Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Task 9 Version 1 Theme: Information and Communication Technology. Topic: Gaming

Assessment Criteria:

  1. Content (Story development, Effectiveness).
  2. Usage of complex and complex compound sentences.
  3. Usage of conditional sentences ( 1st, 2nd and 3d conditional).
  4. Usage of modal verbs.
  5. Usage of ther is/are construction
  6. Academic vocabulay.
  7. 650 words 


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  2. Nowadays, teenagers spend a great deal of their time playing video games. There are many people who think that video games have only disadvantages, whereas other people presume that computer games have advantages and can help people to achieve plenty of goals. I will try to consider both points of view.
    People, who think that computer games don’t have any benefits argue that people especially teenagers, have to cut down gaming. First of all, in their opinion gaming can have pernicious influence on teenager's physical and mental health. There is a big quantity of video games which are abundant of violence and cruelty. Such games as Call of duty, Crysis, GTA even reward gamers for killing more characters. It’s obvious that such games don’t have any benefits for teenager. These games may demoralize him or her.
    Secondly, video games may have negative impact on health of teenagers. The majority of teenagers don’t obey the rules of ergonomics, while using the computer. That’s why they may have such disorders as scoliosis and other disorders related to spine. Moreover, many gamers spend a lot of hours playing games and it can be the main cause of degradation of their eyesight.
    Thirdly, playing video games too often may be not good for your social skills. Some teenagers play computer games instead of socializing. Some gamers could argue, they make in games, join with them and complete missions as a team. However, it isn’t the same as face-to-face conversation. Socializing will be necessary skill in their future jobs to communicate with colleagues, which will be inevitable.
    On the other hand, there are a large number of people who don’t agree with statement of people who suggest, that video games are useless. In their opinion, violent games are not always the main cause of bad behavior of people. Furthermore, computer games can help people to relax, which is necessary for people. The proper exploitation of computer games may have astonishing results.
    Moreover, some video games can help children and teenagers to develop such skills as critical thinking, cognitive skills and so on. There are a plenty of computer games that need such skills to complete the missions in those games. Such skills can’t be taught completely at schools. That’s why it becomes more relevant for children and teenagers to play computer games properly, because it may be needed in the future.
    In conclusion, both points of view have weighty arguments, but I incline to opinion of people, who assume that proper usage of computer games may have a lot of positive effects. Computer games can help people to develop and chill out.

    1. Good evening, Red beast.
      Your essay was interesting.However, I think it would be even better if you used conditional sentences.

  3. Hello, Red beast.
    This is an excellent piece of writing. However, I think you can write more about the advantages of gaming, so you will hit 650 words.
    Thank you!

  4. Most of people believe that degradation of youth are often viewed as being caused by addicted to the virtual games. Whilst others, emphasis that gaming contributes to the expansion of humans intellection. This essay will discuss both of the opinions, negative and positive effects to gaming.
    It is clear that, gaming affects to the physical and mental abilities since the first game has appeared and there was not problem like a today. According to the scientists, virtual game has remedial properties, it has been implemented in a rehabilitative services in people who have troubles. For instance, this alternative treatment is consumed to the individuals who have problems with mobility of the limbs or psychological disorder.
    Furthermore, modern video games, which include cartoons and animations , are used to educate children. The games can motivate students , due to the complicating of level to hard degree. The main privilege is that these virtual games evolve several skills of intelligence and good qualities, essential in real life. For instance, the team games promote a sense of belonging to a group, and such values like friendship, solidarity and coherence. It may assist to fluent in the famous languages. Owing to, the popular virtual games should not in mother tongue. It is important to add that children can try out at different profession or difficulties, as a result, it can contribute to be flexible.
    On the bright side, the risk of addiction to virtual games to community are well known for us. Perhaps, we should point out the fact that most of online entertainments contain offence against the law or supernatural being,mocking human life and forcible actions which have a negative impact on the children's psyche. For example, video games increase the aggressiveness of the player and effect to their socialization with other equals which leading to their lack of sense of responsibility or social justice.
    In addition to online entertainments can lead to health issues which require long-term treatment. Rising technology is the main cause of disappearing disease like visual impairment, because of the light from the screen of the smart phones or computers. Owing to, wrong seat, this led to trouble with posture. Scientists discovered that playing games over time could entail health dangers such as obesity. Because these players spend more than half day sitting near the computer, and the screen interferes to have healthy foods. The gaming is not only effect physically, however, players life collapses by influence of virtual entertainments. For instance, players communication with parents or friends may be deteriorated, as a result of this issue, they could become withdrawn.
    As such it can be concluded that gaming can be advantageous in developing humans consciousness, but should remember that long-term entertainment can bring harm for health.

  5. Gaming is a part of information and communication technology characterized by spending too much time playing a game. Today relevance of gaming is increasing as teenagers accept it with enthusiasm. Unfortunately, most of them become addicted in a result. This essay will take into account both points of view: opinion of people, who think that gaming has more advantages than drawbacks and vice versa, who, do not agree with it.
    It is clear that virtual games affect the development of mental abilities. But why it happens? According to results of scientific experiments, it has been proved that gamers have awesome imagination, sensational memory and developed strategic planning. Of course, all of these skills are valuable in our society. Meanwhile, other studies have found improvements on eyesight as they can see smaller details more clearly, like tiny writing. This can be proved by the fact that practiced gamers were for 58% better at perceiving fine differences in contrast, which is important as this is on the first things to diminish with age. In addition, video games can be useful for those who have psychological disorders because animations they include are used to educate them.
    On the another hand, many individuals risk their precious health for the sake of entertainment as video game which denies person to appreciate not only the true cost of time, and real friends, too. Also, during the playing games human being limits his physical activity that means he somehow eats junk food. So, overwhelming negative effects given above embrace the community and as a consequence humankind will lose balance between letting technology improve our lives and risk allowing it to dominate us in reality. In this case, society will get a person who does not care about others and interested only in his own virtual world. The data of the research showed that 80% of 12-13 years old students suffer from addiction to video, computer games. As they say “too much anything is bad”, likewise gaming leads to irreversible effects.
    Generally speaking, gaming can be beneficial, if people do it keeping the rules connected with time and age. On the contrary, it will be considered as long-term entertainment, so it provides damage for the gamer and others, too.

  6. Our sociality takes the video gaming as a big problem that should be solved immediately, while some people focus on advantages of it. Our parents say that computer games make us cruel, scattered and destroys teenager’s health. Second side of community proving that this kind of hobby doesn’t differ from reading books or watching films and video games are not the universal evil. At the same time, someone uses electronic games for their good. In addition, one of them is country and authority.
    As V.Lenin says, “While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and circus are the most important for us”. It means that popular things among the nation is comfortable to propaganda. In those times circus and movies were liked by people, but now the number of videogamers is large. For instance, there is 40,6 mln gamersin Russia, its even more than whole population of Kazakhstan. Because of that, advocacy by electronic games is profitably to power.
    USA has great experience in using games to educating the public . Pentagon has presented “America’s army” game series that propagand’s military service among the youth.
    Video games have politicalimportance, to. For example, Civilization IV, Grand Theft Auto IV or Modern Warfare 2 creates an image of the enemy, namely Russia. Some of them caused scandals or discontent on the part of the Russian authorities.
    Russia also experimented to bring up the community with the games as “ Anti-drug addiction” and “Special Forces soldier FSKN of Russia”. They were created to control drug trafficking.
    not only countries use new technologies. UN plans to use video games to resolve conflicts. Paul Darwassi, a teacher at the Royal College of St. George in Toronto, has been conducting academic research for a long time and believes that games can influence our point of view only when they evoke the emotions of understanding another point of view. Video games give you immersion in action, where all your decisions have consequences, which means they give you emotional experience and an understanding that the world is not divided only into black and white. Therefore, the UN believes that the games will help them influence the achievement of world peace.
    New technologies are relevant for use in any field. As long as we find the game interesting and play, the government is already using it for propaganda. Maybe businessmen use them as advertising or people in the scientific field to increase interest in science. But, whatever we play, we must be careful and ensure that the games do not harm us.

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