Friday, January 22, 2021

Task 24 Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  1. It’s a fact of mankind’s existential awareness that environmental degradation due to the climate change is a major threat not only for human being’s existence but entire life on Earth. However, some individuals argue that we have to come with efficient solution to ultimately, accept and live with it. Personally, I completely disagree with this notion as greenhouse effect is a consequence of human impact and there is still time to cope with issue by creating green areas, reducing dioxide emission by limiting cause-devices use and increasing efficiency of theoretical awareness and practical activeness.
    Firstly, people need to be educated about the problem and ways to encounter it. For example, conducting awareness campaigns on the importance of creating greener spaces by planting trees and avoiding deforestation can effectively solve climate related issues. In addition, people should be encouraged to conserve energy and cut down on their consumption of fossil fuels. Limiting the use of private vehicles and taking public transport whenever possible is one of the many ways to reverse climate change caused by global warming.
    However, the outcome of these measures is not immediate, it will definitely be efficient and productive in the years to come. If we do not take necessary actions at the earliest, the next generation will not have a habitable place to live in. In other words, our children will suffer from the disastrous impacts of climate change. Because of global warming, most of the countries across the world are already experiencing problems such as drought, forest fires, flooding and rising sea levels. If we start to act now, we will certainly have a better to place to exist in the future.
    In conclusion, I disagree with the opinion that we need to accept climate change rather than preventing it. There is a possibility to reduce the effects of climate change if we take necessary steps such as enriching the environment by increasing amount of plants and trees across the world and restricting the use of devices causing adverse gas emissions.

    p.s. watch the “Interstellar” – it’s all about possible further life on Earth in case of ignoring natural disasters like climate change and human being’s love and willpower which saved the fate of the existence of human race by finding viable planets in parallel dimensions.

  2. It is widely thought that humanity should learn to deal with climate change instead of solving this issue. In my opinion, I disagree with it and think that people ought to take care of the current situation and prevent this global problem rather than finding a way to live with it. For instance, solving the problem can obviate future consequences; however, the rate of change is rapidly increasing.
    Firstly, climate change is not just an issue, it also contains tons of possible outcome in the long term. This is because the worst consequences can be really damaging to our ecology and the planet on the whole. For instance, recent problems such as greenhouse effect, extinction of species are the results of climate change and studies predict that it can continue for a long time while the changes still exist. Consequently, people should take the first steps in solving the issue by aiming at climate change, due to it is the root cause of all following, adverse issues. As a result, instead of looking for reasons and ways to live with those problems, we should first solve the climate-related issues for the sake of our planet.
    Another point to consider is the current situation and the world where consumption is unstoppable. It is obvious that the main cause of climate changes are toxic gases (fuels, coals) from factories and other manufactures. Despite the problem, humanity cannot just get rid of the sources of energy and halt the whole system of factories. Hence, people should consider ways of dealing and living with climate change. As a consequence, there is no other decision in changing the current circumstances, and so it is easier to seek a solution where people can leave with climate change problems.

    In conclusion, I totally disagree with an idea that there are some other ways to alleviate the problems and people rather should seek those opportunities. I think that in spite of fact that climate change is not a reversible problem, people ought to try some ways to stop future outcomes, instead of accepting that problem in their lives.

  3. Some people consider acclimating to global climate changes as a better solution rather than addressing the problem. I completely disagree that avoiding responsibility is the best way since it can lead us to collapse.

    Firstly, I consider this type of dealing with issues as avoiding liability owing to the fact that struggling against the global changes that humankind has created is really complex mission than adopting. Moreover, the changes in temperature of the whole planet are not one of the plain life transitions of human life such as changing a job or accommodation, it is a global disaster with tremendous as well as the disastrous effect on all types of inhabitants. Nowadays, the percentage of greenhouse gases is increasing exponentially, and in comparison, it raised to 50% of the amount of CO2 that was in the 1850s. This shows the unchanged foolishness of humanity that will once end the world.

    The second reason why acclimating is the worst idea is the dreadful influence of changes in temperature that raises day by day due to the inaction of the majority of the world. If we will continue to be inactive animals will be endangered, plants will dry out, environments will be demolished and furthermore. On the Internet, there are numerous pictures of animals that are starving or migrating from their natural habitats in different parts of the world, from Equatorial Africa to melting Arctics. Humankind is really adaptive than plenty of species, but I consider killing whole flora and fauna of the planet with further starvation, economic crisis coupled with lack of recourses of the whole population as madness.

    In conclusion, it is nonsense to acclimate to changes in temperature that will destroy habitats of a variety of species and landscape of the Earth because we should be responsible for the rapid global transitions and try to preserve the nature of our cradle.


  4. It is not a secret that climate change is a major threat to life on Earth. However, It is thought by some people that humanity has to accept it and live with it. Personally, I completely disagree with this statement because mankind has time to tackle some of the global problems.
    First of all, I reckon that government has to reduce the human impact on global warming by introducing new taxes to carbon dioxide emissions. People have to understand that the more harmful they behave towards nature, the more taxes they must pay. For instance, in Sweden citizens have to pay extra money if they want to purchase plastic bottles.
    Secondly, nowadays there are a lot of new alternative sources of energy that people can use. Solar energy, wind energy are the cornerstone of our “healthy” future. For example, it has been proven that wind energy can produce more than 2000Kwt per day in 2025.
    In conclusion, it is clear hat we have to address the issue of climate change, and I disagree with those who argue that we can find ways to live with it.

  5. Climate change is becoming an extremely relevant topic for peoples. While some people think that preventing such a threat to the environment is essential, others think that we should simply adapt to it. This essay discusses why it is completely absurd to think that our environment can survive global warming or other climate-related disasters without action to prevent it.

    Despite the serious risks, it is believed that we cannot control the temperature of the Earth. Because it is due to many other factors, none of which can be stopped or even predicted. For example, ocean levels rise when volcanic eruptions occur, causing the water temperature to become much higher. This can also be caused by the melting of glaciers at the poles. Therefore, climate change cannot always be prevented.

    On the contrary, scientists and environmental experts are trying to find new approaches to prevent the planet from rising temperatures. For example, the use of alternative energy sources. This will help prevent not only global warming, but also other problems, such as pollution from industrial residues. Replacing fuel with electricity in vehicles is also a way to solve the problem, because exhaust gases are one of the causes of global warming.

    In conclusion, it seems really easier to simply find a way to deal with the harmful effects of a heated atmosphere instead of preventing them. This essay explains why this is highly imprecise. In my opinion, ignoring the problem without trying to solve it is completely unacceptable and only aggravates the situation.

  6. Today, it is believed that adapting to a new changes in the weather pattern is more efficient than fighting against them. I totally disagree with this because the reasons for the climate change are caused by the human race.

    First of all, the majority of shifts in the nature, including global warming are engendered by the human action on the planet. We cut forests, build factories, produce emissions and kill animals. All this processes caused deforestation, climate change, extinction of species or even disasters. It would be dishonestly in relation to nature to ignore all this consequences, and live further by ourselves. We have been taught to fix what you ruined and correct your mistakes since childhoood. So, it is the same case.

    Furthermore, if we look further, the climate change is generally caused by toxic gases and the ozone depletion. When we live like nothing happened, adapting to new alterations in the weather, the situation will get worse. We can invent new cooling system, but the ozone layer may become abysmally thin and the high level of ultraviolet ray may influence all creatures on the Earth.

    To sum up, if we stop worrying about climate change and just adapt to new circumstances, it will be beyond morality. Moreover, things will get worse as the reasons od this change will not have been eradicated. So the best way to keep the balance is to be responsible for our actions.

  7. Some people are of the view that instead of combatting climate change, we should adapt to the changing environment. I completely disagree with this opinion since if global warming is not stopped, the situation might get exacerbated and have negative consequences to humanity.

    First of all, climate change is a continuous process, meaning it cannot freeze at one point unless measures are taken. Despite the global movements and environmental actions, global warming is still a threat, and the world temperature rises, though at a slow rate. Consequently, if people will just hope for the power of evolution and try to find a way to live with climate change, I must discourage and say that evolution is a ruthless selection of the fittest – only a small portion of people that have favorable traits will survive, and that’s the best scenario.

    Secondly, we are not the only ones who will get harmed unless climate change is not prevented. Due to the rise of temperature, ice glaciers melt, and thus the coastal regions will be flooded. Many animal, bird, insect populations will be forced to leave their habitats and migrate. This might lead to the loss of biodiversity and many animal species will be considered endangered. Therefore, I believe that people should be eco-friendly and make efforts towards preserving nature and its inhabitants.

    In conclusion, I think that instead of adapting to climate change, we should cope with it. Otherwise, only a small portion of people’s population will survive and many animal species will be extinct. We should ‘environmentally’ educated and save our world before it’s too late.

  8. Instead of preventing climate change, some people think that humankind needs to put up with it. I totally disagree with that opinion. Climate change could become a real danger with time, which is why we should not ignore its threat entirely.

    Despite many claims arguing that there is no climate change or that the change in the temperature from climate change will not pose much danger to humankind, there is a scientific basis to the danger of the rising temperatures in the recent years. The climate change theory is based on facts, as it is one of the explanations to the temperature of atmosphere getting hotter and hotter. Greenhouse gases do really exist, and it is foolish to deny that humans are not contaminating the planet with those greenhouse gases. Furthermore, rising temperature on Earth, poses enough danger to melt the ice and make most of the countries on Earth into seas. That is why we need not deny the climate change theory outright.

    Another practical consideration of fighting the climate change is that humanity pays more attention to the pollution of our planet. With the advent of climate change theory, people started to pay more attention to “saving the green” and seeking alternative sources of energy. That accounts for finding cheaper sources of energy and ridding the Earth of the pollution that humanity left on its surface. Moreover, some companies started to pay more attention to creating environmentally safe products such as cars using the energy of the sun as fuel.

    In conclusion, combating climate change will pose technological and other benefits to humankind in addition to battling the threat presented by the rising temperatures on Earth.

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  10. There is an opinion that humanity has to accept a global warming as a habitual way of life, rather than make attempt to overcome an issue threating whole Earth population. I completely disagree with this statement, because I believe that we still have enough chances to reduce human impact on climate change.

    The global warming is directly caused by human action, such as emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, burning of fossil fuels, therefore only human can prevent the climate change. The government and individuals ought to take some measures to regulate the amount of exhaust and dangerous gases in the atmosphere by introducing taxes for fabrics, industrial sectors and multinational companies. For instance, international protocol “Monreal” introduced in 1985 assist to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases dropped to 50% comparing with previous years. It prohibits the use of substances such as freons, which impact on the ozone layer degradation and formation of ozone holes that makes ultra-violet lights more dangerous for human life.

    The coexistence of climate change and human life will cause negative consequences. The raising of temperature for 0.1C every year causes to melt glaciers in the Antarctica. The level of global ocean constantly raises over the years, so the sea levels raises too. It will cause disastrous effect on counties located on small islands, floods will destroy infrastructure and the whole work of millions of ordinary people.

    In conclusion, the climate change is needed to be solved by measures taking by world organizations, governments and individuals in order to save the planet for future population.

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  12. Environmental issues keep getting worse every single year. Drastic climate change of the last decade has caused various global problems such as rising temperature and sea level, ecology and biodiversity change in some regions. Yet some individuals believe that there is no need for measures of preventing the climate change and instead, mankind should focus on ways to adapt to it. However, in my opinion the most efficient solution would be to cut the issue at the root.

    First of all, environmental issues work as a chain. If people let the climate change go on its own it will entail other ecological issues. The entire ecosystem of Earth might deteriorate in a century and nobody knows if people will be able to find a way to live with it. We have already harmed our environment to the point where some issues could not be solved but only slowed down by applying tremendous amount of effort and global cooperation. It is highly irresponsible not to recognize the reality and to keep denying the need for action.

    Moreover, global warming is a real threat for people existence. Utopian idea that human beings can work things out with the environmental issues is dangerous. We should acknowledge that climate change is affecting us every single day although we might not really see or feel it. The only way that is left for us is to cooperate and try to solve the issue. Now it is time for us to take charge. Tomorrow might lead us to exact same place where the problem will become unsolvable.

    In conclusion, it is clear for me that we need to address the issue of climate change rather than hide and pretend that there are no problems at all.

  13. Climate change is considered as a burning issue for several decades and it is often argued that it would be better if we adapted to climate change rather than preventing it. I disagree with this opinion because the consequences of climate change will be tragic if we do not make any attempts to deal with this issue.
    Firstly, people need to understand that climate change is a global issue, so the problems such as smog in big cities and acid rain are related not only to some regions but all governments because if not today then someday other countries will face the same. Moreover, rising temperatures and sea level affects not only humans but first of all, it has an impact on species of plants and animals, so there is a high risk of their extinction. This problem is also related to us since healthy ecosystems are indispensable in purifying our environment.
    Most importantly, we should think about our future generation and their quality of life. Climate change influences the decline of natural resources which are necessary for human being. Contamination of water sources, acidification of soil and reduction of its moisture make growth of plants impossible, meaning the decrease of food. In addition, increase of natural disasters and many other consequences of climate change should not be involved in our future, otherwise it will be hard to survive in these circumstances.
    The scientists all over the world are working on finding a solution to climate change or the ways to alleviate it, so we need to contribute it in order to prevent the consequences of this huge problem because this is our responsibility only.

  14. Climate change is the most pressing problem to date, which poses a tremendous threat to human life. However, some people believe that it is better to accept it rather than find a solution. I disagree with this opinion because I hope that people have enough time and opportunities to deal with climate change and reduce its risks.
    First of all, humanity reached its maximum in technology development that can be implemented in creating new and effective systems to prevent global warming and other consequences of climate change. For instance, solar systems, they are not producing any emissions and uses a huge amount of sunlight with high efficiency. Moreover, nowadays, people are aware of the mechanism of inventions like electric machines, which will not throw away toxic gases such as carbon dioxide. Due to the fact that persons are using cars enormously the climate of the entire globe is under the threat.
    Secondly, governments could introduce laws to control the toxic emissions from cars or factories that lead to global warming. High taxes and strict requirements are able to minimize the rising level of climate change. Furthermore, it is necessary to include the learning of this problem in the school system because children will think about it from their childhood, and understand its importance so that they are not going to ruin the Earth. By increasing public awareness, the result of tackling the issue can be more useful.
    In conclusion, it is beneficial for the whole planet to solve the climate change issue so that the hazardous consequences such as rise in sea levels, global warming, and drought will stop. Living in an environment where people are not yet adapted will be much harder than it seems.

  15. Climate change is the most important issue on the earth that threatens the life of habitats. Some people hold the opinion that it should be prevented; however, others might disagree with those and think that humanity should accept this issue as well as deal with it. Personally, I completely disagree with this statement since the issue leads to other significant problems, such as habitat loss and makes the earth inhabitable.

    To begin with, global warming, which is the rising average temperature of the earth, causes this climate change. The consequences of global warming reflect in Arctic ice meltings, air pollution, higher wildlife extinction rate and all of them make the planet an inhabitable place in the near future. Thus, people and the governments should take appropriate actions to solve the problem. For instance, alternative energy should be used to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and prevent increasing global warming. Moreover, individuals also could reduce the carbon footprint by limiting the usage of private vehicles.

    The last thing that humanity can do is close eyes on this imminent issue and learn to live with it, instead of coping. If the issue is not tackled, it would cause other serious ones, for example, floods, droughts, forest fires that lead to habitat loss. That’s why every person should contribute by living an eco-clean lifestyle and taking care of the ecology.

    To conclude, the idea of living with climate change cannot be accepted when there are many ways to prevent and solve it. The problem is threatening life on earth and immediate actions should be taken; otherwise, we fail to save our planet and life for future generations.

  16. Climate change is one of the biggest threats to life on Earth, although many people argue that instead of preventing it we should find a way to live with it. I completely disagree with this opinion because I believe that today we have time to solve this issue and reduce impact of men on the climate of earth.
    Global warming is the main cause of climate change and we can combat this issue with appropriate measures by taking particular actions. People have to know and understand how their behavior leads contributes to the problem. Such awareness may help by creating greener spaces and avoiding deforestation which effectively tackle climate related issues. In addition, people should be encouraged to conserve energy and cut down on their consumption of fossil fuels. Limiting the use of private vehicles and taking public transport whenever possible is one of the many ways to reverse climate change caused by global warming.
    If instead of taking the above measures we simply try to live with climate change, I believe that the consequences will be disastrous. For instance, humanity would not be able to cope with even a small rise in sea levels. Consequently, huge amount of citizens would be displaced by flooding, particularly in countries located near the sea. They will lose their homes and jobs, and forced to migrate to nearby cities or perhaps to other countries. The potential for human suffering would be huge, and it is likely that we would see outbreaks of disease and famine, as well as increased homelessness and poverty.
    In summary, I disagree with the opinion that we need to accept climate change rather than preventing it. There is a possibility to reduce the effects of climate change if we take necessary steps such as enriching the environment by planting more trees and limiting our use of fossil fuels.

  17. Perhaps the biggest danger to the planet is not nuclear weapons, international wars, terrorism, population outbreaks or political unrest, but climate change and the destruction of the environment. We would be responsible for our own extinction if we do not handle this greatest danger properly, and I do not believe that we can let it happen by doing nothing about it.

    To begin with, rising temperatures, Arctic ice melting, deforestation, unchecked industrialization, air pollution and ozone layer depletion are all related to the degradation of the earth as a single event. To a great degree, we have already harmed the environment and the time has come for all countries to work together to reduce environmental harm. Rapid flooding in the United States, heavy storms in Asia, unexpected floods in Africa are all caused by global warming, and this change will happen more rapidly than ever.The effect of climate change, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, includes increased storm intensity, including weather events, increased chances of drought, a wetter Asian heatwave and, probably, more extreme mid-latitude storms. Global warming would cause sea levels to rise to 4 feet by 2100, according to a recent estimate, and several nations, including some South Asian countries, would suffer dramatically from that.

    Of course, the last thing that human beings can do is turn a blind eye to this impending crisis and learn to deal with it, unless we want the demise of the human race, that will be an entirely different problem. There is a great deal to do and right now we should start promoting regional collaboration.By producing less fumes and planting as many trees as possible, each person should contribute, whereas the use of fossil fuels should be banned globally. As they add more to environmental pollution, developed nations have more obligations and an international panel should be established by granting it the sole authority to make any regulations to reduce environmental harm.

    To conclude, we should take urgent steps both at person and international level to control climate change for our life in the Mother Earth. Otherwise, our earth and future children will continue to be rescued.

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  19. Finding new methods of preventing the devastating effects of climate change on the environment is believed to be the most effective way of preserving our planet. However, some individuals suggest adapting to current climate conditions instead of fighting against them. In my opinion, I strongly disagree with the last point since climate change is a primary cause of decreasing biodiversity as well as global warming.
    To begin with, humanity needs to understand that due to climate change, a subtle ecological balance is being disturbed substantially. Over millions of years, the unity of life and interdependence of all living organisms were at the basis of the very life on our planet. Unfortunately, the loss of habitats, drastic changes in weather, and many other consequences of climate change have severely affected biodiversity, leading to the extinction of numerous species. As a result, the ecological balance is almost broken, putting a threat on our own existence. Thus, we have to take simultaneous actions on preventing further alterations in weather, before it is too late.
    Furthermore, alongside the declining numbers of species, the quantity of natural disasters is also rising dramatically. Droughts, floods, heatwaves, tornadoes are all destroying agriculture, villages, and even whole cities, leaving ordinary people without food and shelter. People are suffering worldwide. Thus, it would be idiotism to treat climate change as something that we should adapt to live with, without a single action against it.
    To sum up, if we dream about the bright future on Earth, we have to do everything we are capable of as humans to control climate change. Otherwise, the consequences will be destructive.

  20. Climate change is, without a doubt, one of the well-known global issues, and its’ consequences are dangerous to the Earth’s inhabitants. However, some individuals suppose that humanity should accept the situation and adapt to the environment with climate change. Nonetheless, I disagree with that statement as that might have unknown disastrous consequences and people are investing a green technology to prevent climate change.

    That is almost unimaginable to survive in a world that is suffering from global climate change, as there are countless facts to demonstrate how deeply the environment is damaged. For example, rising the level of greenhouse gases has increased the average temperature of Earth which led to melting glaciers., Due to it, sea level rose and there is a danger of vanishing of cities. As the ocean is a climate-maker, there are alterations in climates of regions that may result in modifying of habitats. Not only the environment but people will face problems such as drought, hunger and water scarcity. The idea of living with climate change will be ended up with the extinction of numerous species and finally the disappearance of life on Earth.

    In the era of technology development, it is possible to find out the way how to overcome global problems. Nowadays, almost all individuals are familiar with the climate change issue, and also in the modern world, new investments were designed to destroy the causes of this problem. For instance, countries are changing the energy source to green energy, and all over the world, people start recycling to minimize waste production. Environmental activists are increasing awareness and organizing challenges to clean and save the ecology of the Earth. The following actions provide a chance to tackle this issue.

    To sum up, climate change is one of the worst global problems, however, humanity still has time and power to solve it. Otherwise, it is impossible to imagine life on Earth.

  21. Nowadays many individuals assume that debarment of one of the most dangerous environmental problems, particularly climate change may not be as effective as finding a way to accept and survive with it. Personally, I completely disagree with it since there are myriad negative sides of this trouble, it totally destroys the ecological system, that is why living with it will not be beneficial at all.

    To begin with, climate change is considered to be demolishing in various aspects. The fact of the matter is that it has a great number of destructive repercussions, specifically the extinction of different species, melting of Arctic ice, rising sea levels, and reduced agricultural yields. It is important to note that scientists have been developing methods to cope with this challenge. For instance, the ways, like utilization of alternative energy sources that do not contribute to carbon dioxide emission, and replacement of fossil fuels are the beginning of the resolution.

    To put it another way, it is supposed that living with climate change is impossible since every imbroglio leads to another problem. Indeed, declining water supplies and intense drought are negative implications of this issue. If the majority of countries use green technology and decline the number of transportations, the number of gases which contribute to increase in temperature will decrease moderately.

    To conclude, every inhabitant of Earth can invest to solve the trouble at an early date by doing simple actions, like using a bicycle. Ergo, people should not refuse to tackle the issue.

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  23. Climate change is one of the most acute and pressing problems of the 21st century. Most people believe that this problem needs to be addressed, and the sooner the better. However, there are people who believe that humankind must adapt to global warming. I believe that it is wrong to let everything go by itself, and it is necessary to solve the problem that has arisen, so I do not agree with the second position.

    On the one hand, global warming is leading to the melting of glaciers, which will greatly affect the water level in the ocean. Rising ocean levels can flood many islands and many ocean-facing countries. And this is not the only problem, because glaciers are a source of fresh water, and their melting will lead to the loss of a large amount of drinking resources. We can say that if humanity will not take any measures to solve this problem, the situation will only get worse.

    On the other hand, if humanity begins to adapt to new living conditions, this will require the loss of the planet's biodiversity. After all, even if a person can live in new conditions, then not every plant, insect and animal can survive. In this case, the natural resource of the planet earth will become poorer.

    In conclusion, I do not agree that humanity needs to adapt to new conditions of life. After all, humanity can solve such global problems if everyone starts with himself or herself.

  24. A threat to life on Earth is climate change, but some people say that we need to embrace it rather than trying from avoiding it. I disagree with this view because I believe we still have time to tackle this problem and reduce the human effect on the atmosphere of the Planet.
    To avoid, or at least reduce climate change, there are numerous steps that governments and individuals should take. Regulation regulations to restrict the emissions of carbon dioxide that contribute to global warming may be adopted by governments. 'Green taxes' could be levied on drivers, airlines and other polluters and they could invest in the output of renewable energy from solar, wind or water power. We should all aim to reduce our exposure to global warming as individuals by being more energy-efficient, travelling less, and using bicycles and public transportation. Besides, by voting for candidates proposing to tackle climate change, rather than for those that would prefer to disregard it, the electorate will influence the decisions of governments.
    If we continue to deal with climate change instead of taking the steps above, I assume that the results would be devastating. Millions of people, particularly in countries that do not have the means to protect low-lying areas, would be displaced by flooding.
    These people would lose their homes and their jobs, and they would force them to migrate to nearby cities or perhaps to other countries. The potential for human suffering would be huge, and we would likely see outbreaks of disease and famine, as well as increased homelessness and poverty.
    In conclusion, we must address the problem as it is impossible to live with climate change.

  25. The process of climate change has a huge impact on the ecosystem of the Earth. Some people consider that instead of preventing this global issue, society should find opportunities to live with it. I absolutely disagree with this statement because I believe that in the modern world with the aid of scientists this problem can be solved.

    Global warming has been started because of human beings' activity. These days it is the main cause of climate change which increases the overall temperature on the Earth's surface. It has been proved that excess of carbon emissions is the cause of global warming. For instance, after the second half of the XX century, the number of factories as well as cars increased with the amount of emitted greenhouse gases. As a result, nowadays not only the new generation is suffering from polluted air, but also nature is experiencing the side effects such as melting of icebergs and fire in forests. However, in order to overcome this problem, both individuals and government can take appropriate actions. Therefore, government should implant the ''green taxes'' to organizations that are burning fossil fuels.

    In the nearest future, climate change can make the green planet inhabitable to all living organisms. Therefore, in the era of modern technologies and globalization, people should invest in green energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower. This is because it will be possible to reduce the carbon footprint of people if they limit the use of private vehicles and if industries switch to the green energy instead of using fossil fuels. Trying to live with climate change instead of preventing it is an impossible idea because gradually it will lead to various natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, and drought.

    In the conclusion, I am firmly convinced that there is a plethora of ways to limit the negative effect of climate change. Therefore, before the situation will get progressively worse, there is a chance to escape this enormous catastrophe.

  26. In contemporary times, the idea of the adapting to the climate change, instead of preventing it from happening, is prevaling among the society. Considering all technolocigal advancement people have made in order to cope with the changes in environment, I only partly agree with the provided opinion since people could advance in both fields.

    To commence with, it’s imperative to lower any eco-hostile emission from the manafacturing and factory processes. By focusing only on the adapting towards new climate changes, people ought not to forget about alleviating antropogenic influence on the environment and climate. Not only should people adapt to the upcoming changes in temperature and humidity, but also should concern about the state of the world when the future generations will substitute the places of older generation. For instance, it is forecasted that an average temperature of the world would rise by 5 degrees; therefore, we ought to do our best to secure healthy environment for children following us.

    However, on the other hand, some of the environmental issues might not have any feasible solutions, so in that case, it’s paramount to change out habits and the way we act fitting to new changes. Even though near hundred years may not be seem bleak as thousand years, who ever knows what life have prepared for us. For instace, the idea of air pollution with toxic fumes from the factories is prevaling currently. Perhaps, people would even wear high-tech masks with embedded air filter in it to keep their users healthy. Hence, when there are no solution, people would still be forced to adapt to new changes.

    To sum up, humankind needs to move down the two directions: preventing further contamination of the environment and adapting to it. Both can be done by technological advancements and building new habits. Nevertheless, with 7 billion people on the planet, our planer already has more than needed human resources to pusrue both fronts.

  27. In the contemporary society, there is a group of people who opine that we should look for the methods of living with the climate change, rather than trying to deal with this global issue. So, people would create new conditions and rules to adapt to those changes. However, in my perspective, it is better to solve and slow down this process in order to prevent other ecological problems that may occur if humanity do not tackle it.
    To begin with, climate change is the worldwide issue that have already caused many significant problems like sea level rise, different natural cataclysms and global warming. It means that all processes and changes that happen on Earth are connected to each other and people should not only try to deal with them but also attempt to stop the problem from spreading. In my opinion, if people continue to pollute and harm the environment, thereby causing climate change, then after a few decades the situation will get out of control and it will simply be impossible to live peacefully on Earth. Therefore, there is a necessity to fight this global problem.
    In addition, it is much easier to solve this problem than adapting and adjusting to the consequences of climate change. By using filters, new technologies, alternative energy sources and eco- friendly products we have a chance to control and stop the global warming. This will help preserve our planet in the future and prevent many subsequent problems, but without this, adapting to new conditions, people will not be able to guarantee their safety in the next decades. That is why I think that dealing with current problems right away is more effective, trusted and promising.
    In conclusion, I want to say that no one knows what and how will happen in the future, so while there is an opportunity, it is worth solving and preventing such problems immediately, without resigning and not starting the problem even more.


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