Thursday, March 14, 2019

Task 12 Version 1 An article describing something. Version 2

An English-language magazine is inviting readers to contribute to a series of articles about festivals in their country. You decide to write an article about a festival in your country. Describe the festival, commenting on the impression it made on you.


  1. Day of natural balance
    Our life is something wonderful and exuberant, bit it also brings you hard days which can affect your health or many more. The winter season has been the most difficult period of time for Kazahn people. It was time when half of little children wouldn’t have been survived, sheep, cows, and horses would’ve been hungry as well as hunted by predators and other horrible things that have happened in the past. consequently, new day after the winter, the day of natural balance between the night and day became the feast for Kazakh nation.
    It was studying in university when my relatives phoned me tp ask me to visit them on the weekend. On Nowruz weekend all citizens of Kazakhstan have plenty of time to celebrate this wonderful fest, so I agreed and promised them to come on the eve of the feastival. I arrived at the village. If you travelled or weren’t home for a long period of time, you’d miss how wonderful is it to see the breathtaking landscape of your motherland, enjoy fresh air and hug your relatives.
    On the next day we prepared for the celebration because at year one company was willing to organize the Nowruz festival. Nobody was dormant and tried to do their best. We cooked national dishes for the feast, donned national clothes and did other work to make this day more wonderful.
    We started the celebration with hugs and apologizing to one another for our wrongdoings. This ceremony was important because it signified that danger and evil been conquered. Them we fasted different delicious dishes such as Nauryz kozhe which is symbolic of the beginning of spring and wealth.That night, we danced, played national sport including wrestling and enjoyed in other fun activities.
    This kind of celebration brings happiness and love, so every nation needs it.

  2. “Triumph of the cultural heritage”
    Have you ever participated in a big cultural festivals? Do you know that exciting atmosphere? What means festivals of your country for you?
    Cultural festivals in Kazakhstan is an enormous treasure for local people. They are very respectful of their ancestors. Moreover, Kazakhstan people are tolerant of other nationalities traditions.
    I participated in a exuberant festival last year. It was May 1, the day of the Unity of the people of Kazakhstan. I was so impressed by this festival, because it takes your breath with its atnosphere, with its amazing variety of feast, cloth and different types of nationalities.
    All city bring together at the central streets, and went through the square with national clothes, which was the highlight of the festival. Moreover, you can don an opulant national jewellery. Symbols and ornament on your costumes will make your look unusual.
    Initially, I can say that the highlight of that festival was its feast. Dishes from all national kitchens can make your mood!
    This festival is not for dormant people, because the festival is genuinly for active and exuberant people. Here is a good kinship between nationalities. Everybody respects cultural heritage of other ones. Festival of the Unity of the people of Kazakstan is not just a festival, it’s a triumph of entire country. In my point of view, this cultural festival can be a foundation to the peace, amity and harmony of the nations! If I were you, I wuold participate and celebrate that cultural heritage!

  3. Every culture is unique in its way. They have their own Festival which we do not know and it is for nothing.This day I would like tell you about Kazakh culture traditions and festivals. Each of us know that traditions as well as festivales came from far past,and one of this fest is "Nauryz". This is interesting that this word in english language means as first month of spring - March.Nauryz means that spring has come. For us this day is like a New year. The Nauryz fest begins on 20th till 22th of March. It signifies a new life, a new cycle of a new year, the end of winter and the Spring beginning of.
    Nauryz festival gives people memorable days which they cannot forget. In this day people feel exuberant and compelling. They prepare a big feast to feed all people who visit their houses. People do it in order to apologize and live in peace.To foriegn people this traditional day may remond Chineese New Year. Genuenily, this two festivals is the same in some aspects and related with the past.This day can be transition day, because every people who participates in fest, try to start the new life and find out a new lease.
    In conclusion, very nation has its own customs, without tradition, nation cannot exist. I ask you only treat each festival with understanding.

  4. Have you ever visited a special festival? As a summer rolls around, there are lots of wedding parties starting in Kazakhstan. Two months ago, when I was in Kazakhstan, I could visit anextraordinary wedding festival. Providing that friend of mine Alina decided to take a leap into unknown and get married. I had a great chance of experiencing that cultural event.
    On the eve of the party, we were preparing various goods for guests as well as we had a cleansing. The next day brought the wedding itself, including 300 guests of both relatives and friends. Initially, I was shocked by this kind of large amount of guests. Especially for me a frenchwoman, organizators of the occassion seemed opulent people. The party itself took place in a luxurious building in Almaty. The main characters of the festival-bride and groom were treated as a queen abd king for the whole day.
    Although, this was my first experience of the unique and colourful cultural wedding party, I felt like I have met these people before. Despite the fact that I was an unknown person for them, everybody gave me such a warm welcome. During the event, Kazakh people were wearing exquisitely detailed clothes. However, I can say with a confidence that the most wonderful woman in the restaurant was a bride. She was as a princess in that artfully decorated walls.
    The highlight of the ocassion was a period, when the bride and groom started to dance in the middle of a large hall. It was just marvelous, so I felt exuberant. On the other hand, if I were Alina, my mind would go crazy by hundreds of guests coming to say warm words. Moreover, I would not remember all of that new names and faces of my future relatives.
    In the end of the party, after a great feast, everybody with a genuien smile was moving around. There was unique atmosphere, that my different cultural background did not matter anymore. I felt a real kinship with guests as well as I was very entuthiastic about a future life of my friend.
    To conclude, if you want to feel a wise history of humanity and broaden your horizons, you should visit various festivals in different corners of the world. Be shure, you are going to experience a heart-lighted and wonderful things that you will never forget.

  5. Nauryz – a captivating spring day

    Have you ever been to Kazakhstan during Nauryz? Can you imagine yourself being a part of the exuberant crowd and drinking kymyz in the yurt? Here in Kazakhstan you can see how local people get prepared for the special event and make this day memorable.

    Nauryz takes place in every city or town of the country starting from 21st of March. People all around the country celebrate it every year for three days. Nauryz is kind of New Year for Kazakh nation.

    Last year the main street in the centre of my city was so crowded as if the entire city had come out to celebrate. There were about ten yurts and people who exquisitely donned traditional dresses of rich brocade gave me such a warm greetings that I felt as if I was a member of the family. Artists were performing on the stage. Their performances were breathtaking. There were distributing free meals by cook who had golden hands. The highlight of the event was tasting “nauryz kozhe” which we had cooked at home too. This soup included seven several ingredients and was feast for the eyes.

    If you are willing to be in a unique event, celebrating Nauryz is a must because you will take an unforgettable experience. In my opinion, Nauryz is genuinely the best spring occasion that shows Kazakh culture.

  6. Holi festival
    Have you ever seen a sea of colors? Or did you want to become a member of bright festival? Are you running after a wide range of emotions and feelings? If your answer is “Yes”, the Holi festival is for you!
    Last year on the eve of my birthday, I and a company of my friends randomly decided to fly to India and celebrate coming into age in a multicultural center of Asia. All of us genuinely were exuberant to have such an amazing experience. If I inherited a billion tenge, I would visit this unforgettable country again.
    Holi is an unusual festival of love and happiness in India which is celebrated in the spring. There is no a certain date for celebrating, but usually it starts in the end of March. Holi fest have a fascinating history which versions of may change depending on the regions of India. However, everywhere listener may hear the name of devil Holika, who was burned on fire. So, the meaning of this festival is that good will win the evil and being grateful for everything in your hand. I mean, Holi is partly religious celebration of Hindu culture.
    On the eve of festival, we started to read and search for the information about this cheerful celebration. We prepared different water pistols and colorful powder to throw at each other. No matter if you are child or elderly, man or woman, opulent or poor, all local people will celebrate as if they are members of one family. This fest is full of amusements including impressive dances, happy people from all over the world, lots of smile and extraordinary colors made me feel as though I am in a fairytale. I felt atmosphere of festival and was full of motivation, energy and happiness. While people throwing powder and laughing I enjoyed the moment and felt in heaven sevens.
    Taking a leap into unknown gave a tremendous experience and a wide range of positive feelings. I will never forget this days of Holi, amazing days in India.


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