Thursday, May 18, 2017

Task 1 Version 2 Improved Essays only

You can post your improved essays under this thread. Be careful to take into account the advice shared under the essays in the previous thread. I look forward to reading your writings, my brilliant students.


  1. Dear Jack,
    I really believed that I sent to you a letter, but something went wrong. My last letter just deleted, and I cannot find it. In that letter I told to you about my day. Maybe, you’re felling what we will talk about. Now, I would like to share with you about my usually day. Like all teenagers my age, most of my time I spend it at school, about 7-8 hours. But I have 16 hours for my daily routine. 6-7 hours for a sleep, and I have 10 hours for my plans. Super! In the morning, I usually wake up at 6 o'clock. I brush my teeth, have a shower, and at 7 o'clock I go to school. I spend 1 hour for a way. Yes, I know that I live so far from the school, however I like it. I love getting at school by bus. When my lessons end at 15:00 or 16:00 o'clock, I go to extra lessons. Usually it's Math, English, Physics, and Chemistry because I have got problems in these lessons. However, I practice and really work hard. After this I go home by bus. When I get home I help my mom moreover do housework. Then I do my homework and read books. I really love reading in the evening because you hug your lovely book and feel asleep. So, it's my usually day. Bye.
    Your pen friend Honey bubble

    1. WOW! I love your essay! I think that it is very interesting as well as extraordinary, because all of us wrote typical essays, but not you. Your letter is very good. Nevertheless, there are more than 150 words. If you corrrect it, it would be the one of the best essays.

    2. Hey! You wrote your essay in amazing style and your grammar is perfect. However, I think that you need use the past tense, because essay called "How I spent my day?"

    3. I like your essay resulting from you wrote your essay like a letter to your friend. It was very creative.

    4. It is very unusual and sensational write the essay like a letter to friends.

    5. Good job! U wrote in a very unusual style. Continue to surprise us with your works 👍

    6. 'Maybe, you’re felling what we will talk about'-should be feeling, not 'felling'.

    7. Like all teenagers my age, most of my time I spend it at 'school, about 7-8 hours.'- not 'I spend it at school',you could write just 'I spend at school' because you said that this is about your time.

    8. Very beautiful and creatuve! I am agree with other commentators.

  2. Yesterday, I woke up very late and because of this, I very fast did the morning things. After this, I had my breakfast and went to the lessons. The first lesson was kazakh literature and during this lessons we did exercises for being ready for summative. Second lesson were a mathematics. We achieved our objectives, because it was our last lesson. On the next lesson, which was Russian, we did listening exercises and it was very interesting lesson. After lessons, first of all, i went to physic extra lesson and achieved all achievements. After physic extra lesson I went to Nagima Kenjebekovna for retelling NG books. I came to my home very tired, but I was funny, because I did very many things. After having a lunch, I walked on the street. I thought about my future and listened to relaxing music. I think, walking was the best moment in this day!

    1. Hey!
      Good essay with your emotions and with details. But there are some mistakes. For example, "second lesson WERE" it should be "second lesson was". Moreover, I think that you should change your first sentence. It is a stylistic mistake.
      Generally, it is a very interesting essay.

    2. Yous essay was really good and captivating, because, you give detailes of your day. But I think it is not lunch, conversely, dinner. Moreover, I think that you should change word "after" and "next" with other words. Good luck, I hope you will pay attention during the writing next time.

    3. Use "so" instead of "because of this".
      You should write "did" first, then subject.
      Repeat rules related to the structure of sentences.
      Good luck!

    4. Your essay very fascinating. I look at your first essay and was surprised, because your fix any mistakes. But U have one mistake:you wrote "Having a lunch" we did't use "a" before lunch,breakfast, dinner.

    5. You wrote very fascinating. Nonetheless I think you need to be more creative.

    6. Hey!!!
      You wrote very beautiful essay!

    7. Last commentators are wrote your grammar mistakes, so I can say, you wrote good essay.

  3. How I spent my day?
    Yesterday was full of emotions. I woke up at 6 o`clock and washed my face and brushed my teeth, frankly I did not wanted to wake up and wanted to sleep. Nevertheless, I know that I must do it to be healthy. Then, I went out to run. After running and doing physical exercises, I started to dress and prepared to school. Then I came to school and had a breakfast. Lessons have passed interesting, because I like them. We had 8 lessons and then had afternoon snack. After all, me and my friends wanted to walk around the school, but we remembered that we need to go to the extra lessons. I was very happy that I have achieved my objects. We were at school till 6:35, because we did our ART project and then we went to home. At home, I had dinner with my parents and they asked me how I spent my day and I told them what I did. I like this day, day that seems typical, but very successful.

    1. Not "did not wanted",but "did not want".
      Not "ART", but "art".
      I had "a" dinner.
      Generally, I liked your essay.

    2. Dear Mavis Schistad,
      You wrote a good essay, so I like it very much. However, you used a lot of "then". It is not too important, but if you use synonyms like soon after or thereupon, your essay will look more better than now(I'm not sure about grammar of this sentence). Okay, you need to work with past simple tense. Due to you have mistakes, you need to destroy them. I really waiting for your other essays. Good luck)

    3. Very interesting essay about your day.You have some mistakes ,for example before the breakfast,lunch,dinner we do't use the article "a".

  4. How did I spend my day? There were no differences between this and other days. I woke up at 6.50 and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I started doing exercises as soon as I adopted all water procedures. When I finished exercising, I decided to rehearse the retelling of National Geographic. After this I brewed red tea and retold National Geographic while I was drinking tea. Then, at 7.50 I started to busk. Initially, I was making unique hairstyle for 20 minutes. After this, I wore my uniform, and then I went to school. During the day, I felt discomfort and nervous, because I had a hard day and failures on my lessons. Nevertheless, I thought that those problems are not so severe to make me sad, so I tried to smile and laugh. I went to art class as soon as my lessons ended to finish my picture for project. I spent my time very well thanks to my friends. After art class I left school. At home I played volleyball with my neighbors. It was very exciting and funny to see their smiles.
    This day was full of various emotions.

    1. I think that your essay is just fine. There are lots of new words for me in your essay.

    2. I like your essay bacause of using new words for me. For example: "hairstyle", "busk", "failures".

    3. I think that your essay is very good! You use new words(for me), and you describe your day,so it was interesting to read it! But:
      -the title is "How I spent my day?" (but teacher said, do not write it)
      -neighbours (not neighbors)
      Good job!

  5. The "sour-sweet" morning started with my awakening at 7:10. I anticipated this morning, though I did not feel too excited about it. The forenoon time till 7:30, I spent preparing myself for holiday trip to the mountains.

    I have been in the mountains, and it was not too long ago, but when I was offered to go there again, though I knew that it will not be as thrilling as it was recently, I could not decline it.

    I went to the mountains with my parents. We got there at 9 am. Our trip started with gathering mushrooms. Initially, we thought that there will not be many of them, yet when we started searching, it ended up after a couple of hours and sack full of mushrooms. After we returned to our camping place, we started to cook food. From food, there were marinated chicken wings that we placed on brazier after wood turned to coal. Meanwhile, I tried my pneumatic rifle on bins and targets. It was very funny there, and I enjoyed it!

    I returned home at 1:30, had a shower till 2 pm, and read books till 6 pm. At 6 o’clock I had a dinner that included mushrooms we got from mountains. After that, I was doing my homework till 8 pm, and continued reading books till 11:30. Usually I start sleeping at time from 11 to 12, so I got to the bed and fell asleep.

    At this point, holidays ended…

    1. I suggest you to not use too long sentences.
      You should use "would" instead of "will", because you are writing about last day.
      Do not forget to use articles.
      We do not use an article before "lunch", "dinner" and "breakfast".
      Good luck!

    2. Dear J.ODD,i liked your essay very much,but i saw some mistackes with comma.After Fanboy "But" you forget to put it in your sentences .Please take it into consideration !

    3. /*/ for holiday trip - for A holiday trip
      /*/ I was offered - I am offered (you need to write with Passive Voice, because you are offered by someone to the trip)
      /*/ to cook food - to cook THE food
      /*/ I was doing my homework ... - I did my homework ... (because you are not talking about two actions which are happening in the same time)

  6. Last weekend wasn’t much different from other free days but there was something special about it. It was my mum’s birthday. I woke up earlier than others on Sunday morning to buy her some flowers and to decorate our hall with colorful balloons. My parents were surprised how agile I can be and my mum was truly happy. My dad also prepared a special present for her. It was a crystal vase, which she had long wanted to buy.

    We were expecting some guests, so my mum decided to cook delicious meals. Her specialty is sweet-and-sour chicken and Olivier salad. She asked me to help her, so I did. If it wasn’t her birthday, I would have already been somewhere with my friends. We like walking at the nearest mall and going to the cinema, but that day I had to stay at home, which was somewhat boring. When the guests arrived, I understood that I was wrong. The evening was promising, as my mums’ co-workers came with their children. We decided to arrange a small party in my room. For that occasion my dad ordered two large pizzas and fruit juice. So the birthday wasn’t boring at all. On the contrary, we had lots of fun, played mafia, sang karaoke and danced to music. At the end of the day everybody was tired but happy.

    1. Excellent! I learned new words like occasion, on the contrary. I think your essay would be better, if you use "was not" not "wasn't"

    2. Do not use contractions.
      Do not create too long sentences.
      I liked that your essays included many details.
      Good luck!

    3. This essay looks a lot like what is at . You should say so when you use other people's words as your own Non Gather. You need to be original.

    4. Dear,Non i want to help you ,so not "to buy her" i think it is not correct, maybe "i bought to her" and "decorated" and i saw this essay from other site .So do not copy essays.
      your fatcatdog
      love you all

  7. How I spent my day?
    On Monday I got up at 7:30 am, got dressed, went to brush my teeth and wash my face. After this I’m going to prepare breakfast. Usually I had one sandwich and cup of tea on breakfast, at this day I had it too. After drinking tea, I was going to the hairdressing. At the same time, I listened to music. When I came out from barber, I met my friends and we went to walk in the the park. The weather was good. While walking one of my friend said us that we can go to swim. At 15.00 we took money from home and went to the swimming pool. It was amazing, because I firstly going to “Taraz-Arena” this spring.
    When I came home, I started to read my book about person psychology, while reading I listened to nice music. At 19.00 I got dinner till 19:15. Then I was sitting in the social network and just relax till 21:00. I like this day, because of meeting my friends and spending my time with pleasure.

    1. This essay is interesting, but you have some problems with grammar(past simple and past continious). Furthermore, How I spent my day- is not the question it will be just sentences.

    2. I agree with Saul. You needed to use only past tense. However, do not worry. We learn from our mistakes.

    3. Your essay is good! But:
      (I was going to the hairdressing - your sentence!)
      -In my opinion, it is not a hairdressing, it is HAIRDRESSER
      -You must write "I was going to the..." when you talk about action that is happening during other action. For example, I was going to the cafe, and I met him. In your sentence it must be like, "I was going to the hairdresser, and listened to music".
      Good job!

    4. /*/ got dressed - GET dressed
      /*/ in the first sentence it must be a comma before AND, because there is a independed clause "WASH my FACE"
      /*/ I am going to prepare breakfast - I went to prepare breakfast
      /*/ it will be better if you do not use the word "USUALLY", because you are talking about your past day
      /*/ cup of tea - A cup of tea

  8. Yesterday, after I woke up, I drank a glass of water. I took a refreshing shower and brushed my teeth. I dressed up and had a sumptuous breakfast that consisted of mouthwatering edibles and hot beverages. After breakfast I went to play with my friends.
    We rode our bicycles around the neighborhood for several after which we played basketball. Needless to say, everyone was exhausted so we rested under the trees nearby. Feeling hungry and thirsty, we all went to our respective homes to have lunch. I had my fill as a result of which I took a nap.
    After an hour, I got up to watch my favorite cartoon. When it was over, I took a walk in the Central Park. I returned home before dusk. I helped to set the table for dinner after which I chatted with my friends on Whatsapp. This is how I spent my day.

    1. Your essy is very facinating,i liked that you gave us more details,howerver i found somi evident mistakes !For example:You forget to write preposition on in sentence-"We rode our bicycles around the neighborhood".

    2. I liked that you gave us many details. However, I am of the view that you used too difficult sentences. The purpose of this blog is not to write that kind of sentences. We do not need words from Google Translate to write a great blog. Use just words that you know.
      Good luck!

    3. Thank you Toni and Monica. I should have written 'several hours'. @Monica: I did not use Google Translate whatsoever.

  9. My every-day life is monotonous, boring and full of school affairs. My day started with getting up at 7 a.m. Then I took a shower, drank a cup of coffee or tea and sometimes I had a breakfast. After that's all I went to school by taxi. I usually had 7-8 lessons every school day from 8.30a.m. to 15.20p.m. However, between 5 and 6 lessons we had a lunch. Next, I had 30-minutes brake, in it I walked as soon as talked with my best friends. Moreover, it helps me relax from too much information in my head and felt myself better. After as I had an afternoon snack I leave school.
    When I got to home I became free, but limited by a lot of homework and soon starting summative assessment. I listened to music, while I did some little works. It is my wonderful motivation and good mood. Moreover, I had a volleyball at Monday, Wednesday and Friday, after this I always tired and can’t did anything. In other time, I musted to do a lot of, but I never can’t did all of my daily plans.
    Don't be lazy and smile =)

    1. Interesting essay, but you have some mistakes with past tence. For example, you wrote "can't did" it is must be "can't do".

    2. You should write only about one day, not usual day.

    3. /*/ "My every-day life is monotonous, boring and full of school affairs." - please,please and please do not write this sentence , because it is not about your past day, it seems that it has a no connection with the essay
      /*/ in a 3rd sentence before a funboy AND put a comma ,please
      /*/ I went to school by taxi - I got to school by taxi

  10. How did I spend my day?
    Today was an exciting day with different emotions. I got up at 7:30 and was ready for school. I had breakfast as soon as I arrived at school. During the second lesson, I was very energetic and wanted to solve all the tasks. When I solved 8 tasks, the teacher came to me and said that my decision was wrong, because I used the wrong formula. Then my mood fell and I got sad. However, during the third lesson-art, my friends were positive and were joking about everything. My friends joke very well and they know how to cheer up. Perhaps they gave me a positive result and pulled out a negative result, so I again became energetic and positive. Thanks to the fact that I'm hilarious, my day was very productive. Thank for my full of energy friends, because without them I would be sad.

    1. Your essay is very unusual. But you should write sentence instead the question, "How did I spend my day.-just full stop".

    2. Should be "How I spent my day" and full stop.
      I am wondered by you, because I read your previous essay. There were some mistakes, but this essay was improved.
      Moreover, you used new, academic words, which I did not know before.
      Furthemore, you used synonims instead of using the same words.
      Excellent! Good luck!

    3. Dear, PP AP you write very good essay. I learned lots of good, academic words.

    4. I like you essay, thank you!

  11. How I spent my day.
    I spent my day very good and interesting. First of all I was going to the park and cinema with my friends. In a cinema we were see the film named "Galaxy guardians 2". After the film we were going to the computer club "Cyber sport". We play the games and enjoy our holiday. After the film, I was going to home by bus. When I change my clothes I was go to my lovely grandfather and grandmother. I was helping him in home to tidy up and wash. In outside I was helping to my grandfather to grow the tree and take the ripe vegetables. Furthermore, I was look at baby (my sister), because, my uncle and aunt go to do important and hard work. I think it was very interesting, sensational and energy holiday. In conclusion I will say: “just enjoy your weekend and never give up”.

    1. Not "we were see", but "saw" or "we were watching".
      Use only past tenses, because you are talking about the last day.
      I am of the view that you should repeat and learn grammar. Especially, you should repeat Past tenses

    2. Monica why you use "but"? This is not logical

    3. Dear Saul,esaay is not bad,but i agree with the last blogger,you have some problems with past simple,use second versions of verb instade of "was" and "were",use them in present continious sentences 1

    4. Today I got up at 7 A.M.Then I had shower and ate breakfast. After this, I went to my school with my friends. In school I met my friends and went with to the classroom with my friends. Our lessons started at 8 o’clock. Unfortunately, I forgot my copybook and wrote on a list. We had 8 lessons, very hard 8 lessons. After that, I had my snack. Then I went to Nagima Kenzhebekovna, to retold my National Geographic. I retold 2 books, I was so happy.
      5:00 PM I went to my home by bus. I came home at 6:00. I was so tired. However, I needed help my mum and did my homework. After all, I had time with my serials .It was a lovely time,because I spend my time with serial. At 8:00 P.M my family and had dinner.
      I did all it and went to sleep at 11 PM.
      It was a very hard day, but I want say thank you for people who spend this day with me.
      Good night!

  12. I want to write about my one day. It was a Sunday. I got up at 7 am, but it is special day, so I got up at 9 30. Next, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Then, I ate cereals with milk and donut. After this, my friend invited me to the cinema. I accepted his inviting and moved to the side of the cinema. I was really happy, as soon as I met my friends. We bought a tickets, some popcorn and started to watch a movie: “Guardians of the galaxy: vol.2”.The film was amazing and I kind like it. Then, my brothers came from training, and we went to the café. We ate very tasty pilaf. Moreover, we drank a tea and some cola. In the end, we returned home. It was a very saturated day, and I felt weak. Consequently, I went to bed as soon as I finished taking a shower.

    1. You need to improve your grammar. Despite of grammar your essay is good.

    2. Not bad. However you have some mistakes.

  13. Do not forget using articles.
    Use only past tense when you are talking about a last day.
    You used "as soon as" wrongly.
    We do not use "a" when we are talking about many objects, before words in plural.

    1. Please repost your comment on the right place.

  14. It was on the seventh of May and it was Sunday. I woke up as usual, at nine o`clock. Then I waited for twelve o`clock because that day we wanted to go to the cinema with my friends. I sat into the car with my parents. They were getting ready to celebrate my Mam`s class reunion. They drove me to place where I had to meet my friends. Nonetheless, I came later than I planned resulting to guys going to the center without me. I found them after half an hour when they were riding bikes. Then we had our pizza and cola. It was twenty past two, so it meant that film would very soon. We started walking towards the cinema. After half an hour we got to the cinema, but it was so early, so we decided to play computer games for an hour. However, people from computer club said that they did not have available places, so we waited for the film to start. After two hours of wonderful, fascinating and funny movie, maybe the best 2017 year`s film, "Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2" I could say that the day was one of the best. Then I took bus number one, and went home. Furthermore, this day brought to me one more surprise resulting from avoiding a bus accident. However, God saved me because I forgot and got out of the bus before my bus stop, so I was not in the bus during that disaster. Do not worry, no harm done. Consequently, you can understand that it was one of the best days of my life.

    1. Good job! Your essay was written in the past tense. However it seems to me that it should have been "...guys went to the center..." not "going".

    2. Dear, Smart Wood(interesting name) your second essay how first essay very sensational and fascinating. I like your style.

    3. Nice! I like that you use different Transition words, nice to read beautiful words and phrases.Good job!

  15. How I spent my day.
    Yesterday was Thursday and my morning started at 7.00 a.m. For half of an hour I brushed my teeth, combed hair and ironed clothes. I needed to be at school at 8 o'clock, because of this I leaved home at 7.34 a.m.
    I met my classmates on the third floor in school. I usually have 7 or 8 lessons every day. I had my breakfast at 8 o'clock before the lessons. It included some bread with butter, porridge and tea. I went to the dining hall to have a lunch at 12.20 a.m. Cookers cook various types of food for us every day. For example: the rice with the chicken or mashed potatoes with the fish. Furthermore we eat it with pleasure. After lunch I stayed at school to go to the extra lessons and to do the homework.
    I came home at 5.48 p.m. and started to do a computer science project. My mother came home at 7.27 p.m and we had our dinner with her. After getting the dinner I watched news in the social media. Then I went to sleep at 10.13 p.m. It was an ordinary day at school. However, summer is coming. I believe that my holidays will be interesting.

    1. I like your essay! But:
      (Cookers cook...- your sentence!!!)
      -Cookers - is a KITCHEN SET, it is not people who cooks!(you can see it on the internet)
      -it will be better if you use synonym of word interesting))
      Good Job!

    2. /*/ combed hair - you need to put an article before "HAIR"
      /*/ leaved home - leaved A home
      /*/ porridge and tea - SOME porridge and SOME tea; or you can just say A CUP OF TEA
      /*/ to have a lunch - to have lunch

  16. How I spent my day? There were no differences between this and other days. I woke up at 6.50 and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I started doing exercises as soon as I adopted all water procedures. When I finished exercising, I decided to rehearse the retelling of National Geographic. After this I brewed red tea and retold National Geographic while I was drinking tea. Then, at 7.50 I started to busk. Initially, I was making unique and funny hairstyle for 20 minutes. After this, I wore my uniform, and then I went to school. During the day, I felt discomfort and nervous, because I had a hard day and failures on my lessons .Moreover, majority of people, who saw me, laughed at me. Nevertheless, I thought that those problems are not so severe to make me sad, so I tried to smile and laugh. I went to art class as soon as my lessons ended to finish my picture for project. I spent my time very well thanks to my positive friends. After art class I left school. At home I played volleyball with my neighbors. I often ran after the ball, so others were wondered by me. I made them laugh. It was very exciting and funny to see their smiles.
    This day was full of various emotions.

    1. You had a very interesting day.Your essay is very good. By reading it I learnt lots of new words.

    2. You write very good essay! But:
      ("...with my neighbors" - your sentence)
      -NEIGHBOUR(not neighbor)

  17. How I Spent my day
    Yesterday I slept till 7’o clock. Then I brushed my teeth, put on my school uniform and went to school. I had 7 lessons. I also had extra lessons because I want to improve myself. After school I went to the playground by bus and there at the playground I watched films. It was not funny, because I was there alone. Then I went to my home. I had julienne for the dinner. It was delicious meal. After dinner I had a walking with my friends. We walked until the night near the Regional Akimat. And then I went back to my home. I played with my brother in console. I won him in this game. I was glad about this as not my brother. Before the sleeping I had a second dinner because I was tired and hungry after the walking. It was a breathtaking day I think.

    1. It seems to me that your grammar is very nice but I doubt about the sentense structure of the last sentense.

    2. I like your vocabulary. Good job!

    3. Good essay! But:
      -you use "there" a lot of time
      -your last sentence must be like "I think it was a breathtaking day!"
      Good job!

    4. I like your essay and vocabulary. Want to say, plase, try to not start your sentences with "And".

  18. How I spent my day?
    Yesterday I woke up at 7:00. I brushed my teeth, got dressed at 7:30. I don’t have a breakfast because I’m not hungry in the morning. So, I came to school and had my lessons . After fifth lesson I had lunch. Then I had three more lessons. After the main lessons I went to the extra lessons : math, physics and chemistry. After school I came home and changed my clothes. Then at 18:00 I had my dinner. My mom cooked fried chicken and potatoes. Then I watched new episode of “ Big bang theory” , and finished watching “House M. D.” . I didn’t do my homework because I didn’t know it. So, when I finished watching TV shows at 22:00, I started to engage in sports. I finished it at 23:30, and then I had a shower.
    At 00:30 I went to bed, and fell asleep approximately at 1:00.

    1. Please, write "How I spent my day" without questin mark.

    2. I really enjoyed your essay.It is easy to understand and interesting to read. Although,i have noticed some mistakes.Because of you are describing your day,you have to write it in Past Simple or in Present Perfect.
      Then,try to do not use constractions:instead don`t use DO NOT,instead can`t use CAN NOT.Thank you!


  19. Hello!
    May 11, 2017/Thursday
    I want to tell you about my day!
    I got up at 7 o’clock. I washed my face, and went to brush my teeth. Then I got dressed. After that I prepared my bag, and went to school. When I came to school I met my friend from another class. We went and talked about physics. So, we said goodbye. Then I went to my locker to take a book. I had my breakfast. I drank hot as well as delicious tea with milk. Moreover I ate porridge. After my breakfast I go out to breathe the fresh air. The weather was very good. Then I had 7 lessons. After 5th I had dinner. It was delicious. I went to library to take a book of National Geographic, because we had 50 minute to do what we want. After lessons I sat with my friends and we played. At 4.30 I went to home. I did my homework. So, then I had free time. I spent my free time for watching new episode of soup opera that is called “FLASH” At 23.00 I went to sleep.
    So I had a very nice day. Thanks for reading my blog. Have a good day!

    1. Do not use often exclamation point. It is not good in English. This is a small mistake. I really liked your essay.

    2. Your essay will be better, if you use some Transition words such as "However","Moreover" and others. I like that, at the end you wrote "Thank you" and made a wish.

  20. How I spent my time?
    Hello everybody! Today’s date is May 11, 2017. I want to tell you about my day and how I spent my time today.
    I woke up at 7 o’clock and I washed myself. I quickly dressed and put my school things into my bag. I got to the school by car. In school I had breakfast and went to the first lesson. It was a Russian language. Next was an Art lesson. Then physical Culture lesson and the last was a chemistry. At half-past 12 o’clock I dined. Next hours I read English books and went home by bus. There I listened music during 45 minutes. After that I had dinner with family. I did some homework but not all because I was too tired. Then I saw films and I went to sleep at 12 o’clock. I think that this day was usual and nothing interesting events happened today. May be tomorrow day will be not boring and typical.
    So for today blogger work is finishes.

    1. Summary is very well. Unfortunately, you have grammar mistakes:
      1)You used articles for the lessons, that is good. However you did not write article for the PE lesson."Then ^a^ physical Culture lesson and the last was a chemistry."
      2)"There I listened music during 45 minutes." ==> There I listened to music during 45 minutes.
      In main your essay is interesting, and you fixed some mistakes from Task 1.Great job!

    2. Write "How I spent my time" with full stop, please. It is not question.

    3. Details-are good, but I think, essay will be better, if instead of writing an every lessos name (Rus. lang., Art, Ph.Cult. and Chemstry) you just write "We had 4 lessons" and Na-Na-Na. Your grammar mistakes war wrote by other commentators.

  21. you have a good essay. I like it. moreover, I think that your grammar is too good, because you have not mistakes. You use Past Simple that is correct.
    so, thanks for your post. Good luck!

    1. Dear, Frost. You post your comment on the wrong place. Please repost your comment on the right place.

  22. How I spent my day.
    My day was like other weekends, nothing new. I get up at 9.17 am. For breakfast I have semolina and coffee, it was very tasty. After breakfast I go to my room and start doing homework for the weekend. When I finish my homework, I can relax for 15 – 20 minutes. Later I start do sport. I do sport about 25 -30 minutes. At 2.30 pm, my friends invited me to the cinema, here was gorgeous film with my favorite actress, but my mom said, that I should to clean the house. I was very sad and start cleaning after 15 minutes I forget about my friends. At 5 pm I was very tired and want to sleep, but I have lot things that I should to do. I wanted to start to cook dinner, but I was very lazy. Mom said that I can relax. By relaxing I watch film “Clueless” and fell asleep. It was my weekend day that was very good for me, because I didn’t waste my time.

    1. You need to write essey in past simple but in some sentense "After breakfast I go to my room and start doing homework for the weekend."you write in present simple. In this sentense word go put in past simple.

    2. Your's struture is very amazing, I like it! However, you must use past simple

  23. How I spent my day.
    I had the same daily routines except, it was my birthday. I came to school, and my classmates gave me lots of chocolate and wished good health, best scores during summative exams. After, we went to the lessons and studied, after 40 minute the bell rang and we just relaxed. After, last lesson we went to play basketball. At 6 o`clock I came home, my friends and relatives phoned me to say happy birthday. Moreover, my relatives came to my house. We sat and spoke about school and work. After, we ate a birthday cake. At 11 o`clock I went to sleep. I think it was a very good and productive day. Thank you to my friends, classmates and family.

    1. You wrote very fascinating essay.However, please, do not use after everytime. I suggest you to use synonyms as then, next, afterward, subsequently and many more.

    2. Short , but interesting essay. Please use the synonym of words what you use always. Then your essay will be better that this.

    3. This essay is fascinating, but you can writ more details about your day


  24. I woke up early in the morning. It was a Victory day, 9th of May. So, my family and I went to a parade, to an immortal regiment. I was happy, because everybody remembers their grandparent's work and courage. Then we decided to watch a film at the cinema, and we chose a movie called "Guards of a Galaxy". At first, I thought that it is a film, like other million films. But, now I can say that this movie is best of the best. It is interesting by its unique plot and a skill of each actor. After our really good relax time we went to the café to have lunch. Later in the Victory Avenue we came across our relatives. We were excited to see them. My little sister was among them and we played together. It was a thrilling holiday with my little sisters and family. It was remarkable end of my bright day!

    1. "funny Raccoon" your second essay became better and you corrected mistakes related to grammar. In my opinion, now you should learn more "advanced" words and replace all "simple" words with them

    2. I am of the view that you have mistake:
      1)"It was a Victory day, 9th of May. So, my family and I went to a parade, to an immortal regiment. I was happy, because everybody remembers their grandparent's work and courage." --- maybe like that is more academical --- "It was a Victory day, 9th of May. So, my family and I went to an annual Victory Day parade. We saw a lot of people marching at the center of the city in the so-called Immortal Regiment procession. I was happy, because everybody was carrying flowers and portraits of loved- ones. "
      2)Do not start your sentence with "but"," But, now I can say that this movie is best of the best. It is interesting by its unique plot and a skill of each actor. "
      Please add more details and use linking words. Your summary is interesting, so that I like summary.

  25. How I spent my day
    There were no differences between this and other days. I woke up at 6.50 and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I started doing exercises as soon as I finished all water procedures. When I finished exercising, I decided to rehearse the retelling of National Geographic. After this I brewed red tea and retold National Geographic while I was drinking tea. Then, at 7.50 I started to busk. Initially, I was making unique and funny hairstyle for 20 minutes. After this, I put on my uniform, and then I went to school. During the day, I felt discomfort and nervous, because I had a hard day and failures during my lessons .Moreover, the majority of people, who saw me, laughed at me. Nevertheless, I thought that those problems are not so severe to make me sad, so I tried to smile and laugh. I went to Art class as soon as my lessons ended to polish my picture for project. I spent my time very well thanks to my positive friends. After art class I left school. At home I played volleyball with my neighbors. I often ran after the ball, so others wondered why I was doing it. I made them laugh. It was very thrilling and amusing to see their smiles.This day was full of various emotions.

    1. In my opinion your essay is clear. This is new words for me in your essay. For example: "failures", "thrilling" and "amusing". Because of this words I like your essay.

  26. How I spent my day.
    I woke up at 7 o` clock. I washed my face and sat down to have breakfast. After that I went to school with my mother. There were 8 lessons. I was certainly a little bit tired. However, I was going to have additional lessons. Now, we think "Lessons are so difficult", but in future we will get fruits of this hard work. First extra lesson was physics. I went to physics with my classmates. We did some tasks to achieve objectives. Then, we began to draw our project work on art. It was very fascinating, because I like drawing. At the same time we sang our favorite songs. I had my snack. Furthermore, I talked with my brother for about half an hour. He motivated me to work better, learn more and have rest, when it is necessary. Conversely, we must "freshen up" our brains. At the end of school day, I went home. When I was at home, I immediately started doing my homework. I have finished writing essay and doing other subjects. I help my mom to do housework. The day was very productive. This is my usual day. Usual day of an average student.

    1. Actually you inspired me to work harder, be keen and diligent.
      I am of the view that your grammar is good.
      However, I think it will be better to write "I went home as soon as the school ended" instead of ". At the end of school day, I went home.".

  27. How I spent my day.
    There were no differences between this and other days. I woke up at 6.50 and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I started doing exercises as soon as I finished all water procedures. When I finished exercising, I decided to rehearse the retelling of National Geographic. After this I brewed red tea and retold National Geographic while I was drinking tea. Then, at 7.50 I started to busk. Initially, I was making unique and funny hairstyle for 20 minutes. After this, I put on my uniform, and then I went to school. During the day, I felt discomfort and nervous, because I had a hard day and failures during my lessons .Moreover, the majority of people, who saw me, laughed at me. Nevertheless, I thought that those problems are not so severe to make me sad, so I tried to smile and laugh. I went to Art class as soon as my lessons ended to polish my picture for project. I spent my time very well thanks to my positive friends. After art class I left school. At home I played volleyball with my neighbors. I often ran after the ball, so others wondered why I was doing it. I made them laugh. It was very thrilling and amusing to see their smiles.This day was full of various emotions.

    1. *Then, at 7.50 I started to busk. - what meaning the word "busk" has here? I checked it, and found that it means - To play music or perform entertainment in a public place, usually while soliciting money. - If you play music, what musical instrument you use? *Though, I think that nobody will play music when they need to go to school soon*
      *During the day, I felt discomfort and nervous, because I had a hard day and failures during my lessons. - In my opinion, you should not use *during the day* and *hard day* in a sequence and one sentence. Try to replace *I had a hard day* with *I had hardships*.
      * I went to Art class as soon as my lessons ended to polish my picture for project. - It will be better to use *ameliorate or amend* instead of *polish*
      Thx for your hard work, GL!

  28. Yesterday was a simple day. I woke up, approximately at half past five. Since the next was the last day of our summative exams, I prepared for chemistry and Kazakh history. Then at seven o’clock, when everybody at home woke up, I went to run. Next, I went to school at seven past twenty. I read a book while others prepared for summative exams. After exams, I didn’t know what to do, so I decided to go out and stroll a little bit. When I went to alcove, I saw mushrooms and tasted them, but they were not delicious. I regretted that I tasted them. Afterwards, we had a snack, however, at snack - there were not so many students. Therefore we had loads of bananas and too many cups of the cherry juice. When I came home I helped my grandmother with doing housework. Meanwhile my mother came back from her job, and we had dinner. After dinner, I read a book and watched TV. I went to sleep at half past eleven.

    1. Your essay has a good structure. But if you won't use words like: "loads", "little bit" and change this words to their synonims, it will be better. I like that you use word "Meanwhile" in your essay. In my opinion it's a good work.

  29. It does not matter how it seems surprising, but today in the morning I woke up at two o`clock. From my own experience, I can say that this was the successful starting of my day. Accordingly, my mood and my physical state were fantastically good. After fifteen - twenty minutes of putting myself in order, I had breakfast with my brother. Then I surfed on the internet, and I watched interesting pages on instagram. Moreover, I had a wonderful chance to meet with my old best friend. By the way, I want to notice that in this meeting I could combine two useful things such as: walking in the nature and a long-awaited appointment with my lovely friend. It was one of the memorable moments in my fascinating life! Furthermore, I did not forget that it was necessary to do the project related to the Art lesson. In the evening I had my dinner, and I listened to the music almost all time until I went to bed. So, this was the one of the typical output in my daily rush.

  30. I changed my nickname. My last nickname was Gorgeous Youngster

    1. Good job! I like your essay. You use a lot of good and new for me words. Good luck

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think that your essay is not 150 words. Do not start your sentence with "because". I hope that you will correct your errors.

  32. How I spent my day.

    It was an usual summer day in my life. Nothing strange could not happen. It was a day that I was going to forget it in the future. Nevertheless, surprise waited me. It was one of the gripping and interesting days that I was going to be happy.

    The day started when I woke up and lied a little on my bed. This day was grey, even so it was sunny. Firstly, I went to the bathroom to wash my teeth and face. After for a while I ate appetizing breakfast which consisted of porridge with milk and tea, two apples and small part of watermelon. I have a brother and a sister. My parents were at work. Unfortunately, sister and brother were on English units. Consequently, I had not a chance to play with my brother, so that I started reading an interesting book called “Graf Monte-Kristo”.

    I relaxed on my holidays, while my brother and sister studied hard. I glad to see them when they came back home. It was time to eat dinner. We eat a soup of rice with tomatoes’ and cucumbers’ salad. The dinner was delicious. Unfortunately, they were very tired, so that after eating dinner they went to their bedrooms and started sleep. I was so unhappy seeing their hard working.

    Afternoon in Taraz was very hot. I do not like that weather. Consequently to become cool I went to the bathroom for taking a shower. After that I with my friends of neighbours’ houses played football. It was interesting, so that my mood increased.

    When I came home, surprise waited me, but firstly I had a dinner. We ate pilaf with salad. Food was very tasty and yummy. Surprise was that I with my family went to Astana for two weeks. It was very excited. Now may be it is not an exciting event, but there I was 7.

    Thank you for reading dear bloggers.

    1. Great job! The fact you fixed your mistakes makes me happy!

    2. hi
      /*/ surprise waited me - A surprise waited me
      /*/ it will be better if you delete the title "how i spent my day"
      /*/ It was a day that i was going to forget it in the future. - It was THE day that I AM going to forget in the future.
      /*/ and small part of watermelon - and A small part of watermelon

    3. Good job. I am notice fixes of mistakes from the precedent essay.

  33. How i spent this day
    Today is a 9 may-Victory day. The day when our grandpas won fascist invaders. My grandpa was on of the participant of this bloody war. We heard, that the name of our grandpa was written on the monument in the honor of veterans of the second worldwide war in Shymkent.We wanted to check it ,and at weekends we went to this city.
    On my way to the South Kazakhstan region ,we saw a lot of beautiful landscapes. It was a boundless steps and high mountains, also we met a monument of Tyar Ryskulov.After 2 hours of way we have reached A Shymkent.It was a gorgeous city.Shymkent is one of the most beautiful and biggest cities of Kazakhstan. It has a lot of types of entertainment and attractions. We was very hungry, so we went to the one of the cafes of Shymkent.Thed food was a delicious, cause Shymkents kitchen is one of the best.
    After lunch, we went to the Monument. Monument was very beautiful.On the monument was written-140 000 names. We have found the name of our grandpa very qickly.We put 2 carnations on the name. It was a great feelings, when you saw that your grandpa is a hero.
    After monument, we decided to go to the Shpmkents zoo. Zoo was very big, it includes a lot of types of animals. We saw a dangerous predators like lion, wolf and tiger. We met a different types of birds like a swan, ostrich and pheasant. It was very funny to see this amazing animals.
    This wonderful day came to the end. We returned to the Taraz.I will never forgot this day.

    1. Your essay very unusual, sensational and fascinating. But you did't put the dot after the some sentences. The one of the best essays.

    2. Good job!In my opinion , you should follow
      above written criterions.There are 277 words.

    3. I like your essay! But:
      -I think you forgot one letter "e" in word "on...", sentence "my grandpa was onE of the..."
      -"Thed...", maybe you want to write "that/here/etc.?
      Generally, you wrote very good job!

  34. School days are little differ from each other.
    Today is Thursday, May 11th. On the clock of 22.11 and I sat down at the computer to write about today.
    As usual, I woke up at 7 a.m.. Describe the bathing procedures is boring, so I just washed my face, cleaned up and went to school. On the way, I watched various funny videos about animals and charged myself with positive energy. By 8 a.m., I was at school and had my breakfast. Then, the lessons began. Only on the 50 minute break time I was able to rest normally and felt myself fresh. Despite the fact that I was sick, I felt very well. Finally, at 15.20 the lessons were over and I went to a mid-afternoon snack. As usual, we ate fruit, juice and biscuits. Quickly went to an extra lesson and did the tasks. Oh, today I went home early and boarded bus number 33, after 25 minutes a alighted from it at my bus stop. Already at 18.00 I was sitting in the kitchen and drinking my banana cocktail. Approximately an hour I just lay and rested. Then was dinner and sat down for lessons. Well, now I'm finishing this assignment. It turns out that sharing a blog with your stories or events from life is very cool and interesting. I feel like a blogger, xoxo. I think, this day was productive.

    1. Dear, Freya!
      Good job! But:
      -In sentence "Quickly went..." after word "minutes" and before "alighted" you wrote "a".("a" should not be here)
      -In my opinion, "i just lay and rested", here word "lay" ill-placed
      Very amazing essay!!

    2. Dear Freya,I enjoyed your essay. Nevetheless, you need to improve your writing.
      My advice:
      ~Write numbers in words.For example: not "33", "thirty three".
      Good job)

  35. Dear Freya, the atmosphere of your essay is fascinating. I felt like the author, especially you, wrote it for us (readers). Unfortunately, I have doubt about your using broad/alight. In my opinion, you need to check this using:) I am waiting for your future essays...

  36. How I spent my day.
    Yesterday I woke up at 07:15. Then I got dressed, washed my face, teeth and hands. Later, at 7:25 I had breakfast. At 7:35 I dressed in school uniform and I left my home at 7:45 and I came to school at 8:00. Yesterday there were 8 lessons, Kazakh language, Russian language, Mathematics, Kazakh literature. The first lesson, Kazakh language began at 8:30. I had lunch at 12:20 and lunch ended at 13:10. Last lesson, the Kazakh literature ended at 15:20. After lesson I went to extra lesson at 15:40. Later, I came home at 17:00. When I came home I rested until 18:00. At 18:00 I had dinner and finished at 18:25. After dinner I did my homework for an hour. From 19:25 to 21:30 I was sitting on the Internet, play computer game, sat in the VK and listened to music. At 22:00 I went to sleep.

    1. *At 7:35 I dressed in school uniform and I left my home at 7:45 and I came to school at 8:00. - *Biser* you should not use *and* too often in one sentence. The correct will be - At 7:35 I dressed in school uniform, left my home at 7:45 and came to school at 8:00 - or you just may divide this sentence in two.
      *I had lunch at 12:20 and lunch ended at 13:10. - In my opinion, it will be more appropriate if you say *I had lunch from 12:20 till 13:10*
      *At 18:00 I had dinner and finished at 18:25. - You must elaborate, what you finished doing here *finished it*

    2. Dear biser,
      -In my point of view, it will be better if you use beautiful words, not only time, and so much concreteness is not necessary. Try to make your essay more interesting)
      -sat on VK(preposition is ON and without THE

  37. How I spent my day?
    Today’s morning was really nice, because I started it with my family . We went to one café in centre of town, which called “ Sunshine”, we boarded taxy, and alighted from it in the centre . I am ordered English breakfast , which consist of eggs, salad, and lots of vegetables , my family took other kind of food. My order was very beautiful, so that I took a photo and send it to instagram. In café was cool music, I wanted hear this sounds again, that’s why “Sunshine” become my favorite place. Then I required spend my time with friends , I phoned to my best sidekicks, and we went to the shopping. This is my second favorite business . First of all we went to Cotton , because there are lots of beautiful clothes. I found really cute dress. It had many flowers , and it was lung, airy. In one word the perfect summer dress. I bought this , because if I did not take it, then I would regretted. Then we went to the coffee shop , there are was cozily. After all this I returned home. This weekend was excellent, because I spent my free time with my friends and family.

    1. You use lots of "went". Despite of this you haven't mistakes. Good work!

    2. I think that you haven't any grammar mistakes, but I totaly agree with last commentator.

    3. Dear Happy flamingo,I liked the structure of your essay.Nevetheless, you should improve your writing.
      + I am glad that you used second conditional.
      + You wrote it in pas tense.
      ~ Not "taxy".Correctly will be "Taxi"

    4. Hello, flamingo!
      I really like your essay) But:
      -i think, you post photo on Instagram (not send)
      -ON Instagram
      Interesting essay!

    5. *Today’s morning was really nice, because I started it with my family - *Today's morning* is inappropriate here, it should be *This morning*, but since we are writing our essays in past tense, correct will be - That morning - and you shall define the meaning of *I started with my family*, inasmuch as we usually say *I started with* when we talk about eating dishes. For example: "I started with salad"
      *I am ordered English breakfast - *I (am)* is Present Continuous, *Order(ed)* is Past Simple, so it is incorrect, because you can not meddle Past Simple with Present Continuous.
      *I wanted (to) hear this sounds again
      *Then I required spend my time with friends - What you wanted to say using two verbs in a row? - *required spend*
      *we went to the shopping - the correct will be - we went shopping.
      *it was lung - What did you mean by lung? *Lungs are respiratory organs*
      *In one word the perfect summer dress. - In my opinion, it must be *In other words*
      *then I would regretted. - The correct will be *I would have regretted*
      *there are was cozily - You must not meddle Past and Present tenses, I think you should say - There was cozy.

    6. Dear J.Odd thank you for the comment, lung it is a synonym of the word light

  38. How I spent my day?
    Yesterday I woke up at 07:30 o’clock. Then I dressed, washed my face, hands and I was going to brush my teeth. Later, at 7:30 o’cIock had breakfast of omelet, porridge, juicy orange, apples and bananas, which my mother bought. At 7:35 o’clock I dressed in school uniform and I left my home at 7:45 and I came to school at 8:25.
    First lesson started at 8:30 o’clock and this lesson was chemistry. I had lunch at 12:20 o’clock and finished at 13:10 o’clock. Last lesson finished at 15:20 o’clock.
    After lesson I went to extra lesson at 15:40 o’clock. Later, I come to home at 17:30 o’clock. When I came home I rested until 18:15 o’clock. At 18:17 o’clock I had dinner and finished at 18:27 o’clock. After dinner I did my homework in a hour. From 19:30 o’clock to 21:45 o’clock I was sitting in the social networks. At 23:00 o’clock I went to bed.

    1. Dear Miracle, I liked your essay.However, you should to improve your essay.
      ~Usually, we write subjects (Chemestry) with capital letter.
      ~Do not write "How I spent my day?".There are no "?".
      ~Give feedback regarding to your day.
      Good luck)


  39. Usually, on my holidays I sit at home and help my parents. However, this day was special for me and I received many positive emotions.
    I woke up at 7:00 and brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I had a breakfast with my family. For a breakfast I had cottage cheese with strawberry jam. Then, I went to music school and I passed the exam. This exam was very important for me and, it could change my future. I was a little bit scared and tired. After a few hours, I came back to home. I was busy with doing projects and continued to do my homework.

    I was tired after those exams and doing ART project. In spite of it, I think that this day was successful for me. I went to bed at 00:00.This is how i spent my day.

    1. Please do not use comma after "and", "then", in my opinion it is wrong. Instead of this mistakes, your work is very well.

  40. I can see that your weekned was amazing. Due to your essay turned out excellent. However, there are some mistakes. For example, "in THE centre", you don't need to write an essay question because it is just tittle. Moreover, we do not put coma before "because":) Waiting for your future essays^^

  41. Tuesday morning was amazing day, because 9th of May. I woke up at 8 o’clock. After I ate my favorite dish-milkshake with eggs. I do not know why, but I like this. Ohh.. It was 9:15 I should went to park, because I met with my friend at 10 o’clock. I started wear my T-Shirt and jeans very fast, because I hate when someone lates. Next I spent my time at park. Only at 13:20 we went to café to eat an ice cream. We opened web-site of cinema; there was good film at 15:45. We waited at cinema and bought tickets. Film was good and funny. At 19:00 I met my aunt; I looked for my brother. Time was 21:15, when I came home. I surfed in Internet and chatted with my friends. I ate piece of chocolate. I went to sleep at 23:00.

    1. Dear HappyMerlin, I am glad to see you on our blog.In my opinion, you spent your weekend attractive. However,I would like to give to you some advices.
      *We do not put coma before "because"
      *Use complex sentences in your essay, so it will look more beautiful
      *Academic words(you can use synonyms in the "Word")
      *You cannot say "it was an amazing day because 9th of May"
      *Article (An amazing day)
      *Use your creativity, so that your essay will interesting
      Continue writing, I am waiting for your other essays:)

    2. Dear HappyMerlin, I enjoyed your essay.However, I want to give you some advices:
      ~Use synonyms(good,funny)
      ~Pay attetion to academic words
      ~use complex sentences(do not use simple sentences like "I met my aunt")
      I hope that you will improve your writing.
      Good luck)

  42. How I spent my day?
    Every day need to be productive. Consequently, I try to spend my day good for me.
    I usually wake up at 7:30. I need to be in my school at 8:30. I think that I spend most of my time in school. There are 8-9 hours in school. I learn a lot of new information for me every day. However, I do not only study in school, because I also spend my time with my friends. There are a lot of fun and laugh every day. When I am in my house, sometimes I do my homework or spend my time on hobbies. For example, I usually listen to music, draw some pictures, sit at social network or watch TV. I like to spend my day with my family, so I talk with my family members.
    That was how I usually spend my every weekday.


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