Sunday, March 14, 2021

Task 25 You are going to reflect on one episode/ event of your life concerning your personal experience that somehow changed your life. Tell a real story about you. Be specific. Organize your ideas logically and provide the examples where relevant. Choose the relevant points and write in 150 words.

The following questions can be used to support your ideas:  What have you learned about yourself as a result of the experience?  Have you developed because of it? How?  Did it have any positive or negative bearing on your life?  Looking back, what would you have done differently?  Why do you think you made the particular choices that you did? Do you think these were the right choices?  What are your thoughts on the experience in general? Was it a useful learning experience? What specific skills or perspectives did you acquire as a result?


  1. I am going to talk about a story that taught me to take a more responsible approach to any business that I undertake.
    The story began in grade 11, from the moment I chose computer science as my main subject. Initially, everything was fine, but then the teacher said that we were starting to write a course work. I took it lightly and began to postpone the writing of this work. Of course, this did not lead to anything good, and when the deadline for the project was ending, I only had an unfinished version of this project in my hands. In addition, unfortunately, I could not change anything.
    It was this story that taught me to be more conscious in making my decisions, because at that time, choosing computer science, I did not follow my heart. I believe that at that time, I made the wrong choice, but at the same time, I do not regret what I did, because I gained invaluable experience, which gave me a stimulus for self-improvement. Now, I realize that if I had a chance to go back in time and change something, I would leave everything as it is and would not change anything.

  2. How I learnt to succeed

    4 years ago I heard news that there was a competition of essays in creative writing section. Since I had no time to write it beforehand in the evenings after the school, I barely managed to finish it in the last day of the deadline. I literally submitted it 4 minutes before the deadline and spent in general 6 hours to write it on that day. I was so excited when the results came out, I thought I would win because I had a talent to write essays, but … It turned out that the talent is not enough to succeed.

    Analyzing this situation of my life, I learnt that the 90% of the success comes from the hard work, not from the talent or pure luck. Thanks to it I developed a lot: now I surely write at least 7 days before the deadline to have some time to improve my writing. This experience had a positive outlook on my life as I became more of a hard worker type of person, who only believes that the resilience and time-commitment are able to bring you your triumph. As a result, now I know what kind of steps I should take before I will start my new project or essay. The good research, the word choice and literary devices with the great main idea can help me a lot these days. I am more than glad that I got to go through this little failure to achieve more in my further life.

  3. It was cold.

    The myriad of frolicking snowflakes fascinated me despite causing discomfort to my eyes as I glanced towards the sky. It was a great snowfall this evening. But instead of sitting on a cozy sofa and watching Christmas movies, I was forced to shovel the snow with my father and little brother.

    At first, I thought that we would not finish it before dinner; therefore, we would have to go twice to my cold and unfriendly backyard. But as we all took effort and started vigorously shoveling the snow, I truly felt a collaborative spirit. With small meaningful talks as we work, I realized that I do not want the snow to stop. Unfortunately, shoveling didn’t take long and we even finished before dinner.

    This childhood experience taught me, first of all, to not afraid of difficult tasks and, secondly, enjoy the process. I try to apply this mindset to everyday life activities and live my life to the fullest.

  4. I’d say that the moment when I found out a little more about myself was when I first ever tried volunteering. It happened approximately a year and a half ago during the summer, and I was feeling really sick because I had nothing to do. If I had to describe myself during that period I’d have to say “coach potato”.
    Accidently I found out about a program called “Medal Elbasy” that was held by our government, and its purpose was to gather participant who was willing to develop. One of the program areas was volunteering, which at first got me nervous because I have never really experienced it and didn’t even know places where I could possibly do this. I ended up arriving to the only animal shelter in our city – “Aktos Taraz”. That was quite an unforgettable experience. I never really understood how actually loving and forgiving animals are. Also I figured out a new passion in myself too.
    That day showed me a new part of my personality. I love helping others, I really do. I wish I had more opportunities to show love and affection. From that day on I have decided that I will continue and probably never quit volunteering.

  5. The real success comes with hard and complex work. I was taught it by my friend in middle school, when we were learning mathematics. We were just introduced with algebra and geometrics, so the learning program started to be challenging. I have mathematical way of thinking and at that moment I thought that I will handle it without any efforts. Every time when we learned new topic, I got it immediately and did not revise it at home, that is why I had forgot it until the next lesson. There was a belief that my intelligence will help me and I will learn all of the topics at once in one day. By contrast, my classmate was preparing to all lessons, revising all the topics we had talked about and even attended a course. I was surprised about his effort because it seemed liked he is overly worried about lessons. When I asked him “Why do not you just relax because I think it does not require such a big effort? ”, he said “We learn only by a huge effort and complex work”. At the time when we wrote tests, we got the same marks, but at final test of the year I failed. The reason was that I forgot all the material we had studied before. I was not upset because at least I learned another no less vital lesson. Since these times, I have never forgotten about it and have been working hard every time.

  6. It was October of 2013. 5th Grade.

    I love reading poems and my literature teacher knew it. Thus she suggested me to perform at a school event. I was happy to perform as I would have read one of my favourite poems. However, it was my first experience on the stage with an audience of more than 80 people.

    Event day. I was supposed to be the last performer and close the event.
    Steadily my turn was coming... Anticipation was building. I was sweating. My heart pounding... And finally "the last performer". It felt a long way to the stage. It was like walking in a dream - too slow. I was flattered with the attention, but I had never been used to it. I was a timid student. The audience cheered, it echoed inside my head. The last 5 minutes of the event reserved for me with my poem.
    I swear I wanted to deliver it proud and beautiful. But, instead, I squeaked and mumbled incomprehensibly. No voice would come out. I could hear the audience groan in disappointment in front of my face and feel my teacher getting annoyed beside the stage. It was quite an epic fail.

    Then, I thought I do not want to feel that way anymore.
    Because of that episode, I find the direction where to develop. I decided I should learn how to twist my fear into nervous energy until it becomes something good.
    Generally, I think it was a good experience, and looking back I would not change anything because it is a part of me.


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