Friday, May 25, 2018

Task 7 Version 1 Topic 2. Do you think money should be spent on space exploration? Why? Discuss arguments for and against.


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  2. Space exploration is in many ways very important for the inhabitants of planet Earth. I believe, that funds spent on space exploration are not wasted, though it is just an investment in the future.

    Many companies and influential people value space exploration highly. Their financial support and the influence they bestow on people with their speeches about the importance of astronomical researches prove that. Moreover, every country in the world has one or two space research facilities that are funded by famous businessmen and even the countries themselves.

    Space exploration projects have enough potential to even overturn the current values of people in the world. That could be induced just by observing these projects and the advantages which could be possibly brought if they succeed. By nurturing space exploration projects in a correct way, the results this projects would produce will be able to find solutions for problems, which nowadays are considered the most difficult to solve. For instance, resources other planets could provide us with would be able to cure the severest of illnesses corrupting our world - resource deficiency. Furthermore, the high density of people, which recently became a problem, could be easily resolved just by transporting a part of people to other planets, though it could sound as a reckless move.

    Nevertheless, thinking about space exploration funding too positively is a bad way of thinking too. The reason being, the idealistic way of imagining it. Space research projects progress is not very big as of now. Furthermore, appropriate equipment and instruments for direct space research do not exist in this point of time. That is why, over-funding and over-evaluating space exploration is incorrect.

    Any potential needs time to grow. This also applies to space exploration. Using correct methods of nurturing its potential, such as: moderate financial support, an appropriate amount of resources and patience, we should excavate it little by little, slowly reaching our dreams.

  3. Today humanity wants to explore our space and same countries invest money in this. One of these countries is the USA. They have an organization called NASA to explore, learns and researches new life in space. In my opinion, it is very good to spent money to exploring, because on our planet, we do not have many fossils, oil and we must find new planet to colonize. Scientists think that there is life in space on other planets and we must connect with them. We can learn many new things, from them like technology. Everything has two sides, like a coin. Space exploration generates a lot of money and we could to spend it on helping cure childhood illnesses or for endangered animals. For space exploration we spend money with them majority of time, but we not have technology or money to explore swift. Kazakhstan has lot of fossils and special space commodore called “Baikonur”. If we spent money, we are may be the number one in space exploration. Kazakhstan has big feature and we must build them together and become well-known together the world.
    In my opinion we must spent money on space exploration, because our feature in space and in other planet.

  4. Term 3
    Road to the future
    Nowadays, space exploration is an essential part of science .Governments spent billions of dollars on this. Some people argue that it is a waste of money . However, researching of galaxy might open new doors to human civilization.
    Great scientists like Elon Musk, Copernic or Galilei dedicated their life to space exploration, moreover it was justified, because the results are astonishing. Our world has countless ecological issues. Global warming, destroying of ozone layer, burning of forests have appalling affects on our planet , also resources are not eternal. The last way to solve this problem is to find new habitable planet. It is the main argument and reason, why money should be spent on space exploration. Researching of space is going to give us new opportunities. We could find new materials to develop our technologies. We will find new home.
    In conclusion, I would like to say, that in the not so distant future, when the level of space exploration will be the highest ,human civilization is going to has brilliant future.

  5. Technology and progress don’t stand still, and today we see them everywhere. Standing from agricultures and ending with rocket structure. Though the study of space we are discovering new advanced technology day after day. However, do you think that we need to spend our millions on space exploration?
    First of all, we need more space to live because the population is increasing, as result there is less surface area to live on. If this problem is not solved, people are going to start dying resulting in war for territory, starvation and much more, so colonization new planets is the solution.
    Second of all, we are killing our planet, and everyday drill the Earth for resources such as oil, metal, gas and so on as result ecology is eradicating. These changes are dangerous. However, in the space million gallons of water, oil and even alcoholic drinks as tones of metal, gold, brilliants and other materials. Space is treasure that will stop Earth economic and ecologic problems.
    Third of all, space exploration is a place, where we are going to find the answer to the millions of questions. Our space exploration can answer “Are we alone in the space?”, “What is the dark holes?” or something like that.
    In conclusion, I am willing to say that space exploration is the key to developing the world. It is a chance to answer questions and solve of our problems.

  6. I think everybody loves watching movies. There are many genres of film. Furthermore, this year presented one of the best movies. The title of this film is “Valerian and the city of thousand planets. It is fantasy movie.

    I was excited while watching this movie, because it has an interesting plot. The main characters are Valerian and Laureline. . There is Cara Delevingne act as Laureline, Rihanna act as Bubble, Dane DeHaan act as Valerian. The director of this film is Luc Besson .I think this is one big reason to watch this film.

    Let’s talk about this film more closely. This film is about two people and they are working for a company like NASA, doing interesting missions. However, they have one big problem, they should find “converter” else there will be war between people and aliens. The budget of this film was 209 million dollars.

    One of the best side of “Valerian and the city of the thousand planets” is clothing and alien’s grim. I think the work done by MUA’s is really good. It may be a second reason to watch this film. However, if you fan of films of this genre and you like to criticize them, I don’t think you should watch. This film contains mistakes like any other, but there is a big problem with the script.

    I hope that I helped you with choosing film.


  7. Space exploration started to develop when the first telescope was created. When there was no technology to build the first spaceship, people just looked at sky and thought about how they could become closer to the stars. So, now that we have technology that can help us to explore a big part of space, why don’t we spend money on space exploration?
    Space exploration will help us, when the number of people on earth will increase because with space exploration we can find a planet which has oxygen and water, and with its own atmosphere for people to live. However, most people are scared of what they will discover in space. Because if something will go wrong, people will die. For example: what if the rocket runs out of fuel before the spaceship comes back to earth. It is very dangerous.
    By developing space technology and spending money on space exploration people may develop physics since a big part of astronomy belongs to physics. The progress of physics helps people understand our existence more and more, it develops our outlook and very helpful in the life of humans.
    In conclusion I want to say that we should spent money on space exploration because this type of spending money gives us more benefits than minuses.


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