group led by a tour guide is very sensible, especially for beginners, because a tour guide knows a lot of interesting facts about the country you are visiting. He knows all the points of interest, culture, traditions and customs of the country. Moreover, you can make new friends in the group. You and the group members can tell each other about your own countries, interesting stories and legends. You will never forget these adventures with a group and a tour guide.
    On the other hand, travelling with a group and a tour guide has its disadvantages too. This method of travelling costs more money than if you travelling alone. Moreover, you must listen the tour guide and do everything that he says.
    All in all, I partially agree with the statement. However, you must try all methods of travelling and then choose the one that suits you the most.

  3. Nowadays, most people consider that travelling in a group led by a tour guide is safer and more comfortable. However, I am of the opposite opinion. From my point of view, travelling with a group of people led by a tour guide is the same as losing your independence and your free time. Consequently, I disagree with the above statement.

    Firstly, travelling on your own is easier and more convenient. You can go wherever you want, and stay at any shop without waiting for members of the group; so you will not miss out your time. For instance, let`s imagine that we have lost one member of the group in the morning. In this situation, you would look for that person, who was lost until you find him or her. In addition, it does not matter how long it will take. If you travel for only three days, you will lose approximately one day in the blink of an eye by looking for all places that your group have visited.

    Secondly, with a group led by a tour guide you cannot change plans based on your circumstances such as a mood, various problems and other unexpected situations with family. For example, you are tired and because of this you want to go to a café to enjoy a nice coffee as well as to think about world. Unfortunately, then you will not have a chance to do so, because you must respect other members, and listen to rules, plans.

    To sum up, in my opinion, to have a journey on your own is better than a travel as a group led by a tour guide. Once, I heard the expression “To travel is to take a journey into yourself”. Furthermore, who knows perhaps this is the last chance in your life to visit that place, so you have to do what you want there. Travelling involves relaxation and enjoying your holidays, not following rules!

  4. Nowadays, a lot of people like to travel. Moreover, tourism can help us develop our thinking about the world. Travelling is the best way to relax and know about the different traditions and customs. However, when we are travelling we must choose our company, which can make our trip better.
    I totally agree that to travel with a group and a guide is the best way to have a great holiday. Your group will create the atmosphere for the trip. It will be more interesting to learn about other countries and places. Also, I think it is easier to find something in a different location with a group. It is more comfortable and you feel free with your company and friends. It is good if you have a guide and are led by him. It helps to know about other nationalities and their interests or sightseeing. It is a chance to learn about their traditional food, clothes, history. Moreover, it influences your outlook on the world, because your understanding of others can improve your knowledge about the world.
    Travelling with your group and guide will make a holiday unforgettable. You do not just have a rest and relax with friends, you also learn about the world with a guide!

  5. For many people, especially young adults, the chance to spend a short period of time overseas is an attractive one. Nowadays, travelling abroad is becoming increasingly popular. Most of the travelers say that the best way to travel is travelling in a group led by a tour guide. I totally agree with this statement and there are some reasons why.
    Firstly, for travelling abroad you need to know the main language of a country and if you don’t know it, it may cause some problems. However, if you are spending your time with a tour guide, he can help you with anything you want, because he knows the language of the native people and yours too. It is very useful in this situation.
    Secondly, when you are in another country you want to know more about the culture or about the country. And a tour guide will tell you the main and important things of this culture and show the main places to see. Moreover, you can meet new people in your group and make new international friends.
    If you spend your travelling time with a tour guide, it will be most interesting and productive.

  6. Nowadays, travelling in a group led by a tour guide is becoming increasingly popular. However I totally disagree with the statement that the best way to travel is travel in a group ledby a tour guide.
    Different people prefer different kinds of travelling. For example, package tour with a guide and numerous other tourists will be chosen by old-age people and big families. Firstly, package tour includes transport, hotel and entertainment. Moreover, the tour guide is the best and fastest way to learn more information about the home culture of a country such as traditions, currency, people’s behavior and history of heritage sites. In addition to, package tour is planned by another person and you have a set time for sightseeing. It helps tourists who do not know about the country to not set lost.
    Turning on the other hand to the counter-arguments, travel organized by other people can be boring and not fascinating as you hold expect. After a while a big group of tourists with the monotonous speech of the tour guide will become very boring. Furthermore, a problematic issue is that trips such as package tours costs a lot of money. You should pay for the tour guide, hotel and so on.
    To sum up, there are pros and cons of travelling in a group led by a tour guide. I am sure that this kind of travel is comfortable among certain types of people, but not among everyone.

  7. Nowadays tourism is becoming very popular. A lot of people cannot choose how to travel. Some of them say that the best way to travel is to travel in a group. However, others think that it will be bettertravelling without a tour guide.Let’s talk about the benefits and disadventages of travelling in a group led by a tour guide.
    Firstly, a tour guide know everything about the country travelling to. He khows the culture, traditions, what they like and do not like. A tour guide’s knowledge can help a person. Learn about a country and avoid him/her from getting themselves into a difficult situation. To illustrate this: Tourists do not understand customs and traditions and will make mistakes. Of courselocal people may become angry. However, if you with a tour guide he will explain the traditions, to you what you can do and cannot do. Moreover, when you travelling alone you may lose your things, but if you are with a tour guide the chances of losing your belongings will be lower.
    On the other hand it has disadvantages, too. Firstly,it will be more expensive with a tour guide, than alone. Secindly, you may not go to the places that you want, because a guide will have his own plan.
    There are a lot advantages and disadvantages of travelling in a group led by a tour guide. However, you should choose the one you liked.

  8. Nowadays, travelling abroad is becoming increasingly popular. For most people, especially young adults, the chance to spend a short period of time overseas is an attractive one. There are many ways of travelling to another country. You can do it by yourself, with your family and friends or in a group led by a tour guide. The majority of tourists prefer the last one and I agree with them. This essay will discuss some of the reasons why travelling with other people and a tour guide is beneficial.
    First of all, you will not get lost because the guide is always close by. You can ask him or her about something and this person will explain it to you. If you are in a terrible situation, you will waste your time and money to find out a way out that may bring some difficulties.
    The guide knows more interesting facts about the culture of the local people, so that you can get a lot of useful information. For instance, he or she may tell you about the river’s length or about the legends.
    You may make new relationships with those people who are in your group. They and you might be the same age or have the same interests. Perhaps, one of them will become your best friend or lover for a whole life.
    Consequently, I want to say that all of us have the freedom to choose. However, if someone asks me about the best way to travel I will answer that it is travelling in a group that is led by a tour guide. In this way you will spend your time sensibly and enjoy your holiday.

  9. Nowadays, travelling in a group led by a tour guide is becoming increasingly popular. However, I totally disagree with the statement that the best way to travel is travel in a group led by a tour guide.
    Different people prefer different kinds of travelling. For example, package tour with a guide and numerous other tourist will be chosen by old-age people and big families, because it is more comfortable for them. Firstly, package tour includes transport, hotel and entertainment. Moreover, the tour guide is the best and fastest way to learn more information about the home culture of a country such as traditions, currency, people’s behavior and history of heritage sights. In addition to, package tour is planned by another person and you have set time for sightseeing. It helps tourists who do not know about the country to not set lost.
    Turning on the other hand to the counter-arguments, travel organized by another person can be boring and not fascinating as you would expect. After a while, a big group of tourists with the monotonous speech of the tour guide will become very boring. Furthermore, a problematic issue is that trips such as package tours costs a lot of money. You should pay for the tour guide, hotel and so on.
    To sum up, there are pros and cons of travelling in a group led by a tour guide. I am sure that this kind of travel is comfortable among certain types of people, but not among everyone.

  10. Nowadays, travelling has become amazingly popular especially among young people. There is countless amount of travelling types, so everyone can choose one of them which seems more interesting for that person. The most popular one is to travel in a group led by a tour guide.

    However, is it the best way to travel? Well, I do not think so. Travelling in a group has its own advantages and disadvantages. For instance, basically people travel to European countries such as UK, France, and Germany etc. These countries are famous because of their heritage sites and breathtaking views. So it will be not so easy to find and view all of them without a good and profession guide. However, on the other hand travelling in a group cannot allow tourists to truly meet and understand the national culture of the country. The main reason of travelling for more than a half of tourists is to learn more about traditions. In addition to, meeting new friends and tasting some cuisines travelling in a group takes all that away.

    In my opinion, considering all aforementioned people choose the way of travelling according to their personal interests and way of life. So, for some tourists travelling in a group with a guide will be the best way of travelling, while for some it will not be like that.


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