Monday, April 16, 2018

Task 4. Version 3. 'Cosmetic surgery does more harm than good.' What do you think- and why? Improved essays only.


  1. 21 century – a technology time. Now cosmetic surgery is becoming very popular. Stars or other celebrities undergo surgery and become beautiful. First cosmetic surgery was done in Ancient Egypt. Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration of the human body. In some countries on 18th birthday people receive certificates for cosmetic surgery.

    I partially agree with that, because for example one's skin is burned or other's bodies have defects. Some people are born with ugly nose or eyes. Furthermore, surgery gives them an opportunity to get normal body parts. This cosmetic surgery give us a new technology for evolution our surgery and medicine.

    Everything has two sides. In bad way people give lots of money, for money people do everything. For example, in hospital may be work not competent doctor. He may kill or make people uglier.

    In conclusion, I want to say that cosmetic surgery has two sides like a coin. Surgery gives us a big chances and in my opinion it is good.

    1. Dear, simple panda! I liked several,but really fantastiс moments in your job =) For example, there are good sides of your essay such as:

      (+) cosmetic surgery has two sides like a coin - it is a felicitous comparison with coin
      (+) you give a short history of cosmetic surgery combining the name of the place and time
      (+) a good structure, but you still have some parts to add and complete

      Moreover, it would be better if you correct:
      1. 21 century – a technology time. - 21 century is a century of technologies
      2. You need to give concrent examples of advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery. In addition, in 2 separate paragraphs.
      3. in a last sentence "gives us a big chances" - gives us big chanceS

    2. Hello, simple panda.
      Do not use word "ugly" please exchange it.
      Has a two sides.
      Not bad way - it is should be "disadvantages"
      He may kill - He can kill a patient or defect on body.

    3. Hello , Simple Panda!!!
      Your essay attracted my attention, so I read it and made some inferences.
      1) Simple Panda , I share of the view that you need to write more sentences in your essay.
      2) "Now cosmetic surgery is becoming very popular."-"Now cosmetic surgery is becoming very popular in our society. "
      3)"Stars or other celebrities undergo surgery and become beautiful."- "The majority of the celebrities are becoming more beatiful than were by undergoing surgery." / I think it is more beautiful/
      3)"I partially agree with that, because for example one's skin is burned or other's bodies have defects."-"I partially agree with this statement, I can prove it by taking one example . One person had a car crash or his skin was burned in fire ,so onle cosmetic surgery can save their appreance"
      4)" Some people are born with ugly nose or eyes."- " Some people were born with with special nose or eyes."/ or -"Some people are borning with with special nose or eyes."
      5)"In bad way people give lots of money, for money people do everything. For example, in hospital may be work not competent doctor. He may kill or make people uglier. "-"In bad way people give too much money, for these money people can undergo surgery. However , in hospital may be work not competent doctor. He may killS or makeS people uglier than they were. "
      6)"Surgery gives us a big chances and in my opinion it is good.-" In my point of the view , surgery gives us big and very important CHANCES aand it is very good."

  2. In the beginning let`s talk about cosmetic surgery in general. Nowadays, a demand for cosmetic surgery is increasing from day to day. Therefore, we can declare with the confidence that today approximately 20% of women around the world had cosmetic surgery. The major aims of undergoing cosmetic surgery are wishes of females to change and fix their faces. Due to they just do not like some parts of their faces, which seem for them farcically. Actually, a history of cosmetic surgery began from 18th century, when some countries of Asia started transforming ears. As a result, one Asian country called South Korea now is considered as a developed country according to the cosmetic surgery work.

    As for me, then I partially agree with the statement. In my opinion, cosmetic surgery has both positive and negative sides. In addition, lots of people get confused when they get asked a question such as “Does cosmetic surgery do more harm than good?”.

    First of all, I consider that it injures one`s health and ruins people`s uniqueness. The main thing is that cosmetic surgery`s results are unpredictable. When people are undecided whether to go for it or not , they have terrible feelings about its consequences. Secondly, in my opinion, everybody has a unique personality, so it is not good to change our essential beauty.

    On the other hand, if people undergo cosmetic surgery, when they have complexes about their appearance, it would give them confidence in real life. In addition, if we want to be respected by people, firstly we have to respect and love ourselves. Furthermore, the successful result of cosmetic surgery might help some people to start appreciating their appearance.

    To sum up, I would like to say that undergoing cosmetic surgery depends on life situations, in which that person is. Everybody has his or her own option to choose this way or not. However, first think about it wisely and make confident selection.

  3. Society’s opinion is never stay in one place, shifting and evolving with the passage of time. However something which you said in the past and forgot may hurt somebody’s heart. It creates a bunch body conscious and stay on a person’s mind forever, until the situation is changed. These types of people are victims of critique and they see the solution under the knife of a surgeon.
    Cosmetic surgery is one of the achievements of modern technologies and medicine. Unpleasant memories from childhood or bullying at school and home, criticism, compare your appearance and body with others, fashion models, stars and celebrities are among the reasons for undergoing plastic surgery.
    I partially agree with the statement, because as everything in the world it also has its benefits and disadvantages. At first I am willing to talk about disadvantages. Similar to other medical services, plastic surgery requires a lot of money. Instead of spending a tremendous amount of money on surgery you can spend your money on good deeds. Moreover, nobody can give a guarantee that it will be successful. First time you may look beautiful and fresh, however it may affect your health. In addition, natural beauty looks better than these changes by knife. Thirdly, once a person has done surgery, perhaps he cannot stop. This causes dependence and the person will want to do a second operation.

    In my humble opinion, to do the operation or not, only the person decides. Do not criticize if a person has done or is about to do plastic surgery, because the consequences will be experienced by him, and not you. Moreover, money is not spent by you. One expensive operation helps a person feel good. In addition, the operations are carried out not only for the purposes of beauty and youth. People spend it to heal their defects and congenital diseases. For example, some people might have uneven skin such as acne, rabbit's lip and/or cleft palate.

    Cosmetic surgery is one of the achievements of science. Everyone decides to do it or not, and you cannot judge. The main thing is not to forget about the measure and the boundaries. Respect other people's opinions and choices, and you will become respectable.

    1. -,... (it is) shifting and evolving with the passage of time
      -it will be better if you won't use / in the sentences. "and/or"
      Very interesting essay))

  4. Our world is changing everyday. People are changing everyday . Their world outlook , thoughts , knowledge evolve. Now people began to judge people in appearance, but have forgotten that the most important thing is the human soul. They started to pay attention to clothes and appearance . People have become cynical.
    Today people have a very good chance of changing their lives. Now if people have too much money , they would reconstruct all their bogy. Special surgeons who works on reconstruction body can confirm this . Cosmetic surgery is a special surgical procedure involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. Why do people want to change their appearance ? It is possibly due to childhood trauma because not all people are beautiful . They start have their complexes.
    Cosmetic surgery can help them to change their lives . However , are cosmetic surgery does more harm than good . I partially agree, because people cannot forget their mockery and it is not real appearance , moreover people would understand this after a few time , but they can forget about their complexes.
    I agree, because it is just a simple shell . After cosmetic surgery , people who undergo surgery can feel as if they have a new life , however it is just smoke and mirrors. If surgery was successful , people would go to doctor every year . Sometimes , through the surgery people can get infected, so it is very dangerous . Surgery cannot change a person’ entire body , in the depths of their hearts they will understand that appearance is not so important. So , surgery is harmful :1) it is dangerous . 2) It cannot change people’s lives , they will understand that appearance is not very important .
    I disagree , because cosmetic surgery is a people’s choice . It is their own life , moreover they have all rights to change their own lives. If they feel comfortable , they can do anything that they want . If they want to spend their money on surgery , they can.
    In conclusion , I would like to say that no matter what changes you make to your appearance , the main thing is that you find balance in your soul.

    1. *** Dear, I liked your essay very much! It differs from others becuse of it`s wonderful and clear structure =)
      However, your essay could be much better, if you change these parts:
      1. Their world outlook , thoughts , knowledge evolve.|Paragraph 1. the 3rd Sentence|, here it have to be like:
      "Their outlook, thoughts AND knowledge evolve." --because when we write 3 words in our sentence, after the last noun, when are counting, we automatically put the word "and". Moreover, instead of the "world outlook" , it is better to use "world view" or just "outlook".

      2. Now people began to judge people |Paragraph 1. the 4th sentence|. You need to pay attention to the words such as "now" and "began", because they indicate different times. In addition, 1)"began" is in the past tense, 2) "now" is in the present tense, so they are incompitable.
      gooood luuck with your future works! The Very wonderful essay =)))

    2. You use secong conditional in your essay, very good! (if people have too much money , they would reconstruct all their bogy)
      -Do not use guestions in your essay, and "1)..", write "First of all" and etc.
      - can feel as the start a new life
      Good job!

  5. Cosmetic surgery does more harm than good
    Nowadays, a medicine is rapidly developing. It is difficult to overstate its role in our life. Moreover, cosmetic surgery is a type of medicine, and it has an effect on our lives, too. Cosmetic surgery is an accustomed part of modern life. However, it affects our health both positively and negatively.
    I partially agree with that statement. Now, a lot of people start doing this surgery, someone tries to make his body more beautiful, another one wants to fix their defects. It all can change our physical body. In addition, it will change how we view ourselves.
    First of all, people do cosmetic surgery to look better. We are not ideal. Therefore, in order to make ourselves more beautiful and attractive, we take a risk trying this type of medicine. Botox and other anti-aging treatments can do our body as we like and need it. Moreover, it influences our thoughts. If we have a body that we like, we will feel confident about ourselves. We will not want to adjust our big nose or thin lips…
    Secondly, it can make negative things, too. In my point of view, we cannot be young always. Chemicals that are used during surgery may be expired, and could have severe side effects. In conclusion, I partially agree that cosmetic surgery does more harm than good. We just want to understand its role and influence fully.

    1. BlackPink
      +You have very good academic words.
      +You have vary good sentence staractur.
      =Please use more conditionals

  6. Cosmetic surgery does more than harm than good
    Nowadays, people who not satisfied with their beauty and appearance, undergo cosmetic surgery. Although people are aware of its side-effects, they still go through with the surgery. In my point of view, it is normally, especially in 21 centuries. If person overdo with this so it is harm. People make their selves ugly with own hands by undergoing. However, people should understand the harms and do it in limit of reasonable.

    It has a lot of people who do cosmetic surgery and become beautiful. In this case I am not about the people who do a surgery because of their "crooked nose" or "little lips and others. No, I am about people that undergo surgery after injury or burn. After surgery, people with disabilities change their appearance and feel better. They undergo, due to they have complexes and inconvenience after injury. It is understandably why they do. Moreover, here I am afraid that I do not agree with this statement.

    Some people like celebrities and famous stars often go under the knife. As you know not all operations are successful.
    Firstly, it can damage people’s health and it can has lamentable consequences.
    Secondly, a person can become addicted if he does not stop on time. Moreover, it is a lot of people who do in this way.

    So, what I want to say, I am in neutral opinion about this statement and that everything depends on people, it is in their own hand.

    1. people who not satisfied-> people who are not satisfied
      they still go-> they still to go/they still going
      in 21 centuries-> in 21 century
      If person overdo with this so it is harm.-> If a person overdoes with this, it will be harmful.

    2. Good job, Lucky Dr.Robert. I noticed that you changed some moments and mictakes. Thank you.

  7. For the last few years cosmetic surgery has become more popular and acceptable especially, among the female half of the planet. Let`s ask ourselves this: “Why do women turn to cosmetic surgery?” Well, some people become body conscious while looking at pictures of models in magazines with their ideal bodies, perfect skin tones and fashionable haircuts.

    Plastic surgery does more harm than good. I partially agree with this statement. First of all, it costs a lot! There have been situations when women have sold their cars, clothes and jewellery just to have enough money to spend on this expensive treatment.
    Moreover, unsuccessful surgery can cause some health problems at the very least. Nowadays, there are many swindlers and rogues everywhere. So people need to be very careful when choosing doctors. If they do not take it seriously, this act will have very sad consequences.
    Fortunately, people are moving towards natural beauty. So, more than a half of young girls prefer their personal charm instead of having cosmetic surgery. That gives me a hope about our modern society.

    On the other hand plastic surgery has its positive sides as well as negative. In situations when people get injured, for example fire, surgery gives them the chance to get back to the life they had before an accident. Cosmetic surgery increases person’s self-esteem and this is really fascinating.

    However, frankly speaking I think that people do not need something special to love themselves. Each one of us is beautiful in our own way. It does not matter what other people think.

    1. Hello, Hopefull Girl!
      Your essay attract my attention , I saw that you improved your essay . However, we have some moments:
      1)"Why do women turn to cosmetic surgery?"- "Why do women undergo cosmetic surgery?"

  8. Today technology and medicine progress very well. Scientists do everything to improve our lives. The majority of people state that technologies have more disadvantages than advantages. However, those people forgot that our fridges, cars and computers were created for themselves. Cosmetic surgery shows how is improving our medicine. It shows hard work of the doctors for the patients. They are willing us to live happily.
    I partially agree with the statement that cosmetic surgery does more harm than good because it depends on the case. For example, a person wants to make an operation for the reason that he or she thinks that something is wrong with his or her appearance or this person has burn on the body. If people had a car crash, they might have a cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance. It will alleviate mental illnesses if a person has problems with self-confidence or self-esteem.
    People say that there is no ideal person in the world, but at the same time they keep doing anything to become perfect. Cosmetic surgery is popular in many developed countries such as Korea. For instance, most of girls there do an operation on double eyelid since double eyelid is a symbol of the beauty. Sometimes, a patient might meet the swindlers. Perhaps some people would like to get money in simple way. People go into debt copying celebrities and forget about the natural beauty. There are dangers involved in any kind of surgery. Instead of improving your appearance you might mutilate it.
    In spite of all this we cannot forget about surgeons with sincere intentions to support. Consequently, I want to say that we may do cosmetic surgery if it is necessary, but we cannot abuse it.

  9. Cosmetic surgery is a medicine procedure, which enhances person’s appearance. Cosmetic surgery and medicine develops hand in hand. The popularity of modern cosmetic surgery continues to grow, because it become available for any person.
    At one side, advantages of cosmetic surgery are numerous. Cosmetic procedures help people, who lost one part of body or got to some catastrophes, such as accidents and fires. It is a great opportunity to reestablish person’s health or a normal appearance due to operation.

    On the other hand, results of cosmetic surgery are not always meet our expectation. For example, if operation is fail, medicine mistake will last for a lifetime. Of course, it always carries a medical risk, even death. The medical fail depends on a doctor’s mistake or other difficulties. Today, there are a lot of half-taught specialists or doctors without special knowledge. In my opinion, it is a considerable risk about this essential problem. Moreover, unsightly scarring is one of disadvantages too. These red and thick scars are often troublesome to hide or to rid for a long time after surgery or never.

    Every person undergoes cosmetic surgery for their own intentions. These cosmetic procedures are partially impact to people good, but sometimes it can be harm too.However, cosmetic surgery is a dangerous and unpredictable thing, so that person must be sure about the decision.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Cosmetic surgery and medicine develops-> Cosmetic surgery and medicine develope
      it become-> it becomes
      if operation is fail, medicine mistake will last for a lifetime-> if an operation fails, this medicine mistake will last for the rest of a person’s life
      In my opinion, it is a considerable risk about this essential problem.-> In my opinion, it is a considerable risk.
      These red and thick scars are often troublesome to hide or to rid for a long time after surgery or never.(I did not understand why did you use "or never")

  10. Right now is the 21st century; there are a lot of new technologies, breakthroughs in science, generally a lot of interesting things. Furthermore, there is a cosmetic surgery too.

    First surgery in a world was made in Ancient Egypt about 3600 years ago. Surgery here used when a person was ill or he has some deformations, and they very rarely made on the face. It was treacherous for their life, some people thought that it is easier to stay ill or breathe their last breath instead of doing this dangerous thing. However, right now there a lot of types of surgery and people are not scared to do it, most of them like it. You can use rhynoplasty for your nose, blepharoplasty for your eyes, mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, liposuction, oh my god, I think that if I say all of them, it will be too long.

    Cosmetic surgery has a lot of disadvantages. Then, why do people turn to surgery? Maybe you will ask this question, the answer is easily, they don’t like their face (I know, that I am captain obvious).This cause going to doctors and having a conversation about their problem. Some of the doctors are swindlers, their goal is to take money easily, they will do poorly executed job. After that person may have problems with their health, defects on their faces, some of surgeries like this end, critically with passing away or they will not look like them before. After that person may have some health problems, defects on their faces. Some of surgery end like this: critically, with passing away or they will not look like them before the surgery.
    Cosmetic surgery is a really dangerous thing, because your body, face “in the hands” of a doctor. What's more, face it is the first thing that people see, so people should not use a lot of surgery, or go to untried doctor, only because there is not expensive.

    I can say some advantages of plastic surgery. People may correct their defects on the face. A person may become more confident.
    XOXO, •everybody loves me•

    1. Thank you for your so interesting essay. However, I shoul say to you about your minor mistakes:
      1."After that person may have problems"-->that person may HAS(due to it can be he/she)
      2." that people see, so people should"-->before "so" you do not need comma, because it is fanboys.
      3." may have problems with their health"--> with his/her health, because you loid about "person", not "people".

  11. Cosmetic surgetu does more harm, than good.

    Nowadays, our century is a new technologies’ epoch, where in most had developed countries all life’s conditions in high level. Moreover, due to a high level of medicine the length of people’ lives is longer than the ever was. So, since science and medicine are tremendously developing now, the term “cosmetic surgery” recently appeared.

    “Cosmetic surgery does more harm than good”. I completely agree with this statement, because we must have own natural beauty, not by surgery and chemicals. As one famous philosopher said : “We should see the problem from different angles”.

    Cosmetic surgery has advantages, like a lot of people did not like own exterior, so after the surgical intervention they are happy for his new loveliness and life. Cosmetic surgery gives people a sense to live, raises his self-evaluation.

    On the other hand, cosmetic surgery has a lot of disadvantages. One of them is a surgical procedure could not be successful, and people became ugly. Secondly, this method of being beautiful can induce some dangerous diseases. Third, substances that added are can carry a hidden threat to the organism.

    Health – one of the most valuable things in our world. Please, do not forget own natural beauty. As wise and clever people say, the secret of being beautiful is to eat natural fruits and vegetables, move, and be happy of living in this interesting, fabulous and full of mysteries world. Keep calm, and do your best!

  12. Everybody wants to be beautiful. In order to win a beautiful girl’s heart people start wars. For example, Trojan War was started because of a beautiful girl, Elena. This war was between Greece and Trojan, in the Troada. The war started when Menelai’s wife and Pares decide to run away. More men die in this war and they end, but people continue make mistake like this and shed the blood. In truth we really can do all things for beautiful girl. However, what we can do for be beautiful?

    Now, we have got fashion for cosmetic surgery, and I think it’s a big risk. One mistake can destroy the life of person. We can’t change this and human must live with this. For example, if person didn’t enjoy with result, they can’t change the past. So people must think before make a choose, because this choose can forever change the life and you.

    Yes, cosmetic surgery can help, but I think if you do this on body, it will be not yours. I think if you do the cosmetic surgery, in the mirror you see another human. Cosmetic surgery change human not always for the bad, but not always for the good way. I think cosmetic surgery can using people who deface from fire or other bad think, but not just feeling us better. For this people can use more save either botox, but they dangerous, too. You can have allergy intolerance and other.

    I think the nature beautiful better than artificial beautiful. Save the nature beautiful, because it’s your beautiful.

    1. 1. It IS{not it's};
      2. Cannot{instead of can't};
      3. "if person DOES NOT enjoy with result, HE/SHE CANNOT change the past";
      4. make a choise;

    2. Hello, Marshal Lee. Thank you for publishing version 3 essay.
      There some advices for you:
      1. "can’t" - try to not use the contractions. "cannot" will be better.
      2. You can change your first sentence like this: "Everybody wants to look attractive" or find another synonym.
      3. "Yes, cosmetic surgery can help" - do not use the words "yes" or "no" in your job.
      4."cosmetic surgery can help" - "cosmetic surgery can be helpful".
      5."One mistake can destroy the life of person." - "It can destroy person's life".
      6."I think if you do this on body, it will be not yours. " this sentence sounds strange, especially last expression. In my opinion, you need change it.
      7. Moreover, it is not worth dedicating one paragraph to the history. (First para.)
      8."Person" is countable, so you need to use "a" before it.
      9. Do not ask questions in your job "However, what we can do for be beautiful?".
      10."if person didn’t enjoy with result" - "with the result".

  13. There are many people who want their faces, arms, legs or other parts of the body become better. However, these people are making better their part of a body undergoing cosmetic surgery. Most people can say that cosmetic surgery is bad; others can say that cosmetic surgery has more advantages than disadvantages. There is no right or wrong opinion here. All people have their own justifications. Let us try to discuss and find an answer to this question.
    Cosmetic surgery has one big advantage. It can enhance your appearance. In my opinion, this advantage can be one of the reasons why people undergo cosmetic surgery.
    However there are many disadvantages. Firstly, this procedure might be dangerous for health. The person can be physically strong, but this person needs to understand that the physical strain will not help him if something goes wrong during surgery. Secondly, the person needs to be psychologically strong to undergo cosmetic surgery. There are many different operations, but all of these can be dangerous and risky, because a surgeon can make a small mistake during the procedure, which may affect a person’s health.
    I share the opinion that cosmetic surgery may help people in different situations, if a person really needs to do this procedure. Sometimes people have to undergo cosmetic surgery after they had an accident where they were injured . In this case it is not so dangerous for this person’s organism. However, if a person undergoes cosmetic surgery many times or if they undergo this procedure illegally, it is dangerous and can badly affect a person’s health.
    In conclusion, I would like to say that cosmetic surgery does more harm than good and it is a choice of a person to undergo surgery or not.

    1. Hello, Young Jake!
      2)Use a key words and an articles.
      3)After "affect" do not use article, because health is not countable.

  14. Nowadays people think about their appearance more than they did before. If they have complexes about their look, cosmetic surgery might help them. People divided into two camps. Someone supports it. Someone thinks that it is not correct. Now I would like to share with you my point of view about it.
    Majority of people undergo the society opinion, moreover some of them stay under the pressure. It is difficult for me to argue about it. Let’s talk about advantages and disadvantages. From one side, cosmetic surgery helps people to sweat out from their complexes. The main advantage of plastic surgery is the elimination of defects. Plastic surgery helps many people live further after accidents, fires, disasters they faced. If they become body conscious, cosmetic surgery might help them.
    On the other hand, it might have terrible consequences. Cosmetic surgery may have bad after-effects on your skin.
    People should be satisfied about their appearance. They must be grateful for the creator, because other people have more essential issues in their life.

  15. Cosmetic surgery does more harm than good.
    Every day, week, century everything is changing endless. Our world is evolving. Today many people want to undergo surgery. Some people think of the view that undergoing cosmetic surgery is harmful and others think otherwise. In most situations a patient of cosmetic surgery is women. This category of surgery can realize human wishes and make it real. For example, you can do not like your face form or want change eye’s color, cosmetic surgery can change it all.

    I partially agree with this statement. I share the view that if you use this surgery way more than one time your health will become bad by reason of not natural as well as chemical interference. All these lasers, silicones, chemicals devices are bad influence for human health.

    On the other hand, surgery will cost a lot. It is a second thing why I partially agree with surgery. Despite the whole operation, it costs a lot of money for today; it is a big problem for a majority people. It is worth considering whether an surgery is needed at all.

    The good sides of cosmetic surgery are a patient can satisfy own expectation. If a patient undergoes surgery as well as changing some parts of the body. In situation some human beings might not like their own natural beauty and want to undergo surgery. In that case, the only solution can be undergoing surgery and the main purpose of going under the knife is to change their faces

    In conclusion, for whom the operation is very beneficial and for someone it does not. But you cannot come to the exact conclusion that the operation is harmful or not.

  16. Hello, Young Jake!Your essay is readable , however we ned to improve some moments.
    1)"There are many people who want their faces, arms, legs or other parts of the body become better."- "The majority of the people who want reform their own body in the better side ."
    2)"However, these people are making better their part of a body undergoing cosmetic surgery. "- "However, these people are making better their part of a body by undergoing cosmetic surgery. "
    3)"Most people can say that cosmetic surgery is bad; others can say that cosmetic surgery has more advantages than disadvantages.-"Most people can assert that cosmetic surgery is bad; others can assert that cosmetic surgery has more advantages than disadvantages."


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