Friday, March 15, 2019

Task 13 Choose either Topic 1 or Topic 2. Either Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Or Some people claim that young people are more creative than older people in business or in the workplace. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Version 2

Write your essay.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Your answer should be between 180 and 220 words long.


  1. Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

    One of the most important issues in society today is stress. Stress is a problem that can give negative effects on many human's lives. There are many factors in modern society responsible for this. However, there are ways to make small the potential impacts. In this essay, I will discuss the factors and how we can reduce it.

    To begin with, in our society, everybody wants to get what we want. For getting that is not easy, we must try to compete each other. When students in Senior High School want to graduate of school, they must follow many tests only in four days. Then, it can conclude the students will be graduated or not. As a result, students are facing great tension and depression because be afraid to be unsuccessful. Furthermore, some people think that happiness is related to money, luxurious houses or car, and branded clothes. Ultimately, people are working every day and every night to find much money. Because of they are continuous work; they do not have time for relaxation and their families, so they are feeling stress level very high.

    Nevertheless, solving such problem will not easy, but there are actions that can be taken. Better time management is often considered to be the key to organize with time pressure without be stress. Time management includes setting priorities what needs to be done most importantly. For example, students can prepare their study for long time before they follow test. Moreover, individual also can take the various steps to reduce the stress, such as take good time for sleeping and spend time with their families.

    To conclude, it seems likely that many factors which may cause stress but we must have solution to overcome with this potential problem.

  2. Some people claim that young people are more creative than older people in business or in the workplace.
    I suppose this is a big dispute in society, lets consider this statement.First of all, I want consider two points of view, and I will start with side who agree.I agree with this topic, because young people in one wave with modern world and with other aspects in this sphere. Obviously,they have a big advantage by physical characteristics than older people. In busineses young people who can realize own ideas and inagine future, today they are thinking scale as well as have a big world outlook.
    We cannot exclude the fact that humanity has approach to the world wide web. Withal,аccording to statistics, the majority of creative person was/is lazy, this feature give them ablity that is helps in workplaces. This names is very famous which was changed our world: Garland David Sanders. This person in young age was established a very popular brend called as Kentucky Fried Chicken or this man may be Robert Noyce who is founder of "Intel Corporation". Nowadays, older people ambitious as youth too. Unfortunatelly, Some people think that older people are not creative enough, but it is a big stereotype in our life, however, persons of ripe years was achieved considerable achievement, they were satyed faithful to their workplace and busines.
    they are adults and they have a lot of life experience behind their backs than youth. We can not imagine what they went through. Withal,
    older people are not very susceptible to change,if they have any purpose nothing can stop them.Nowadays, youth think that adults nad creativity is two incompatible things.Also, we can not explain word "creative" acctually. Creative man is not who earn wads of money in workplace, creative man is who likes to work hard,".. is who going tо work like to feast".
    To sum up, I do not want to say that older people are creative more than young or vice versa,no. I want to say that all of them is unique and creative, it is depends only on barriers of himself.

  3. Some people claim that young people are more creative than older people in business or in the workplace.

    “Creativity is an ability to create something” – that is what Wikipedia says. In my point of view, it is not only the ability to create, but also to make something better, than it was; develop it. Furthermore, I think, that it has given for everyone since they were born. However, everybody develops it in a different way. For example, there are dormant people, who never use their creativity. If I were them, I would change my mind and try to turn my brain.
    There is a common opinion, that young people are more creative than older people in business or in the workplace. Firstly, as I mentioned before, your creative skills directly depends on you. So due to that, I do not think that age is a vital factor. People in business or in the workplace always face work-issues. On the way to solving it they think non-stop, have a “routine” brainstorm and solve difficult issues with their creativity.
    Secondly, young people have a “not-dirty-mind”, which means that their brain is not polluted by lots of information, so it always produces new ideas.
    Thirdly, both people (young generation and adults) have stressful situations that decreases their ability to create. Having a non-stop style of life is appealing, but people do not have to take a leap of faith every time. Genuinely, people should think about their mental health and creativity.
    In conclusion, being creative is our natural ability and skill, which does not depend on your age or place of work. The only factor that can affect to it is you and your work on developing it. Being creative is awesome, so just creative it.

  4. Creativity is a special capacity of all people. It is the power to think out of the box and make something unusual. Moreover, it is good if we can use it in our life, also in business or in the workplace. However, some people claim that young people are creative than older people.
    I agree with it that young people are more creative in business. Nowadays, a new generation is more confident, because we have a lot of special training which can teach us to believe in ourselves. Young people understand the significance of taking a leap of faith in being successful. And we know that we are not alone in this entire world, so we must be ready for all. Creativity is starting to be the key for success in business and in the workplace. A creative worker is always demaned, because we all need the product which will be known by its novelty.
    However, in my point of view, not all young people are more creative than older people. Unfortunately, some young people do not want to develop their creativity and imagination skills, and just waste time to on things like sleeping. Moreover, older people saw more in this life, so they can be able to create unusual and necessary things.
    In conclusion, I want to say that young people are more creative than older people in business and in the workplace. But we must take into consideration that there is some older people that are ready to create new and modern things, too! I think it is not depended on the age, it is person’s choice to develop creativity skills or not. Being exuberant and doing something new must be our way of life, because dormant people will not be able to achieve the success!

  5. Topic 2

    There has been a considerable debate among employers whether young people can deal with creativity better than older people or not. Taking into consideration that both sides have their own compealing arguments, I would suggest that the youth are kin on imagination better than the older generation.

    Initially, it is highly significant to bare in mind that older people have a huge range of experience in that certain sphere, which came by years of working. Therefore, they know how to manage dangerous situations in their business as it already happened before in the workplace. For instance, I have my 25 years old brother and father working together in the market business. Once, my brother had trouble with work managing as he could not took a toll on his productivity because of a fear of losing. However, my father helped him showing a very unique and helpful way to solve that issue. To cut a long story short, older people have the realy important skills and a confidence, according to their wide ranged knowledge of that field including an every detail.

    On the other hand, many people adjust to it, considering that the youth is more flexible in different situations. I totally agree with this opinion. Despite the fact that I had experienced the power of the older generation in my family, I believe young people are the driving force behind the modernization. The youth has a great energy for creating something new and modern, because they have been born in the age of technologies at all, everybody they train their minds. Moreover, the youth is the source of critical thinking , creativity and communication. They can think out of the box, making gorgerous projects about our future life. In addition, our president keeps saying "I believe in our youth. You are the one,who is going to develop Kazakhstan combining cultural and modern specialities together ". These are the reason, why people in common situations think that youth is more creative.

    In conclusion, I think that youth has a great potention in creating things and generating ideas. The youth is our future as we are learning to solve problems since school time with the ocean of opportunities.

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  7. Creativity is crucial and one of the maim parts of modern education systems, business, marketing, workplaces and every sphere of communication. Some people are of the view that the young generations are more creative than older people in different ways.

    First of all, I must identify what creativity is. From my point of view, there is not a certain definition for this word. It is something special for everybody and all of us are creative in our own way. However, creativity is a critical way of thinking that brings a novel and a wide range of fresh ideas. Thinking out of the box helps people making innovations, developing their business, becoming a leader and change the world. So, I partly agree with this statement.

    Nowadays we can often hear the names of young businessmen or millionaires from the news or read from magazines. I hope, all of us are familiar with some social media such as Facebook, VK, Twitter, Google etc. So, the owners of these world-known companies are young freshmen such as Mark Zuckerberg, Pavel Durov, and Bill Gates. The modern education system is better than the past and children are genuinely taking the best education. There are a wide range of opportunities including new technologies, free libraries, endless resources and the Internet. Young generation is full of energy and new ideas which will solve the several problems of our society. I can say that young people are more creative, but not confidently. The little weakness of young people is that they have not got enough practice and ability to use their ideas and brain in a right way. However, they know how to boost their business and make a customer an exuberant. One more thing, the number of art galleries, new shops, books and products by creative young people is raising, but it is not the reason to call older people nit creative.

    As you know, older people usually give us different advice to make us better. Moreover, they are full of experience and practice. Despite the fact that they may be conservative in their thinking and other views, they are good in business, too. Their power is in knowledge of what people like them want. In 21st century we rarely can face with the place without technology, so older people are able to make something new with old details and provide it by historical knowledge.

    In conclusion, I want to say that no matter of person is teenager or older person. Creative abilities of person are straightly depends on him. All the people are creative, so our age is not the main thing that we must worry and care. Being creative will open you new doors to bright future despite taking a leap into unknown.

  8. Business is a big world, which contains people of different nationalities, genders and ages. There are many statistics about the differences between them. For instance, if some people claim that younger people are more creative in business or the workplace, others will deny this.
    Everyone knows that children are imaginative, so younger people are constructive. Child or teenager grows in conditions of their time, fore example, in XXI century they are accustomed to science and technology and because of that, they know the actual problems and solutions to them. Maybe after trends will change and the young generation will go up in another environment.
    In our country there are many young startupers and businessmen , for example, Rakhimzhan Auganbayev from our town can be called successful and creative because of his prosperous projects.
    Another reason, why younger people are more creative is their education. Talented students study in new universities and schools, such as our school or Nazarbayev University in Kazakhatan. They tech us to be creative and after graduation graduates become perspective workers with high potential.
    However, older people has more knowledge. They have more life experience.They know how to respond and what to do in different situations. And they are respectable people in their environment.
    Overall, I agree with people , who think that young people are more creative. They have fresh minds, knew knowledges and they are energetic. Maybe that’s why the projects of students attract the government , ideas from them can provide our country and make a positive input to Kazakhstan.


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